6866605 SUNWonbld ELF analysis tools need overhaul
6861019 BFU needs to be updated for the OpenSSL move out of /usr/sfw
6871516 bfu needs to remove austr module
4382889 devfsadm libraries are built incorrectly
6869889 findunref needs to grok mercurial6870670 findunref should have a manpage6870810 xref manpage is stale
PSARC 2008/311 FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet) Initiator6823827 FCoE initiator for Leadville
6747190 Cadmium commands do not expand hgrc paths6791858 Cadmium active list is incorrect if parent workspace contains no changesets6831741 Many cadmium commands ignore -p/--parent
PSARC 2009/185 Myricom 10 Gigabit Ethernet Driver6469545 Solaris should support Myricom 10 Gigabit Ethernet Network AdapterContributed by Myricom <gallatin@myri.com>
4009451 need mechanism for putting audit trail on remote machine (fix symlink)
6497777 iscsi initiator: Make iscsi parameters configurable (fix versioning)
6867214 nightly issues message about all new env vars from -t except ONBLD_TOOLS
6866333 SUNWonbld's postinstall script fails to add 'gk' user
6864230 hiho, hiho, it'ch chtime for CH to goPortions contributed by Rich Lowe
6854065 CTF tools should error out given 1024+-member structures
6675948 when ksh is ksh93, nightly prints decimal number of hours
6806540 SPARC and x86 bridge/switch nexus driver should be merged--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie.crename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie_fault.c => us
6806540 SPARC and x86 bridge/switch nexus driver should be merged--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie.crename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie_fault.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie_fault.crename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/pcie_pwr.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie_pwr.crename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_pci.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcieb.crename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_pci.conf => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcieb.confrename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/px_pci.h => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcieb.hrename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/pcie_pwr.h => usr/src/uts/common/sys/pcie_pwr.hrename : usr/src/uts/intel/pcie_pci/Makefile => usr/src/uts/intel/pcieb/Makefilerename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/pxb_plx.h => usr/src/uts/sparc/io/pciex/pcieb_plx.hrename : usr/src/uts/sparc/px_pci/Makefile => usr/src/uts/sparc/pcieb/Makefilerename : usr/src/uts/sparc/pxb_bcm/Makefile => usr/src/uts/sparc/pcieb_bcm/Makefile
show more ...
6862850 OSnet sharable object versioning cleanup
PSARC 2009/407 Remove austr6858147 remove the austr node6858152 add improved kstat error reporting to audio
6852240 libelfsign should use pkcs11_softtoken instead of OpenSSL for FIPS-140 integrity checking (fix check_rtime)
6814697 Need support Atheros USB IEEE802.11 a/b/g wireless network device
6852240 libelfsign should use pkcs11_softtoken instead of OpenSSL for FIPS-140 integrity checking6851814 tools elfsign is unnecessarily linked against pkcs11_softtoken
LSARC 2008/355 System Management Agent (SMA1.0) migration to Net-SNMP 5.4.16848323 ON package changes required for SMA to net-snmp migration
6851199 unused /dev nameservices code can be removed--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/libdevinfo/devinfo_devname.c => usr/src/lib/libdevinfo/devinfo_profile.c
PSARC/2009/346 EOF UCB Device Names6850098 EOF ucb compatibility device names
6644364 Extended partitions need to be supported on Solaris (fix versioning)