Lines Matching refs:T

92 #define NSSEP T('\001')
99 case T('&'): in characterData()
100 fputts(T("&"), fp); in characterData()
102 case T('<'): in characterData()
103 fputts(T("&lt;"), fp); in characterData()
105 case T('>'): in characterData()
106 fputts(T("&gt;"), fp); in characterData()
110 fputts(T("&#xD;"), fp); in characterData()
113 case T('"'): in characterData()
114 fputts(T("&quot;"), fp); in characterData()
119 ftprintf(fp, T("&#%d;"), *s); in characterData()
131 puttc(T('='), fp); in attributeValue()
132 puttc(T('"'), fp); in attributeValue()
138 puttc(T('"'), fp); in attributeValue()
140 case T('&'): in attributeValue()
141 fputts(T("&amp;"), fp); in attributeValue()
143 case T('<'): in attributeValue()
144 fputts(T("&lt;"), fp); in attributeValue()
146 case T('"'): in attributeValue()
147 fputts(T("&quot;"), fp); in attributeValue()
151 fputts(T("&#x9;"), fp); in attributeValue()
154 fputts(T("&#xA;"), fp); in attributeValue()
157 fputts(T("&#xD;"), fp); in attributeValue()
160 case T('>'): in attributeValue()
161 fputts(T("&gt;"), fp); in attributeValue()
166 ftprintf(fp, T("&#%d;"), *s); in attributeValue()
190 puttc(T('<'), fp); in startElement()
200 puttc(T(' '), fp); in startElement()
205 puttc(T('>'), fp); in startElement()
211 puttc(T('<'), fp); in endElement()
212 puttc(T('/'), fp); in endElement()
214 puttc(T('>'), fp); in endElement()
235 puttc(T('<'), fp); in startElementNS()
239 fputts(T("n1:"), fp); in startElementNS()
241 fputts(T(" xmlns:n1"), fp); in startElementNS()
258 puttc(T(' '), fp); in startElementNS()
260 ftprintf(fp, T("n%d:"), nsi); in startElementNS()
266 ftprintf(fp, T(" xmlns:n%d"), nsi++); in startElementNS()
271 puttc(T('>'), fp); in startElementNS()
278 puttc(T('<'), fp); in endElementNS()
279 puttc(T('/'), fp); in endElementNS()
282 fputts(T("n1:"), fp); in endElementNS()
286 puttc(T('>'), fp); in endElementNS()
295 puttc(T('<'), fp); in processingInstruction()
296 puttc(T('?'), fp); in processingInstruction()
298 puttc(T(' '), fp); in processingInstruction()
300 puttc(T('?'), fp); in processingInstruction()
301 puttc(T('>'), fp); in processingInstruction()
411 fputts(T("<!DOCTYPE "), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
413 fputts(T(" [\n"), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
417 fputts(T("<!NOTATION "), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
420 fputts(T(" PUBLIC '"), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
422 puttc(T('\''), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
424 puttc(T(' '), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
425 puttc(T('\''), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
427 puttc(T('\''), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
430 fputts(T(" SYSTEM '"), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
432 puttc(T('\''), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
434 puttc(T('>'), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
435 puttc(T('\n'), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
439 fputts(T("]>\n"), data->fp); in endDoctypeDecl()
564 ftprintf(fp, T(" uri=\"%s\""), uri); in metaLocation()
566 T(" byte=\"%") T(XML_FMT_INT_MOD) T("d\"") T(" nbytes=\"%d\"") in metaLocation()
567 T(" line=\"%") T(XML_FMT_INT_MOD) T("u\"") T(" col=\"%") in metaLocation()
568 T(XML_FMT_INT_MOD) T("u\""), in metaLocation()
576 fputts(T("<document>\n"), in metaStartDocument()
582 fputts(T("</document>\n"), in metaEndDocument()
600 ftprintf(fp, T("<starttag name=\"%s\""), name); in metaStartElement()
603 fputts(T(">\n"), fp); in metaStartElement()
605 ftprintf(fp, T("<attribute name=\"%s\" value=\""), atts[0]); in metaStartElement()
608 fputts(T("\" defaulted=\"yes\"/>\n"), fp); in metaStartElement()
610 fputts(T("\" id=\"yes\"/>\n"), fp); in metaStartElement()
612 fputts(T("\"/>\n"), fp); in metaStartElement()
614 fputts(T("</starttag>\n"), fp); in metaStartElement()
616 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaStartElement()
624 ftprintf(fp, T("<endtag name=\"%s\""), name); in metaEndElement()
626 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaEndElement()
635 ftprintf(fp, T("<pi target=\"%s\" data=\""), target); in metaProcessingInstruction()
637 puttc(T('"'), fp); in metaProcessingInstruction()
639 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaProcessingInstruction()
647 fputts(T("<comment data=\""), fp); in metaComment()
649 puttc(T('"'), fp); in metaComment()
651 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaComment()
659 fputts(T("<startcdata"), fp); in metaStartCdataSection()
661 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaStartCdataSection()
669 fputts(T("<endcdata"), fp); in metaEndCdataSection()
671 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaEndCdataSection()
679 fputts(T("<chars str=\""), fp); in metaCharacterData()
681 puttc(T('"'), fp); in metaCharacterData()
683 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaCharacterData()
696 ftprintf(fp, T("<startdoctype name=\"%s\""), doctypeName); in metaStartDoctypeDecl()
698 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaStartDoctypeDecl()
706 fputts(T("<enddoctype"), fp); in metaEndDoctypeDecl()
708 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaEndDoctypeDecl()
719 ftprintf(fp, T("<notation name=\"%s\""), notationName); in metaNotationDecl()
721 ftprintf(fp, T(" public=\"%s\""), publicId); in metaNotationDecl()
723 fputts(T(" system=\""), fp); in metaNotationDecl()
725 puttc(T('"'), fp); in metaNotationDecl()
728 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaNotationDecl()
743 ftprintf(fp, T("<entity name=\"%s\""), entityName); in metaEntityDecl()
745 puttc(T('>'), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
747 fputts(T("</entity/>\n"), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
749 ftprintf(fp, T("<entity name=\"%s\""), entityName); in metaEntityDecl()
751 ftprintf(fp, T(" public=\"%s\""), publicId); in metaEntityDecl()
752 fputts(T(" system=\""), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
754 puttc(T('"'), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
755 ftprintf(fp, T(" notation=\"%s\""), notationName); in metaEntityDecl()
757 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
759 ftprintf(fp, T("<entity name=\"%s\""), entityName); in metaEntityDecl()
761 ftprintf(fp, T(" public=\"%s\""), publicId); in metaEntityDecl()
762 fputts(T(" system=\""), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
764 puttc(T('"'), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
766 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaEntityDecl()
776 fputts(T("<startns"), fp); in metaStartNamespaceDecl()
778 ftprintf(fp, T(" prefix=\"%s\""), prefix); in metaStartNamespaceDecl()
780 fputts(T(" ns=\""), fp); in metaStartNamespaceDecl()
782 fputts(T("\"/>\n"), fp); in metaStartNamespaceDecl()
784 fputts(T("/>\n"), fp); in metaStartNamespaceDecl()
793 fputts(T("<endns/>\n"), fp); in metaEndNamespaceDecl()
795 ftprintf(fp, T("<endns prefix=\"%s\"/>\n"), prefix); in metaEndNamespaceDecl()
806 static const XML_Char prefixL[] = T("windows-"); in unknownEncoding()
807 static const XML_Char prefixU[] = T("WINDOWS-"); in unknownEncoding()
817 static const XML_Char digits[] = T("0123456789"); in unknownEncoding()
859 ftprintf(stdout, T("%s using %s\n"), prog, XML_ExpatVersion()); in showVersion()
862 ftprintf(stdout, T("%s"), features[0].name); in showVersion()
864 ftprintf(stdout, T("=%ld"), features[0].value); in showVersion()
866 ftprintf(stdout, T(", %s"), features[i].name); in showVersion()
868 ftprintf(stdout, T("=%ld"), features[i].value); in showVersion()
871 ftprintf(stdout, T("\n")); in showVersion()
888 T("usage:\n") in usage()
889 T(" %s [OPTIONS] [FILE ...]\n") in usage()
890 T(" %s -h|--help\n") in usage()
891 T(" %s -v|--version\n") in usage()
892 T("\n") in usage()
893 T("xmlwf - Determines if an XML document is well-formed\n") in usage()
894 T("\n") in usage()
895 T("positional arguments:\n") in usage()
896 T(" FILE file to process (default: STDIN)\n") in usage()
897 T("\n") in usage()
898 T("input control arguments:\n") in usage()
899 T(" -s print an error if the document is not [s]tandalone\n") in usage()
900 T(" -n enable [n]amespace processing\n") in usage()
901 T(" -p enable processing of external DTDs and [p]arameter entities\n") in usage()
902 T(" -x enable processing of e[x]ternal entities\n") in usage()
903 T(" -e ENCODING override any in-document [e]ncoding declaration\n") in usage()
904 T(" -w enable support for [W]indows code pages\n") in usage()
905 T(" -r disable memory-mapping and use [r]ead calls instead\n") in usage()
906T(" -g BYTES buffer size to request per call pair to XML_[G]etBuffer and read (default: 8 K… in usage()
907T(" -k when processing multiple files, [k]eep processing after first file with error\… in usage()
908 T("\n") in usage()
909 T("output control arguments:\n") in usage()
910 T(" -d DIRECTORY output [d]estination directory\n") in usage()
911 T(" -c write a [c]opy of input XML, not canonical XML\n") in usage()
912 T(" -m write [m]eta XML, not canonical XML\n") in usage()
913 T(" -t write no XML output for [t]iming of plain parsing\n") in usage()
914 T(" -N enable adding doctype and [n]otation declarations\n") in usage()
915 T("\n") in usage()
916 T("billion laughs attack protection:\n") in usage()
917T(" NOTE: If you ever need to increase these values for non-attack payload, please file a bug rep… in usage()
918 T("\n") in usage()
919 T(" -a FACTOR set maximum tolerated [a]mplification factor (default: 100.0)\n") in usage()
920 T(" -b BYTES set number of output [b]ytes needed to activate (default: 8 MiB)\n") in usage()
921 T("\n") in usage()
922 T("reparse deferral:\n") in usage()
923T(" -q disable reparse deferral, and allow [q]uadratic parse runtime with large token… in usage()
924 T("\n") in usage()
925 T("info arguments:\n") in usage()
926 T(" -h, --help show this [h]elp message and exit\n") in usage()
927 T(" -v, --version show program's [v]ersion number and exit\n") in usage()
928 T("\n") in usage()
929 T("exit status:\n") in usage()
930T(" 0 the input files are well-formed and the output (if requested) was written succ… in usage()
931T(" 1 could not allocate data structures, signals a serious problem with execution e… in usage()
932 T(" 2 one or more input files were not well-formed\n") in usage()
933 T(" 3 could not create an output file\n") in usage()
934 T(" 4 command-line argument error\n") in usage()
935 T("\n") in usage()
936 T("xmlwf of libexpat is software libre, licensed under the MIT license.\n") in usage()
937 T("Please report bugs at -- thank you!\n") in usage()
950 if (argv[i][j + 1] == T('\0')) { \
996 if (argv[i][0] != T('-')) in tmain()
998 if (argv[i][1] == T('-')) { in tmain()
999 if (argv[i][2] == T('\0')) { in tmain()
1002 } else if (tcscmp(argv[i] + 2, T("help")) == 0) { in tmain()
1005 } else if (tcscmp(argv[i] + 2, T("version")) == 0) { in tmain()
1013 case T('r'): in tmain()
1017 case T('s'): in tmain()
1021 case T('n'): in tmain()
1025 case T('p'): in tmain()
1028 case T('x'): in tmain()
1032 case T('w'): in tmain()
1036 case T('m'): in tmain()
1040 case T('c'): in tmain()
1045 case T('t'): in tmain()
1049 case T('N'): in tmain()
1053 case T('d'): in tmain()
1056 case T('e'): in tmain()
1059 case T('h'): in tmain()
1062 case T('v'): in tmain()
1065 case T('g'): { in tmain()
1073 if ((errno != 0) || (afterValueText[0] != T('\0')) in tmain()
1078 tperror(T("invalid buffer size") T( in tmain()
1085 case T('k'): in tmain()
1089 case T('a'): { in tmain()
1096 if ((errno != 0) || (afterValueText[0] != T('\0')) in tmain()
1101 tperror(T("invalid amplification limit") T( in tmain()
1107 T("Warning: Given amplification limit ignored") in tmain()
1108 T(", xmlwf has been compiled without DTD/GE support.\n")); in tmain()
1112 case T('b'): { in tmain()
1119 if ((errno != 0) || (afterValueText[0] != T('\0'))) { in tmain()
1122 tperror(T("invalid ignore threshold") in tmain()
1123 T(" (needs an integer from 0 to 2^64-1)")); in tmain()
1129 T("Warning: Given attack threshold ignored") in tmain()
1130 T(", xmlwf has been compiled without DTD/GE support.\n")); in tmain()
1134 case T('q'): { in tmain()
1139 case T('\0'): in tmain()
1166 tperror(T("Could not instantiate parser")); in tmain()
1190 tperror(T("Failed to disable reparse deferral")); in tmain()
1206 const XML_Char *delim = T("/"); in tmain()
1207 const XML_Char *file = useStdin ? T("STDIN") : argv[i]; in tmain()
1215 const XML_Char *winDelim = T("\\"); in tmain()
1227 tperror(T("Could not allocate memory")); in tmain()
1233 userData.fp = tfopen(outName, T("wb")); in tmain()