Lines Matching full:ic
108 .It Ctrl-D, EOF Ta Ic vi-list-or-eof
109 .It Ctrl-H, BS Ta Ic vi-delete-prev-char
110 .It Ctrl-J, LF Ta Ic ed-newline
111 .It Ctrl-M, CR Ta Ic ed-newline
112 .It Ctrl-Q Ta Ic ed-tty-start-output
113 .It Ctrl-S Ta Ic ed-tty-stop-output
114 .It Ctrl-U Ta Ic vi-kill-line-prev
115 .It Ctrl-V Ta Ic ed-quoted-insert
116 .It Ctrl-W Ta Ic ed-delete-prev-word
117 .It Ctrl-[, ESC Ta Ic vi-command-mode
118 .It Ctrl-\e, QUIT Ta Ic ed-tty-sigquit
119 .It Ctrl-?, DEL Ta Ic vi-delete-prev-char
129 .It Ctrl-A Ta Ic ed-move-to-beg
130 .It Ctrl-C, INT Ta Ic ed-tty-sigint
131 .It Ctrl-E Ta Ic ed-move-to-end
132 .It Ctrl-H, BS Ta Ic ed-delete-prev-char
133 .It Ctrl-J, LF Ta Ic ed-newline
134 .It Ctrl-K Ta Ic ed-kill-line
135 .It Ctrl-L, FF Ta Ic ed-clear-screen
136 .It Ctrl-M, CR Ta Ic ed-newline
137 .It Ctrl-N Ta Ic ed-next-history
138 .It Ctrl-O Ta Ic ed-tty-flush-output
139 .It Ctrl-P Ta Ic ed-prev-history
140 .It Ctrl-Q Ta Ic ed-tty-start-output
141 .It Ctrl-R Ta Ic ed-redisplay
142 .It Ctrl-S Ta Ic ed-tty-stop-output
143 .It Ctrl-U Ta Ic vi-kill-line-prev
144 .It Ctrl-W Ta Ic ed-delete-prev-word
145 .It Ctrl-[, ESC Ta Ic em-meta-next
146 .It Ctrl-\e, QUIT Ta Ic ed-tty-sigquit
147 .It Space Ta Ic ed-next-char
148 .It # Ta Ic vi-comment-out
149 .It $ Ta Ic ed-move-to-end
150 .It % Ta Ic vi-match
151 .It + Ta Ic ed-next-history
152 .It \&, Ta Ic vi-repeat-prev-char
153 .It - Ta Ic ed-prev-history
154 .It \&. Ta Ic vi-redo
155 .It / Ta Ic vi-search-prev
156 .It 0 Ta Ic vi-zero
157 .It 1 to 9 Ta Ic ed-argument-digit
158 .It \&: Ta Ic ed-command
159 .It \&; Ta Ic vi-repeat-next-char
160 .It \&? Ta Ic vi-search-next
161 .It @ Ta Ic vi-alias
162 .It A Ta Ic vi-add-at-eol
163 .It B Ta Ic vi-prev-big-word
164 .It C Ta Ic vi-change-to-eol
165 .It D Ta Ic ed-kill-line
166 .It E Ta Ic vi-end-big-word
167 .It F Ta Ic vi-prev-char
168 .It G Ta Ic vi-to-history-line
169 .It I Ta Ic vi-insert-at-bol
170 .It J Ta Ic ed-search-next-history
171 .It K Ta Ic ed-search-prev-history
172 .It N Ta Ic vi-repeat-search-prev
173 .It O Ta Ic ed-sequence-lead-in
174 .It P Ta Ic vi-paste-prev
175 .It R Ta Ic vi-replace-mode
176 .It S Ta Ic vi-substitute-line
177 .It T Ta Ic vi-to-prev-char
178 .It U Ta Ic vi-undo-line
179 .It W Ta Ic vi-next-big-word
180 .It X Ta Ic ed-delete-prev-char
181 .It Y Ta Ic vi-yank-end
182 .It \&[ Ta Ic ed-sequence-lead-in
183 .It ^ Ta Ic ed-move-to-beg
184 .It _ Ta Ic vi-history-word
185 .It a Ta Ic vi-add
186 .It b Ta Ic vi-prev-word
187 .It c Ta Ic vi-change-meta
188 .It d Ta Ic vi-delete-meta
189 .It e Ta Ic vi-end-word
190 .It f Ta Ic vi-next-char
191 .It h Ta Ic ed-prev-char
192 .It i Ta Ic vi-insert
193 .It j Ta Ic ed-next-history
194 .It k Ta Ic ed-prev-history
195 .It l Ta Ic ed-next-char
196 .It n Ta Ic vi-repeat-search-next
197 .It p Ta Ic vi-paste-next
198 .It r Ta Ic vi-replace-char
199 .It s Ta Ic vi-substitute-char
200 .It t Ta Ic vi-to-next-char
201 .It u Ta Ic vi-undo
202 .It v Ta Ic vi-histedit
203 .It w Ta Ic vi-next-word
204 .It x Ta Ic ed-delete-next-char
205 .It y Ta Ic vi-yank
206 .It \&| Ta Ic vi-to-column
207 .It ~ Ta Ic vi-change-case
208 .It Ctrl-?, DEL Ta Ic ed-delete-prev-char
209 .It Meta-O Ta Ic ed-sequence-lead-in
210 .It Meta-[ Ta Ic ed-sequence-lead-in
216 .It 0 to 9 Ta Ic ed-digit
217 .It Ctrl-@, NUL Ta Ic em-set-mark
218 .It Ctrl-A Ta Ic ed-move-to-beg
219 .It Ctrl-B Ta Ic ed-prev-char
220 .It Ctrl-C, INT Ta Ic ed-tty-sigint
221 .It Ctrl-D, EOF Ta Ic em-delete-or-list
222 .It Ctrl-E Ta Ic ed-move-to-end
223 .It Ctrl-F Ta Ic ed-next-char
224 .It Ctrl-H, BS Ta Ic em-delete-prev-char
225 .It Ctrl-J, LF Ta Ic ed-newline
226 .It Ctrl-K Ta Ic ed-kill-line
227 .It Ctrl-L, FF Ta Ic ed-clear-screen
228 .It Ctrl-M, CR Ta Ic ed-newline
229 .It Ctrl-N Ta Ic ed-next-history
230 .It Ctrl-O Ta Ic ed-tty-flush-output
231 .It Ctrl-P Ta Ic ed-prev-history
232 .It Ctrl-Q Ta Ic ed-tty-start-output
233 .It Ctrl-R Ta Ic ed-redisplay
234 .It Ctrl-S Ta Ic ed-tty-stop-output
235 .It Ctrl-T Ta Ic ed-transpose-chars
236 .It Ctrl-U Ta Ic ed-kill-line
237 .It Ctrl-V Ta Ic ed-quoted-insert
238 .It Ctrl-W Ta Ic em-kill-region
239 .It Ctrl-X Ta Ic ed-sequence-lead-in
240 .It Ctrl-Y Ta Ic em-yank
241 .It Ctrl-Z, TSTP Ta Ic ed-tty-sigtstp
242 .It Ctrl-[, ESC Ta Ic em-meta-next
243 .It Ctrl-\e, QUIT Ta Ic ed-tty-sigquit
244 .It Ctrl-] Ta Ic ed-tty-dsusp
245 .It Ctrl-?, DEL Ta Ic em-delete-prev-char
246 .It Ctrl-Meta-H Ta Ic ed-delete-prev-word
247 .It Ctrl-Meta-L Ta Ic ed-clear-screen
248 .It Ctrl-Meta-_ Ta Ic em-copy-prev-word
249 .It Meta-0 to 9 Ta Ic ed-argument-digit
250 .It Meta-B Ta Ic ed-prev-word
251 .It Meta-C Ta Ic em-capitol-case
252 .It Meta-D Ta Ic em-delete-next-word
253 .It Meta-F Ta Ic em-next-word
254 .It Meta-L Ta Ic em-lower-case
255 .It Meta-N Ta Ic ed-search-next-history
256 .It Meta-O Ta Ic ed-sequence-lead-in
257 .It Meta-P Ta Ic ed-search-prev-history
258 .It Meta-U Ta Ic em-upper-case
259 .It Meta-W Ta Ic em-copy-region
260 .It Meta-X Ta Ic ed-command
261 .It Meta-[ Ta Ic ed-sequence-lead-in
262 .It Meta-b Ta Ic ed-prev-word
263 .It Meta-c Ta Ic em-capitol-case
264 .It Meta-d Ta Ic em-delete-next-word
265 .It Meta-f Ta Ic em-next-word
266 .It Meta-l Ta Ic em-lower-case
267 .It Meta-n Ta Ic ed-search-next-history
268 .It Meta-p Ta Ic ed-search-prev-history
269 .It Meta-u Ta Ic em-upper-case
270 .It Meta-w Ta Ic em-copy-region
271 .It Meta-x Ta Ic ed-command
272 .It Ctrl-Meta-? Ta Ic ed-delete-prev-word
319 .It Ic ed-argument-digit Pq vi command: 1 to 9; emacs: Meta-0 to Meta-9
326 .It Ic ed-clear-screen Pq vi command: Ctrl-L; emacs: Ctrl-L, Ctrl-Meta-L
329 .It Ic ed-command Pq vi command: So \&: Sc ; emacs: Meta-X, Meta-x
336 .It Ic ed-delete-next-char Pq vi command: x
343 .It Ic ed-delete-prev-char Pq vi command: X, Ctrl-H, BS, Ctrl-?, DEL
347 .It Ic ed-delete-prev-word Pq vi: Ctrl-W; emacs: Ctrl-Meta-H, Ctrl-Meta-?
353 .It Ic ed-digit Pq emacs: 0 to 9
360 .It Ic ed-end-of-file Pq not bound by default
363 .It Ic ed-ignore Pq various
365 .It Ic ed-insert Pq vi input: almost all; emacs: printable characters
373 .It Ic ed-kill-line Pq vi command: D, Ctrl-K; emacs: Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U
377 .It Ic ed-move-to-beg Pq vi command: ^, Ctrl-A; emacs: Ctrl-A
387 .It Ic ed-move-to-end Pq vi command: $, Ctrl-E; emacs: Ctrl-E
395 .It Ic ed-newline Pq all modes: Ctrl-J, LF, Ctrl-M, CR
399 .It Ic ed-next-char Pq vi command: Space, l; emacs: Ctrl-F
409 .It Ic ed-next-history Pq vi command: j, +, Ctrl-N; emacs: Ctrl-N
414 .It Ic ed-next-line Pq not bound by default
419 .It Ic ed-prev-char Pq vi command: h; emacs: Ctrl-B
429 .It Ic ed-prev-history Pq vi command: k, -, Ctrl-P; emacs: Ctrl-P
434 .It Ic ed-prev-line Pq not bound by default
439 .It Ic ed-prev-word Pq emacs: Meta-B, Meta-b
449 .It Ic ed-quoted-insert Pq vi insert, emacs: Ctrl-V
458 .It Ic ed-redisplay Pq vi command, emacs: Ctrl-R
461 .It Ic ed-search-next-history Pq vi command: J; emacs: Meta-N, Meta-n
463 .It Ic ed-search-prev-history Pq vi command: K; emacs: Meta-P, Meta-p
465 .It Ic ed-sequence-lead-in Pq vi cmd: O, \&[; emacs: Ctrl-X;\
471 .It Ic ed-start-over Pq not bound by default
474 .It Ic ed-transpose-chars Pq emacs: Ctrl-T
481 .It Ic ed-unassigned Pq all characters not listed
483 .It Ic em-capitol-case Pq emacs: Meta-C, Meta-c
491 .It Ic em-copy-prev-word Pq emacs: Ctrl-Meta-_
496 .It Ic em-copy-region Pq emacs: Meta-W, Meta-w
499 .It Ic em-delete-next-word Pq emacs: Meta-D, Meta-d
503 .It Ic em-delete-or-list Pq emacs: Ctrl-D, EOF
509 .It Ic em-delete-prev-char Pq emacs: Ctrl-H, BS, Ctrl-?, DEL
512 .It Ic em-exchange-mark Pq not bound by default
514 .It Ic em-gosmacs-transpose Pq not bound by default
518 .It Ic em-inc-search-next Pq not bound by default
520 .It Ic em-inc-search-prev Pq not bound by default
522 .It Ic em-kill-line Pq not bound by default
525 .It Ic em-kill-region Pq emacs: Ctrl-W
529 .It Ic em-lower-case Pq emacs: Meta-L, Meta-l
532 .It Ic em-meta-next Pq vi command, emacs: Ctrl-[, ESC
538 .It Ic em-next-word Pq Meta-F, Meta-f
547 .It Ic em-set-mark Pq emacs: Ctrl-Q, NUL
549 .It Ic em-toggle-overwrite Pq not bound by default
551 .It Ic em-universal-argument Pq not bound by default
556 .It Ic em-upper-case Pq emacs: Meta-U, Meta-u
559 .It Ic em-yank Pq emacs: Ctrl-Y
561 .It Ic vi-add Pq vi command: a
565 .It Ic vi-add-at-eol Pq vi command: A
568 .It Ic vi-alias Pq vi command: @
584 .It Ic vi-change-case Pq vi command: ~
589 .It Ic vi-change-meta Pq vi command: c
595 .It Ic vi-change-to-eol Pq vi command: C
598 .It Ic vi-command-mode Pq vi insert: Ctrl-[, ESC
602 .It Ic vi-comment-out Pq vi command: #
607 .It Ic vi-delete-meta Pq vi command: d
612 .It Ic vi-delete-prev-char Pq vi insert: Ctrl-H, BS, Ctrl-?, DEL
616 .It Ic vi-end-big-word Pq vi command: E
625 .It Ic vi-end-word Pq vi command: e
634 .It Ic vi-history-word Pq vi command: _
640 .It Ic vi-insert Pq vi command: i
642 .It Ic vi-insert-at-bol Pq vi command: I
645 .It Ic vi-kill-line-prev Pq vi: Ctrl-U
648 .It Ic vi-list-or-eof Pq vi insert: Ctrl-D, EOF
651 .It Ic vi-match Pq vi command: %
664 .It Ic vi-next-big-word Pq vi command: W
674 .It Ic vi-next-char Pq vi command: f
689 .It Ic vi-next-word Pq vi command: w
698 .It Ic vi-paste-next Pq vi command: p
701 .It Ic vi-paste-prev Pq vi command: P
704 .It Ic vi-prev-big-word Pq vi command: B
714 .It Ic vi-prev-char Pq vi command: F
729 .It Ic vi-prev-word Pq vi command: b
738 .It Ic vi-redo Pq vi command: Sq \&.
740 .It Ic vi-repeat-next-char Pq vi command: Sq \&;
747 .It Ic vi-repeat-prev-char Pq vi command: Sq \&,
755 .It Ic vi-repeat-search-next Pq vi command: n
757 .It Ic vi-repeat-search-prev Pq vi command: N
760 .It Ic vi-replace-char Pq vi command: r
767 .It Ic vi-replace-mode Pq vi command: R
772 .It Ic vi-search-next Pq vi command: \&?
774 .It Ic vi-search-prev Pq vi command: /
776 .It Ic vi-substitute-char Pq vi command: s
778 .It Ic vi-substitute-line Pq vi command: S
781 .It Ic vi-to-column Pq vi command: \&|
788 .It Ic vi-to-history-line Pq vi command: G
790 .It Ic vi-to-next-char Pq vi command: t
806 .It Ic vi-to-prev-char Pq vi command: T
821 .It Ic vi-undo Pq vi command: u
823 .It Ic vi-undo-line Pq vi command: U
825 .It Ic vi-yank Pq vi command: y
830 .It Ic vi-yank-end Pq vi command: Y
833 .It Ic vi-zero Pq vi command: 0
864 .It Esc \&[ A, Esc O A Ta Ic ed-prev-history
865 .It Esc \&[ B, Esc O B Ta Ic ed-next-history
866 .It Esc \&[ C, Esc O C Ta Ic ed-next-char
867 .It Esc \&[ D, Esc O D Ta Ic ed-prev-char
868 .It Esc \&[ F, Esc O F Ta Ic ed-move-to-end
869 .It Esc \&[ H, Esc O H Ta Ic ed-move-to-beg