messagebox.c (b319d934379f5b819cd195be7e03dbd407566fd4) messagebox.c (84823cc70824c8d842f503d8c2e6d7b0c2d95b61)
2 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Alfonso Sabato Siciliano
5 *
6 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8 * are met:

--- 89 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

98 pnoutrefresh(textpad, ytextpad, 0, y+1, x+2, y+h-4, x+w-2);
101static int
102do_message(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols,
103 struct buttons bs)
105 bool hastext, loop;
2 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Alfonso Sabato Siciliano
5 *
6 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8 * are met:

--- 89 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

98 pnoutrefresh(textpad, ytextpad, 0, y+1, x+2, y+h-4, x+w-2);
101static int
102do_message(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols,
103 struct buttons bs)
105 bool hastext, loop;
106 int y, x, h, w, retval, ytextpad, htextpad, unused;
106 int y, x, h, w, retval, ytextpad, htextpad, printrows, unused;
107 WINDOW *widget, *textpad, *shadow;
108 wint_t input;
110 if (set_widget_size(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w) != 0)
111 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
112 if (message_autosize(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w, text, &hastext, bs) != 0)
113 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
114 if (message_checksize(h, w, hastext, bs) != 0)
115 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
116 if (set_widget_position(conf, &y, &x, h, w) != 0)
117 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
119 if (new_dialog(conf, &shadow, &widget, y, x, h, w, &textpad, text, &bs,
120 true) != 0)
121 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
107 WINDOW *widget, *textpad, *shadow;
108 wint_t input;
110 if (set_widget_size(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w) != 0)
111 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
112 if (message_autosize(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w, text, &hastext, bs) != 0)
113 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
114 if (message_checksize(h, w, hastext, bs) != 0)
115 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
116 if (set_widget_position(conf, &y, &x, h, w) != 0)
117 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
119 if (new_dialog(conf, &shadow, &widget, y, x, h, w, &textpad, text, &bs,
120 true) != 0)
121 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
123 printrows = h - 4;
123 ytextpad = 0;
124 getmaxyx(textpad, htextpad, unused);
125 unused++; /* fix unused error */
124 ytextpad = 0;
125 getmaxyx(textpad, htextpad, unused);
126 unused++; /* fix unused error */
126 textupdate(widget, textpad, htextpad, ytextpad, hastext);
127 loop = true;
128 while (loop) {
127 loop = true;
128 while (loop) {
129 textupdate(widget, textpad, htextpad, ytextpad, hastext);
129 doupdate();
130 if (get_wch(&input) == ERR)
131 continue;
132 switch (input) {
133 case KEY_ENTER:
134 case 10: /* Enter */
135 retval = bs.value[bs.curr];
136 loop = false;

--- 18 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

155 break;
156 case KEY_RIGHT:
157 if (bs.curr < (int)bs.nbuttons - 1) {
158 bs.curr++;
159 draw_buttons(widget, bs, true);
160 wnoutrefresh(widget);
161 }
162 break;
130 doupdate();
131 if (get_wch(&input) == ERR)
132 continue;
133 switch (input) {
134 case KEY_ENTER:
135 case 10: /* Enter */
136 retval = bs.value[bs.curr];
137 loop = false;

--- 18 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

156 break;
157 case KEY_RIGHT:
158 if (bs.curr < (int)bs.nbuttons - 1) {
159 bs.curr++;
160 draw_buttons(widget, bs, true);
161 wnoutrefresh(widget);
162 }
163 break;
164 case KEY_UP:
165 if (ytextpad > 0)
166 ytextpad--;
167 break;
168 case KEY_DOWN:
169 if (ytextpad + printrows < htextpad)
170 ytextpad++;
171 break;
172 case KEY_HOME:
173 ytextpad = 0;
174 break;
175 case KEY_END:
176 ytextpad = htextpad - printrows;
177 ytextpad = ytextpad < 0 ? 0 : ytextpad;
178 break;
179 case KEY_PPAGE:
180 ytextpad -= printrows;
181 ytextpad = ytextpad < 0 ? 0 : ytextpad;
182 break;
183 case KEY_NPAGE:
184 ytextpad += printrows;
185 if (ytextpad + printrows > htextpad)
186 ytextpad = htextpad - printrows;
187 break;
163 case KEY_F(1):
164 if (conf->key.f1_file == NULL &&
165 conf->key.f1_message == NULL)
166 break;
167 if (f1help(conf) != 0)
168 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
169 /* No break, screen size can change */
170 case KEY_RESIZE:

--- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

181 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
182 if (set_widget_position(conf, &y, &x, h, w) != 0)
183 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
185 if (update_dialog(conf, shadow, widget, y, x, h, w,
186 textpad, text, &bs, true) != 0)
187 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
188 case KEY_F(1):
189 if (conf->key.f1_file == NULL &&
190 conf->key.f1_message == NULL)
191 break;
192 if (f1help(conf) != 0)
193 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
194 /* No break, screen size can change */
195 case KEY_RESIZE:

--- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

206 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
207 if (set_widget_position(conf, &y, &x, h, w) != 0)
208 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
210 if (update_dialog(conf, shadow, widget, y, x, h, w,
211 textpad, text, &bs, true) != 0)
212 return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR);
214 printrows = h - 4;
189 getmaxyx(textpad, htextpad, unused);
190 ytextpad = 0;
191 textupdate(widget, textpad, htextpad, ytextpad, hastext);
193 /* Important to fix grey lines expanding screen */
194 refresh();
195 break;
215 getmaxyx(textpad, htextpad, unused);
216 ytextpad = 0;
217 textupdate(widget, textpad, htextpad, ytextpad, hastext);
219 /* Important to fix grey lines expanding screen */
220 refresh();
221 break;
196 case KEY_UP:
197 if (ytextpad == 0)
198 break;
199 ytextpad--;
200 textupdate(widget, textpad, htextpad, ytextpad, hastext);
201 break;
202 case KEY_DOWN:
203 if (ytextpad + h - 4 >= htextpad)
204 break;
205 ytextpad++;
206 textupdate(widget, textpad, htextpad, ytextpad, hastext);
207 break;
208 default:
209 if (shortcut_buttons(input, &bs)) {
210 retval = bs.value[bs.curr];
211 loop = false;
212 }
213 }
214 }

--- 27 unchanged lines hidden ---
222 default:
223 if (shortcut_buttons(input, &bs)) {
224 retval = bs.value[bs.curr];
225 loop = false;
226 }
227 }
228 }

--- 27 unchanged lines hidden ---