Lines Matching full:character

9 # 2. Character lists and character ranges
23 # ? matches 1 character
24 # \x matches the character 'x'
33 # The pattern character '?' matches exactly 1 character, the pattern character
55 # Test the fast code path for '*' followed by a regular character.
77 # 2. Character lists and character ranges
79 # [...] matches 1 character from the listed characters
80 # [^...] matches 1 character from the unlisted characters
81 # [a-z] matches 1 character from the range 'a' to 'z'
82 # [z-a] matches 1 character from the range 'a' to 'z'
89 # Only keep words that start with a character other than an uppercase letter.
104 # [^] matches exactly 1 arbitrary character
109 # a[^]b matches 'a', then exactly 1 arbitrary character, then 'b'
114 # [Nn0] matches exactly 1 character from the set 'N', 'n', '0'
119 # [a-c] matches exactly 1 character from the range 'a' to 'c'
130 # matches a single character, except for 'a', 'b', 'c', '6' or
137 # character ranges
147 # character range as well as the closing character of the
148 # character list. The outer ']' is just a regular character.
155 # Same as for '[[-]]': the character list stops at the first
163 # character range if it is preceded and followed by another
164 # character.
173 # This test case ensures that the negation from the first character list
174 # '[^s]' does not propagate to the second character list '[ex]'.
183 # ? matches 1 character
184 # \ outside a character list, escapes the following character
185 # [ starts a character list for matching 1 character
186 # ] ends a character list for matching 1 character
187 # - in a character list, forms a character range
188 # ^ at the beginning of a character list, negates the list
286 # [ Incomplete empty character list, never matches.
288 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern 'a[' of modifier ':M'
293 # [^ Incomplete negated empty character list, matches any single
294 # character.
296 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern 'a[^' of modifier ':M'
301 # [-x1-3 Incomplete character list, matches those elements that can be
304 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '[-x1-3' of modifier ':M'
309 # *[-x1-3 Incomplete character list after a wildcard, matches those
312 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '*[-x1-3' of modifier ':M'
318 # Incomplete negated character list, matches any character
321 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '[^-x1-3' of modifier ':M'
326 # [\ Incomplete character list containing a single '\'.
329 # character is a backslash as well; in all other cases the final
335 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '?[\' of modifier ':M'
340 # [x- Incomplete character list containing an incomplete character
343 # expect+1: Unfinished character range in pattern '[x-' of modifier ':M'
348 # [^x- Incomplete negated character list containing an incomplete
349 # character range; matches each word that does not have an 'x'
350 # at the position of the character list.
353 # character.
355 # expect+1: Unfinished character range in pattern '[^x-' of modifier ':M'
361 # expect+2: Unfinished character list in pattern '[' of modifier ':M'