Lines Matching full:make
1 make: "" line 9: Unknown directive "fori"
2 make: "" line 11: warning: <>
3 make: "" line 13: for-less endfor
4 make: "" line 25: Unknown directive "for"
5 make: "" line 27: warning: <>
6 make: "" line 29: for-less endfor
7 make: "" line 44: invalid character '$' in .for loop variable name
8 make: "" line 52: no iteration variables in for
9 make: "" line 64: Wrong number of words (5) in .for substitution list with 3…
10 make: "" line 78: missing `in' in for
11 make: "" line 89: while evaluating "${:U3:Z} 4" with value "3": Unknown modi…
12 make: "" line 93: warning: Should not be reached.
13 make: "" line 93: warning: Should not be reached.
14 make: "" line 93: warning: Should not be reached.
15 make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
16 make: stopped in unit-tests