Lines Matching +full:875 +full:v
60 # of the historical 4.4BSD, GNU, System V and SCO termcap files and the BRL
88 # ncurses suite; it differs from stock (System V-compatible) terminfo only
198 # The System V Release 4 and XPG4 terminfo format defines ten string
411 # This works with the System V, Linux, and BSDI consoles. It's a safe bet this
416 \331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v
454 \206u\207v\210w\211x\201y\230z\231{\267|\274}L~
720 kf12=\0\206, kf13=\0T, kf14=\0U, kf15=\0V, kf16=\0W,
877 \331k\277l\332m\300n\305o\377p-q\304r-s_t+u+v+w+x\263y
975 \264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376,
1112 \276j\205k\203l\202m\204n\212o~p\0q\0r\0s_t\206u\207v
1125 \215v\301w\302x\205y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376,
1130 # from: Andrey V Lukyanov <>.
1196 \264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376,
1265 knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V, rev=\E[7m, rmso=\E[0m, rmul=\E[24m,
1283 \332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w\302x
1364 \303u\264v\301w\302x\263,
1462 kLFT=\E[d, kNXT=\E[u, kOPT=\ENz, kPRV=\E[v, kRIT=\E[c,
1478 kpp=\E[V, kref=\ENl, kres=\ENp, krfr=\ENg, kri=\E[b,
1520 # :WL=\E[S:WR=\E[T:CL=\E[U:CR=\E[V:\
1554 kcbt=\E[Z, kdch1=^?, kend=\E[F, kf1=\E[M, kf10=\E[V,
1560 kf35=\E[u, kf36=\E[v, kf37=\E[w, kf38=\E[x, kf39=\E[y,
1688 acsc=+>\,<-\^.v0#`+a:f\\h#i#j+k+l+m+n+o~p-q-r-s_t+u+v+w+x|y#
1830 kf6=\E[u, kf7=\E[v, kf8=\E[l, kf9=\E[w, rev=\E[7m$<2>,
1956 kf10=\E[V, kf11=\E[W, kf12=\E[X, kf2=\E[N, kf3=\E[O,
2004 kend=\E[F, kf1=\E[M, kf10=\E[V, kf11=\E[W, kf12=\E[X,
2010 kf36=\E[v, kf37=\E[w, kf38=\E[x, kf39=\E[y, kf4=\E[P,
2024 \332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362~
2052 \204n\212q\0t\206u\207v\211w\210x\201y\230z\231~
2073 \226v\227w\230x\231y\232z\233~\237,
2181 \304t\303u\264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362~\371,
2209 kdch1=^?, kend=\E[F, kf1=\E[M, kf10=\E[V, kf11=\E[W,
2233 acsc=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x
4263 kdch1=^?, kend=\E[F, kf1=\E[M, kf10=\E[V, kf11=\E[W,
4269 kf35=\E[u, kf36=\E[v, kf37=\E[w, kf38=\E[x, kf39=\E[y,
4384 \264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376,
4465 \264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376,
5588 kbeg=\E[E, kbs=^?, kdch1=^?, kend=\E[F, kf1=\E[M, kf10=\E[V,
5594 kf34=\E[t, kf35=\E[u, kf36=\E[v, kf37=\E[w, kf38=\E[x,
5939 kmous=\E[^_, knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V, reqmp=\E[492Z, rev=\E[7m,
6777 # XK_KP_6 6 ESC O v
6851 #…
6870 \277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w
6875 \277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v\301w
7003 initp=\E&v%p2%da%p3%db%p4%dc%p5%dx%p6%dy%p7%dz%p1%dI,
7004 op=\E&v0S, scp=\E&v%p1%dS, use=hpterm,
7026 u+v+w+x|y<z>{*|!}\273~\362,
7047 scp=\E&v%p1%dS,
7065 \224t\225u\226v\227w\230x\231~\244,
7172 rmir=^O, rmso=^T, smir=^Q, smso=^V,
8401 \264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376,
8981 cub1=^T, cud1=^P, cuf1=^V, cup=\004%p1%d;%p2%d;, cuu1=^Y,
9151 # Corrected Sun Aug 9 1998 by Alexander V. Lukyanov <>
9452 # Alt-V \E[102~
9461 \331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v
9463 bel=^G, bold=\E[1m, cbt=\E[Z, civis=\E[1v, cnorm=\E[v, cr=\r,
9464 cub1=^H, cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, cvvis=\E[2v,
9488 bel=^G, blink=\E[5m, bold=\E[1m, cbt=\E[Z, civis=\E[1v,
9489 clear=\E[H\E[2J, cnorm=\E[v, cr=\r,
9490 cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, cvvis=\E[2v, dch=\E[%p1%dP,
9511 \264v\301w\302x\263y\363z\362{\343|\330}\234~\376,
9562 home=\E[H, ht=^I, ind=\E[S, kbs=^H, kcub1=\E[D, kcud1=\E[V,
9612 \331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v
9734 altos3|altos5|alt3|alt5|altos-3|altos-5|Altos III or V,
10178 initp=\E&v%?%p2%{1000}%=%t1%e.%p2%d%;a%?%p3%{1000}%=%t1%e.
10184 op=\E&v0S, scp=\E&v%p1%dS,
10206 acsc=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x
10342 u+v+w+x|y<z>{*|!}\273~\362,
10362 scp=\E&v%p1%dS,
10377 cbt=\EI, clear=^Z, cr=\r, cub1=^H, cud1=^V, cuf1=^L,
10382 kclr=^Z, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K, ked=\EY,
10551 # Ctrl-V tabs 81-158 down to clear tab. Shift-Ctrl-M sets right margin at cursor
11055 # D send ^V
11109 # S2 6 Cursor down key (U = send ^J, D = send ^V)
11539 acsc=, clear=^Z, cnorm=\E.3, cr=\r, cub1=^H, cud1=^V, cuf1=^L,
11545 kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K, kdch1=\EW, kdl1=\ER$<1*/>,
11554 acsc=, clear=^Z, cnorm=\E.3, cr=\r, cub1=^H, cud1=^V, cuf1=^L,
11560 kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K, kdch1=\EW,
11577 cub1=^H, cud1=^V, cuf1=^L,
11583 kbs=^H, kclr=\E*0, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K,
11729 bel=^G, cbt=\EI, clear=^Z, cnorm=\E.4, cr=\r, cub1=^H, cud1=^V,
11734 kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K, kdch1=\EW, kdl1=\ER,
11841 # Finally, note that BSD has cud1=^V. -- esr)
11856 kbs=^H, kcbt=\EI, kclr=\E*, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L,
11944 civis=\E.0, cnorm=\E.2, cud1=^V, cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
11985 rmcup=\E[H\E[J\E[V, smcup=\E[U\E[?20l\E[?7h\E[1Q,
11987 # Works with vi and rogue. NOTE: Esc v sets autowrap on, Esc u sets 80 chars
12012 cnorm=\E.3, cr=\r, csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr, cub1=^H, cud1=^V,
12021 kbs=^H, kcbt=\EI, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K,
12033 rmir=\Er, rmln=\E[4;1v, rmso=\EG0, rmul=\EG0, rmxon=^N,
12034 rs1=\EC\EDF\E[0;0v\E[8;1v\E[=65l,
12035 rs2=\E.b\E[10;20v\E[14;1v\E[3;0v\E[7;0v\E[=11.h\E[=12.h\E[=1
12045 smir=\Eq, smln=\E[4;2v, smso=\EGt, smul=\EG8, smxon=^O,
12046 tbc=\E3, tsl=\E[4;1v\E_30, uc=\EG8\EG0, use=ansi+local,
12115 kf1=\E?q, kf2=\E?r, kf3=\E?s, kf4=\E?t, kf5=\E?u, kf6=\E?v,
12684 acsc='x+y.w_vi~j(k'l&m%n)o9q*s8t-u.v\,w+x=, bel=^G,
13202 kpp=\E[V, use=ansi+arrows, use=wy370-nk,
13221 kich1=\E[2~, knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V, use=ansi+arrows,
13648 # ^V^A%p1%c -- set current color attribute, parameter decodes as follows:
13658 # ^V^J%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c -- scroll (p2,p3) to (p4,p5) up by p1 lines
13659 # ^V^K%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c -- scroll (p2,p3) to (p4,p5) down by p1 lines
13660 # ^V^L%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c -- clear p2 lines and p3 cols w/attr %p1
13661 # ^V^M%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c -- fill p3 lines & p4 cols w/char p2+attr %p1
13662 # (^V^L and ^V^M set the current attribute as a side-effect.)
13663 # ^V ^Y <a> [...] <c> -- repeat pattern. <a> specifies the number of bytes
13667 # including other ^V ^Y patterns.
13669 # ^V^O -- clockwise mode on; turn print direction right each time you
13671 # ^V^P -- no-op
13672 # ^V^Q%c -- query the driver
13673 # ^V^R -- driver reset
13674 # ^V^S -- Sound tone (PC-specific)
13675 # ^V^T -- change highlight at current cursor position to %c
13676 # ^V^U%p1%c%p2%c -- highlight window <a> with attribute <b>
13677 # ^V^V%p1%c%p2%c%p3%c%p4%c%p5%c
13691 blink=^V^B, bold=^V^A^P, cr=\r, cub1=^V^E, cud1=^V^D,
13692 cuf1=^V^F, cup=\026\010%p1%c%p2%c, cuu1=^V^C, el=^V^G,
13693 ind=\n, invis=^V^A\0, rep=\031%p1%c%p2%c, rev=^V^Ap,
13698 sgr0=^V^A^G, smacs@, smso=^V^Ap, smul=^V^A^A,
13702 dch1=^V^N, rmir=\026\n\0\0\0\0, smir=^V^I, use=avatar0,
13705 civis=^V'^B, cnorm=^V'^A, cvvis=^V^C, dl1=^V-, il1=^V+,
13706 rmam=^V", rmir=^V^P, smam=^V$, use=avatar0+,
13938 kpp=\E[V, kri=\E[S, lf1=F1, lf2=F2, lf3=F3, lf4=F4, lf5=F5,
14007 kpp=\E[V, kri=\E[S, lf1=F1, lf2=F2, lf3=F3, lf4=F4, lf5=F5,
14166 bel=^G, bold=\E[5m, clear=\E[H\E[2J\E[1U\E[H\E[2J\E[1V,
14197 kRIT=\E[v, kbs=^H, kcbt=\E[Z, kcub1=\E[D, kcud1=\E[B,
14230 kRIT=\E[v, kbs=^H, kcbt=\E[Z, kcub1=\E[D, kcud1=\E[B,
14271 kpp=\E[V, kprt=\EOz, kprv=\ENg, krdo=\EOt, kref=\EOb,
14410 kind=\E[S, knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V, ll=\E[24H, mc4=\E[?4i,
14421 acsc=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x
14423 cub1=\E[D, kend=\E[F, kf1=\E[M, kf10=\E[V, kf2=\E[N,
14475 knp=\E[U, knxt=\ENh, kopn=\EOv, kopt=\EOr, kpp=\E[V,
14557 kpp=\E[V, kprt=\EOz, kprv=\ENg, krdo=\EOt, kref=\EOb,
14696 kil1=\E[L, knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V, ll=\E[24H, nel=\EE,
14892 # V= Software version number
15015 kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K, kf0=^A0\r, kf1=^A1\r,
15046 cbt=\EI, civis=\E.0, clear=\E+, cnorm=\E.4, cub1=^H, cud1=^V,
15050 invis@, is2=\Eg\El, kbs=^H, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L,
15228 mc5=\E[v, mc5p=\E[%p1%dv, rc=\E8,
15627 bel=^G, clear=\E[H\E[2J, cnorm=\E[V\E8, cub1=^H,
15677 OTnl=\EM, bel=^G, blink=\E[5m, bold=\E[1m, civis=\E[1v,
15678 cnorm=\E[0;3;4v, cr=\r, cub1=^H, cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
15679 cvvis=\E[3;5v, flash=\E[?5l$<200/>\E[?5h, home=\E[H,
15773 el=^V, home=^Y, il1=\EL, ind=\n,
15793 cup=\E1%p2%{32}%+%c%p1%{32}%+%c, cuu1=^Z, el=^V,
15806 dl1=\EJ$<6*/>, ed=^X, el=^V, home=^Y, il1=\EL$<6*/>, ind=\n,
15808 kdl1=\EL, ked=^X, kel=^V, kf0=\EA, kf1=\EB, kf2=\EC, kf3=\ED,
15837 kf1=^^r, kf2=^^s, kf3=^^t, kf4=^^u, kf5=^^v, kf6=^^w, kf7=^^x,
15839 ri=\036W =\036V, rmir=, rmkx=^^^Rl, rmso=^^E, rmul=^],
16297 kf8=^\008\r, kf9=^\009\r, kind=\E[T, knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V,
16473 kf42=^^), kf43=^^*, kf44=^^+, kf5=^^u, kf6=^^v, kf7=^^w,
16487 kf58=^^-, kf59=^^., kf6=^^v, kf60=^^\s, kf7=^^w, kf8=^^x,
16606 kf2=^^r, kf3=^^s, kf4=^^t, kf5=^^u, kf6=^^v, kf7=^^w, kf8=^^x,
16670 kcuu1=^W, kf0=^^q, kf1=^^r, kf2=^^s, kf3=^^t, kf4=^^u, kf5=^^v,
16716 # \E[2;1;1;1v
16725 is2=\E[2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4\017, mc0=\E[i, use=dgkeys+8b,
16729 # \E[2;0;1;0v
16736 is2=\E[2;0;1;0v\E(0\017, use=dgkeys+7b, use=d211,
16757 acsc=a\177j$k"l!m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*, blink=^^PI,
16820 rev=\E[7;50m, rmkx=\E[2;1v, rmso=\E[50m, rmul=\E[50m,
16824 sgr0=\E[50m\E)4\017, smkx=\E[2;0v, smso=\E[2;7;50m,
16851 acsc=j$k"l!m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*, civis=^^FQ0, cnorm=^^FQ2,
16872 # \E[5;0v - normal (80 column) mode
16881 # \E[3;2;2;1;1;1v
16894 # \E[4;0;2;1;1;1v
16902 acsc=j$k"l!m#n)q+t'u&v(w%x*, civis=\E[3;0v,
16903 cnorm=\E[3;2v, dch=\E[%p1%dP, dch1=\E[P, ich=\E[%p1%d@,
16905 is1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;0v\E[1;1;80w\E[1;6;<2h,
16906 is2=\E[3;2;2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4\017, ri=\EM,
16908 rs2=\E[4;0;2;1;1;1v\E(B\E)4,
16915 # \E[3;2;2;0;1;0v
16923 # \E[4;0;2;0;1;0v
16931 enacs=\E)6, is2=\E[3;2;2;0;1;0v\E(0\017, rmacs=^O,
16932 rs2=\E[4;0;2;0;1;0v\E(0,
16954 # \E[5;1v - compressed (135 column) mode
16964 # \E[5;1v - compressed (135 column) mode
16970 is1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[1;6;<2h,
16971 rs1=\Ec\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[<2h, use=d410,
16975 is1=\E[<0;<1;<2;<4l\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[1;6;<2h,
16976 rs1=\Ec\E[5;1v\E[1;1;126w\E[<2h, use=d410-7b,
17420 is2=\Eg\Ef\r\Ed, kbs=^H, kcbt=\EI, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V,
17428 # The f110 and f200 have problems with vi(1). They use the ^V
17430 # as ^V, the Control Character Quoting capability (^V in insert mode)
17432 # a ^V to to quote the ^V that is being remapped!!!
17442 blink=\EG2, bold=\EG0, civis=\E.1, cnorm=\E.2, cud1=^V,
17461 csr=\Em0%p1%{32}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c, cub1=^H, cud1=^V,
17466 kclr=^^, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K, kdch1=\EW,
17669 # set tab is ^F, clear (one) tab is ^V, no way to clear all tabs.
17702 kf16=\Eg, kf2=^P, kf3=^N, kf4=^V, kf5=\n, kf6=^T, kf7=^H, kf8=^?,
17901 acsc=j\352k\353l\354m\355n\356q\361t\364u\365v\366w\367x
17947 acsc=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x
18092 acsc=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x
18235 #ctrl-V Cursor down
18328 #ESC V n select video attribute mode:
18331 #ESC V 2 n define line attribute:
18336 #ESC V 3 n select character font:
18339 #ESC V 4 n select screen mode:
18342 #ESC V 5 n control mouse mode:
18438 #ESC v autopage mode on
18482 cub1=^H, cud1=^V, cuf1=^L,
18514 kf7=^VG\r, kf8=^VH\r, kf9=^VI\r, khome=^Z, rmir=^V<,
18515 rmkx=^V9, rmso=^V#\s, smir=^V;, smkx=\036:\264\026%%,
18516 smso=^V$\,,
18593 kcud1=^V, sgr0=\E(\EG0, smir=\EZ, tsl=\Eg\Ef, use=adm+sgr,
18608 # (kt7: removed obsolete :ma=^V^J^L :" -- esr)
18612 cbt=\EI, clear=^Z, cub1=^H, cud1=^V, cuf1=^L,
18616 kbs=^H, kcbt=\EI, kclr=^Z, kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L,
18629 civis=\E.0, clear=\E*, cnorm=\E.3, cr=\r, cub1=^H, cud1=^V,
18818 cnorm=\E[<4h, cr=\r, csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%d%%v, cub1=^H,
18966 # (act4: found ":ic=2^S:ei=:im=:ip=.1*^V:" commented out in 8.3 -- esr)
18979 act5|microterm5|microterm act v,
19010 mime2a|mime2a-v|microterm mime2a (emulating an enhanced VT52),
19040 kcud1=^K, kcuf1=^X, kcuu1=^Z, rmir=^V, smir=^S,
19055 bel=^G, cnorm=\E[0V\E8, cr=\r, cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
19224 ka1=\E[H, ka3=\EOu, kb2=\E[V, kc3=\E[U, kcub1=\E[D,
19283 ka1=\E[H, ka3=\EOu, kb2=\E[V, kc3=\E[U, kcub1=\E[D,
19344 ka1=\E[H, ka3=\EOu, kb2=\E[V, kc3=\E[U, kcub1=\E[D,
19740 clear=\E;, cnorm=\E.1, cr=\r, cub1=^H, cud1=^V, cuf1=^L,
19746 kcub1=^H, kcud1=^V, kcuf1=^L, kcuu1=^K, kdch1=\EW, kdl1=\ER,
19836 is1=\E!\0\EW 7o\Egf\ES7\s, kbs=^H, kcub1=\E!V,
20421 1%e%p2%{875}%<%tE:%eF4%;%?%p3%{125}%<%t0%e%p3%{250}%<
20423 4%e%p3%{750}%<%tE1%e%p3%{875}%<%tE:%eF4%;%?%p4%{125}%<
20425 %e%p4%{625}%<%tD4%e%p4%{750}%<%tE1%e%p4%{875}%<%tE:%eF
20588 acsc=j\331k\277l\332m\300n\305q\304t\303u\264v\301w\302x
20596 kpp=\E[V, ll=\E[24;1H, nel=\r, rev=\E[7m, ri=\E[T\E[A,
20621 kcuf1=^U, kcuu1=^K, kdch1=^?, nel=\r^W, ri=^V, rmso=^N,
20637 nel=\r$<100/>, rev=^O, ri=^V, rmso=^N, rs1=^R^N, sgr0=^N,
20651 kcuf1=^U, kcuu1=^K, rev=^O, ri=^V, rmso=^N, rs1=^R^N, sgr0=^N,
20733 # (apple-v: added it#8 -- esr)
21073 \331k\277l\332m\300n\305o~p\304q\304r\304s_t\303u\264v
21087 kich1=\E[@, knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V, lf0@, lf1@, lf2@, lf3@, lf4@, lf5@,
21107 ich1=\E[@, ind=\n, kf0=\E[Y, kf1=\E[V, kf2=\E[U, kf3=\E[T,
21243 acsc=j+k+l+m+n+o~q`s_t+u+v+w+x|, bel=^G, blink=\EH,
21331 .smacs=^N, C0=}#f[j+k+l+m+n+o~q=s_t+u+v+w+x!0\032,
21387 XC=B%\E(B\,\243\E(3}\,\247\E(R[\,\257\E(3v\,\260\E(3f\,\261
21393 \333U\,\334\E(3V\,\335Y\,\337\E(3{\,\340\E(3A\,\341a\,
21405 .acsc=ffggj+k+l+m+n+ovq-swt+u+v+w+xx}}\,m+k.l-j0
21409 C0=ffggj+k+l+m+n+ovq-swt+u+v+w+xx}}\,m+k.l-j0\177,
21411 XC=B%\E(B\,\243\E(3}\,\247\E(R[\,\257\E(3v\,\260\E(3f\,\261
21478 \314u\271v\312w\313x\272y\363z\362{\343|\252~\372,
21855 # SCP select status line: ^[[0;98v
21857 # SCP select main partition: ^[[v
21875 acsc=``aaffggj)k\,l&m#n/ooppq*rrsst'u-v+w.x%yyzz{{||}}~~,
21879 dsl=\EPY99:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v, fsl=\E[v,
21889 rev=\E[0;7m, rmacs=^O, rmcup=\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v,
21895 tsl=\EPY99:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[2;7m, use=ansi+arrows,
21900 dsl=\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[v, fsl=\E[v, is3=\Eb, tsl=\E[0;98v,
21908 dsl=\EPY99:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[2J\E[H\E[v, el=\E[K\E[m,
21909 il@, il1@, tsl=\EPY99:98\E\\\E[0;98v\E[H\E[2;7m,
22229 # SLR status line reset ^[v
22318 cup=\002%i%p1%c%p2%c, cuu1=^V, ed=^\, el=^], home=^^, ind=\n,
22319 kcub1=^U, kcud1=^W, kcuu1=^V, khome=^^,
22389 ed=^W, el=^V, home=^U, ht=^I, il1=\E^T, ind=^C,
22424 # | \E?t | \E?u | \E?v | \EC |
22435 kf1=\EP, kf2=\EQ, kf3=\ER, kf5=\E?t, kf6=\E?u, kf7=\E?v,
22503 # \E[20l Disable "linefeed newline" mode (else puts \r after \n,\f,\v)
22946 # I have mail from "Michael Berman, V.P. Sales, Modgraph" dated
23092 rs1=\E[1w\E[>37m\E[>39m\E[1v\E[20l\E[?3l\E[?6l\E[>5h\E[>6h
23207 cup=\013%p2%c%p1%c, cuu1=^A, dch1=^\^H, dl1=^Z, ed=^V, el=^F,
23211 ll=^C, ri=^O, rmso=^^^F, smso=^^^V,
23370 kf8=^Z8, kf9=^Z9, ri=\E[T, rmcup=\E[V\E[24;1f\E[?38h,
23495 kend=\E[F, kf0=\E[V, kf1=\E[M, kf2=\E[N, kf3=\E[O, kf4=\E[P,
23536 # :BS=^U:CL=^V:CR=^B:
23609 kich1=\E[@, knp=\E[U, kpp=\E[V, krmir=\E0, nel=\r\E[S,
23747 # they're confirmed by the man page for the System V display---esr)
23766 knxt=\ENh, kopn=\EOv, kopt=\EOr, kpp=\E[V, kprt=\EOz,
23844 acsc=j*k(l m"q&v%w#x-, bel=^G, blink=\EN, civis=\E],
23905 # :GC=b:GL=v:GR=t:RT=^J:\
23957 # 4) store information about foreground into U,V,W static registers
24175 cup=\020%p1%{32}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c, cuu1=^K, ed=^W, el=^V,
24479 # PP Preceding Page \E [ Pn V 1 eF -
24488 # RI Reverse Index \E M - FE - (V)
24506 # SLL Set Line Limit * \E [ Pn SPC V - - -
24512 # SPA Start of Protected Area \E V - - - (Z)
24690 # (V) ECMA-48 calls this "Reverse Line Feed" but retains the RI abbreviation.
24875 # (including the System V console) support an attribute 6 that undoes this
24958 # assigned in System V terminfo. There are some variant extension sets out
25022 # "j{G4}k{G1}l{G2}m{G3}q{GH}x{GV}t{GR}u{GL}v{GU}w{GD}n{GC}"
25040 # have the System V capabilities up to SVr1 level. After that, it supports
25896 # * dtterm enacs correction from Alexander V. Lukyanov.
26224 # * add linux-vt (Andrey V Lukyanov)