Lines Matching full:n
79 printf("OpenSM: Got signal %d - exiting...\n", signum); in mark_exit_flag()
130 printf("\n------- OpenSM - Usage and options ----------------------\n"); in show_usage()
131 printf("Usage: opensm [options]\n"); in show_usage()
132 printf("Options:\n"); in show_usage()
133 printf("--version\n Prints OpenSM version and exits.\n\n"); in show_usage()
134 printf("--config, -F <file-name>\n" in show_usage()
135 " The name of the OpenSM config file. When not specified\n" in show_usage()
137 " will be used (if exists).\n\n"); in show_usage()
138 printf("--create-config, -c <file-name>\n" in show_usage()
139 " OpenSM will dump its configuration to the specified file and exit.\n" in show_usage()
140 " This is a way to generate OpenSM configuration file template.\n\n"); in show_usage()
141 printf("--guid, -g <GUID in hex>\n" in show_usage()
142 " This option specifies the local port GUID value\n" in show_usage()
143 " with which OpenSM should bind. OpenSM may be\n" in show_usage()
144 " bound to 1 port at a time.\n" in show_usage()
145 " If GUID given is 0, OpenSM displays a list\n" in show_usage()
146 " of possible port GUIDs and waits for user input.\n" in show_usage()
147 " Without -g, OpenSM tries to use the default port.\n\n"); in show_usage()
148 printf("--lmc, -l <LMC>\n" in show_usage()
149 " This option specifies the subnet's LMC value.\n" in show_usage()
150 " The number of LIDs assigned to each port is 2^LMC.\n" in show_usage()
151 " The LMC value must be in the range 0-7.\n" in show_usage()
152 " LMC values > 0 allow multiple paths between ports.\n" in show_usage()
153 " LMC values > 0 should only be used if the subnet\n" in show_usage()
154 " topology actually provides multiple paths between\n" in show_usage()
155 " ports, i.e. multiple interconnects between switches.\n" in show_usage()
156 " Without -l, OpenSM defaults to LMC = 0, which allows\n" in show_usage()
157 " one path between any two ports.\n\n"); in show_usage()
158 printf("--priority, -p <PRIORITY>\n" in show_usage()
159 " This option specifies the SM's PRIORITY.\n" in show_usage()
160 " This will effect the handover cases, where master\n" in show_usage()
161 " is chosen by priority and GUID. Range goes\n" in show_usage()
162 " from 0 (lowest priority) to 15 (highest).\n\n"); in show_usage()
163 printf("--smkey, -k <SM_Key>\n" in show_usage()
164 " This option specifies the SM's SM_Key (64 bits).\n" in show_usage()
165 " This will effect SM authentication.\n" in show_usage()
166 " Note that OpenSM version 3.2.1 and below used the\n" in show_usage()
167 " default value '1' in a host byte order, it is fixed\n" in show_usage()
168 " now but you may need this option to interoperate\n" in show_usage()
169 " with old OpenSM running on a little endian machine.\n\n"); in show_usage()
170 printf("--reassign_lids, -r\n" in show_usage()
171 " This option causes OpenSM to reassign LIDs to all\n" in show_usage()
172 " end nodes. Specifying -r on a running subnet\n" in show_usage()
173 " may disrupt subnet traffic.\n" in show_usage()
174 " Without -r, OpenSM attempts to preserve existing\n" in show_usage()
175 " LID assignments resolving multiple use of same LID.\n\n"); in show_usage()
176 printf("--routing_engine, -R <engine name>\n" in show_usage()
177 " This option chooses routing engine(s) to use instead of default\n" in show_usage()
178 " Min Hop algorithm. Multiple routing engines can be specified\n" in show_usage()
179 " separated by commas so that specific ordering of routing\n" in show_usage()
180 " algorithms will be tried if earlier routing engines fail.\n" in show_usage()
181 " If all configured routing engines fail, OpenSM will always\n" in show_usage()
182 " attempt to route with Min Hop unless 'no_fallback' is\n" in show_usage()
183 " included in the list of routing engines.\n" in show_usage()
184 … " Supported engines: updn, dnup, file, ftree, lash, dor, torus-2QoS, dfsssp, sssp\n\n"); in show_usage()
185 printf("--do_mesh_analysis\n" in show_usage()
186 " This option enables additional analysis for the lash\n" in show_usage()
187 " routing engine to precondition switch port assignments\n" in show_usage()
188 " in regular cartesian meshes which may reduce the number\n" in show_usage()
189 " of SLs required to give a deadlock free routing\n\n"); in show_usage()
190 printf("--lash_start_vl <vl number>\n" in show_usage()
191 " Sets the starting VL to use for the lash routing algorithm.\n" in show_usage()
192 " Defaults to 0.\n"); in show_usage()
193 printf("--sm_sl <sl number>\n" in show_usage()
194 " Sets the SL to use to communicate with the SM/SA. Defaults to 0.\n\n"); in show_usage()
195 printf("--connect_roots, -z\n" in show_usage()
196 " This option enforces routing engines (up/down and \n" in show_usage()
197 " fat-tree) to make connectivity between root switches\n" in show_usage()
198 " and in this way be IBA compliant. In many cases,\n" in show_usage()
199 " this can violate \"pure\" deadlock free algorithm, so\n" in show_usage()
200 " use it carefully.\n\n"); in show_usage()
201 printf("--ucast_cache, -A\n" in show_usage()
202 " This option enables unicast routing cache to prevent\n" in show_usage()
203 " routing recalculation (which is a heavy task in a\n" in show_usage()
204 " large cluster) when there was no topology change\n" in show_usage()
205 " detected during the heavy sweep, or when the topology\n" in show_usage()
206 " change does not require new routing calculation,\n" in show_usage()
207 " e.g. in case of host reboot.\n" in show_usage()
208 " This option becomes very handy when the cluster size\n" in show_usage()
209 " is thousands of nodes.\n\n"); in show_usage()
210 printf("--lid_matrix_file, -M <file name>\n" in show_usage()
211 " This option specifies the name of the lid matrix dump file\n" in show_usage()
212 " from where switch lid matrices (min hops tables will be\n" in show_usage()
213 " loaded.\n\n"); in show_usage()
214 printf("--lfts_file, -U <file name>\n" in show_usage()
215 " This option specifies the name of the LFTs file\n" in show_usage()
216 " from where switch forwarding tables will be loaded when using \"file\"\n" in show_usage()
217 " routing engine.\n\n"); in show_usage()
218 printf("--sadb_file, -S <file name>\n" in show_usage()
219 " This option specifies the name of the SA DB dump file\n" in show_usage()
220 " from where SA database will be loaded.\n\n"); in show_usage()
221 printf("--root_guid_file, -a <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
222 " Set the root nodes for the Up/Down or Fat-Tree routing\n" in show_usage()
223 " algorithm to the guids provided in the given file (one\n" in show_usage()
224 " to a line)\n" "\n"); in show_usage()
225 printf("--cn_guid_file, -u <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
226 " Set the compute nodes for the Fat-Tree or DFSSSP/SSSP routing algorithms\n" in show_usage()
227 " to the port GUIDs provided in the given file (one to a line)\n\n"); in show_usage()
228 printf("--io_guid_file, -G <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
229 " Set the I/O nodes for the Fat-Tree or DFSSSP/SSSP routing algorithms\n" in show_usage()
230 " to the port GUIDs provided in the given file (one to a line)\n\n"); in show_usage()
231 printf("--port-shifting\n" in show_usage()
232 " Attempt to shift port routes around to remove alignment problems\n" in show_usage()
233 " in routing tables\n\n"); in show_usage()
234 printf("--scatter-ports <random seed>\n" in show_usage()
235 " Randomize best port chosen for a route\n" in show_usage()
236 " Assign ports in a random order instead of round-robin\n" in show_usage()
237 " If zero disable (default), otherwise use the value as a random seed\n\n"); in show_usage()
238 printf("--max_reverse_hops, -H <hop_count>\n" in show_usage()
239 " Set the max number of hops the wrong way around\n" in show_usage()
240 " an I/O node is allowed to do (connectivity for I/O nodes on top swithces)\n\n"); in show_usage()
241 printf("--ids_guid_file, -m <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
242 " Name of the map file with set of the IDs which will be used\n" in show_usage()
243 " by Up/Down routing algorithm instead of node GUIDs\n" in show_usage()
244 " (format: <guid> <id> per line)\n\n"); in show_usage()
245 printf("--guid_routing_order_file, -X <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
246 " Set the order port guids will be routed for the MinHop\n" in show_usage()
247 " and Up/Down routing algorithms to the guids provided in the\n" in show_usage()
248 " given file (one to a line)\n\n"); in show_usage()
249 printf("--torus_config <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
250 " This option defines the file name for the extra configuration\n" in show_usage()
251 " info needed for the torus-2QoS routing engine. The default\n" in show_usage()
252 " name is \'"OSM_DEFAULT_TORUS_CONF_FILE"\'\n\n"); in show_usage()
253 printf("--once, -o\n" in show_usage()
254 " This option causes OpenSM to configure the subnet\n" in show_usage()
255 " once, then exit. Ports remain in the ACTIVE state.\n\n"); in show_usage()
256 printf("--sweep, -s <interval>\n" in show_usage()
257 " This option specifies the number of seconds between\n" in show_usage()
258 " subnet sweeps. Specifying -s 0 disables sweeping.\n" in show_usage()
259 " Without -s, OpenSM defaults to a sweep interval of\n" in show_usage()
260 " 10 seconds.\n\n"); in show_usage()
261 printf("--timeout, -t <milliseconds>\n" in show_usage()
262 " This option specifies the time in milliseconds\n" in show_usage()
263 " used for transaction timeouts.\n" in show_usage()
264 " Timeout values should be > 0.\n" in show_usage()
265 " Without -t, OpenSM defaults to a timeout value of\n" in show_usage()
266 " 200 milliseconds.\n\n"); in show_usage()
267 printf("--retries <number>\n" in show_usage()
268 " This option specifies the number of retries used\n" in show_usage()
269 " for transactions.\n" in show_usage()
270 " Without --retries, OpenSM defaults to %u retries\n" in show_usage()
271 " for transactions.\n\n", OSM_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT); in show_usage()
272 printf("--maxsmps, -n <number>\n" in show_usage()
273 " This option specifies the number of VL15 SMP MADs\n" in show_usage()
274 " allowed on the wire at any one time.\n" in show_usage()
275 " Specifying --maxsmps 0 allows unlimited outstanding\n" in show_usage()
276 " SMPs.\n" in show_usage()
277 " Without --maxsmps, OpenSM defaults to a maximum of\n" in show_usage()
278 " 4 outstanding SMPs.\n\n"); in show_usage()
286 "]\n This option activates the OpenSM console (default off).\n\n"); in show_usage()
288 printf("--console-port, -C <port>\n" in show_usage()
289 " Specify an alternate telnet port for the console (default %d).\n\n", in show_usage()
292 printf("--ignore_guids, -i <equalize-ignore-guids-file>\n" in show_usage()
293 " This option provides the means to define a set of ports\n" in show_usage()
294 " (by guid) that will be ignored by the link load\n" in show_usage()
295 " equalization algorithm.\n\n"); in show_usage()
296 printf("--hop_weights_file, -w <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
297 " This option provides the means to define a weighting\n" in show_usage()
298 " factor per port for customizing the least weight\n" in show_usage()
299 " hops for the routing.\n\n"); in show_usage()
300 printf("--port_search_ordering_file, -O <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
301 " This option provides the means to define a mapping\n" in show_usage()
302 " between ports and dimension (Order) for controlling\n" in show_usage()
303 " Dimension Order Routing (DOR).\n" in show_usage()
304 " Moreover this option provides the means to define non\n" in show_usage()
305 " default routing port order.\n\n"); in show_usage()
306 printf("--dimn_ports_file, -O <path to file> (DEPRECATED)\n" in show_usage()
307 " Use --port_search_ordering_file instead.\n" in show_usage()
308 " This option provides the means to define a mapping\n" in show_usage()
309 " between ports and dimension (Order) for controlling\n" in show_usage()
310 " Dimension Order Routing (DOR).\n\n"); in show_usage()
311 printf("--honor_guid2lid, -x\n" in show_usage()
312 " This option forces OpenSM to honor the guid2lid file,\n" in show_usage()
313 " when it comes out of Standby state, if such file exists\n" in show_usage()
314 " under OSM_CACHE_DIR, and is valid. By default, this is FALSE.\n\n"); in show_usage()
315 printf("--log_file, -f <log-file-name>\n" in show_usage()
316 " This option defines the log to be the given file.\n" in show_usage()
317 " By default, the log goes to /var/log/opensm.log.\n" in show_usage()
318 " For the log to go to standard output use -f stdout.\n\n"); in show_usage()
319 printf("--log_limit, -L <size in MB>\n" in show_usage()
320 " This option defines maximal log file size in MB. When\n" in show_usage()
321 " specified the log file will be truncated upon reaching\n" in show_usage()
322 " this limit.\n\n"); in show_usage()
323 printf("--erase_log_file, -e\n" in show_usage()
324 " This option will cause deletion of the log file\n" in show_usage()
325 " (if it previously exists). By default, the log file\n" in show_usage()
326 " is accumulative.\n\n"); in show_usage()
327 printf("--Pconfig, -P <partition-config-file>\n" in show_usage()
328 " This option defines the optional partition configuration file.\n" in show_usage()
330 OSM_DEFAULT_PARTITION_CONFIG_FILE "\'.\n\n"); in show_usage()
331 printf("--no_part_enforce, -N (DEPRECATED)\n" in show_usage()
332 " Use --part_enforce instead.\n" in show_usage()
333 " This option disables partition enforcement on switch external ports.\n\n"); in show_usage()
334 printf("--part_enforce, -Z [both, in, out, off]\n" in show_usage()
335 " This option indicates the partition enforcement type (for switches)\n" in show_usage()
336 " Enforcement type can be outbound only (out), inbound only (in), both or\n" in show_usage()
337 " disabled (off). Default is both.\n\n"); in show_usage()
338 printf("--allow_both_pkeys, -W\n" in show_usage()
339 " This option indicates whether both full and limited membership\n" in show_usage()
340 " on the same partition can be configured in the PKeyTable.\n" in show_usage()
341 " Default is not to allow both pkeys.\n\n"); in show_usage()
342 printf("--qos, -Q\n" " This option enables QoS setup.\n\n"); in show_usage()
343 printf("--qos_policy_file, -Y <QoS-policy-file>\n" in show_usage()
344 " This option defines the optional QoS policy file.\n" in show_usage()
346 "\'.\n\n"); in show_usage()
347 printf("--congestion_control\n" in show_usage()
348 " (EXPERIMENTAL) This option enables congestion control configuration.\n\n"); in show_usage()
349 printf("--cc_key <key>\n" in show_usage()
350 " (EXPERIMENTAL) This option configures the CCkey to use when configuring\n" in show_usage()
351 " congestion control.\n\n"); in show_usage()
352 printf("--stay_on_fatal, -y\n" in show_usage()
353 " This option will cause SM not to exit on fatal initialization\n" in show_usage()
354 " issues: if SM discovers duplicated guids or 12x link with\n" in show_usage()
355 " lane reversal badly configured.\n" in show_usage()
356 " By default, the SM will exit on these errors.\n\n"); in show_usage()
357 printf("--daemon, -B\n" in show_usage()
358 " Run in daemon mode - OpenSM will run in the background.\n\n"); in show_usage()
359 printf("--inactive, -I\n" in show_usage()
360 " Start SM in inactive rather than normal init SM state.\n\n"); in show_usage()
362 printf("--perfmgr\n" " Start with PerfMgr enabled.\n\n"); in show_usage()
363 printf("--perfmgr_sweep_time_s <sec.>\n" in show_usage()
364 " PerfMgr sweep interval in seconds.\n\n"); in show_usage()
366 printf("--prefix_routes_file <path to file>\n" in show_usage()
367 " This option specifies the prefix routes file.\n" in show_usage()
368 " Prefix routes control how the SA responds to path record\n" in show_usage()
369 " queries for off-subnet DGIDs. Default file is:\n" in show_usage()
370 " " OSM_DEFAULT_PREFIX_ROUTES_FILE "\n\n"); in show_usage()
371 printf("--consolidate_ipv6_snm_req\n" in show_usage()
372 " Use shared MLID for IPv6 Solicited Node Multicast groups\n" in show_usage()
373 " per MGID scope and P_Key.\n\n"); in show_usage()
374 printf("--guid_routing_order_no_scatter\n" in show_usage()
375 " Don't use scatter for ports defined in guid_routing_order file\n\n"); in show_usage()
376 printf("--log_prefix <prefix text>\n" in show_usage()
377 " Prefix to syslog messages from OpenSM.\n\n"); in show_usage()
378 printf("--verbose, -v\n" in show_usage()
379 " This option increases the log verbosity level.\n" in show_usage()
380 " The -v option may be specified multiple times\n" in show_usage()
381 " to further increase the verbosity level.\n" in show_usage()
382 " See the -D option for more information about\n" in show_usage()
383 " log verbosity.\n\n"); in show_usage()
384 printf("--V, -V\n" in show_usage()
385 " This option sets the maximum verbosity level and\n" in show_usage()
386 " forces log flushing.\n" in show_usage()
387 " The -V is equivalent to '-D 0xFF -d 2'.\n" in show_usage()
388 " See the -D option for more information about\n" in show_usage()
389 " log verbosity.\n\n"); in show_usage()
390 printf("--D, -D <flags>\n" in show_usage()
391 " This option sets the log verbosity level.\n" in show_usage()
392 " A flags field must follow the -D option.\n" in show_usage()
393 " A bit set/clear in the flags enables/disables a\n" in show_usage()
394 " specific log level as follows:\n" in show_usage()
395 " BIT LOG LEVEL ENABLED\n" in show_usage()
396 " ---- -----------------\n" in show_usage()
397 " 0x01 - ERROR (error messages)\n" in show_usage()
398 " 0x02 - INFO (basic messages, low volume)\n" in show_usage()
399 " 0x04 - VERBOSE (interesting stuff, moderate volume)\n" in show_usage()
400 " 0x08 - DEBUG (diagnostic, high volume)\n" in show_usage()
401 " 0x10 - FUNCS (function entry/exit, very high volume)\n" in show_usage()
402 " 0x20 - FRAMES (dumps all SMP and GMP frames)\n" in show_usage()
403 " 0x40 - ROUTING (dump FDB routing information)\n" in show_usage()
404 " 0x80 - currently unused.\n" in show_usage()
405 " Without -D, OpenSM defaults to ERROR + INFO (0x3).\n" in show_usage()
406 " Specifying -D 0 disables all messages.\n" in show_usage()
407 " Specifying -D 0xFF enables all messages (see -V).\n" in show_usage()
408 " High verbosity levels may require increasing\n" in show_usage()
409 " the transaction timeout with the -t option.\n\n"); in show_usage()
410 printf("--debug, -d <number>\n" in show_usage()
411 " This option specifies a debug option.\n" in show_usage()
412 " These options are not normally needed.\n" in show_usage()
413 " The number following -d selects the debug\n" in show_usage()
414 " option to enable as follows:\n" in show_usage()
415 " OPT Description\n" in show_usage()
416 " --- -----------------\n" in show_usage()
417 " -d0 - Ignore other SM nodes\n" in show_usage()
418 " -d1 - Force single threaded dispatching\n" in show_usage()
419 " -d2 - Force log flushing after each log message\n" in show_usage()
420 " -d3 - Disable multicast support\n" in show_usage()
421 " -d10 - Put OpenSM in testability mode\n" in show_usage()
422 " Without -d, no debug options are enabled\n\n"); in show_usage()
423 printf("--help, -h, -?\n" in show_usage()
424 " Display this usage info then exit.\n\n"); in show_usage()
447 printf("\nError from osm_vendor_get_all_port_attr (%x)\n", in get_port_guid()
454 printf("\nNo local ports detected!\n"); in get_port_guid()
460 printf("Using default GUID 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", in get_port_guid()
471 printf("Using default GUID 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", in get_port_guid()
482 printf("\nChoose a local port number with which to bind:\n\n"); in get_port_guid()
486 printf("\t%u: GUID 0x%" PRIx64 ", lid %u, state %s\n", in get_port_guid()
490 printf("\n\t0: Exit\n"); in get_port_guid()
496 printf("\nError: Cannot scan!\n"); in get_port_guid()
501 printf("\nError: Lame choice! Please try again.\n"); in get_port_guid()
504 printf("Choice guid=0x%" PRIx64 "\n", in get_port_guid()
545 fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid()); in daemonize()
617 "F:c:i:w:O:f:ed:D:g:l:L:s:t:a:u:m:X:R:zM:U:S:P:Y:ANZ:WBIQvVhoryxp:n:q:k:C:G:H:"; in main()
645 {"no_part_enforce", 0, NULL, 'N'}, in main()
652 {"maxsmps", 1, NULL, 'n'}, in main()
705 "ERROR: OpenSM and Complib were compiled using different modes\n"); in main()
706 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: OpenSM debug:%d Complib debug:%d \n", in main()
711 printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); in main()
712 printf("%s\n", OSM_VERSION); in main()
720 printf("Config file is `%s`:\n", config_file); in main()
735 printf("\nFail to parse config file \'%s\'\n", config_file); in main()
737 printf("Command Line Arguments:\n"); in main()
749 printf(" Creating config file template \'%s\'.\n", in main()
757 printf(" Run Once\n"); in main()
765 printf(" Reassign LIDs\n"); in main()
773 printf(" Ignore Guids File = %s\n", in main()
779 printf(" Hop Weights File = %s\n", in main()
785 printf(" Port Search Ordering/Dimension Ports File = %s\n", in main()
799 printf(" Guid <0x%" PRIx64 ">\n", in main()
808 "ERROR: sweep interval given is too large. Ignoring it.\n"); in main()
811 printf(" sweep interval = %d\n", in main()
820 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: timeout value 0 is invalid. Ignoring it.\n"); in main()
823 printf(" Transaction timeout = %u\n", in main()
828 case 'n': in main()
833 printf(" Max wire smp's = %d\n", opt.max_wire_smps); in main()
851 printf("-console %s option not understood\n", in main()
863 printf(" d level = 0x%x\n", dbg_lvl); in main()
865 printf(" Debug mode: Ignore Other SMs\n"); in main()
868 printf(" Debug mode: Forcing Single Thread\n"); in main()
871 printf(" Debug mode: Force Log Flush\n"); in main()
875 (" Debug mode: Disable multicast support\n"); in main()
886 " ignored\n", dbg_lvl); in main()
893 "ERROR: LMC must be 7 or less.\n"); in main()
897 printf(" LMC = %d\n", temp); in main()
902 printf(" verbose option -D = 0x%x\n", opt.log_flags); in main()
911 printf(" Log file max size is %u MBytes\n", in main()
917 printf(" Creating new log file\n"); in main()
928 case 'N': in main()
947 printf("-part_enforce %s option not understood\n", in main()
961 printf(" QoS policy file \'%s\'\n", optarg); in main()
970 printf(" CC Key 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", opt.cc_key); in main()
975 printf(" Staying on fatal initialization errors\n"); in main()
980 printf(" Verbose option -v (log flags = 0x%X)\n", in main()
987 printf(" Big V selected\n"); in main()
994 "ERROR: priority must be between 0 and 15\n"); in main()
998 printf(" Priority = %d\n", temp); in main()
1003 printf(" SM Key <0x%" PRIx64 ">\n", cl_hton64(sm_key)); in main()
1009 printf(" Activate \'%s\' routing engine(s)\n", optarg); in main()
1014 printf(" Connect roots option is on\n"); in main()
1019 printf(" Unicast routing cache option is on\n"); in main()
1024 printf(" Lid matrix dump file is \'%s\'\n", optarg); in main()
1029 printf(" LFTs file is \'%s\'\n", optarg); in main()
1034 printf(" SA DB file is \'%s\'\n", optarg); in main()
1039 printf(" Root Guid File: %s\n", opt.root_guid_file); in main()
1044 printf(" Compute Node Guid File: %s\n", in main()
1050 printf(" I/O Node Guid File: %s\n", opt.io_guid_file); in main()
1054 printf(" Port Shifting is on\n"); in main()
1058 printf(" Scatter Ports is on\n"); in main()
1062 printf(" Max Reverse Hops: %d\n", opt.max_reverse_hops); in main()
1066 printf(" IDs Guid File: %s\n", opt.ids_guid_file); in main()
1071 printf(" GUID Routing Order File: %s\n", in main()
1077 printf(" Honor guid2lid file, if possible\n"); in main()
1082 printf(" Daemon mode\n"); in main()
1087 printf(" SM started in inactive state\n"); in main()
1112 "ERROR: starting lash vl must be between 0 and 15\n"); in main()
1116 printf(" LASH starting VL = %d\n", opt.lash_start_vl); in main()
1122 "ERROR: SM's SL must be between 0 and 15\n"); in main()
1126 printf(" SMSL = %d\n", opt.sm_sl); in main()
1130 printf(" Transaction retries = %u\n", in main()
1135 printf("Log prefix = %s\n", opt.log_prefix); in main()
1139 printf("Torus-2QoS config file = %s\n", opt.torus_conf_file); in main()
1158 printf(" Log File: %s\n", opt.log_file); in main()
1160 printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); in main()
1165 printf("\nosm_subn_write_conf_file failed!\n"); in main()
1179 "ERROR: Invalid GUID specified; exiting because of daemon mode\n"); in main()
1192 printf("\nError from osm_opensm_init: %s.\n", err_str); in main()
1214 printf("\nError from osm_opensm_init_finish: %s.\n", err_str); in main()
1220 printf("\nError from osm_opensm_bind (0x%X)\n", status); in main()
1222 ("Perhaps another instance of OpenSM is already running\n"); in main()
1249 "There are still %u MADs out. Forcing the exit of the OpenSM application...\n", in main()