Lines Matching full:print

129 print "Kerberos KDC Log Report for ", 
132 print "General Statistics\n\n";
134 print "\tNumber of IPv4 requests: $ip{'4'}\n";
135 print "\tNumber of IPv6 requests: $ip{'6'}\n\n";
137 print "\tNumber of restarts: $restarts\n";
138 print "\tNumber of V4 requests: $v4_req\n";
140 print "\tTop ten IP addresses performing V4 requests:\n";
144 print "\tTop ten $notlocal IP addresses performing V4 requests:\n";
148 print "\n";
150 print "\tNumber of V4 cross realms (krb4 and 524) requests: $v4_cross\n";
152 print "\tTop ten realms performing V4 cross requests:\n";
155 print "\n";
157 print "\tNumber of V45 cross realms requests: $v5_cross\n";
159 print "\tTop ten realms performing V4 cross requests:\n";
162 print "\n";
164 print "\tNumber of failed lookups: $no_such_princ\n";
166 print "\tTop ten IP addresses failing to find principal:\n";
168 print "\tTop ten $notlocal IP addresses failing find principal:\n";
170 print "\tTop ten failed to find principals\n";
173 print "\n";
175 print "\tBandwidth pigs:\n";
177 print "\n";
179 print "\tStrange TCP data clients: ", int(keys %strange_tcp_data),"\n";
181 print "\n";
183 print "\tTimeout waiting on TCP requests: ", $tcp_conn_timeout,"\n";
185 print "\tTop ten TCP timeout request clients\n";
188 print "\n";
190 print "\tFailed processing requests: ", $failed_processing,"\n";
192 print "\tTop ten failed processing request clients\n";
195 print "\n";
197 print "\tConnection closed requests: ", $connection_closed,"\n";
199 print "\tTop ten connection closed request clients\n";
202 print "\n";
204 print "\tMalformed HTTP requests: ", $http_malformed,"\n";
206 print "\tTop ten malformed HTTP request clients\n";
209 print "\n";
211 print "\tHTTP non kdc requests: ", $http_non_kdc,"\n";
213 print "\tTop ten HTTP non KDC request clients\n";
216 print "\n";
218 print "Report on AS_REQ requests\n\n";
219 print "Overall AS_REQ statistics\n\n";
221 print "\tTotal number: $as_req\n";
223 print "\nAS_REQ client/server statistics\n\n";
225 print "\tDistinct IP Addresses performing requests: ",
227 print "\tOverall top ten IP addresses\n";
230 print "\tDistinct non-local ($notlocal) IP Addresses performing requests: ",
232 print "\tTop ten non-local ($notlocal) IP address:\n";
235 print "\n\tPreauth failed for for: ", $pa_failed, " requests\n";
237 print "\tPreauth failed top ten IP addresses:\n";
239 print "\tPreauth failed top ten principals:\n";
243 print "\n\tDistinct clients performing requests: ",
245 print "\tTop ten clients:\n";
248 print "\tDistinct services requested: ", int(keys %as_req_server), "\n";
249 print "\tTop ten requested services:\n";
252 print "\n\n\nReport on TGS_REQ requests:\n\n";
253 print "Overall TGS_REQ statistics\n\n";
254 print "\tTotal number: $tgs_req\n";
256 print "\nTGS_REQ client/server statistics\n\n";
257 print "\tDistinct IP addresses performing requests: ",
259 print "\tOverall top ten IP addresses\n";
262 print "\tDistinct non-local ($notlocal) IP Addresses performing requests: ",
264 print "\tTop ten non-local ($notlocal) IP address:\n";
267 print "\tDistinct clients performing requests: ",
269 print "\tTop ten clients:\n";
272 print "\tDistinct services requested: ", int(keys %tgs_req_server), "\n";
273 print "\tTop ten requested services:\n";
276 print "\n\n\nReport on 524_REQ requests:\n\n";
278 print "\t524_REQ client/server statistics\n\n";
280 print "\tDistinct IP Addresses performing requests: ",
282 print "\tOverall top ten IP addresses\n";
285 print "\tDistinct non-local ($notlocal) IP Addresses performing requests: ",
287 print "\tTop ten non-local ($notlocal) IP address:\n";
290 print "\tDistinct clients performing requests: ", int(keys %five24_req_client), "\n";
291 print "\tTop ten clients:\n";
294 print "\tDistinct services requested: ", int(keys %five24_req_server), "\n";
295 print "\tTop ten requested services:\n";
297 print "\n";
299 print "Cross realm statistics\n\n";
301 print "\tNumber of cross-realm tgs out: $tgs_xrealm_out\n";
303 print "\tTop ten realms used for out cross-realm:\n";
305 print "\tTop ten principals use out cross-realm:\n";
308 print "\tNumber of cross-realm tgs in: $tgs_xrealm_in\n";
310 print "\tTop ten realms used for in cross-realm:\n";
312 print "\tTop ten principals use in cross-realm:\n";
316 print "\n\nReport on referral:\n\n";
318 print "\tNumber of referrals: $referrals\n";
320 print "\tTop ten referral-ed principals:\n";
322 print "\tTop ten to realm referrals:\n";
326 print "\n\nEnctype Statistics:\n\n";
327 print "\tTop ten session enctypes:\n";
329 print "\tTop ten ticket enctypes:\n";
332 print "\tDistinct IP addresses using DES: ", int(keys %addr_uses_des), "\n";
333 print "\tTop IP addresses using DES:\n";
335 print "\tDistinct principals using DES: ", int(keys %princ_uses_des), "\n";
336 print "\tTop ten principals using DES:\n";
339 print "\n";
512 print "Unknown log file line: $_";
526 print "\t\t$key - $$list{$key}\n";