# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# Copyright 2015 Igor Kozhukhov <ikozhukhov@gmail.com>
#	This makefile drives the production of all implementation architecture
#	dependent modules for the sun4u architecture.


include Makefile.sun4u

#	The following are SPARC specific (rather than sun4u) specific modules
#	which are required for the sun4u kernel to completely lint. They are
#	not involved in the build in any other way. In order to minimize
#	build time, it is assumed that they are up to date. But since sun4u
#	is really a separate architecture we cannot use the v7 sparc modules.
SPARC_LIB_DIR	 = $(UTSBASE)/sparc/lint-libs/$(OBJS_DIR)


		   $(LINT_KMODS:%=$(LINT_LIB_DIR)/llib-l%.ln) \

def		:=	TARGET= def
def.prereq	:=	TARGET= def
all		:=	TARGET= all
all.prereq	:=	TARGET= all
install		:=	TARGET= install
install.prereq	:=	TARGET= all
install_h	:=	TARGET= install_h
install_h.prere	:=	TARGET= install_h
clean		:=	TARGET= clean
clobber		:=	TARGET= clobber
lint		:=	TARGET= lint
lint.prereq	:=	TARGET= lint
lintlib		:=	TARGET= lintlib
modlintlib	:=	TARGET= modlintlib
modlist		:=	TARGET= modlist
modlist	modlist.sparc :=	NO_STATE= -K $$MODSTATE$$$$
clean.lint	:=	TARGET= clean.lint
check		:=	TARGET= check


		modlist modlist.sparc

# Override for CPU_KMODS... they cannot be built
# in parallel

def all clean clobber clean.lint: genassym unix .WAIT \

clobber: clobber.targ

# list the modules under sun4u.

# list the modules for Install -k sun4u.
modlist.karch: modlist modlist.sparc

	@cd $(SRC)/uts/sparc; pwd; $(MAKE) $(NO_STATE) modlist

install: install_platforms genassym unix .WAIT $(KMODS) \

lintlib:	unix

modlintlib:	$(LINT_KMODS)

genassym unix $(KMODS):	FRC
	@cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(NO_STATE) $(TARGET)

# Privilege constants
# NOTE: The rules for generating priv_const.c file are shared between all
# processor architectures and should be kept in sync. If they are changed in
# this file make sure that x86 rules are updated as well.
PRIVS_C = $(UTSBASE)/common/os/priv_const.c

	$(AWK) -f $(PRIVS_AWK) < $(PRIVS_DEF) cfile=$@


# Prerequisites
# The uts/Makefile defines build parallelism for sun4 platforms such that sparc,
# sun4u and sun4v are all built in parallel. Also this Makefile specifies that
# all IMPLEMENTATIONS sun4u sub-platforms are built in parallel. This requires
# building certain parts before the parallel build can start. The uts/Makefile
# appends the '.prereq' string to the original target and executes this Makefile
# to build any prerequisites needed before the full parallel build can start.
# After that make continues with normal targets.
# Any build prerequisites for sun4 and IMPLEMENTATIONS builds should be
# described here.
# genassym is used to build dtrace and genunix, so it should be built first.
# priv_const.c is required to build genunix.
# genunix is used by everyone to ctfmerge with. Genunix is merged with sparc/ip
#   so as a side effect this dependency builds sparc/ip as part of the
#   prerequisites.
# unix is not required by itself but several sun4u platforms require
#   sun4u/platmod to be present. The easiest way to achieve this is to build
#   sun4u/unix first since sun4u/unix Makefile builds sun4u/platform correctly.
#   This causes full sun4u/unix to be built before all sun4u platforms and
#   before uts/sun4v and uts/sparc, but it acceptable since it is not spending
#   too much time building sun4u/unix.
all.prereq def.prereq install.prereq: genassym genunix unix

# Various sun4u platforms expect proto/root_sparc/platform/sun4u/include to be
# present. This is handled by running make install_h in sun4u/unix directory
# first.
install_h.prereq: FRC
	@cd sys; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET)

# sun4u/unix and sun4u/genunix should be linted first since sparc does global
# cross-check with these lint libraries. The sun4u/unix and sun4u/genunix can be
# linted in parallel.
LINT_PREREQ = unix.lint genunix.lint
lint.prereq: $(LINT_PREREQ)


	@cd $(@:%.lint=%); pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET)

# Nothing to do with any other prerequisites

# Platform inter-dependencies
lw8: serengeti

quasar: darwin

# The genunix requires priv_const.c file to be generated first.
genunix: $(PRIVS_C)

# Rules

	@cd $@; pwd; THISIMPL=$@ $(MAKE) $(NO_STATE) $(TARGET)

	@if [ -f $@/Makefile  ]; then \
		cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(NO_STATE) $(TARGET); \
	else \
		true; \

install_h check: install_platforms $(IMPLEMENTATIONS)
	@cd sys; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET)
	@cd vm; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET)

# Rules for the /platforms directories.  This is hardwired here because
# the first stage of the project (KBI) only implements the userland
# changes, but the only reasonable place to record the aliases is
# here in kernel land.

# create directories in /usr/platform/ for the implementations that are
#       (eg. SUNW,Ultra-1)
# Foreach $(IMPLEMENTED_PLATFORM) there can be a list of $(LINKED_PLATFORMS)
# that are linked to it.

# create the links in /usr/platform/ foreach $(LINKED_PLATFORMS)
# to it's corresponding $(IMPLEMENTED_PLATFORM).



# Make the /platforms directories.  This is hardwired here because
# the first stage of the project (KBI) only implements the userland
# changes, but the only reasonable place to record the aliases is
# here in kernel land.
install_platforms:	$(ROOT_PSM_DIR) $(USR_PSM_DIR) \

# rules for making include, sbin, lib dirs/links in
# /usr/platform/$(PLATFORM)/ for desktop platforms



#	Full kernel lint target.
LINT_TARGET	= globallint

	@-$(ECHO) "\nSUN4U KERNEL: global crosschecks:"
	@-$(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) $(LINT_LIBS) 2>&1 | $(LGREP.2)

lint:	lintlib .WAIT modlintlib .WAIT $(SPARC_LINTS) $(LINT_DEPS) \

include ../Makefile.targ

# Cross-reference customization: build a cross-reference over all of the
# sun4u-related directories.
XRDIRS	= ../sun4u ../sun4 ../sfmmu ../sparc ../sun ../common
XRPRUNE = i86pc

cscope.out tags: FRC
	$(XREF) -x $@