Lines Matching refs:S
14 .if ${WORDS:S,,,} != ${WORDS}
19 .if ${WORDS:S,e,*,1} != "s*quences of letters"
25 .if ${WORDS:S,f,*,1} != "sequences o* letters"
30 .if ${WORDS:S,e,*,} != "s*quences of l*tters"
35 .if ${WORDS:S,e,*,g} != "s*qu*nc*s of l*tt*rs"
41 .if ${WORDS:S,^sequ,occurr,} != "occurrences of letters"
47 .if ${WORDS:S,^of,with,} != "sequences with letters"
52 .if ${WORDS:S,^office,does not match,} != ${WORDS}
58 .if ${WORDS:S,f$,r,} != "sequences or letters"
63 .if ${WORDS:S,s$,,} != "sequence of letter"
69 .if ${WORDS:S,of$,,} != "sequences letters"
75 .if ${WORDS:S,eof$,,} != ${WORDS}
80 .if ${WORDS:S,^of$,,} != "sequences letters"
86 .if ${WORDS:S,^o$,,} != ${WORDS}
92 .if ${WORDS:S,^f$,,} != ${WORDS}
98 .if ${WORDS:S,^eof$,,} != ${WORDS}
104 .if ${WORDS:S,^office$,,} != ${WORDS}
111 .if ${WORDS:S,*,replacement,} != ${WORDS}
118 .if ${WORDS:S,.,replacement,} != ${WORDS}
124 .if ${:Uvalue:S,^val,&,} != "value"
127 .if ${:Uvalue:S,ue$,&,} != "value"
130 .if ${:Uvalue:S,^val,&-&-&,} != "val-val-value"
133 .if ${:Uvalue:S,ue$,&-&-&,} != "value-ue-ue"
140 .if ${1 2 3:L:S,2,,} != "1 3"
148 .if ${:U:S,,out-of-nothing,} != ""
151 .if ${:U:S,^,out-of-nothing,} != "out-of-nothing"
154 .if ${:U:S,$,out-of-nothing,} != "out-of-nothing"
157 .if ${:U:S,^$,out-of-nothing,} != "out-of-nothing"
160 .if ${:U:S,,out-of-nothing,g} != ""
163 .if ${:U:S,^,out-of-nothing,g} != "out-of-nothing"
166 .if ${:U:S,$,out-of-nothing,g} != "out-of-nothing"
169 .if ${:U:S,^$,out-of-nothing,g} != "out-of-nothing"
172 .if ${:U:S,,out-of-nothing,W} != ""
175 .if ${:U:S,^,out-of-nothing,W} != "out-of-nothing"
178 .if ${:U:S,$,out-of-nothing,W} != "out-of-nothing"
181 .if ${:U:S,^$,out-of-nothing,W} != "out-of-nothing"
188 @echo :${:Ua b b c:S,a b,,:Q}:
189 @echo :${:Ua b b c:S,a b,,1:Q}:
190 @echo :${:Ua b b c:S,a b,,W:Q}:
191 @echo :${:Ua b b c:S,b,,g:Q}:
192 @echo :${:U1 2 3 1 2 3:S,1 2,___,Wg:S,_,x,:Q}:
193 @echo ${:U12345:S,,sep,g:Q}
200 @echo ${:U1 2 3:S 2 two :Q} horizontal tabulator
201 @echo ${:U1 2 3:S 2 two :Q} space
202 @echo ${:U1 2 3:S!2!two!:Q} exclamation mark
203 @echo ${:U1 2 3:S"2"two":Q} quotation mark