6969485 Log transport should handle null data from libseslog as no data rather than an error condition
6937608 ZFS DE should ignore ereports prior to pool import
6966763 ses log transport spews errors with RW2 attached
6901366 FMA transport for ESP log data
6966028 at reboot list.suspects are not being replayed via ETM, only list.updated are sent
6901369 eversholt rules for storage enclosure hw/fw diagnosis
6963237 cpumem-diagnosis fmstat problem6860071 a libtopo plugin is leaking memory as of s10u8b1
6916796 OSnet mapfiles should use version 2 link-editor syntax--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-common => usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/lin
6916796 OSnet mapfiles should use version 2 link-editor syntax--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-common => usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-bindings => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-bindingsrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-perfcnt => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-perfcntrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-symbindrep => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-symbindreprename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-truss => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-trussrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-who => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-whorename : usr/src/common/mapfiles/i386/map.noexdata => usr/src/common/mapfiles/common/map.noexdatarename : usr/src/lib/libaio/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libaio/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libelfsign/common/mapfile.map => usr/src/lib/libelfsign/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libpthread/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libpthread/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/librt/amd64/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/librt/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libsys/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libsys/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libthread/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libthread/common/mapfile-vers
show more ...
6935604 io-retire should prevent attach of faulty persistent devices6930157 Remove fmadm's reliance on taking topo snapshots6881991 SMART faults could preserve asc/ascq in fault payload6955664 eve
6935604 io-retire should prevent attach of faulty persistent devices6930157 Remove fmadm's reliance on taking topo snapshots6881991 SMART faults could preserve asc/ascq in fault payload6955664 eversholt matching should not be performed for scsi-device nodes6958085 defect.sunos.fmd.module not visible via fmadm faulty6958856 fmd performance issue if "fmstat -m" called while disgnosis going on
6954030 IP Transport with multiple loopback connections
6896885 fmd fabric-xlate doesn't create temporary files securely
6956210 eft: platform_getpath leaks nvlist
6648030 Default threshold for faulting a DIMM not appropriate for large memory installations6875817 FMA does not implement DIMM Replacement Policy Rule #5 correctly
6811760 X4250, X4150 fma faults cpu after uncorrected error reported on bank 0 in snv_109
6909888 Solaris FMA must be a good citizen on OEM Nehalem EX systems6935617 fmri_nvl2str should return correct error code and not return error if there is no hc_root
6946765 ip transport needs an fmdo_recv entry point
6675946 'zpool status' should show the progress of resilvering for individual disk.6683750 scrub -s have to wait until resilver completed?6841252 Resilvering not restartable - causing an excess reb
6675946 'zpool status' should show the progress of resilvering for individual disk.6683750 scrub -s have to wait until resilver completed?6841252 Resilvering not restartable - causing an excess reboot delay6855073 spa scrub stats (eg %done) are reset on reboot6891824 7410 NAS head "continually resilvering" following HDD replacement6899970 scrub/resilver percent complete reporting in zpool status can be overly optimistic6940889 add interval (count) args to zpool list6944623 dbuf_read_done() locking performance improvement6946760 mutex problem in bplist_enqueue()6391915 RFE: provide interval arg to zpool status to monitor resilvering6946512 want zfs_send() to pass back debug info6943992 'zpool scrub' should not restart the existing scrub silently6878281 zpool should store the time of last scrub/resilver and other zpool status info in pool properties.6935158 Assertion failed: used <= spa_get_dspace(dd->dd_pool->dp_spa)6944388 dsl_dataset_snapshot_reserve_space() causes dp_write_limit=max--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/dsl_scrub.c => usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/dsl_scan.c
6935519 raise telemetry for failed scsa-initiated enumeration commands
6916726 FMA: Certain DIMMs can give a false fault.memory.dram-ue-imminent
6901394 ip-transport module needs to get ready for the big time
6935779 Fabric xlate should look for correct RP from both BDF and Address6937136 TRU errors (568-572) resulting in 2 diagnosis'.
6934497 ses enumerator should add disk nodes in bays even if no devid is available6901867 topology of storage enclosures should match physical reality6934813 should be able to associate a disk erep
6934497 ses enumerator should add disk nodes in bays even if no devid is available6901867 topology of storage enclosures should match physical reality6934813 should be able to associate a disk ereport with a topo node by target port wwn6938578 should identify ses-enclosure nodes in hc-scheme ereports by chassis-sn not node instance number
6929405 sysevent flood can cause fmd to accumulate topo snapshots leading to memory exhaustion6934761 Add mdb walker for fmd's list of topo snapshots6934767 Add mdb walker for fmd's per-module even
6929405 sysevent flood can cause fmd to accumulate topo snapshots leading to memory exhaustion6934761 Add mdb walker for fmd's list of topo snapshots6934767 Add mdb walker for fmd's per-module event queues6938816 zfs-retire: zfs_vdev_repair leaks nvlist
6829206 fm modules faulted after installing 2009.06 in a SunBlade-T6340
6850096 Error reports should include identification for x8 ECC Symbolsize in syndrome-typeContributed by Hans.Rosenfeld@amd.com