Lines Matching defs:kmp_base_info

2936 typedef struct KMP_ALIGN_CACHE kmp_base_info {  struct
2941 kmp_desc_t th_info;
2942 kmp_team_p *th_team; /* team we belong to */
2943 kmp_root_p *th_root; /* pointer to root of task hierarchy */
2944 kmp_info_p *th_next_pool; /* next available thread in the pool */
2945 kmp_disp_t *th_dispatch; /* thread's dispatch data */
2946 int th_in_pool; /* in thread pool (32 bits for TCR/TCW) */
2950 int th_team_nproc; /* number of threads in a team */
2951 kmp_info_p *th_team_master; /* the team's primary thread */
2952 int th_team_serialized; /* team is serialized */
2953 microtask_t th_teams_microtask; /* save entry address for teams construct */
2954 int th_teams_level; /* save initial level of teams construct */
2962 int th_team_bt_intervals;
2963 int th_team_bt_set;
2965 kmp_uint64 th_team_bt_intervals;
2969 kmp_affin_mask_t *th_affin_mask; /* thread's current affinity mask */
2970 kmp_affinity_ids_t th_topology_ids; /* thread's current topology ids */
2971 kmp_affinity_attrs_t th_topology_attrs; /* thread's current topology attrs */
2973 omp_allocator_handle_t th_def_allocator; /* default allocator */
2976 th_set_nproc; /* if > 0, then only use this request for the next fork */
2977 int *th_set_nested_nth;
2978 bool th_nt_strict; // num_threads clause has strict modifier
2979 ident_t *th_nt_loc; // loc for strict modifier
2980 int th_nt_sev; // error severity for strict modifier
2981 const char *th_nt_msg; // error message for strict modifier
2982 int th_set_nested_nth_sz;
2984 kmp_hot_team_ptr_t *th_hot_teams; /* array of hot teams */
2987 th_set_proc_bind; /* if != proc_bind_default, use request for next fork */
2989 th_teams_size; /* number of teams/threads in teams construct */
2991 int th_current_place; /* place currently bound to */
2992 int th_new_place; /* place to bind to in par reg */
2993 int th_first_place; /* first place in partition */
2994 int th_last_place; /* last place in partition */
2996 int th_prev_level; /* previous level for affinity format */
2997 int th_prev_num_threads; /* previous num_threads for affinity format */
2999 kmp_uint64 th_bar_arrive_time; /* arrival to barrier timestamp */
3000 kmp_uint64 th_bar_min_time; /* minimum arrival time at the barrier */
3001 kmp_uint64 th_frame_time; /* frame timestamp */
3003 kmp_local_t th_local;
3004 struct private_common *th_pri_head;
3010 *th_serial_team; /*serialized team held in reserve*/
3013 ompt_thread_info_t ompt_thread_info;
3017 struct common_table *th_pri_common;
3019 volatile kmp_uint32 th_spin_here; /* thread-local location for spinning */
3022 volatile void *th_sleep_loc; // this points at a kmp_flag<T>
3023 flag_type th_sleep_loc_type; // enum type of flag stored in th_sleep_loc
3025 ident_t *th_ident;
3026 unsigned th_x; // Random number generator data
3027 unsigned th_a; // Random number generator data
3030 kmp_task_team_t *th_task_team; // Task team struct
3031 kmp_taskdata_t *th_current_task; // Innermost Task being executed
3032 kmp_uint8 th_task_state; // alternating 0/1 for task team identification
3033 kmp_uint32 th_reap_state; // Non-zero indicates thread is not
3038 kmp_uint8 th_active_in_pool; // included in count of #active threads in pool
3039 int th_active; // ! sleeping; 32 bits for TCR/TCW
3040 std::atomic<kmp_uint32> th_used_in_team; // Flag indicating use in team
3043 struct cons_header *th_cons; // used for consistency check
3046 kmp_hier_private_bdata_t *th_hier_bar_data;
3050 KMP_ALIGN_CACHE kmp_balign_t th_bar[bs_last_barrier];
3053 th_next_waiting; /* gtid+1 of next thread on lock wait queue, 0 if none */
3057 kmp_free_list_t th_free_lists[NUM_LISTS]; // Free lists for fast memory
3083 } kmp_base_info_t; argument