Lines Matching refs:config
23 use OpenSSL::config;
233 our %config = ();
274 $config{sourcedir} = abs2rel($srcdir, $blddir);
275 $config{builddir} = abs2rel($blddir, $blddir);
277 $config{FIPSKEY} =
294 @argvcopy = defined($configdata::config{perlargv}) ?
295 @{$configdata::config{perlargv}} : ();
298 $config{perlenv} = $configdata::config{perlenv} // {};
304 $config{perlargv} = [ @argvcopy ];
339 $config{major} = $version{MAJOR} // 'unknown';
340 $config{minor} = $version{MINOR} // 'unknown';
341 $config{patch} = $version{PATCH} // 'unknown';
342 $config{prerelease} =
344 $config{build_metadata} =
346 $config{shlib_version} = $version{SHLIB_VERSION} // 'unknown';
347 $config{release_date} = $version{RELEASE_DATE} // 'xx XXX xxxx';
349 $config{version} = "$config{major}.$config{minor}.$config{patch}";
350 $config{full_version} = "$config{version}$config{prerelease}$config{build_metadata}";
353 "$config{version}, $config{shlib_version}\n"
381 $config{perl_cmd} = $^X;
382 $config{perl_version} = $Config{version};
383 $config{perl_archname} = $Config{archname};
385 $config{prefix}="";
386 $config{openssldir}="";
387 $config{processor}="";
388 $config{libdir}="";
581 sub { $config{processor} eq "386" }
741 $config{defines} = [ split(/$list_separator_re/, env('__CNF_CPPDEFINES')) ];
742 $config{includes} = [ split(/$list_separator_re/, env('__CNF_CPPINCLUDES')) ];
743 $config{cppflags} = [ env('__CNF_CPPFLAGS') || () ];
744 $config{cflags} = [ env('__CNF_CFLAGS') || () ];
745 $config{cxxflags} = [ env('__CNF_CXXFLAGS') || () ];
746 $config{lflags} = [ env('__CNF_LDFLAGS') || () ];
747 $config{ex_libs} = [ env('__CNF_LDLIBS') || () ];
749 $config{openssl_api_defines}=[];
750 $config{openssl_sys_defines}=[];
751 $config{openssl_feature_defines}=[];
752 $config{options}="";
753 $config{build_type} = "release";
894 $config{build_type} = "debug";
917 $config{build_type} = "debug";
921 $config{build_type} = "release";
924 { $config{processor}=386; }
935 $config{prefix}=$1;
942 $config{api}=$apitable->{$api};
946 $config{libdir}=$1;
950 $config{openssldir}=$1;
1066 if ($config{options} eq "")
1067 { $config{options} = $_; }
1069 { $config{options} .= " ".$_; }
1147 my %system_config = OpenSSL::config::get_platform(%guess_opts, %user);
1158 %config = ( %config, %system_config );
1212 print "Configuring OpenSSL version $config{full_version} ";
1240 push @{$config{openssl_feature_defines}},
1252 $config{build_type} = "debug";
1281 $config{target} = $target;
1293 $config{conf_files} = [ sort keys %conf_files ];
1325 $target{exe_extension}=".exe" if ($config{target} eq "DJGPP");
1326 $target{exe_extension}=".pm" if ($config{target} =~ /vos/);
1356 $config{$_} =
1359 delete $config{$_} unless defined $config{$_};
1369 if (defined $config{$_}) {
1370 push @{$config{$_}}, @{$useradd{$_}};
1372 $config{$_} = [ @{$useradd{$_}} ];
1378 if ($config{prefix} && !$config{CROSS_COMPILE}) {
1380 unless file_name_is_absolute($config{prefix});
1383 if (grep { $_ =~ /(?:^|\s)-static(?:\s|$)/ } @{$config{LDFLAGS}}) {
1388 $config{build_file} = env('BUILDFILE') || $target{build_file} || "Makefile";
1397 foreach my $checker (($builder_platform."-".$config{build_file}."",
1416 push @{$config{defines}}, "NDEBUG" if $config{build_type} eq "release";
1418 if ($target =~ /^mingw/ && `$config{CC} --target-help 2>&1` =~ m/-mno-cygwin/m)
1420 push @{$config{cflags}}, "-mno-cygwin";
1421 push @{$config{cxxflags}}, "-mno-cygwin" if $config{CXX};
1422 push @{$config{shared_ldflag}}, "-mno-cygwin";
1426 && !grep { $_ =~ /-m(ips|arch=)/ } (@{$config{CFLAGS}})) {
1431 unshift @{$config{cflags}}, $value;
1432 unshift @{$config{cxxflags}}, $value if $config{CXX};
1451 if (!@{$config{CFLAGS}} && !@{$config{CPPDEFINES}}) {
1463 foreach (grep /^-fsanitize=/, @{$config{CFLAGS} || []}) {
1483 push @{$config{openssl_feature_defines}}, "OPENSSL_THREADS";
1495 $config{dynamic_engines} = 0;
1497 $config{dynamic_engines} = 1;
1501 push @{$config{cflags}}, "-fsanitize=address";
1505 push @{$config{cflags}}, "-fsanitize=undefined", "-fno-sanitize-recover=all", "-DPEDANTIC";
1509 push @{$config{cflags}}, "-fsanitize=memory";
1514 push @{$config{cflags}}, "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", "-g";
1515 push @{$config{cxxflags}}, "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", "-g" if $config{CXX};
1529 delete $config{$_};
1535 push @{$config{lib_defines}}, "OPENSSL_PIC";
1540 push @{$config{openssl_sys_defines}}, "OPENSSL_SYS_$target{sys_id}";
1543 my %predefined_C = compiler_predefined($config{CROSS_COMPILE}.$config{CC});
1544 my %predefined_CXX = $config{CXX}
1545 ? compiler_predefined($config{CROSS_COMPILE}.$config{CXX})
1564 $config{makedep_scheme} = $target{makedep_scheme};
1567 $config{makedepcmd} = $target{makedepcmd} if $target{makedepcmd};
1573 $config{makedep_scheme} = 'gcc';
1577 $config{makedepcmd} = which('makedepend');
1578 $config{makedep_scheme} = 'makedepend' if $config{makedepcmd};
1582 disable('unavailable', 'makedepend') unless $config{makedep_scheme};
1592 push @{$config{cflags}}, "-Wa,--noexecstack", "-Qunused-arguments";
1594 my $cc = $config{CROSS_COMPILE}.$config{CC};
1598 push @{$config{cflags}}, "-Wa,--noexecstack";
1609 $config{bn_ll} =0;
1611 $config{rc4_int} =$def_int;
1612 ($config{b64l},$config{b64},$config{b32})=(0,0,1);
1617 $config{bn_ll}=1 if $_ eq 'BN_LLONG';
1618 $config{rc4_int}="unsigned char" if $_ eq 'RC4_CHAR';
1619 ($config{b64l},$config{b64},$config{b32})
1621 ($config{b64l},$config{b64},$config{b32})
1623 ($config{b64l},$config{b64},$config{b32})
1629 $config{api} = $config{major} * 10000 + $config{minor} * 100
1630 unless $config{api};
1633 if $disabled{deprecated} && $config{api} >= $apitable->{$_};
1642 $config{cflags} = [ map { (my $x = $_) =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g; $x }
1643 @{$config{cflags}} ];
1644 $config{cxxflags} = [ map { (my $x = $_) =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g; $x }
1645 @{$config{cxxflags}} ] if $config{CXX};
1647 $config{openssl_api_defines} = [
1648 "OPENSSL_CONFIGURED_API=".$config{api},
1663 elsif ($config{target} =~ /^VC-/)
1673 $config{CFLAGS} = [ map { $_ eq '--ossl-strict-warnings'
1676 @{$config{CFLAGS}} ];
1679 $config{afalgeng}="";
1682 if ($config{CROSS_COMPILE} eq "") {
1690 push @{$config{engdirs}}, "afalg";
1716 $config{ktls}="";
1717 my $cc = $config{CROSS_COMPILE}.$config{CC};
1733 push @{$config{openssl_other_defines}}, "OPENSSL_NO_KTLS" if ($disabled{ktls});
1800 $config{options} .= " no-$what";
1813 push @{$config{openssl_feature_defines}}, $macro;
1822 push @{$config{openssl_feature_defines}}, "OPENSSL_NO_DYNAMIC_ENGINE";
1824 push @{$config{openssl_feature_defines}}, "OPENSSL_NO_STATIC_ENGINE";
1872 ( $builder_platform."-".$config{build_file}.".tmpl",
1873 $config{build_file}.".tmpl" );
1905 $config{build_file_templates}
1912 $config{build_infos} = [ ];
2076 push @{$config{build_infos}}, catfile(abs2rel($sourced, $blddir), $f);
2229 and !$config{dynamic_engines}) {
2465 if grep { $v eq $_ } @{$config{defines}};
2466 push @{$config{defines}}, $v;
2783 next if ($config{sourcedir} ne $config{builddir}
2784 && $d =~ m|^\Q$config{sourcedir}\E|);
2853 my $perlcmd = (quotify("maybeshell", $config{PERL}))[0];
2890 my $build_file = $config{build_file} // "build file";
2912 # plus additional values based on the value of $config{build_type}.
2932 $opts{$config{build_type}} || ())->(); }
3284 # $config{perlenv}->{$name} will be created with the value
3287 $config{perlenv}->{$name} = $ENV{$name}
3288 if ! exists $config{perlenv}->{$name};
3290 return $config{perlenv}->{$name};