Lines Matching defs:__mv
198 const uint64_t __mv = 4 * __m2;
203 // uint64_t __mm = __mv - 1 - __mmShift;
221 // Only one of __mp, __mv, and __mm can be a multiple of 5, if any.
222 const uint32_t __mvMod5 = static_cast<uint32_t>(__mv) - 5 * static_cast<uint32_t>(__div5(__mv));
224 __vrIsTrailingZeros = __multipleOfPowerOf5(__mv, __q);
229 __vmIsTrailingZeros = __multipleOfPowerOf5(__mv - 1 - __mmShift, __q);
232 __vp -= __multipleOfPowerOf5(__mv + 2, __q);
244 // {__vr,__vp,__vm} is trailing zeros if {__mv,__mp,__mm} has at least __q trailing 0 bits.
245 // __mv = 4 * __m2, so it always has at least two trailing 0 bits.
248 // __mm = __mv - 1 - __mmShift, so it has 1 trailing 0 bit iff __mmShift == 1.
251 // __mp = __mv + 2, so it always has at least one trailing 0 bit.
255 // We need to compute min(ntz(__mv), __pow5Factor(__mv) - __e2) >= __q - 1
256 // <=> ntz(__mv) >= __q - 1 && __pow5Factor(__mv) - __e2 >= __q - 1
257 // <=> ntz(__mv) >= __q - 1 (__e2 is negative and -__e2 >= __q)
258 // <=> (__mv & ((1 << (__q - 1)) - 1)) == 0
260 __vrIsTrailingZeros = __multipleOfPowerOf2(__mv, __q - 1);