Lines Matching full:time

74 Create time conversion information files in the named directory rather than
79 as local time.
128 transitions are at standard time or Universal Time (UT) instead of local time.
174 When creating local time information, put the configuration link in
188 A time of 24:00 or more appears in the input.
198 A time zone abbreviation uses a
257 A time zone abbreviation has fewer than 3 or more than 6 characters.
287 although output file names and time zone abbreviations can contain
343 Rules can describe times that are not representable as time values,
345 among hosts with differing time value types.
406 Gives the time of day at which the rule takes effect,
411 time in hours
413 time in hours and minutes
415 time in hours, minutes, and seconds
417 time with fractional seconds
440 if the given time is local or
442 time,
444 if the given time is standard time without any adjustment for daylight saving,
451 if the given time is universal time;
453 local (wall clock) time is assumed.
455 if a leap second occurs at 00:59:60 local time,
459 clock/calendar set to the type of time specified in the
461 field would show the specified date and time of day.
463 Gives the amount of time to be added to local standard time when the rule is in
464 effect, and whether the resulting time is standard or daylight saving.
470 for standard time and
472 for daylight saving time.
479 time is observed in winter and has a negative offset relative to
480 Irish Standard Time.
481 The offset is merely added to standard time; for example,
483 does not distinguish a 10:30 standard time plus an 0:30
485 from a 10:00 standard time plus a 1:00
498 of time zone abbreviations to be used when this rule is in effect.
518 This is the name used in creating the time conversion information file for the
527 The amount of time to add to UT to get standard time,
534 begin the field with a minus sign if time must be subtracted from UT.
540 giving the amount of time to be added to local standard time
541 and whether the resulting time is standard or daylight saving.
542 Standard time applies if this field is
545 When an amount of time is given, only the sum of standard time and
548 The format for time zone abbreviations.
551 shows where to put the time zone abbreviation's variable part,
557 of the earliest standard-time rule (which in this case must exist).
574 To conform to POSIX, a time zone abbreviation should contain only
579 By convention, the time zone abbreviation
581 is a placeholder that means local time is unspecified.
583 The time at which the UT offset or the rule(s) change for a location.
585 .Ar YEAR Op Ar MONTH Op Ar DAY Op Ar TIME .
587 the time zone information is generated from the given UT offset
588 and rule change until the time specified, which is interpreted using
590 The month, day, and time of day have the same format as the
604 place information starting at the time specified as the
617 with a named rule set starts with standard time by default:
624 first transition into standard time.
634 time of the previous zone or continuation line is interpreted
730 if the leap second time given by the other fields should be interpreted as UTC
734 if the leap second time given by the other fields should be interpreted as
735 local (wall clock) time.
741 midnight New York time rather than midnight UTC.
809 In 1941 and 1942, daylight saving time applied from the first Monday
824 Swiss rules and later EU rules were applied, the time zone abbreviation
825 has been CET for standard time and CEST for daylight saving
826 time.
835 For areas with more than two types of local time,
836 you may need to use local standard time in the
838 field of the earliest transition time's rule to ensure that
839 the earliest transition time recorded in the compiled file is correct.
848 without any change in local (wall clock) time.
851 specifying transition instants using universal time.