Lines Matching refs:second
43 VAR1BSNL0=:first line no space on second line:
44 VAR1BSNLs=:first line one space on second line:
45 VAR1BSNLss=:first line two spaces on second line:
46 VAR1BSNLt=:first line one tab on second line:
47 VAR1BSNLtt=:first line two tabs on second line:
48 VAR1BSNLxx=:first line many spaces and tabs [ ] on second line:
57 second line spaces should be retained':
59 second line spaces should be retained:
61 second line tab should be elided':
63 second line tab should be elided:
65 only one tab should be elided, second tab remains'
67 only one tab should be elided, second tab remains
87 second line spaces should be retained':
89 second line spaces should be retained:
91 second line tab should be elided':
93 second line tab should be elided:
95 only one tab should be elided, second tab remains'
97 only one tab should be elided, second tab remains