Lines Matching +full:rom +full:- +full:14 +full:h

2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 # Reference:
18 #
23 # skip DROID fmt-822-signature-id-1179.crt with missing packet length
25 >>0 use c64-crt
27 0 name c64-crt
29 #!:mime application/octet-stream
30 !:mime application/x-commodore-crt
32 #
36 # 32-byte null padded cartridge name like: "BUGS BUNNY" "CART64" "EasyFlash" "FINAL CARTRIDGE" "Mag…
58 >0x16 beshort 14 Magic Formel
65 >0x16 beshort 21 Comal-80
88 >0x16 beshort 41 IEEE-488
99 >0x16 beshort 52 Diashow-Maker
107 >0x16 beshort 58 RR-Net MK3
112 >0x16 beshort 63 ZIPP-CODE 48
116 >0x16 beshort 67 REX RAM-Floppy
117 >0x16 beshort 68 BIS-Plus
118 >0x16 beshort 69 SD-BOX
123 >0x16 beshort 74 H.E.R.O.
128 # cartridge hardware type: (0-78)
133 >14 ubeshort !0x2020 \b, at 14 %#x
134 # file header length like: 20h (reported wrong) 40h (default and minimum)
140 # cartridge content start with ROM signature which must be CHIP
141 >0x40 ubelong !0x43484950 \b, invalid ROM signature
143 # total packet length (length of ROM image size and header combined) like: 2010h 4010h
153 >>0x1A ubyte 2 \b, REU support, with I/O and ROM banking
155 0 string CBM2\40CARTRIDGE Commodore CBM-II cartridge
159 0 string VIC20\40CARTRIDGE Commodore VIC-20 cartridge
164 >0x16 beshort 1 Mega-Cart
178 #
189 0 string GCR-1541 GCR Image
194 2 string -LH1- LHA archive (c64)
207 #
208 #
209 #
212 # verified by command like `deark -m t64 -l -d2 Caitan_the_Demo.t64` and
213 # `cbmconvert -v2 -t -D4 ironmanoffroad.d64 ironmanoffroad.t64`
218 # skip raw Commodore TAPe by check for unsed areas (\0 filled) and valid low (40h+m*20h; m=0-FFffh)…
220 #!:mime application/octet-stream
221 #!:mime application/x-commodore-tape
223 # version like: 0100h (examples found) 0101h 0200h (no examples)
228 # tape container name, 24 characters (padded with 20h but with A0h for DirMaster created samples) l…
229 # ->ZYRON'S PD<- IMAGETAPE MY-T64-TEST\240\240\240 OPERATIONWOLF+3-711.T64
233 … tape file 2~tape file with header 3~memory snapshot 4~tape block 5~digitized stream 6-255~reserved
235 …t entry like: 0000 (empty|snapshot) 04a0h (ironmanoffroad.t64) 0801h (typically) 1201h (3501_quizm…
245 # offset (=64+32*m) into 1st container file like: 0 (empty) 60h 80h E0h 400h 440h ...
247 # 1st filename (in PETASCII, padded with 20h, not A0h) like: "DRILLINSTR. /HTL" "WIZBALL+ " …
250 # file type like: 0~Scratched 1~SEQunclosed 81h~SEQ 82h~PRG C2h~PRGlocked ...
271 #
274 # a variant starting with C16-TAPE-RAW should exist, but no examples found
275 0 string/b C64-TAPE-RAW Commodore raw Tape image (platform
276 #0 string C64-TAPE-RAW C64 Raw Tape File (.tap),
277 #!:mime application/octet-stream
278 !:mime application/x-commodore-tape
282 # computer platform like: 0~C64 1~VIC-20 2~C16 Plus/4 3~PET 4~C5x0 5~C6x0 C7x0
284 >0xD ubyte 1 VIC-20
293 #
294 # Note: called "C64 Tape image format" (v0-original) (v1-updated)" by TrID
324 # Reference:
326 #
328 # Note: "PUCrunch archive data" moved from ./archive and merged with c64-exe
334 # but sELF-ExTRACTING-zIP executable unzp6420.prg contains SYS token at end of second BASIC line (a…
335 >>23 search/30 \323ELF-E\330TRACTING-\332IP
336 >>>0 use c64-exe
338 >>>0 use c64-prg
341 >>0 use c64-exe
343 0 name c64-exe
346 # start address 0801h; next offset 080bh; BASIC line number is 239=00EFh; BASIC instruction is SYS …
350 !:mime application/x-compress-pucrunch
353 !:mime application/x-commodore-exec
355 # start address like: 801h
358 >2 use basic-line
359 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
360 >(2.s-0x800) ubyte x
361 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
362 # valid 2nd BASIC fragment found only in sELF-ExTRACTING-zIP executable unzp6420.prg
363 >>23 search/30 \323ELF-E\330TRACTING-\332IP
365 >>>(2.s-0x800) ubyte x
366 >>>>&0 use basic-line
367 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
368 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
369 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
370 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
372 0 name c64-prg
374 !:mime application/x-commodore-basic
379 # start address like: 801h
382 >2 use basic-line
383 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
384 >(2.s-0x0800) ubyte x
385 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
387 >>&0 use basic-line
388 # zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
389 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
390 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
391 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
394 # Reference:
399 …th 51 (50+1) is too generic because it matches SVr3 curses screen image, big-endian with strength …
406 >>>>0 use c128-prg
409 >>>>0 use c128-exe
414 #>0 use c128-prg
417 # start adress 4001h
419 #>0 use c128-prg
421 0 name c128-prg
423 !:mime application/x-commodore-basic
428 >2 use basic-line
429 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
430 >(2.s-0x1C00) ubyte x
431 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
433 >>&0 use basic-line
434 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
435 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
436 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
437 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
439 0 name c128-exe
441 !:mime application/x-commodore-exec
446 >2 use basic-line
447 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
448 >(2.s-0x1C00) ubyte x
449 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
451 #>>&0 use basic-line
452 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
453 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
454 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
455 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
456 # Summary: binary executable or Basic program for Commodore C16/VIC-20/Plus4 computers
458 # Reference:
459 # defs/p/prg-plus4.trid.xml
461 # Note: there exist VIC-20 variants with different start address
465 …lar Novell LANalyzer capture (novell-2.tr1 novell-lanalyzer.tr1 novell-win10.tr1) with "invalid lo…
467 # skip regular Novell LANalyzer capture (novell-2.tr1 novell-lanalyzer.tr1 novell-win10.tr1) with "…
474 >>>(2.s-0x1000) ubyte =0
475 >>>>0 use c16-prg
477 >>>(2.s-0x1000) ubyte !0
478 >>>>0 use c16-exe
481 >>>0 use c16-exe
483 0 name c16-exe
484 >0 uleshort x Commodore C16/VIC-20/Plus4 program
485 !:mime application/x-commodore-exec
487 # start address like: 1001h
490 >2 use basic-line
491 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
492 >(2.s-0x1000) ubyte x
493 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
495 #>>&0 use basic-line
496 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
497 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
498 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
499 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
501 0 name c16-prg
502 >0 uleshort x Commodore C16/VIC-20/Plus4 BASIC program
503 !:mime application/x-commodore-basic
505 # start address like: 1001h
508 >2 use basic-line
509 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
510 >(2.s-0x1000) ubyte x
511 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
513 >>&0 use basic-line
514 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
515 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
516 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
517 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
518 # Summary: binary executable or Basic program for Commodore VIC-20 computer with 8K RAM expansion
519 # URL:
520 # Reference:
522 # Note: Basic v2.0 with Basic v4.0 extension (VIC20); there exist VIC-20 variants with different s…
523 # start adress 1201h
527 >>0 use vic-prg
530 >>0 use vic-exe
531 # display information about Commodore VIC-20 BASIC+8K program (memory address, line number, token)
532 0 name vic-prg
533 >0 uleshort x Commodore VIC-20 +8K BASIC program
534 !:mime application/x-commodore-basic
536 # start address like: 1201h
539 >2 use basic-line
540 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
541 >(2.s-0x1200) ubyte x
542 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
544 >>&0 use basic-line
545 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
546 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
547 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
548 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
549 # display information about Commodore VIC-20 +8K program (memory address, line number, token)
550 0 name vic-exe
551 >0 uleshort x Commodore VIC-20 +8K program
552 !:mime application/x-commodore-exec
554 # start address like: 1201h
557 >2 use basic-line
558 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
559 >(2.s-0x0400) ubyte x
560 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
562 #>>&0 use basic-line
563 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
564 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
565 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
566 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
569 # Reference:
571 # start adress 0401h
575 # (strength=48=50-2) handled by ./archive and shared library (strength=50) handled by ./ibm6000
576 …TComp archive data, ASCII, 1K dictionary ttcomp-ascii-1k.bin with "invalid high" second line offse…
581 #>>>(2.s-0x0400) ubyte =0 END_OF_LINE_OK
584 >>>0 use pet-prg
587 >>>0 use pet-exe
589 0 name pet-prg
591 !:mime application/x-commodore-basic
593 # start address like: 0401h
596 >2 use basic-line
597 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
598 >(2.s-0x0400) ubyte x
600 >>&0 use basic-line
601 # zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
602 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
603 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
604 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
606 0 name pet-exe
608 !:mime application/x-commodore-exec
610 # start address like: 0401h
613 >2 use basic-line
614 # jump to 1 byte before next BASIC fragment; this must be zero-byte marking the end of line
615 >(2.s-0x0400) ubyte x
616 >>&-1 ubyte !0 \b, no EOL=%#x
618 #>>&0 use basic-line
619 # Zero-byte marking the end of the BASIC line
620 >-3 ubyte !0 \b, 3 last bytes %#2.2x
621 # Two zero-bytes in place of the pointer to next BASIC line indicates the end of the program
622 >>-2 ubeshort x \b%4.4x
624 0 name basic-line
626 # greater then previous offset but maximal 100h difference
636 >>14 ubequad x \b%16.16llx...
638 #>>3 string x "%-0.30s"
642 #
643 # The "high-bit" bytes from #128-#254 stood for the various BASIC commands and mathematical operato…
645 #
650 #
652 # string like: "Hello world" "\021 \323ELF-E\330TRACTING-\332IP (64 ONLY)\016\231":\2362141
655 #
658 >>>5 regex \^[0-9,\040]+ %s
660 >>>>&-2 ubyte =0x3A
663 # 0x9e=\236
665 # SYS <Address> parameter is a 16-bit unsigned integer; in the range 0 - 65535
666 >>>5 regex \^[0-9]{1,5} %s
667 # maybe followed by spaces, "control-characters" or colon (:) followed by next commnds or in victra…
670 #