Lines Matching +full:local +full:- +full:pid

2 # Copyright 2007-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 # Copyright Nokia 2007-2019
4 # Copyright Siemens AG 2015-2019
25 if config('options') =~ /-DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION|enable-fuzz-afl/;
27 plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a no-cmp build"
29 plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a no-ec build"
31 plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a no-sock build"
34 plan skip_all => "Tests involving local HTTP server not available on Windows or VMS"
36 plan skip_all => "Tests involving local HTTP server not available in cross-compile builds"
68 # The local $server_name variables below are among others taken as the name of a
69 # sub-directory with server-specific certs etc. and CA-specific config section.
132 $params = [ '-server', "$server_port", @$params ]
133 unless grep { $_ eq '-server' } @$params;
166 # several server-dependent input files by relative file names, is static.
170 # from $BLDTOP/test-runs/test_cmp_http and prepending the input files by SRCTOP.
174 - (grep(/^Mock$/, @server_configurations)
182 my $pid;
185 $pid = start_mock_server("");
186 die "Cannot start or find the started CMP mock server" unless $pid;
192 load_config($server_name, $aspect); # update with any aspect-specific settings
198 stop_mock_server($pid) if $pid;
233 next LOOP if $server_tls == 0 && $line =~ m/,\s*-tls_used\s*,/;
235 if ($line =~ m/,\s*-no_proxy\s*,(.*?)(,|$)/) {
239 $line =~ s{-section,,}{-section,,-no_proxy,,} ;
241 if ($line =~ m/,\s*-proxy\s*,/) {
244 $line =~ s{-section,,}{-section,,-proxy,$proxy,};
246 $line =~ s{-section,,}{-section,,-certout,$result_dir/test.cert.pem,};
247 $line =~ s{-section,,}{-config,../$test_config,-section,$server_name $aspect,};
259 @fields = grep {$_ ne 'BLANK'} @fields[$description + 1 .. @fields - 1];
268 my $cmd = cmdstr(app([@app, '-config', 'server.cnf',
273 my $pid = open($server_fh, "$cmd|") or die "Trying to $cmd";
274 print "Pid is: $pid\n";
281 ($server_port, $pid) = ($1, $2) if /^ACCEPT\s.*:(\d+) PID=(\d+)$/;
286 stop_mock_server($pid);
290 return $pid;
294 my $pid = $_[0];
295 print "Killing mock server with pid=$pid\n";
296 kill('KILL', $pid);
297 waitpid($pid, 0);