ObsoleteFiles.inc (5495b976b9a9b841fb615c5dbf8bdd38eb75486a) | ObsoleteFiles.inc (d1166b824bb800a8f954fae324da8b5cbfc4c1c7) |
1# 2# $FreeBSD$ 3# 4# This file lists old files (OLD_FILES), libraries (OLD_LIBS) and 5# directories (OLD_DIRS) which should get removed at an update. Recently 6# removed entries first (with the date as a comment). Dynamic libraries are 7# special cased (OLD_LIBS). Static libraries or the generic links to 8# the dynamic libraries (lib*.so) should (if you don't know why to make an --- 24 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 33# For optional components, you can use the following to see if some entries 34# in OptionalObsoleteFiles.inc have been obsoleted by ObsoleteFiles.inc 35# for o in tools/build/options/WITH*; do 36# __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null make -f Makefile.inc1 -D${o##*/} \ 37# -V OLD_FILES -V OLD_LIBS -V OLD_DIRS check-old | \ 38# xargs -n1 | sort | uniq -d; 39# done 40 | 1# 2# $FreeBSD$ 3# 4# This file lists old files (OLD_FILES), libraries (OLD_LIBS) and 5# directories (OLD_DIRS) which should get removed at an update. Recently 6# removed entries first (with the date as a comment). Dynamic libraries are 7# special cased (OLD_LIBS). Static libraries or the generic links to 8# the dynamic libraries (lib*.so) should (if you don't know why to make an --- 24 unchanged lines hidden (view full) --- 33# For optional components, you can use the following to see if some entries 34# in OptionalObsoleteFiles.inc have been obsoleted by ObsoleteFiles.inc 35# for o in tools/build/options/WITH*; do 36# __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null make -f Makefile.inc1 -D${o##*/} \ 37# -V OLD_FILES -V OLD_LIBS -V OLD_DIRS check-old | \ 38# xargs -n1 | sort | uniq -d; 39# done 40 |
41# 20140125: libelf and libdwarf import | 41# 20140128: libelf and libdwarf import |
42OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib/libelf.so.1 43OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib32/libelf.so.1 44OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib/libdwarf.so.3 45OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib32/libdwarf.so.3 46# 20131215: libcam version bumped 47OLD_LIBS+=lib/libcam.so.6 usr/lib32/libcam.so.6 48# 20131202: libcapsicum and libcasper moved to /lib/ 49OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib/libcapsicum.so.0 --- 6170 unchanged lines hidden --- | 42OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib/libelf.so.1 43OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib32/libelf.so.1 44OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib/libdwarf.so.3 45OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib32/libdwarf.so.3 46# 20131215: libcam version bumped 47OLD_LIBS+=lib/libcam.so.6 usr/lib32/libcam.so.6 48# 20131202: libcapsicum and libcasper moved to /lib/ 49OLD_LIBS+=usr/lib/libcapsicum.so.0 --- 6170 unchanged lines hidden --- |