Lines Matching +full:gcc +full:- +full:mingw +full:- +full:w64
8 #configure="mingw32-configure"
9 #strip="i686-w64-mingw32-strip"
11 configure="mingw64-configure"
12 strip="x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip"
14 WINSSL="$HOME/Downloads/openssl-1.1.0h.tar.gz"
20 # the destination is a zipfile in the start directory
30 rm -rf "$cdir"
36 sed -e "s/$2/$3/g" < "$1".orig > "$1" && \
43 "-h")
48 echo " -h This usage information."
49 echo " -s snapshot, current date appended to version"
50 echo " -rc <nr> release candidate, the number is added to version"
51 echo " ldns-<version>rc<nr>."
52 echo " -c <tag/br> Checkout this tag or branch, (defaults to current"
54 echo " -wssl <file> Pass openssl.tar.gz file, use absolute path."
58 "-c")
62 "-s")
65 "-rc")
69 "-wssl")
74 error_cleanup "Unrecognized argument -- $1"
79 if [ -z "$CHECKOUT" ]
83 CHECKOUT=$( (git status | head -n 1 | awk '{print$3}') || echo master)
85 CHECKOUT=$( (git status | head -n 1 | awk '{print$3}') || echo develop)
92 # openssl-a.b.c/ : the openSSL source compiled
96 # ldns-nonstatic/ : ldns source compiled nonstatic
97 # ldnsinstall-nonstatic/ : install of ldns nonstatic compile
98 # openssl-nonstatic/ : nonstatic openssl source compiled
99 # sslinstall-nonstatic/ : install of nonstatic openssl compile
105 info "exporting source into $cdir/ldns-nonstatic"
106 git clone git:// ldns-nonstatic || error_cleanup "git command failed"
107 (cd ldns-nonstatic; git checkout "$CHECKOUT") || error_cleanup "Could not checkout $CHECKOUT"
108 #svn export . $cdir/ldns-nonstatic
111 (cd ldns; if test ! -f install-sh -a -f ../../install-sh; then cp ../../install-sh . ; fi; libtooli…
112 version=$(./ldns/configure --version | head -1 | awk '{ print $3 }') || \
117 version2="${version}-rc$RC"
120 replace_text "ldns-nonstatic/" "AC_INIT(ldns, $version" "AC_INIT(ldns, $version2"
128 replace_text "ldns-nonstatic/" "AC_INIT(ldns, $version" "AC_INIT(ldns, $version2"
133 gzip -cd "$WINSSL" | tar xf - || error_cleanup "tar unpack of $WINSSL failed"
135 cd openssl-* || error_cleanup "no openssl-X dir in tarball"
136 if test $configure = "mingw64-configure"; then
137 sslflags="no-shared no-asm -DOPENSSL_NO_CAPIENG mingw64"
139 sslflags="no-shared no-asm -DOPENSSL_NO_CAPIENG mingw"
142 …${warch}-w64-mingw32-gcc" AR="${warch}-w64-mingw32-ar" RANLIB="${warch}-w64-mingw32-ranlib" WINDRE…
147 cross_flag="$cross_flag --with-ssl=$sslinstall"
154 # cp install-sh because one at ../.. means libtoolize won't install it for us.
155 if test ! -f install-sh -a -f ../../install-sh; then cp ../../install-sh . ; fi
156 libtoolize -ci
157 autoreconf -fi
158 ldns_flag="--with-examples --with-drill"
171 mkdir openssl-nonstatic
172 cd openssl-nonstatic
173 # remove openssl-a.b.c/ and put in openssl-nonstatic directory
174 gzip -cd "$WINSSL" | tar xf - --strip-components=1 || error_cleanup "tar unpack of $WINSSL failed"
175 if test "$configure" = "mingw64-configure"; then
176 sslflags_nonstatic="shared no-asm -DOPENSSL_NO_CAPIENG mingw64"
178 sslflags_nonstatic="shared no-asm -DOPENSSL_NO_CAPIENG mingw"
181 …${warch}-w64-mingw32-gcc" AR="${warch}-w64-mingw32-ar" RANLIB="${warch}-w64-mingw32-ranlib" WINDRE…
186 cross_flag_nonstatic="$cross_flag_nonstatic --with-ssl=$sslinstallnonstatic"
190 ldnsinstallnonstatic="$(pwd)/ldnsinstall-nonstatic"
191 cd ldns-nonstatic
193 # cp install-sh because one at ../.. means libtoolize won't install it for us.
194 if test ! -f install-sh -a -f ../../install-sh; then cp ../../install-sh . ; fi
195 libtoolize -ci
196 autoreconf -fi
197 ldns_flag_nonstatic="--with-examples --with-drill"
209 file="ldns-$"
210 rm -f "$file"
214 installplace="$ldnsinstall/usr/$warch-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw"
215 installplacenonstatic="$ldnsinstallnonstatic/usr/$warch-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw"
221 cp "$sslinstallnonstatic"/lib/engines-*/*.dll .
230 mv ldns-config.exe ldns-config
243 for x in man1/*.1; do groff -man -Tascii -Z "$x" | grotty -cbu > cat1/"$(basename "$x" .1).txt"; do…
246 for x in man3/*.3; do groff -man -Tascii -Z "$x" | grotty -cbu > cat3/"$(basename "$x" .3).txt"; do…
247 rm -f "../../$file"
250 du -s ./*
253 zip -r ../../"$file" LICENSE README libldns.a *.dll *.dll.a Changelog *.exe include man1 man3 cat1 …
255 (cd ../.. ; zip -T "$file" ) || error_cleanup "errors in zipfile $file"
260 rm -rf "$cdir"
263 ls -lG "$file"