Lines Matching full:cursor
51 This holds the display, and enables the cursor
62 -- E7 Save cursor position sc
64 -- E8 Restore saved cursor position rc
68 -- EM move cursor up 1 line, --
71 CUU E[nA move cursor up n lines up/UP (ku)
73 CUD E[nB move cursor down n lines do/DO (kd)
75 CUF E[nC move cursor right n characters nd/RI (kr)
77 CUB E[nD move cursor left n characters --/LE (kl)
79 HPA E[n` move cursor to character position n ch
81 HPR E[na move cursor right n characters --
83 VPA E[nd move cursor to line n cv
85 VPR E[ne move cursor down n lines --
87 CPL E[nF move cursor to start of line, -- (@7)
90 CNL E[nE move cursor to start of line, nw
93 CUP E[y;xH Move cursor to x, y cm
95 HVP E[y;xf Move cursor to x, y --
97 CBT E[nZ Move cursor back n tab stops bt (kB)
108 n=0 from cursor to end of display,
109 n=1 from begin of display to cursor,
113 n=0 from cursor to end of line,
114 n=1 from begin of line to cursor,
145 -- E[s Save cursor position sc
147 -- E[u Restore saved cursor position rc
185 -- E[=tC Set global cursor type (see table) --
191 t=4 reset cursor (resets custom
192 cursor shape and sets current
193 cursor type to 0)
194 t=5 hide cursor
196 -- E[=s;eC Set custom cursor shape, where --
198 scanlines of the cursor.
206 -- E[=tS Set local cursor type (see table) --