Lines Matching full:it
177 the network which permits it.
226 .It Ic ? Op Ar command
227 .It Ic help Op Ar command
237 .It Ic addvars Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Op ,...
238 .It Ic rmvars Ar name Ns Op ,...
239 .It Ic clearvars
240 .It Ic showvars
272 .It Ic authenticate Op Cm yes Ns | Ns Cm no
281 to send authentication with all requests it
290 it is currently authenticating requests.
291 .It Ic cooked
302 .It Ic debug Op Cm more Ns | Ns Cm less Ns | Ns Cm off
305 .It Ic delay Op Ar milliseconds
315 .It Ic drefid Op Cm hash Ns | Ns Cm ipv4
319 .It Ic exit
322 .It Ic host Op Ar name
328 .It Ic hostnames Op Cm yes Ns | Ns Cm no
345 .It Ic keyid Op Ar keyid
355 .It Ic keytype Op Ar digest
366 .It Ic ntpversion Op Cm 1 Ns | Ns Cm 2 Ns | Ns Cm 3 Ns | Ns Cm 4
377 .It Ic passwd
384 .It Ic poll Oo Ar n Oc Op Cm verbose
389 .It Ic quit
392 .It Ic raw
398 .It Ic timeout Op Ar milliseconds
407 .It Ic version
429 .It Ic apeers
437 .It Ic associations
441 .It Sy Variable Ta Sy Description
442 .It Cm ind Ta index on this list
443 .It Cm assid Ta association id
444 .It Cm status Ta peer status word
445 .It Cm conf Ta Cm yes : No persistent, Cm no : No ephemeral
446 .It Cm reach Ta Cm yes : No reachable, Cm no : No unreachable
447 .It Cm auth Ta Cm ok , Cm yes , Cm bad No and Cm none
448 .It Cm condition Ta selection status \&(see the Cm select No field of the peer status word\&)
449 .It Cm last_event Ta event report \&(see the Cm event No field of the peer status word\&)
450 .It Cm cnt Ta event count \&(see the Cm count No field of the peer status word\&)
452 .It Ic authinfo
456 .It Ic clocklist Op Ar associd
457 .It Ic cl Op Ar associd
460 .It Ic clockvar Oo Ar associd Oc Oo Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Oc Ns Op ,...
461 .It Ic cv Oo Ar associd Oc Oo Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Oc Ns Op ,...
464 .It Ic :config Ar "configuration command line"
470 .It Ic config-from-file Ar filename
477 .It Ic ifstats
482 .It Ic iostats
487 .It Ic kerninfo
498 .It Ic lassociations
501 .It Ic lopeers Op Fl 4 Ns | Ns Fl 6
505 .It Ic lpassociations
507 .It Ic lpeers Op Fl 4 Ns | Ns Fl 6
509 .It Ic monstats
513 .It Ic mreadlist Ar associdlo Ar associdhi
514 .It Ic mrl Ar associdlo Ar associdhi
518 .It Ic mreadvar Ar associdlo Ar associdhi Oo Ar name Oc Ns Op ,...
521 .It Ic mrv Ar associdlo Ar associdhi Oo Ar name Oc Ns Op ,...
527 .It Xo Ic mrulist Oo Cm limited | Cm kod | Cm mincount Ns \&= Ns Ar count |
573 .It Column
575 .It Ic lstint
579 .It Ic avgint
581 .It Ic rstr
587 .It Ic r
595 .It Ic m
597 .It Ic v
599 .It Ic count
601 .It Ic rport
603 .It Ic remote address
607 .It Ic opeers Op Fl 4 | Fl 6
613 .It Ic passociations
617 except that it uses previously stored data rather than making a new query.
618 .It Ic peers
622 .It Variable
624 .It Cm [tally]
629 .It Cm remote
637 .It Cm refid
640 .It Cm st
643 .It Cm t
660 .It Cm when
665 .It Cm poll
667 .It Cm reach
669 .It Cm delay
671 .It Cm offset
673 .It Cm jitter
676 .It Ic pstats Ar associd
683 .It Ic readlist Op Ar associd
684 .It Ic rl Op Ar associd
688 is omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
689 .It Ic readvar Op Ar associd Ar name Ns Oo Ns = Ns Ar value Oc Op , ...
690 .It Ic rv Op Ar associd Ar name Ns Oo Ns = Ns Ar value Oc Op , ...
707 is omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
722 .It Ic reslist
726 .It Ic saveconfig Ar filename
748 .It Ic sysinfo
754 .It Ic sysstats
761 .It Ic timerstats
764 .It Ic writelist Ar associd
766 .It Ic writevar Ar associd Ar name Ns = Ns Ar value Op , ...
812 .It Variable
814 .It Cm status
816 .It Cm version
818 .It Cm processor
820 .It Cm system
822 .It Cm leap
824 .It Cm stratum
826 .It Cm precision
828 .It Cm rootdelay
830 .It Cm rootdisp
832 .It Cm refid
835 .It Cm reftime
837 .It Ic clock
839 .It Cm peer
841 .It Cm tc
843 .It Cm mintc
845 .It Cm offset
847 .It Cm frequency
849 .It Cm sys_jitter
851 .It Cm clk_wander
853 .It Cm clk_jitter
855 .It Cm tai
857 .It Cm leapsec
859 .It Cm expire
871 .It Variable
873 .It Cm host
875 .It Cm ident
877 .It Cm flags
879 .It Cm digest
881 .It Cm signature
883 .It Cm update
885 .It Cm cert
887 .It Cm until
897 .It Variable
899 .It Cm associd
901 .It Cm status
903 .It Cm srcadr
905 .It Cm srcport
907 .It Cm dstadr
909 .It Cm dstport
911 .It Cm leap
913 .It Cm stratum
915 .It Cm precision
917 .It Cm rootdelay
919 .It Cm rootdisp
921 .It Cm refid
924 .It Cm reftime
926 .It Cm rec
928 .It Cm reach
930 .It Cm unreach
932 .It Cm hmode
934 .It Cm pmode
936 .It Cm hpoll
938 .It Cm ppoll
940 .It Cm headway
943 .It Cm flash
945 .It Cm keyid
947 .It Cm offset
949 .It Cm delay
951 .It Cm dispersion
953 .It Cm jitter
955 .It Cm bias
957 .It Cm xleave
965 It represents the offset of the broadcast subgraph relative to the
970 It represents the internal queuing, buffering and transmission delays
976 .It Variable
978 .It Cm flags
980 .It Cm host
982 .It Cm flags
984 .It Cm signature
986 .It Cm initsequence
988 .It Cm initkey
990 .It Cm timestamp
992 .It Cm ident
1002 .It Variable
1004 .It Cm associd
1006 .It Cm status
1008 .It Cm device
1010 .It Cm timecode
1012 .It Cm poll
1014 .It Cm noreply
1016 .It Cm badformat
1018 .It Cm baddata
1020 .It Cm fudgetime1
1022 .It Cm fudgetime2
1024 .It Cm stratum
1026 .It Cm refid
1028 .It Cm flags