6909170 bootadm dumps core during bfu
6910381 bootadm may dump core when converting some menu.lst entries
6894057 cmd format Failed to initialize libfdisk
6893587 findroot entry in grub gets wrong partition number during install w/ osol-125
6896046 bootadm -m enable_hypervisor should modify current entry
6890353 bootadm hypervisor enabling/disabling commands have issues
6878665 bootenv rc entry in menu.lst is not aware of ZFS root
6868033 Solaris installed via legacy installer on a Linux Swap partition does not boot6871541 libfdisk should not be using off_t type6879157 bootadm update-menu support for x86 extended/logical par
6868033 Solaris installed via legacy installer on a Linux Swap partition does not boot6871541 libfdisk should not be using off_t type6879157 bootadm update-menu support for x86 extended/logical partitions6880174 Calling 'fdisk -W' and prtvtoc(1M) caused remapping VTOC to Linux swap partition6885084 fdisk allows more than one extended partition
show more ...
6777211 SPARC systems need ITU lovin'
6880217 installgrub fails to configure GRUB menu for logical/extended partition
6472670 Internal pci root-bus addresses should be independent of bios enumeration order (non-x8400 systems)
backout 6841893: breaks sparc buildbackout 6839215: breaks sparc buildbackout 6880217: breaks sparc build
6874337 Add private commands to bootadm to enable/disable hypervisor
6797940 Can't do gui installs on x86 systems with Nevada 107 & later
6851297 bootadm should not try to decide whether to install an xVM entry
6864230 hiho, hiho, it'ch chtime for CH to goPortions contributed by Rich Lowe
6859326 root_archive: unpackmedia does not unpack the 64-bit x86 miniroot
6754049 eeprom is writing menu.lst with out -B $ZFS-BOOTFS for ZFS file system
PSARC/2006/379 Solaris on Extended partition6644364 Extended partitions need to be supported on Solaris6713308 Macro UNUSED in fdisk.h needs to be changed since id 100 is Novell Netware 286's parti
PSARC/2006/379 Solaris on Extended partition6644364 Extended partitions need to be supported on Solaris6713308 Macro UNUSED in fdisk.h needs to be changed since id 100 is Novell Netware 286's partition ID6713318 Need to differentiate between solaris old partition and Linux swap6745175 Partitions can be created using fdisk table with invalid partition line by "fdisk -F"6745740 Multiple extended partition can be created by "fdisk -A"6824622 Logical device node can't be created in HVM host
6835855 luupgrade complains about invalid geo. region during luupgrade to S10u6 / snv_90 and above releases
6803974 inconsistent driver.confs in boot_archive may not need to disrupt boot
6723252 bootadm doesn't propagate ZFS GRUB menu changes
6821727 -R archive updates from older bits can produce stale files in the archive_cache
6759337 lu lost new bootadm6821824 Safemode: reboot does not update archive automatically after modification in /a/kernel/