Lines Matching full:string

11 0	string		.snd		Sun/NeXT audio data:
86 0 string MThd Standard MIDI data
94 0 string CTMF Creative Music (CMF) data
96 0 string SBI SoundBlaster instrument data
98 0 string Creative\ Voice\ File Creative Labs voice data
105 # first entry is also the string "NTRK"
111 0 string EMOD Extended MOD sound data,
121 0 string .RMF\0\0\0 RealMedia file
132 #0 string MTM MultiTracker Module sound file
133 #0 string if Composer 669 Module sound data
134 #0 string JN Composer 669 Module sound data (extended format)
135 0 string MAS_U ULT(imate) Module sound data
137 #0 string FAR Module sound data
138 #>4 string >\15 Title: "%s"
140 0x2c string SCRM ScreamTracker III Module sound data
141 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
145 0x16 string \!Scream\! ScreamTracker Module sound data
146 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
151 0 string GF1PATCH110\0ID#000002\0 GUS patch
152 0 string GF1PATCH100\0ID#000002\0 Old GUS patch
168 0 string MAS_UTrack_V00
169 >14 string >/0 ultratracker V1.%.1s module sound data
173 0 string UN05 MikMod UNI format module sound data
175 0 string Extended\ Module: Fasttracker II module sound data
178 >17 string >\0 Title: "%s"
180 21 string/c =!SCREAM! Screamtracker 2 module sound data
183 21 string BMOD2STM Screamtracker 2 module sound data
187 1080 string \!PM! 4-channel Protracker module sound data
190 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
192 1080 string M.K. 4-channel Protracker module sound data
195 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
197 1080 string M!K! 4-channel Protracker module sound data
200 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
202 1080 string FLT4 4-channel Startracker module sound data
205 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
207 1080 string FLT8 8-channel Startracker module sound data
210 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
212 1080 string 4CHN 4-channel Fasttracker module sound data
215 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
217 1080 string 6CHN 6-channel Fasttracker module sound data
220 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
222 1080 string 8CHN 8-channel Fasttracker module sound data
225 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
227 1080 string CD81 8-channel Octalyser module sound data
230 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
232 1080 string OKTA 8-channel Octalyzer module sound data
235 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
238 #1082 string CH
239 #>1080 string >/0 %.2s-channel Fasttracker "oktalyzer" module sound data
240 1080 string 16CN 16-channel Taketracker module sound data
243 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
244 1080 string 32CN 32-channel Taketracker module sound data
247 >0 string >\0 Title: "%s"
251 0 string TOC TOC sound file
255 0 string SIDPLAY\ INFOFILE Sidplay info file
257 0 string PSID PlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune
262 >0x16 string >\0 name: "%s"
263 >0x36 string >\0 author: "%s"
264 >0x56 string >\0 copyright: "%s"
266 0 string RSID RSID sidtune PlaySID compatible
271 >0x16 string >\0 name: "%s"
272 >0x36 string >\0 author: "%s"
273 >0x56 string >\0 copyright: "%s"
287 0 string NIST_1A\n\ \ \ 1024\n NIST SPHERE file
290 0 string SOUND\ SAMPLE\ DATA\ Sample Vision file
293 0 string 2BIT Audio Visual Research file,
313 0 string _SGI_SoundTrack SGI SoundTrack project file
315 0 string ID3 Audio file with ID3 version 2
325 0 string NESM\x1a NES Sound File
326 >14 string >\0 ("%s" by
327 >46 string >\0 %s, copyright
328 >78 string >\0 %s),
338 0 string NSFE Extended NES Sound File
340 >>&0 string >\0 ("%s"
341 >>>&1 string >\0 by %s
342 >>>>&1 string >\0 \b, copyright %s
343 >>>>>&1 string >\0 \b, ripped by %s
352 0 string SNES-SPC700\ Sound\ File\ Data\ v SNES SPC700 sound file
353 >&0 string 0.30 \b, version %s
356 >>>0x2E string >\0 \b, song "%.32s"
357 >>>0x4E string >\0 \b, game "%.32s"
360 0 string IMPM Impulse Tracker module sound data -
362 >4 string >\0 "%s"
367 60 string IM10 Imago Orpheus module sound data -
368 >0 string >\0 "%s"
374 0 string IMPS Impulse Tracker Sample
379 0 string IMPI Impulse Tracker Instrument
385 0 string LM8953 Yamaha TX Wave
395 76 string SCRS Scream Tracker Sample
408 0 string MMD0 MED music file, version 0
409 0 string MMD1 OctaMED Pro music file, version 1
410 0 string MMD3 OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3
411 0 string OctaMEDCmpr OctaMED Soundstudio compressed file
412 0 string MED MED_Song
413 0 string SymM Symphonie SymMOD music file
417 0 string THX AHX version
424 >(4.H) string x Title: "%.128s"
427 0 string HVL
438 >(4.H) string x Title: "%.128s"
441 0 string OKTASONG Oktalyzer module data
443 0 string DIGI\ Booster\ module\0 %s
448 >610 string >\0 \b, "%s"
450 0 string DBM0 DIGI Booster Pro Module
453 >16 string >\0 \b, "%s"
455 0 string FTMN FaceTheMusic module
456 >16 string >\0d \b, "%s"
459 0 string AMShdr\32 Velvet Studio AMS Module v2.2
460 0 string Extreme Extreme Tracker AMS Module v1.3
461 0 string DDMF Xtracker DMF Module
463 >0xD string >\0 Title: "%s"
464 >0x2B string >\0 Composer: "%s"
465 0 string DSM\32 Dynamic Studio Module DSM
466 0 string SONG DigiTrekker DTM Module
467 0 string DMDL DigiTrakker MDL Module
468 0 string PSM\32 Protracker Studio PSM Module
469 44 string PTMF Poly Tracker PTM Module
470 >0 string >\32 Title: "%s"
471 0 string MT20 MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2
472 0 string RAD\40by\40REALiTY!! RAD Adlib Tracker Module RAD
473 0 string RTMM RTM Module
474 0x426 string MaDoKaN96 XMS Adlib Module
475 >0 string >\0 Composer: "%s"
476 0 string AMF AMF Module
477 >4 string >\0 Title: "%s"
478 0 string MODINFO1 Open Cubic Player Module Information MDZ
479 0 string Extended\40Instrument: Fast Tracker II Instrument
483 0 string \210NOA\015\012\032 NOA Nancy Codec Movie file
485 0 string MMMD Yamaha SMAF file
487 0 string \001Sharp\040JisakuMelody SHARP Cell-Phone ringing Melody
488 >20 string Ver01.00 Ver. 1.00
493 0 string fLaC FLAC audio bitstream data
537 0 string VBOX VBOX voice message data
541 8 string RB40 RBS Song file
542 >29 string ReBorn created by ReBorn
543 >37 string Propellerhead created by ReBirth
546 0 string A#S#C#S#S#L#V#3 Synthesizer Generator or Kimwitu data
548 0 string A#S#C#S#S#L#HUB Kimwitu++ data
551 0 string TFMX-SONG TFMX module sound data
556 0 string MAC\040 Monkey's Audio compressed format
581 0 string BambooTracker BambooTracker
582 >13 string Mod Module
583 >13 string Ist Instrument
584 >13 string Bnk Bank
589 0 string CC2x CheeseCutter 2 song
591 0 string RAWADATA RdosPlay RAW
593 1068 string RoR AMUSIC Adlib Tracker
595 0 string JCH EdLib
597 0 string mpu401tr MPU-401 Trakker
599 0 string SAdT Surprise! Adlib Tracker
602 0 string XAD! eXotic ADlib
604 0 string ofTAZ! eXtra Simple Music
606 0 string FMK! FM Kingtracker Song
608 0 string DFM DFM Song
610 0 string \<CUD-FM-File\> CFF Song
612 0 string _A2module A2M Song
616 0 string ZXAYEMUL Spectrum 128 tune
618 0 string \0BONK BONK,
625 384 string LockStream LockStream Embedded file (mostly MP3 on old Nokia phones)
630 0 string TWIN97012000 VQF data
638 0 string Winamp\ EQ\ library\ file %s
641 >23 string x \b%.4s
643 0 string [Equalizer\ preset] XMMS equalizer preset
650 1 string [licq] LICQ configuration file
656 12 string SNDH SNDH Atari ST music
660 0 string SC68\ Music-file\ /\ (c)\ (BeN)jami sc68 Atari ST music
663 0 string MP+ Musepack audio (MP+)
697 0 string MPCK Musepack audio (MPCK)
705 0 string BEGIN:IMELODY iMelody Ringtone Format
709 0 string \030FICHIER\ GUITAR\ PRO\ v3. Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature
712 60 string SONG SoundFX Module sound file
724 0 string #!AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec
731 >5 string -WB (Wideband)
749 0 string SCgf SuperCollider3 Synth Definition file,
755 0 string TTA1 True Audio Lossless Audio
760 0 string wvpk WavPack Lossless Audio
764 0 string Vgm\040
869 0 string SCOW
873 0 string ZBOT
881 0 string AUDIMG
882 # skip text files starting with string "AUDIMG"
887 >>6 string x \b, version %3.3s
919 >>>>>(&-8.l) string RIFF
934 0 string GDM
936 >>0x4 string >\0 title: "%s"
937 >>0x24 string >\0 musician: "%s"
940 >>>>>0x47 string GMFS Version
947 0 string MTM Multitracker
950 >>0x4 string >\0 title: "%s"
952 0 string MO3
960 0 string ADRVPACK AProSys module
964 0 string AON
965 >4 string "ArtOfNoise by Bastian Spiegel(twice/lego)"
966 >0x2e string NAME Art of Noise Tracker Song
967 >3 string <9
968 >>3 string 4 (4 voices)
969 >>3 string 8 (8 voices)
970 >>0x36 string >\0 Title: "%s"
972 0 string FAR
979 >>>>>0x4 string >\0 \b, title: "%s"
983 0 string cyd!song Klystrack song
1003 0 string cyd!inst Klystrack instrument
1008 0 string WOPL3-INST\0 WOPL instrument
1010 0 string WOPL3-BANK\0 WOPL instrument bank
1015 0 string Junglevision\ Patch\ File Junglevision instrument data
1016 0 string #OPL_II# DMX OP2 instrument data
1017 0 string IBK\x1a IBK instrument data
1018 0 string 2OP\x1a IBK instrument data, 2 operators
1019 0 string 4OP\x1a IBK instrument data, 4 operators
1020 2 string ADLIB- AdLib instrument data
1030 >(2.S-2) string (c)CRI CRI ADX ADPCM audio
1050 0 string LA
1051 >2 string 03 Lossless audio version 0.3
1052 >2 string 04 Lossless audio version 0.4
1061 0 string PSF
1083 >0 string PSF Portable Sound Format
1098 0 string SAP\r\n Atari 8-bit SAP audio file
1102 >>&1 string x \b: %s
1104 >>>&1 string x by %s
1110 >(0x10.L) string HEAD \b:
1127 0 string RSTM Nintendo Wii BRSTM audio file
1138 >(0x18.l) string INFO \b:
1155 0 string CSTM Nintendo 3DS BCSTM audio file
1168 0 string FSTM Nintendo Wii U BFSTM audio file
1180 >(0x18.l) string INFO \b:
1193 0 string CWAV Nintendo 3DS BCWAV audio file
1206 0 string FRM8
1207 12 string DSD\x20 DSDIFF audio bitstream data
1212 >&0 string FVER
1217 >>>&0 string x \b, 1 bit
1221 >>>>&8 string SND
1227 >>>>>>>&0 string SLFTSRGT \b, stereo
1230 >>>>>>>&0 string SLFTSRGTLFE\x20 \b, 2.1 stereo
1231 >>>>>>>&0 string SLFTSRGTC\x20\x20\x20 \b, 3.0 stereo
1234 >>>>>>>&0 string MLFTMRGTLS\x20\x20RS\x20\x20 \b, 4.0 surround
1235 >>>>>>>&0 string SLFTSRGTC\x20\x20\x20LFE\x20 \b, 3.1 stereo
1238 >>>>>>>&0 string MLFTMRGTC\x20\x20\x20LS\x20\x20RS\x20\x20 \b, 5.0 surround
1239 >>>>>>>&0 string MLFTMRGTLFE\x20LS\x20\x20RS\x20\x20 \b, 4.1 surround
1242 >>>>>>>&0 string MLFTMRGTC\x20\x20\x20LFE\x20LS\x20\x20RS\x20\x20 \b, 5.1 surround
1248 >>>>>>&0 string x \b,
1255 >>>>>>&8 string DSD\x20 \b, no compression
1256 >>>>>>&8 string DST\x20 \b, DST compression
1260 >>>&0 string x
1268 >>>>>&8 string ID3 \b, ID3 version 2
1283 0 string DSD\x20 DSF audio bitstream data
1288 >28 string fmt\x20
1294 >>>&0 string x \b, 1 bit
1308 >>>>&0 string x \b,
1314 >>>>&0 string x
1319 >>>0 string x \b, ID3
1321 >>>>>(20.q) string ID3 version 2
1332 4 string \\roll\\default AdLib Visual Composer ROL file