Lines Matching +full:op +full:- +full:mode
3 .\" Copyright (c) 2010-2019, 2022-2023 Ingo Schwarze <>
33 many real-world manuals use small numbers of
78 They provide free-form text to be printed; the formatting of the text
82 documents may contain only graphable 7-bit ASCII characters, the space
94 Text following an escaped double-quote
104 .Bd -literal -offset indent -compact
117 followed by either an open-parenthesis
119 for two-character sequences; an open-bracket
121 for n-character sequences (terminated at a close-bracket
126 .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent -compact
128 Two-letter em dash escape.
130 One-letter backslash escape.
154 .Bl -tag -width CW -offset indent -compact
205 .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent -compact
207 Write in \fBbold\fP, then switch to regular font mode.
209 Write in \fIitalic\fP, then return to previous font mode.
211 Write in \f(BIbold italic\fP, then return to previous font mode.
239 .Sq Li [+-]?[0-9]*.[0-9]*[:unit:] ,
244 .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent -compact
272 mini-em (1/100 em)
280 is necessarily non-portable across output media.
292 .Bl -tag -width ".Bl -tag -width 2i" -offset indent -compact
293 .It Li \&.Bl -tag -width 2i
294 two-inch tagged list indentation in
297 two-inch tagged list indentation in
306 or question mark followed by zero or more non-sentence closing
319 mark that isn't the end of a sentence, append a zero-width space
323 .Bd -literal -offset indent -compact
324 Do not end sentences mid-line like this. Instead,
334 .Bl -enum -compact
351 .Bd -literal -offset indent
395 .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent -compact
406 .It Li .Op \(dqFl a\(dq
418 .Bl -tag -width Ds
419 .It Ic \&ab Op Ar message
422 .It Ic \&ad Op Cm b | c | l | n | r
423 Set line adjustment mode for subsequent text.
433 .It Ic \&am Ar macroname Op Ar endmacro
437 .It Ic \&am1 Ar macroname Op Ar endmacro
438 Append to a macro definition, switching roff compatibility mode off
446 compatibility mode at all, it handles this request as an alias for
448 .It Ic \&ami Ar macrostring Op Ar endstring
453 .It Ic \&ami1 Ar macrostring Op Ar endstring
455 and switching roff compatibility mode off during macro execution
463 compatibility mode at all, it handles this request as an alias for
465 .It Ic \&as Ar stringname Op Ar string
466 Append to a user-defined string.
469 If a user-defined string with the specified name does not yet exist,
471 .It Ic \&as1 Ar stringname Op Ar string
472 Append to a user-defined string, switching roff compatibility mode off
480 compatibility mode at all, it handles this request as an alias for
488 .It Ic \&bd Ar font Oo Ar curfont Oc Op Ar offset
503 .It Ic \&bp Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar pagenumber
532 .It Ic \&c2 Op Ar char
533 Change the no-break control character.
535 .It Ic \&cc Op Ar char
542 .It Ic \&ce Op Ar N
556 .It Ic \&ch Ar macroname Op Ar dist
559 .It Ic \&char Ar glyph Op Ar string
581 .It Ic \&color Op Cm 1 | 0
592 .It Ic \&cp Op Cm 1 | 0
595 compatibility mode on or off.
600 .It Ic \&cs Ar font Op Ar width Op Ar emsize
601 Constant character spacing mode.
603 .It Ic \&cu Op Ar N
611 .It Ic \&dch Ar macroname Op Ar dist
614 .It Ic \&de Ar macroname Op Ar endmacro
619 .Bd -literal -offset indent
626 .Bd -literal -offset indent
641 macros or high-level macros like
659 macro, but not as a high-level macro.
663 .D1 Pf . Ar macroname Op Ar argument Op Ar argument ...
679 .Bd -literal -offset indent
696 Since macros and user-defined strings share a common string table,
699 clobbers the user-defined string
717 .It Ic \&de1 Ar macroname Op Ar endmacro
722 compatibility mode switched off during macro execution.
728 compatibility mode at all, it handles this request as an alias for
733 .It Ic \&dei Ar macrostring Op Ar endstring
741 .D1 Pf . Cm \&de No \e* Ns Bo Ar macrostring Bc Op \e* Ns Bq Ar endstring
742 .It Ic \&dei1 Ar macrostring Op Ar endstring
747 compatibility mode switched off during macro execution,
753 compatibility mode at all, it handles this request as an alias for
757 These two requests only make sense with the groff-specific intermediate
762 .It Ic \&do Ar command Op Ar argument ...
765 request or macro line with compatibility mode disabled.
767 .It Ic \&ds Ar stringname Op Oo \(dq Oc Ns Ar string
768 Define a user-defined string.
773 arguments are space-separated.
776 begins with a double-quote character, that character will not be part
780 including whitespace and double-quote characters, even trailing ones.
795 Since user-defined strings and macros share a common string table,
809 .Bd -literal -offset indent
821 .It Ic \&ds1 Ar stringname Op Oo \(dq Oc Ns Ar string
822 Define a user-defined string that will be expanded with
824 compatibility mode switched off during string expansion.
830 compatibility mode at all, it handles this request as an alias for
835 .It Ic \&dt Op Ar dist macroname
838 .It Ic \&ec Op Ar char
885 .It Ic \&ev Op Ar envname
888 .It Ic \&evc Op Ar envname
897 .It Ic \&fam Op Ar familyname
900 .It Ic \&fc Op Ar delimchar Op Ar padchar
903 .It Ic \&fchar Ar glyphname Op Ar string
912 .It Ic \&feature Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Ns Ar name
916 Break the output line and switch to fill mode,
920 In fill mode, input from subsequent input lines is added to
942 .It Ic \&fp Ar position font Op Ar filename
948 .It Ic \&fschar Ar font glyphname Op Ar string
949 Define a font-specific fallback glyph.
951 .It Ic \&fspacewidth Ar font Op Ar afmunits
952 Set a font-specific width for the space character.
954 .It Ic \&fspecial Ar curfont Op Ar font ...
957 .It Ic \&ft Op Ar font
964 .It Ic \&ftr Ar newname Op Ar oldname
967 .It Ic \&fzoom Ar font Op Ar permille
970 .It Ic \&gcolor Op Ar colorname
973 .It Ic \&hc Op Ar char
985 .It Ic \&hlm Op Ar number
1000 .It Ic \&hy Op Ar mode
1001 Set automatic hyphenation mode.
1009 .It Ic \&hym Op Ar length
1015 .It Ic \&hys Op Ar length
1031 .Bd -unfilled -offset indent
1035 .Bd -unfilled -offset indent
1047 .Bl -bullet
1059 .Pq nroff mode
1073 .Pq troff mode ,
1076 .Pq vroff mode ,
1145 Sub-conditionals, in this case, obviously inherit the truth value of
1153 matching closing-brace escape sequence
1166 .Bd -unfilled -offset indent
1181 is converted into a zero-width escape sequence if not passed as a
1193 .It Ic \&ig Op Ar endmacro
1196 .Bd -literal -offset indent
1203 .Bd -literal -offset indent
1237 .It Ic \&in Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar width
1264 emits this user-defined macro, usually without defining it.
1268 .It Ic \&kern Op Cm 1 | 0
1280 .It Ic \&lc Op Ar glyph
1297 .It Ic \&lf Ar lineno Op Ar filename
1300 .It Ic \&lg Op Cm 1 | 0
1306 .It Ic \&linetabs Op Cm 1 | 0
1307 Enable or disable line-tabs mode.
1309 .It Ic \&ll Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar width
1322 .It Ic \&lnr Ar register Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar value Op Ar increment
1325 .It Ic \&lnrf Ar register Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar value Op Ar increment
1326 Set local floating-point register.
1331 .It Ic \&ls Op Ar factor
1339 .It Ic \< Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar width
1342 .It Ic \&mc Ar glyph Op Ar dist
1353 .It Ic \&mk Op Ar register
1360 Disable adjusting without changing the adjustment mode.
1362 .It Ic \&ne Op Ar height
1367 Break the output line and switch to no-fill mode.
1382 request switches back to the default fill mode.
1384 Turn off automatic hyphenation mode.
1387 Define hyphenation-inhibiting characters.
1389 .It Ic \&nm Op Ar start Op Ar inc Op Ar space Op Ar indent
1392 .It Ic \&nn Op Ar number
1395 .It Ic \&nop Ar body
1398 .Ic \&nop
1401 .It Ic \&nr Ar register Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar expression Op Ar stepsize
1417 auto-increment feature.
1424 .Bl -tag -width Ds
1443 .Ic \&nrf Ar register Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar expression
1446 Define or change a floating-point register.
1449 Force nroff mode.
1452 Turn on no-space mode.
1454 .It Ic \&nx Op Ar filename
1469 .It Ic \&padj Op Cm 1 | 0
1470 Globally control paragraph-at-once adjustment.
1475 .It Ic \&pc Op Ar char
1485 Low-level request used by
1488 .It Ic \&pl Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar height
1495 .It Ic \&pn Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar number
1501 .It Ic \&po Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar offset
1511 .It Ic \&ps Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns size
1526 .It Ic \&pvs Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar height
1527 Change post-vertical spacing.
1532 .It Ic \&rd Op Ar prompt Op Ar argument ...
1538 .It Ic \&return Op Ar twice
1542 Remove font-specific fallback glyph definitions.
1547 .It Ic \&rj Op Ar N
1560 user-defined macros,
1564 macros, and user-defined strings can be renamed, but renaming of
1574 End no-space mode.
1576 .It Ic \&rt Op Ar dist
1579 .It Ic \&schar Ar glyph Op Ar string
1583 Define sentence-ending characters.
1585 .It Ic \&shc Op Ar glyph
1588 .It Ic \&shift Op Ar number
1624 .It Ic \&sp Op Ar height
1630 .It Ic \&spacewidth Op Cm 1 | 0
1633 .It Ic \&special Op Ar font ...
1636 .It Ic \&spreadwarn Op Ar width
1639 .It Ic \&ss Ar wordspace Op Ar sentencespace
1645 .It Ic \&substring Ar stringname startpos Op Ar endpos
1646 Replace a user-defined string with a substring.
1648 .It Ic \&sv Op Ar height
1655 Re-start a table layout, retaining the options of the prior table
1659 .It Ic \&ta Op Ar width ... Op Cm T Ar width ...
1673 .It Ic \&tc Op Ar glyph
1680 .It Ic \&ti Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar width
1716 Define transparent characters for sentence-ending.
1732 Force troff mode.
1742 .It Ic \&ul Op Ar N
1756 .It Ic \&vpt Op Cm 1 | 0
1759 .It Ic \&vs Op Oo Cm + Ns | Ns Cm - Oc Ns Ar height
1778 .It Ic \&wh Ar dist Op Ar macroname
1818 .Sq - .
1822 .Bd -literal -offset indent
1831 .Bl -tag -width 2n -compact
1834 .It Ic -
1892 .Bl -tag -width Ds
1898 The escape sequence backslash-space
1900 is an unpaddable space-sized non-breaking space character; see
1925 Non-printing zero-width character,
1941 with two-letter names, see
1944 Zero-width space transparent to end-of-sentence detection;
1978 .It Ic \e-
2001 One-twelfth em half-narrow space character, effectively zero-width in
2015 One-sixth em narrow space character, effectively zero-width in
2021 Paddable non-breaking space character.
2030 as a name for a macro or user-defined string, or
2033 This is a thoroughly non-portable groff extension.
2073 Escape character intended to not be interpreted in copy mode.
2109 .It Ic \eH\(aq Ns Oo +|- Oc Ns Ar number Ns Ic \(aq
2152 .It Ic \en Ns Oo +|- Oc Ns Ic \&[ Ns Ar name Ns Ic \&]
2181 .It Ic \eR\(aq Ns Ar name Oo +|- Oc Ns Ar number Ns Ic \(aq
2190 .It Ic \es\(aq Ns Oo +|- Oc Ns Ar number Ns Ic \(aq
2194 .Ic \es Ns Oo +|- Oc Ns Ar n ,
2195 .Ic \es Ns Oo +|- Oc Ns Ic \(aq Ns Ar number Ns Ic \(aq ,
2196 .Ic \es[ Ns Oo +|- Oc Ns Ar number Ns Ic \&] ,
2198 .Ic \es Ns Oo +|- Oc Ns Ic \&[ Ns Ar number Ns Ic \&]
2225 implementation assumes that after expansion of user-defined strings, the
2228 and zero-width escape sequences, and that each
2233 as device control function; ignored in nroff mode and by
2239 Output a string as a device control function; ignored in nroff mode and by
2261 .Bl -dash -compact
2270 and very limited support for centering; the output is always set flush-left.
2348 in PDP-11 assembly for
2355 In 1989, James Clark re-implemented troff in C++, naming it groff.
2357 .An -nosplit