Lines Matching defs:cu_data
157 struct cu_data { struct
158 int cu_fd; /* connections fd */
159 bool_t cu_closeit; /* opened by library */
160 struct sockaddr_storage cu_raddr; /* remote address */
161 int cu_rlen;
162 struct timeval cu_wait; /* retransmit interval */
163 struct timeval cu_total; /* total time for the call */
164 struct rpc_err cu_error;
165 XDR cu_outxdrs;
166 u_int cu_xdrpos;
167 u_int cu_sendsz; /* send size */
168 char cu_outhdr[MCALL_MSG_SIZE];
169 char *cu_outbuf;
170 u_int cu_recvsz; /* recv size */
171 int cu_async;
172 int cu_connect; /* Use connect(). */
173 int cu_connected; /* Have done connect(). */
174 struct kevent cu_kin;
175 int cu_kq;
176 char cu_inbuf[1];