Lines Matching refs:awk
1 Notes on upgrading awk from upstream
3 FreeBSD imports awk from the one true awk github project. This is the blessed
4 successor to Brian Kernighan's efforts to maintain awk after he left Lucent.
9 traditional one true awk and adds features that the BSD projects have added over
14 (1) Create a work tree for the vendor/one-true-awk branch
16 % git worktree create ../ota vendor/one-true-awk
18 % cd ../awk
29 % git commit -m"Import awk YYYYMMDD hash f9affa922c5e" # 12 places
32 % diff -ur ../awk .
37 % git tag -a -s vendor/one-true-awk/f9affa92 # 8 places
39 % git push --follow-tags freebsd vendor/one-true-awk
41 % git subtree merge -P contrib/one-true-awk vendor/one-true-awk
48 % cd usr.bin/awk
52 # awk is a build tool, so test the builds