core.lua (aedd6be5c7c3096828fafa6c1528f3966b9e3aa5) | core.lua (9f71d421c89dde4e5a642f4555bcd20558fd91b0) |
1-- 2-- Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Souza <> 3-- All rights reserved. 4-- 5-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7-- are met: 8-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright --- 17 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 26-- $FreeBSD$ 27-- 28 29local config = require('config') 30 31local core = {} 32 33local compose_loader_cmd = function(cmd_name, argstr) | 1-- 2-- Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Souza <> 3-- All rights reserved. 4-- 5-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7-- are met: 8-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright --- 17 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 26-- $FreeBSD$ 27-- 28 29local config = require('config') 30 31local core = {} 32 33local compose_loader_cmd = function(cmd_name, argstr) |
34 if (argstr ~= nil) then | 34 if argstr ~= nil then |
35 cmd_name = cmd_name .. " " .. argstr 36 end 37 return cmd_name 38end 39 40-- Internal function 41-- Parses arguments to boot and returns two values: kernel_name, argstr 42-- Defaults to nil and "" respectively. 43-- This will also parse arguments to autoboot, but the with_kernel argument 44-- will need to be explicitly overwritten to false 45local parse_boot_args = function(argv, with_kernel) | 35 cmd_name = cmd_name .. " " .. argstr 36 end 37 return cmd_name 38end 39 40-- Internal function 41-- Parses arguments to boot and returns two values: kernel_name, argstr 42-- Defaults to nil and "" respectively. 43-- This will also parse arguments to autoboot, but the with_kernel argument 44-- will need to be explicitly overwritten to false 45local parse_boot_args = function(argv, with_kernel) |
46 if (#argv == 0) then | 46 if #argv == 0 then |
47 return nil, "" 48 end | 47 return nil, "" 48 end |
49 if (with_kernel == nil) then | 49 if with_kernel == nil then |
50 with_kernel = true 51 end 52 local kernel_name 53 local argstr = "" 54 55 for k, v in ipairs(argv) do | 50 with_kernel = true 51 end 52 local kernel_name 53 local argstr = "" 54 55 for k, v in ipairs(argv) do |
56 if (with_kernel) and (v:sub(1,1) ~= "-") then | 56 if with_kernel and v:sub(1,1) ~= "-" then |
57 kernel_name = v 58 else 59 argstr = argstr .. " " .. v 60 end 61 end | 57 kernel_name = v 58 else 59 argstr = argstr .. " " .. v 60 end 61 end |
62 if (with_kernel) then | 62 if with_kernel then |
63 return kernel_name, argstr 64 else 65 return argstr 66 end 67end 68 69-- Globals 70function boot(...) 71 local argv = {...} 72 local cmd_name = "" 73 cmd_name, argv = core.popFrontTable(argv) 74 local kernel, argstr = parse_boot_args(argv) | 63 return kernel_name, argstr 64 else 65 return argstr 66 end 67end 68 69-- Globals 70function boot(...) 71 local argv = {...} 72 local cmd_name = "" 73 cmd_name, argv = core.popFrontTable(argv) 74 local kernel, argstr = parse_boot_args(argv) |
75 if (kernel ~= nil) then | 75 if kernel ~= nil then |
76 loader.perform("unload") 77 config.selectkernel(kernel) 78 end 79 core.boot(argstr) 80end 81 82function autoboot(...) 83 local argv = {...} --- 13 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 97 98core.MENU_RETURN = "return" 99core.MENU_ENTRY = "entry" 100core.MENU_SEPARATOR = "separator" 101core.MENU_SUBMENU = "submenu" 102core.MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY = "carousel_entry" 103 104function core.setVerbose(b) | 76 loader.perform("unload") 77 config.selectkernel(kernel) 78 end 79 core.boot(argstr) 80end 81 82function autoboot(...) 83 local argv = {...} --- 13 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 97 98core.MENU_RETURN = "return" 99core.MENU_ENTRY = "entry" 100core.MENU_SEPARATOR = "separator" 101core.MENU_SUBMENU = "submenu" 102core.MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY = "carousel_entry" 103 104function core.setVerbose(b) |
105 if (b == nil) then | 105 if b == nil then |
106 b = not core.verbose 107 end 108 | 106 b = not core.verbose 107 end 108 |
109 if (b == true) then | 109 if b == true then |
110 loader.setenv("boot_verbose", "YES") 111 else 112 loader.unsetenv("boot_verbose") 113 end 114 core.verbose = b 115end 116 117function core.setSingleUser(b) | 110 loader.setenv("boot_verbose", "YES") 111 else 112 loader.unsetenv("boot_verbose") 113 end 114 core.verbose = b 115end 116 117function core.setSingleUser(b) |
118 if (b == nil) then | 118 if b == nil then |
119 b = not 120 end 121 | 119 b = not 120 end 121 |
122 if (b == true) then | 122 if b == true then |
123 loader.setenv("boot_single", "YES") 124 else 125 loader.unsetenv("boot_single") 126 end 127 = b 128end 129 130function core.getACPIPresent(checkingSystemDefaults) 131 local c = loader.getenv("hint.acpi.0.rsdp") 132 | 123 loader.setenv("boot_single", "YES") 124 else 125 loader.unsetenv("boot_single") 126 end 127 = b 128end 129 130function core.getACPIPresent(checkingSystemDefaults) 131 local c = loader.getenv("hint.acpi.0.rsdp") 132 |
133 if (c ~= nil) then 134 if (checkingSystemDefaults == true) then | 133 if c ~= nil then 134 if checkingSystemDefaults == true then |
135 return true 136 end 137 -- Otherwise, respect disabled if it's set 138 c = loader.getenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled") | 135 return true 136 end 137 -- Otherwise, respect disabled if it's set 138 c = loader.getenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled") |
139 return (c == nil) or (tonumber(c) ~= 1) | 139 return c == nil or tonumber(c) ~= 1 |
140 end 141 return false 142end 143 144function core.setACPI(b) | 140 end 141 return false 142end 143 144function core.setACPI(b) |
145 if (b == nil) then | 145 if b == nil then |
146 b = not core.acpi 147 end 148 | 146 b = not core.acpi 147 end 148 |
149 if (b == true) then | 149 if b == true then |
150 loader.setenv("acpi_load", "YES") 151 loader.setenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled", "0") 152 loader.unsetenv("loader.acpi_disabled_by_user") 153 else 154 loader.unsetenv("acpi_load") 155 loader.setenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled", "1") 156 loader.setenv("loader.acpi_disabled_by_user", "1") 157 end 158 core.acpi = b 159end 160 161function core.setSafeMode(b) | 150 loader.setenv("acpi_load", "YES") 151 loader.setenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled", "0") 152 loader.unsetenv("loader.acpi_disabled_by_user") 153 else 154 loader.unsetenv("acpi_load") 155 loader.setenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled", "1") 156 loader.setenv("loader.acpi_disabled_by_user", "1") 157 end 158 core.acpi = b 159end 160 161function core.setSafeMode(b) |
162 if (b == nil) then | 162 if b == nil then |
163 b = not 164 end | 163 b = not 164 end |
165 if (b == true) then | 165 if b == true then |
166 loader.setenv("kern.smp.disabled", "1") 167 loader.setenv("hw.ata.ata_dma", "0") 168 loader.setenv("hw.ata.atapi_dma", "0") 169 loader.setenv("hw.ata.wc", "0") 170 loader.setenv("hw.eisa_slots", "0") 171 loader.setenv("kern.eventtimer.periodic", "1") 172 loader.setenv("kern.geom.part.check_integrity", "0") 173 else --- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 184 185function core.kernelList() 186 local k = loader.getenv("kernel") 187 local v = loader.getenv("kernels") or "" 188 189 local kernels = {} 190 local unique = {} 191 local i = 0 | 166 loader.setenv("kern.smp.disabled", "1") 167 loader.setenv("hw.ata.ata_dma", "0") 168 loader.setenv("hw.ata.atapi_dma", "0") 169 loader.setenv("hw.ata.wc", "0") 170 loader.setenv("hw.eisa_slots", "0") 171 loader.setenv("kern.eventtimer.periodic", "1") 172 loader.setenv("kern.geom.part.check_integrity", "0") 173 else --- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 184 185function core.kernelList() 186 local k = loader.getenv("kernel") 187 local v = loader.getenv("kernels") or "" 188 189 local kernels = {} 190 local unique = {} 191 local i = 0 |
192 if (k ~= nil) then | 192 if k ~= nil then |
193 i = i + 1 194 kernels[i] = k 195 unique[k] = true 196 end 197 198 for n in v:gmatch("([^; ]+)[; ]?") do | 193 i = i + 1 194 kernels[i] = k 195 unique[k] = true 196 end 197 198 for n in v:gmatch("([^; ]+)[; ]?") do |
199 if (unique[n] == nil) then | 199 if unique[n] == nil then |
200 i = i + 1 201 kernels[i] = n 202 unique[n] = true 203 end 204 end 205 206 -- Automatically detect other bootable kernel directories using a 207 -- heuristic. Any directory in /boot that contains an ordinary file 208 -- named "kernel" is considered eligible. 209 for file in lfs.dir("/boot") do 210 local fname = "/boot/" .. file 211 | 200 i = i + 1 201 kernels[i] = n 202 unique[n] = true 203 end 204 end 205 206 -- Automatically detect other bootable kernel directories using a 207 -- heuristic. Any directory in /boot that contains an ordinary file 208 -- named "kernel" is considered eligible. 209 for file in lfs.dir("/boot") do 210 local fname = "/boot/" .. file 211 |
212 if (file == "." or file == "..") then | 212 if file == "." or file == ".." then |
213 goto continue 214 end 215 | 213 goto continue 214 end 215 |
216 if (lfs.attributes(fname, "mode") ~= "directory") then | 216 if lfs.attributes(fname, "mode") ~= "directory" then |
217 goto continue 218 end 219 | 217 goto continue 218 end 219 |
220 if (lfs.attributes(fname .. "/kernel", "mode") ~= "file") then | 220 if lfs.attributes(fname .. "/kernel", "mode") ~= "file" then |
221 goto continue 222 end 223 | 221 goto continue 222 end 223 |
224 if (unique[file] == nil) then | 224 if unique[file] == nil then |
225 i = i + 1 226 kernels[i] = file 227 unique[file] = true 228 end 229 230 ::continue:: 231 end 232 return kernels --- 19 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 252function core.isSingleUserBoot() 253 local single_user = loader.getenv("boot_single") 254 return single_user ~= nil and single_user:lower() == "yes" 255end 256 257function core.isSerialBoot() 258 local c = loader.getenv("console") 259 | 225 i = i + 1 226 kernels[i] = file 227 unique[file] = true 228 end 229 230 ::continue:: 231 end 232 return kernels --- 19 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 252function core.isSingleUserBoot() 253 local single_user = loader.getenv("boot_single") 254 return single_user ~= nil and single_user:lower() == "yes" 255end 256 257function core.isSerialBoot() 258 local c = loader.getenv("console") 259 |
260 if (c ~= nil) then 261 if (c:find("comconsole") ~= nil) then | 260 if c ~= nil then 261 if c:find("comconsole") ~= nil then |
262 return true 263 end 264 end 265 266 local s = loader.getenv("boot_serial") | 262 return true 263 end 264 end 265 266 local s = loader.getenv("boot_serial") |
267 if (s ~= nil) then | 267 if s ~= nil then |
268 return true 269 end 270 271 local m = loader.getenv("boot_multicons") | 268 return true 269 end 270 271 local m = loader.getenv("boot_multicons") |
272 if (m ~= nil) then | 272 if m ~= nil then |
273 return true 274 end 275 return false 276end 277 278function core.isSystem386() | 273 return true 274 end 275 return false 276end 277 278function core.isSystem386() |
279 return (loader.machine_arch == "i386") | 279 return loader.machine_arch == "i386" |
280end 281 282-- This may be a better candidate for a 'utility' module. 283function core.shallowCopyTable(tbl) 284 local new_tbl = {} 285 for k, v in pairs(tbl) do | 280end 281 282-- This may be a better candidate for a 'utility' module. 283function core.shallowCopyTable(tbl) 284 local new_tbl = {} 285 for k, v in pairs(tbl) do |
286 if (type(v) == "table") then | 286 if type(v) == "table" then |
287 new_tbl[k] = core.shallowCopyTable(v) 288 else 289 new_tbl[k] = v 290 end 291 end 292 return new_tbl 293end 294 295-- XXX This should go away if we get the table lib into shape for importing. 296-- As of now, it requires some 'os' functions, so we'll implement this in lua 297-- for our uses 298function core.popFrontTable(tbl) 299 -- Shouldn't reasonably happen | 287 new_tbl[k] = core.shallowCopyTable(v) 288 else 289 new_tbl[k] = v 290 end 291 end 292 return new_tbl 293end 294 295-- XXX This should go away if we get the table lib into shape for importing. 296-- As of now, it requires some 'os' functions, so we'll implement this in lua 297-- for our uses 298function core.popFrontTable(tbl) 299 -- Shouldn't reasonably happen |
300 if (#tbl == 0) then | 300 if #tbl == 0 then |
301 return nil, nil | 301 return nil, nil |
302 elseif (#tbl == 1) then | 302 elseif #tbl == 1 then |
303 return tbl[1], {} 304 end 305 306 local first_value = tbl[1] 307 local new_tbl = {} 308 -- This is not a cheap operation 309 for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do | 303 return tbl[1], {} 304 end 305 306 local first_value = tbl[1] 307 local new_tbl = {} 308 -- This is not a cheap operation 309 for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do |
310 if (k > 1) then | 310 if k > 1 then |
311 new_tbl[k - 1] = v 312 end 313 end 314 315 return first_value, new_tbl 316end 317 318-- On i386, hint.acpi.0.rsdp will be set before we're loaded. On !i386, it will 319-- generally be set upon execution of the kernel. Because of this, we can't (or 320-- don't really want to) detect/disable ACPI on !i386 reliably. Just set it 321-- enabled if we detect it and leave well enough alone if we don't. | 311 new_tbl[k - 1] = v 312 end 313 end 314 315 return first_value, new_tbl 316end 317 318-- On i386, hint.acpi.0.rsdp will be set before we're loaded. On !i386, it will 319-- generally be set upon execution of the kernel. Because of this, we can't (or 320-- don't really want to) detect/disable ACPI on !i386 reliably. Just set it 321-- enabled if we detect it and leave well enough alone if we don't. |
322if (core.isSystem386()) and (core.getACPIPresent(false)) then | 322if core.isSystem386() and core.getACPIPresent(false) then |
323 core.setACPI(true) 324end 325return core | 323 core.setACPI(true) 324end 325return core |