Lines Matching refs:CMP_err

645 #define CMP_err(msg)               CMP_ERR(msg"%s%s%s", "", "", "")  macro
743 CMP_err("NULL arg to write_PKIMESSAGE"); in write_PKIMESSAGE()
747 CMP_err("not enough file names provided for writing PKIMessage"); in write_PKIMESSAGE()
767 CMP_err("NULL arg to read_PKIMESSAGE"); in read_PKIMESSAGE()
771 CMP_err("not enough file names provided for reading PKIMessage"); in read_PKIMESSAGE()
835CMP_err("missing -server or -use_mock_srv option, or too few -rspin filename arguments"); in read_write_req_resp()
842CMP_err("-server not supported on no-sock build; missing -use_mock_srv option or too few -rspin fi… in read_write_req_resp()
887 CMP_err("out of memory"); in set_name()
925 CMP_err("out of memory"); in set_gennames()
993 CMP_err("no cmp command to execute"); in transform_opts()
1005 CMP_err("unknown option given for key loading format"); in transform_opts()
1013 CMP_err("unknown option given for certificate storing format"); in transform_opts()
1033 CMP_err("must give -srv_ref for mock server if no -srv_cert given"); in setup_srv_ctx()
1055CMP_err("server credentials (-srv_secret or -srv_cert) must be given if -use_mock_srv or -port is … in setup_srv_ctx()
1063 CMP_err("must give both -srv_cert and -srv_key options or neither"); in setup_srv_ctx()
1144 CMP_err("-failurebits out of range"); in setup_srv_ctx()
1299 CMP_err("could not add untrusted cert to TLS client cert chain"); in setup_ssl_ctx()
1403 CMP_err("must give -key or -secret unless -unprotected_requests is used"); in setup_protection_ctx()
1409 CMP_err("must give -ref if no -cert and no -subject given"); in setup_protection_ctx()
1413 CMP_err("must give both -cert and -key options or neither"); in setup_protection_ctx()
1464 CMP_err("out of memory"); in setup_protection_ctx()
1533CMP_err("missing -newkey (or -key) to be certified and no -csr, -oldcert, or -cert given for fallb… in setup_request_ctx()
1546 CMP_err("missing -newkey (or -key) option for POPO"); in setup_request_ctx()
1551 CMP_err("-certout not given, nowhere to save newly enrolled certificate"); in setup_request_ctx()
1586 CMP_err("missing -oldcert for certificate to be updated and no -csr given"); in setup_request_ctx()
1595 CMP_err("missing -oldcert for certificate to be revoked and no -csr given"); in setup_request_ctx()
1602 CMP_err("missing PKCS#10 CSR for p10cr"); in setup_request_ctx()
1651 CMP_err("could not set requested cert validity period"); in setup_request_ctx()
1656 CMP_err("cannot have policies both via -policies and via -policy_oids"); in setup_request_ctx()
1693 CMP_err("cannot have Subject Alternative Names both via -reqexts and via -sans"); in setup_request_ctx()
1755 CMP_err("out of memory"); in setup_request_ctx()
1769 CMP_err("out of memory"); in setup_request_ctx()
1787 CMP_err("missing ':' in -geninfo option"); in handle_opt_geninfo()
1794 CMP_err("missing 'int:' in -geninfo option"); in handle_opt_geninfo()
1801 CMP_err("cannot parse int in -geninfo option"); in handle_opt_geninfo()
1807 CMP_err("cannot parse OID in -geninfo option"); in handle_opt_geninfo()
1834 CMP_err("out of memory"); in handle_opt_geninfo()
1860 CMP_err("missing -server or -use_mock_srv or -rspin option"); in setup_client_ctx()
1864CMP_err("missing -use_mock_srv or -rspin option; -server option is not supported due to no-sock bu… in setup_client_ctx()
1886 CMP_err("missing -tls_used option since -server URL indicates https"); in setup_client_ctx()
1921 CMP_err("unknown OID name in -infotype option"); in setup_client_ctx()
1963 CMP_err("missing -tls_key option"); in setup_client_ctx()
1966 CMP_err("missing -tls_cert option"); in setup_client_ctx()
2019 CMP_err("out of memory"); in setup_client_ctx()
2098 CMP_err("could not get ITAV details"); in print_itavs()
2369 CMP_err("-keep_alive argument must be 0, 1, or 2"); in get_opts()
2510 CMP_err("invalid popo spec. Valid values are -1 .. 2"); in get_opts()
2540 CMP_err("invalid revreason. Valid values are -1 .. 6, 8 .. 10"); in get_opts()
2824 CMP_err("out of memory"); in cmp_main()
2900 CMP_err("-tls_used option not supported with -port option"); in cmp_main()
2904 CMP_err("The -port option excludes -server and -use_mock_srv"); in cmp_main()
2908 CMP_err("The -port option does not support -reqin and -reqout"); in cmp_main()
2912 CMP_err("The -port option does not support -rspin and -rspout"); in cmp_main()
2917 CMP_err("cannot use both -server and -use_mock_srv options"); in cmp_main()
2962 CMP_err("cannot set up CMP context"); in cmp_main()