Lines Matching +full:- +full:ar

2 .\" Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Alfonso Sabato Siciliano
37 .Ar text
38 .Ar rows
39 .Ar cols
40 .Op Ar dialog-argument
45 .Ar ...
46 .Oo Fl Fl and-dialog
48 .Ar ...
62 .Fl Fl and-dialog
66 .Ar text
68 .Ar rows
70 .Ar cols
74 .Dv -1
81 .Bl -tag -width Ds
82 .It Fl Fl alternate-screen
85 .It Fl Fl ascii-lines
87 .It Fl Fl backtitle Ar backtitle
89 .It Fl Fl begin-x Ar x
91 .Dv -1
95 .It Fl Fl begin-y Ar y
97 .Dv -1
106 .Fl Fl switch-buttons .
108 .Fl Fl time-format .
110 .Fl Fl date-format .
114 .Fl Fl datebox-format .
115 .It Fl Fl cancel-exit-code Ar retval
119 .It Fl Fl cancel-label Ar label
123 .It Fl Fl clear-dialog
125 .It Fl Fl clear-screen
127 .It Fl Fl columns-per-row Ar columns
130 .It Fl Fl cr-wrap
132 .Ar text
136 .Fl Fl text-unchanged .
137 .It Fl Fl datebox-format Ar format
144 .It Fl Fl date-format Ar format
151 .It Fl Fl default-button Ar label
153 .Ar label
155 .It Fl Fl default-item Ar name
157 .Ar name ,
159 .It Fl Fl default-no
165 .It Fl Fl disable-esc
167 .It Fl Fl error-exit-code Ar retval
171 .It Fl Fl esc-exit-code Ar retval
175 .It Fl Fl extra-button
179 .It Fl Fl extra-exit-code Ar retval
183 .It Fl Fl extra-label Ar label
185 .Ar label
189 .It Fl Fl left1-button Ar label
191 .Ar label .
192 .It Fl Fl left1-exit-code Ar retval
194 .Fl Fl left1-button .
195 .It Fl Fl left2-button Ar label
197 .Ar label .
198 .It Fl Fl left2-exit-code Ar retval
200 .Fl Fl left2-button .
201 .It Fl Fl left3-button Ar label
203 .Ar label .
204 .It Fl Fl left3-exit-code Ar retval
206 .Fl Fl left3-button .
207 .It Fl Fl help-button
211 .It Fl Fl help-exit-code Ar retval
215 .It Fl Fl help-label Ar label
217 .Ar label
221 .It Fl Fl help-print-items
225 .It Fl Fl help-print-name
230 .Fl Fl item-bottom-desc .
231 .It Fl Fl hfile Ar filename
233 .Ar filename
235 .It Fl Fl hline Ar string
237 .It Fl Fl hmsg Ar string
239 .Ar string
247 .It Fl Fl item-bottom-desc
250 .It Fl Fl item-depth
252 .It Fl Fl item-prefix
254 .It Fl Fl load-theme Ar file
256 .Ar file .
257 .It Fl Fl max-input Ar size
263 .It Fl Fl no-cancel
267 .It Fl Fl no-descriptions
270 .Fl Fl no-names .
271 .It Fl Fl no-lines
273 .It Fl Fl no-names
276 .Fl Fl no-descriptions .
277 .It Fl Fl no-ok
281 .It Fl Fl no-shadow
283 .It Fl Fl ok-label Ar label
285 .Ar label
289 .It Fl Fl ok-exit-code Ar retval
293 .It Fl Fl normal-screen
296 .It Fl Fl output-fd Ar fd
298 .It Fl Fl output-separator Ar sep
300 .It Fl Fl print-maxsize
303 .It Fl Fl print-size
305 .It Fl Fl print-version
310 .It Fl Fl right1-button Ar label
312 .Ar label .
313 .It Fl Fl right1-exit-code Ar retval
315 .Fl Fl right1-button .
316 .It Fl Fl right2-button Ar label
318 .Ar label .
319 .It Fl Fl right2-exit-code Ar retval
321 .Fl Fl right2-button .
322 .It Fl Fl right3-button Ar label
324 .Ar label .
325 .It Fl Fl right3-exit-code Ar retval
327 .Fl Fl right3-button .
328 .It Fl Fl save-theme Ar file
331 .It Fl Fl separate-output
335 .It Fl Fl single-quoted
337 .It Fl Fl sleep Ar secs
339 .Ar secs
345 .It Fl Fl switch-buttons
358 .It Fl Fl tab-escape
362 .Ar text .
363 .It Fl Fl tab-len Ar spaces
365 .Ar text .
366 .It Fl Fl text-escape
368 .Ar text :
369 .Bl -column -compact
413 .It Fl Fl text-unchanged
415 .Ar text
418 .Ar text
424 .It Fl Fl theme Ar theme
429 .It Fl Fl time-format Ar format
434 .It Fl Fl timeout-exit-code Ar retval
438 .It Fl Fl title Ar title
443 .Bl -tag -width Ds
444 .It Ctrl-l
458 .Bl -tag -width Ds
459 .It Fl Fl calendar Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Op Ar day Ar month Ar year
461 .It Fl Fl checklist Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar menurows Oo Ar name Ar desc \
462 Ar status Oc ...
465 .Ar name ,
466 .Ar desc
468 .Ar status
474 .Ar menurows
476 .It Fl Fl datebox Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Op Ar day Ar month Ar year
478 .It Fl Fl form Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar formrows Oo Ar label Ar ylabel \
479 Ar xlabel Ar init Ar yfield Ar xfield Ar fieldlen Ar maxletters Oc ...
482 .Ar label
484 .Ar ylabel
486 .Ar xlabel ,
488 .Ar yfield
490 .Ar xfield .
491 .Ar fieldlen
496 .Ar init
499 .Ar maxletters
503 .Ar fieldlen .
504 .Ar init
506 .Ar formrows
510 .It Fl Fl gauge Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Op Ar percentage
512 .Ar percentage ,
517 .Ar text
522 .It Fl Fl infobox Ar text Ar rows Ar cols
524 .It Fl Fl inputbox Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Op Ar init
526 .Ar init
528 .It Fl Fl menu Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar menurows Oo Ar name desc Oc ...
531 .Ar name
533 .Ar desc .
535 .Ar menurows
537 .It Fl Fl mixedform Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar formrows Oo Ar label Ar ylabel \
538 Ar xlabel Ar init Ar yfield Ar xfield Ar fieldlen Ar maxletters Ar flag Oc ...
541 .Ar label
543 .Ar ylabel
545 .Ar xlabel ,
547 .Ar yfield
549 .Ar xfield .
550 .Ar fieldlen
555 .Ar init
558 .Ar fieldlen
561 .Ar maxletters
565 .Ar fieldlen .
566 .Ar init
568 .Ar flag
570 .Ar field :
577 .Ar formrows
581 .It Fl Fl mixedgauge Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar mainperc Oo Ar minilabel \
582 Ar miniperc Oc ...
584 .Ar mainperc
587 .Ar minilabel
589 .Ar miniperc
590 with a value from 0 and 100 or negative to print a descriptive string: -1
592 -2
594 -3
596 -4
598 -5
600 -6
602 -7
604 -8
606 -9
609 -10
611 -11
615 .It Fl Fl msgbox Ar text Ar rows Ar cols
619 .It Fl Fl passwordbox Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Op Ar init
621 .Ar init
623 .It Fl Fl passwordform Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar formrows Oo Ar label \
624 Ar ylabel Ar xlabel Ar init Ar yfield Ar xfield Ar fieldlen Ar maxletters \
629 .It Fl Fl pause Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar seconds
631 .Ar seconds
633 .It Fl Fl radiolist Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar menurows Oo Ar name Ar desc \
634 Ar status Oc ...
637 .Ar name ,
638 .Ar desc
640 .Ar status
646 .Ar menurows
648 .It Fl Fl rangebox Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar min Ar max Op Ar init
650 .Ar min
652 .Ar max ,
653 .Ar init
655 .It Fl Fl textbox Ar file Ar rows Ar cols
657 .Ar file .
663 .It Fl Fl timebox Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Op Ar hour Ar min Ar sec
665 .It Fl Fl treeview Ar text Ar rows Ar cols Ar menurows Oo Ar depth Ar name \
666 Ar desc Ar status Oc ...
668 .Fl Fl item-depth
670 .Fl Fl no-name .
671 .It Fl Fl yesno Ar text Ar rows Ar cols
672 .Dq Yes-No Question ,
684 .Bl -tag -width indent
687 .Fl Fl theme Ar blackwhite .
696 .Fl Fl load-theme Ar file .
707 .Bl -column -compact
744 .Dl bsddialog --backtitle MESSAGE --title Msgbox --msgbox Message 0 0
746 Yes-No Question and theme:
747 .Dl bsddialog --theme blackwhite --yesno Question 10 30
750 .Dl bsddialog --save-theme mytheme.txt --infobox \*qSaving theme...\*q 0 0
753 .Dl bsddialog --load-theme mytheme.txt --infobox \*qCustom theme\*q 0 0
756 .Dl bsddialog --checklist Checklist 0 0 3 N1 \&D1 off N2 D2 on N3 D3 off
759 .Dl bsddialog --form Form 0 0 0 L1: 0 0 X 0 4 20 25 L2: 1 0 Y 1 4 20 25
761 Multi-dialog:
762 .Dl bsddialog --normal-screen --begin-y 1 --yesno Continue? 0 0 \e \
763 --and-dialog --begin-y 10 --infobox Yes 0 0
766 .Dl bsddialog --bikeshed --inputbox Example 0 0
767 .Dl bsddialog --bikeshed --datebox Example 0 0
770 .Dl bsddialog --sleep 3 --mixedgauge Example 10 30 60 L1 \*q -1\*q L2 30
773 .Bd -literal -offset indent -compact
775 while [ $perc -le 100 ]
777 bsddialog --sleep 1 --title Mixedgauge \e
778 --mixedgauge "\enExample...\en" 0 0 $perc \e
779 "Hidden" " -9" \e
780 "Label 1" " -4" \e
781 "Label 2" " -4" \e
789 .Bd -literal -offset indent -compact
798 if [ $i -eq 8 ]
804 done | bsddialog --title Gauge --gauge "Starting..." 10 70
809 .Bd -literal -offset indent -compact
811 --and-widget --and-dialog
812 --calendar <text> 2 <cols> --calendar <text> 0 <cols>
813 --clear --clear-screen
814 --colors --text-escape
815 --defaultno --default-no
816 --exit-label --ok-label
817 --help-status --help-print-items
818 --help-tags --help-print-name
819 --item-help --item-bottom-desc
820 --keep-tite --alternate-screen
821 --no-items --no-descriptions
822 --no-label --cancel-label
823 --no-tags --no-names
824 --nocancel --no-cancel
825 --nook --no-ok
826 --separator --output-separator
827 --yes-label --ok-label
851 .Fl Fl and-widget ,
852 .Fl Fl ascii-lines ,
854 .Fl Fl cancel-label ,
857 .Fl Fl cr-wrap ,
858 .Fl Fl date-format ,
860 .Fl Fl default-button ,
861 .Fl Fl default-no ,
862 .Fl Fl default-item ,
863 .Fl Fl exit-label ,
864 .Fl Fl extra-button ,
865 .Fl Fl extra-label ,
867 .Fl Fl help-button ,
868 .Fl Fl help-label ,
869 .Fl Fl help-status ,
870 .Fl Fl help-tags ,
875 .Fl Fl item-help ,
876 .Fl Fl keep-tite ,
877 .Fl Fl max-input ,
878 .Fl Fl no-cancel ,
880 .Fl Fl no-items ,
881 .Fl Fl no-label ,
882 .Fl Fl no-lines ,
883 .Fl Fl no-ok ,
885 .Fl Fl no-shadow ,
886 .Fl Fl no-tags ,
887 .Fl Fl ok-label ,
888 .Fl Fl output-fd ,
889 .Fl Fl output-separator ,
890 .Fl Fl print-maxsize ,
891 .Fl Fl print-size ,
892 .Fl Fl print-version ,
894 .Fl Fl separate-output ,
897 .Fl Fl single-quoted ,
901 .Fl Fl tab-len ,
902 .Fl Fl time-format ,
905 .Fl Fl yes-label .
907 Keys: Ctrl-l, F1.