Lines Matching refs:build
3 …chray/nvi2/wiki/Porting) in the Wiki. This document is an overview of the build process that allow…
8 - Ninja build system;
19 Nvi2 uses CMake build system generator. By specifying "Ninja Multi-Config" as the build system to g…
22 cmake -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -B build
25 Now `build` becomes your build directory to hold the artifacts. To build nvi2 in Debug mode, run
28 ninja -C build
31 Upon finishing, the nvi2 executable will be available as `build/Debug/nvi`. To launch it in `ex` mo…
34 ln -s nvi build/Debug/ex
37 and run `./build/Debug/ex` rather than `./build/Debug/nvi`.
39 To build nvi2 in Release mode, use the following command instead:
42 ninja -C build -f
45 Upon finishing, you will be able to edit files with `./build/Release/nvi`.
47 To change configure-time options, such as disabling wide character support, use `ccmake build`.