# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
#ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"

# wsdiff(1) is a tool that can be used to determine which compiled objects
# have changed as a result of a given source change. Developers backporting
# new features, RFEs and bug fixes need to be able to identify the set of
# patch deliverables necessary for feature/fix realization on a patched system.
# The tool works by comparing objects in two trees/proto areas (one build with,
# and without the source changes.
# Using wsdiff(1) is fairly simple:
#	- Bringover to a fresh workspace
#	- Perform a full non-debug build (clobber if workspace isn't fresh)
#	- Move the proto area aside, call it proto.old, or something.
#	- Integrate your changes to the workspace
#	- Perform another full non-debug clobber build.
#	- Use wsdiff(1) to see what changed:
#		$ wsdiff proto.old proto
# By default, wsdiff will print the list of changed objects / deliverables to
# stdout. If a results file is specified via -r, the list of differing objects,
# and details about why wsdiff(1) thinks they are different will be logged to
# the results file.
# By invoking nightly(1) with the -w option to NIGHTLY_FLAGS, nightly(1) will use
# wsdiff(1) to report on what objects changed since the last build.
# For patch deliverable purposes, it's advised to have nightly do a clobber,
# non-debug build.
# Think about the results. Was something flagged that you don't expect? Go look
# at the results file to see details about the differences.
# Use the -i option in conjunction with -v and -V to dive deeper and have wsdiff(1)
# report with more verbosity.
# Usage: wsdiff [-vVt] [-r results ] [-i filelist ] old new
# Where "old" is the path to the proto area build without the changes, and
# "new" is the path to the proto area built with the changes. The following
# options are supported:
#        -v      Do not truncate observed diffs in results
#        -V      Log *all* ELF sect diffs vs. logging the first diff found
#        -t      Use onbld tools in $SRC/tools
#        -r      Log results and observed differences
#        -i      Tell wsdiff which objects to compare via an input file list

import datetime, fnmatch, getopt, profile, os, popen2, commands
import re, select, string, struct, sys, tempfile, time
from stat import *

# Human readable diffs truncated by default if longer than this
# Specifying -v on the command line will override
diffs_sz_thresh = 4096

# Default search path for wsdiff
wsdiff_path = [ "/usr/bin",
		"/opt/onbld/bin" ]

# These are objects that wsdiff will notice look different, but will not report.
# Existence of an exceptions list, and adding things here is *dangerous*,
# and therefore the *only* reasons why anything would be listed here is because
# the objects do not build deterministically, yet we *cannot* fix this.
# These perl libraries use __DATE__ and therefore always look different.
# Ideally, we would purge use the use of __DATE__ from the source, but because
# this is source we wish to distribute with Solaris "unchanged", we cannot modify.
wsdiff_exceptions = [ "usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib/sun4-solaris-64int/CORE/libperl.so.1",

# Logging routines

# Informational message to be printed to the screen, and the log file
def info(msg) :

	print >> sys.stdout, msg
	if logging :
		print >> log, msg

# Error message to be printed to the screen, and the log file
def error(msg) :
	print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR:", msg
	if logging :
		print >> log, "ERROR:", msg

# Informational message to be printed only to the log, if there is one.
def v_info(msg) :

	if logging :
		print >> log, msg
# Flag a detected file difference
# Display the fileName to stdout, and log the difference
def difference(f, dtype, diffs) :

	if f in wsdiff_exceptions :

	print >> sys.stdout, f

	log_difference(f, dtype, diffs)

# Do the actual logging of the difference to the results file
def log_difference(f, dtype, diffs) :
	if logging :
		print >> log, f
		print >> log, "NOTE:", dtype, "difference detected."

		difflen = len(diffs)
		if difflen > 0 :				
			print >> log

			if not vdiffs and difflen > diffs_sz_thresh :
				print >> log, diffs[:diffs_sz_thresh]
				print >> log, \
				      "... truncated due to length: " \
				      "use -v to override ..."
			else :
				print >> log, diffs
			print >> log, "\n"

# diff generating routines

# Return human readable diffs from two temporary files
def diffFileData(tmpf1, tmpf2) :

	# Filter the data through od(1) if the data is detected
	# as being binary
	if isBinary(tmpf1) or isBinary(tmpf2) :
		tmp_od1 = tmpf1 + ".od"
		tmp_od2 = tmpf2 + ".od"
		cmd = od_cmd + " -c -t x4" + " " + tmpf1 + " > " + tmp_od1
		cmd = od_cmd + " -c -t x4" + " " + tmpf2 + " > " + tmp_od2
		tmpf1 = tmp_od1
		tmpf2 = tmp_od2

	data = commands.getoutput(diff_cmd + " " + tmpf1 + " " + tmpf2)

	return data

# Return human readable diffs betweeen two datasets
def diffData(d1, d2) :

	global tmpFile1
	global tmpFile2

		fd1 = open(tmpFile1, "w")
		error("failed to open: " + tmpFile1)
		fd2 = open(tmpFile2, "w")
		error("failed to open: " + tmpFile2)


	return diffFileData(tmpFile1, tmpFile2)

# Misc utility functions

# Prune off the leading prefix from string s
def str_prefix_trunc(s, prefix) :
	snipLen = len(prefix)
	return s[snipLen:]

# Prune off leading proto path goo (if there is one) to yield
# the deliverable's eventual path relative to root
# e.g. proto.base/root_sparc/usr/src/cmd/prstat => usr/src/cmd/prstat
def fnFormat(fn) :
	root_arch_str = "root_" + arch
	pos = fn.find(root_arch_str)
	if pos == -1 :
		return fn

	pos = fn.find("/", pos)
	if pos == -1 :
		return fn

	return fn[pos + 1:]

# Usage / argument processing

# Display usage message
def usage() :
	print >> sys.stderr, """Usage: wsdiff [-vVt] [-r results ] [-i filelist ] old new
        -v      Do not truncate observed diffs in results
        -V      Log *all* ELF sect diffs vs. logging the first diff found
        -t      Use onbld tools in $SRC/tools
        -r      Log results and observed differences
        -i      Tell wsdiff which objects to compare via an input file list"""

# Process command line options
def args() :

	global logging
	global vdiffs
	global reportAllSects

	validOpts = 'i:r:vVt?'

	baseRoot = ""
	ptchRoot = ""
	fileNamesFile = ""
	results = ""
	localTools = False

	# getopt.getopt() returns:
	#	an option/value tuple
	#	a list of remaining non-option arguments
	# A correct wsdiff invocation will have exactly two non option
	# arguments, the paths to the base (old), ptch (new) proto areas
		optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], validOpts)
	except getopt.error, val:

	if len(args) != 2 :

	for opt,val in optlist :
		if opt == '-i' :
			fileNamesFile = val
		elif opt == '-r' :
			results = val
			logging = True
		elif opt == '-v' :
			vdiffs = True
		elif opt == '-V' :
			reportAllSects = True
		elif opt == '-t':
			localTools = True

	baseRoot = args[0]
	ptchRoot = args[1]

	if len(baseRoot) == 0 or len(ptchRoot) == 0 :

	if logging and len(results) == 0 :

	if vdiffs and not logging :
		error("The -v option requires a results file (-r)")

	if reportAllSects and not logging :
		error("The -V option requires a results file (-r)")

	# alphabetical order
	return	baseRoot, fileNamesFile, localTools, ptchRoot, results

# File identification

# Identify the file type.
# If it's not ELF, use the file extension to identify
# certain file types that require special handling to
# compare. Otherwise just return a basic "ASCII" type.
def getTheFileType(f) :

	extensions = { 'a'	:	'ELF Object Archive',
		       'jar'	:	'Java Archive',
		       'html'	:	'HTML',
		       'ln'	:	'Lint Library',
		       'esa'	:	'Elfsign Activation',
		       'db'	:	'Sqlite Database' }
		if os.stat(f)[ST_SIZE] == 0 :
			return 'ASCII'
		error("failed to stat " + f)
		return 'Error'

	if isELF(f) == 1 :
		return 'ELF'

	fnamelist = f.split('.')
	if len(fnamelist) > 1 :	# Test the file extension
		extension = fnamelist[-1]
		if extension in extensions.keys():
			return extensions[extension]

	return 'ASCII'

# Return non-zero if "f" is an ELF file
elfmagic = '\177ELF'
def isELF(f) :
		fd = open(f)
		error("failed to open: " + f)
		return 0
	magic = fd.read(len(elfmagic))

	if magic == elfmagic :
		return 1
	return 0

# Return non-zero is "f" is binary.
# Consider the file to be binary if it contains any null characters
def isBinary(f) :
		fd = open(f)
		error("failed to open: " + f)
		return 0
	s = fd.read()

	if s.find('\0') == -1 :
		return 0
	else :
		return 1

# Directory traversal and file finding

# Return a sorted list of files found under the specified directory
def findFiles(d) :
	for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(d) :
		for name in files :
			yield os.path.join(path, name)

# Examine all files in base, ptch
# Return a list of files appearing in both proto areas,
# a list of new files (files found only in ptch) and
# a list of deleted files (files found only in base)
def protoCatalog(base, ptch) :
	compFiles = []		# List of files in both proto areas
	ptchList = []		# List of file in patch proto area

	newFiles = []		# New files detected
	deletedFiles = []	# Deleted files
	baseFilesList = list(findFiles(base))
	baseStringLength = len(base)
	ptchFilesList = list(findFiles(ptch))
	ptchStringLength = len(ptch)

	# Inventory files in the base proto area
	for fn in baseFilesList :
		if os.path.islink(fn) :

		fileName = fn[baseStringLength:]

	# Inventory files in the patch proto area
	for fn in ptchFilesList :
		if os.path.islink(fn) :

		fileName = fn[ptchStringLength:]

	# Deleted files appear in the base area, but not the patch area
	for fileName in compFiles :
		if not fileName in ptchList :

	# Eliminate "deleted" files from the list of objects appearing
	# in both the base and patch proto areas
	for fileName in deletedFiles :
			error("filelist.remove() failed")

	# New files appear in the patch area, but not the base
	for fileName in ptchList :
		if not fileName in compFiles :

	return compFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles

# Examine the files listed in the input file list
# Return a list of files appearing in both proto areas,
# a list of new files (files found only in ptch) and
# a list of deleted files (files found only in base)
def flistCatalog(base, ptch, flist) :
	compFiles = []		# List of files in both proto areas
	newFiles = []		# New files detected
	deletedFiles = []	# Deleted files
		fd = open(flist, "r")
		error("could not open: " + flist)

	files = []
	files = fd.readlines()
	for f in files :
		ptch_present = True
		base_present = True
		if f == '\n' :

		# the fileNames have a trailing '\n'
		f = f.rstrip()

		# The objects in the file list have paths relative
		# to $ROOT or to the base/ptch directory specified on
		# the command line.
		# If it's relative to $ROOT, we'll need to add back the
		# root_`uname -p` goo we stripped off in fnFormat()
		if os.path.exists(base + f) :
			fn = f;
		elif os.path.exists(base + "root_" + arch + "/" + f) :
			fn = "root_" + arch + "/" + f
		else :
			base_present = False

		if base_present :
			if not os.path.exists(ptch + fn) :
				ptch_present = False
		else :
			if os.path.exists(ptch + f) :
				fn = f
			elif os.path.exists(ptch + "root_" + arch + "/" + f) :
				fn = "root_" + arch + "/" + f
			else :
				ptch_present = False

		if os.path.islink(base + fn) :	# ignore links
			base_present = False
		if os.path.islink(ptch + fn) :
			ptch_present = False

		if base_present and ptch_present :
		elif base_present :
		elif ptch_present :
		else :
			if os.path.islink(base + fn) and os.path.islink(ptch + fn) :
			error(f + " in file list, but not in either tree. Skipping...")
	return compFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles

# Build a fully qualified path to an external tool/utility.
# Consider the default system locations. For onbld tools, if
# the -t option was specified, we'll try to use built tools in $SRC tools,
# and otherwise, we'll fall back on /opt/onbld/
def find_tool(tool) :

	# First, check what was passed
	if os.path.exists(tool) :
		return tool

	# Next try in wsdiff path
	for pdir in wsdiff_path :
		location = pdir + "/" + tool
		if os.path.exists(location) :
			return location + " "

		location = pdir + "/" + arch + "/" + tool
		if os.path.exists(location) :
			return location + " "
	error("Could not find path to: " + tool);

# ELF file comparison helper routines

# Return a dictionary of ELF section types keyed by section name
def get_elfheader(f) :

	header = {}

	hstring = commands.getoutput(elfdump_cmd + " -c " + f)

	if len(hstring) == 0 :
		error("Failed to dump ELF header for " + f)

	# elfdump(1) dumps the section headers with the section name
	# following "sh_name:", and the section type following "sh_type:"
	sections = hstring.split("Section Header")
	for sect in sections :
		datap = sect.find("sh_name:");
		if datap == -1 :
		section = sect[datap:].split()[1]
		datap = sect.find("sh_type:");
		if datap == -1 :
			error("Could not get type for sect: " + section + \
			      " in " + f)
		sh_type = sect[datap:].split()[2]
		header[section] = sh_type

	return header

# Extract data in the specified ELF section from the given file
def extract_elf_section(f, section) :

	data = commands.getoutput(dump_cmd + " -sn " + section + " " + f)

	if len(data) == 0 :
		error(cmd + " yielded no data")

	# dump(1) displays the file name to start...
	# get past it to the data itself
	dbegin = data.find(":") + 1
	data = data[dbegin:];

	return (data)

# Return a (hopefully meaningful) human readable set of diffs
# for the specified ELF section between f1 and f2
# Depending on the section, various means for dumping and diffing
# the data may be employed.
text_sections = [ '.text', '.init', '.fini' ]
def diff_elf_section(f1, f2, section, sh_type) :

	if (sh_type == "SHT_RELA") : # sh_type == SHT_RELA
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -r " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -r " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".group") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -g " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -g " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".hash") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -h " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -h " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".dynamic") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -d " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -d " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".got") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -G " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -G " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".SUNW_cap") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -H " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -H " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".interp") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -i " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -i " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".symtab" or section == ".dynsym") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -s -N " + section + " " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -s -N " + section + " " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section in text_sections) :
		# dis sometimes complains when it hits something it doesn't
		# know how to disassemble. Just ignore it, as the output
		# being generated here is human readable, and we've already
		# correctly flagged the difference.
		cmd1 = dis_cmd + " -t " + section + " " + f1 + \
		       " 2>/dev/null | grep -v disassembly > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = dis_cmd + " -t " + section + " " + f2 + \
		       " 2>/dev/null | grep -v disassembly > " + tmpFile2
	else :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -w " + tmpFile1 + " -N " + \
		       section + " " + f1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -w " + tmpFile2 + " -N " + \
		       section + " " + f2


	data = diffFileData(tmpFile1, tmpFile2)
	return (data)

# compare the relevant sections of two ELF binaries
# and report any differences
# Returns: 1 if any differenes found
#          0 if no differences found
#	  -1 on error

# Sections deliberately not considered when comparing two ELF
# binaries. Differences observed in these sections are not considered
# significant where patch deliverable identification is concerned.
sections_to_skip = [ ".SUNW_signature",

sections_preferred = [ ".rodata.str1.8",

def compareElfs(base, ptch, quiet) :

	global logging

	base_header = get_elfheader(base)
 	sections = base_header.keys()

	ptch_header = get_elfheader(ptch)
	e2_only_sections = ptch_header.keys()

	e1_only_sections = []

	fileName = fnFormat(base)

	# Derive the list of ELF sections found only in
	# either e1 or e2.
	for sect in sections :
		if not sect in e2_only_sections :
		else :

	if len(e1_only_sections) > 0 :
		if quiet :
			return 1
		if not logging :
			return 1

		slist = ""
		for sect in e1_only_sections :
			slist = slist + sect + "\t"
		v_info("\nELF sections found in " + \
		      base + " but not in " + ptch)
		v_info("\n" + slist)
		return 1
	if len(e2_only_sections) > 0 :
		if quiet :
			return 1
		if not logging :
			return 1

		slist = ""
		for sect in e2_only_sections :
			slist = slist + sect + "\t"
		v_info("\nELF sections found in " + \
		      ptch + " but not in " + base)
		v_info("\n" + slist)
		return 1

	# Look for preferred sections, and put those at the
	# top of the list of sections to compare
	for psect in sections_preferred :
		if psect in sections :
			sections.insert(0, psect)

	# Compare ELF sections
	first_section = True
	for sect in sections :

		if sect in sections_to_skip :

		s1 = extract_elf_section(base, sect);
		s2 = extract_elf_section(ptch, sect);

		if len(s1) != len (s2) or s1 != s2:
			if not quiet:
				sh_type = base_header[sect]
				data = diff_elf_section(base, ptch, sect, \

				# If all ELF sections are being reported, then
				# invoke difference() to flag the file name to
				# stdout only once. Any other section differences
				# should be logged to the results file directly
				if not first_section :
					log_difference(fileName, "ELF " + sect, data)
				else :
					difference(fileName, "ELF " + sect, data)
			if not reportAllSects :
				return 1
			first_section = False
	return 0
# Archive object comparison
# Returns 1 if difference detected
#         0 if no difference detected
#        -1 on error
def compareArchives(base, ptch, fileType) :

	fileName = fnFormat(base)

	# clear the temp directories
	baseCmd = "rm -rf " + tmpDir1 + "*"
	status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(baseCmd)
	if status != 0 :
		error(baseCmd + " failed: " + output)
		return -1

	ptchCmd = "rm -rf " + tmpDir2 + "*"
	status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(ptchCmd)
	if status != 0 :
		error(ptchCmd + " failed: " + output)
		return -1

	# Be optimistic and first try a straight file compare
	# as it will allow us to finish up quickly.
	if compareBasic(base, ptch, True, fileType) == 0 :
		return 0

	# copy over the objects to the temp areas, and
	# unpack them
	baseCmd = "cp -fp " + base + " " + tmpDir1
	status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(baseCmd)
	if status != 0 :
		error(baseCmd + " failed: " + output)
		return -1

	ptchCmd = "cp -fp " + ptch + " " + tmpDir2
	status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(ptchCmd)
	if status != 0 :
		error(ptchCmd + " failed: " + output)
		return -1

	bname = string.split(fileName, '/')[-1]
	if fileType == "Java Archive" :
		baseCmd = "cd " + tmpDir1 + "; " + "jar xf " + bname + \
			  "; rm -f " + bname + " META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
		ptchCmd = "cd " + tmpDir2 + "; " + "jar xf " + bname + \
			  "; rm -f " + bname + " META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
	elif fileType == "ELF Object Archive" :
		baseCmd = "cd " + tmpDir1 + "; " + "/usr/ccs/bin/ar x " + \
			  bname + "; rm -f " + bname
		ptchCmd = "cd " + tmpDir2 + "; " + "/usr/ccs/bin/ar x " + \
			  bname + "; rm -f " + bname
	else :
		error("unexpected file type: " + fileType)
		return -1


	baseFlist = list(findFiles(tmpDir1))
	ptchFlist = list(findFiles(tmpDir2))

	# Trim leading path off base/ptch file lists
	flist = []
	for fn in baseFlist :
		flist.append(str_prefix_trunc(fn, tmpDir1))
	baseFlist = flist

	flist = []
	for fn in ptchFlist :
		flist.append(str_prefix_trunc(fn, tmpDir2))
	ptchFlist = flist

	for fn in ptchFlist :
		if not fn in baseFlist :
			difference(fileName, fileType, \
				   fn + " added to " + fileName)
			return 1

	for fn in baseFlist :
		if not fn in ptchFlist :
			difference(fileName, fileType, \
				   fn + " removed from " + fileName)
			return 1

		differs = compareOneFile((tmpDir1 + fn), (tmpDir2 + fn), True)
		if differs :
			difference(fileName, fileType, \
				   fn + " in " + fileName + " differs")
			return 1
	return 0

# (Basic) file comparison
# There's some special case code here for Javadoc HTML files
# Returns 1 if difference detected
#         0 if no difference detected
#        -1 on error
def compareBasic(base, ptch, quiet, fileType) :

	fileName = fnFormat(base);

	if quiet and os.stat(base)[ST_SIZE] != os.stat(ptch)[ST_SIZE] :
		return 1

		baseFile = open(base)
		error("could not open " + base)
		return -1
		ptchFile = open(ptch)
		error("could not open " + ptch)
		return -1

	baseData = baseFile.read()
	ptchData = ptchFile.read()


	needToSnip = False
	if fileType == "HTML" :
		needToSnip = True
		toSnipBeginStr = "<!-- Generated by javadoc"
		toSnipEndStr = "-->\n"

	if needToSnip :
		toSnipBegin = string.find(baseData, toSnipBeginStr)
		if toSnipBegin != -1 :
			toSnipEnd = string.find(baseData[toSnipBegin:], \
						toSnipEndStr) + \
			baseData = baseData[:toSnipBegin] + \
				   baseData[toSnipBegin + toSnipEnd:]
			ptchData = ptchData[:toSnipBegin] + \
				   ptchData[toSnipBegin + toSnipEnd:]

	if quiet :
		if baseData != ptchData :
			return 1
	else :
		if len(baseData) != len(ptchData) or baseData != ptchData :
			diffs = diffData(baseData, ptchData)
			difference(fileName, fileType, diffs)
			return 1
	return 0

# Compare two objects by producing a data dump from
# each object, and then comparing the dump data
# Returns: 1 if a difference is detected
#          0 if no difference detected
#         -1 upon error
def compareByDumping(base, ptch, quiet, fileType) :

	fileName = fnFormat(base);

	if fileType == "Lint Library" :
		baseCmd = lintdump_cmd + " -ir " + base + \
			  " | grep -v LINTLIB:" + " > " + tmpFile1
		ptchCmd = lintdump_cmd + " -ir " + ptch + \
			  " | grep -v LINTLIB:" + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif fileType == "Sqlite Database" :
		baseCmd = "echo .dump | " + sqlite_cmd + base + " > " + \
		ptchCmd = "echo .dump | " + sqlite_cmd + ptch + " > " + \

		baseFile = open(tmpFile1)
		error("could not open: " + tmpFile1)
		ptchFile = open(tmpFile2)
		error("could not open: " + tmpFile2)

	baseData = baseFile.read()
	ptchData = ptchFile.read()


	if len(baseData) != len(ptchData) or baseData != ptchData :
		if not quiet :
			data = diffFileData(tmpFile1, tmpFile2);
			difference(fileName, fileType, data)
 		return 1
	return 0

# Compare two elfsign activation files. This ignores the activation
# files themselves and reports a difference if and only if the
# corresponding base files are different.
# Returns 1 if difference detected
#         0 if no difference detected
#        -1 on error
def compareActivation(base, ptch, quiet, fileType) :

	fileName = fnFormat(base)

	# Drop the .esa suffix from both filenames.
	base = base[0:base.rfind('.esa')]
	ptch = ptch[0:ptch.rfind('.esa')]

	result = compareOneFile(base, ptch, True)
	if result == -1 :
		error("unable to compare " + fileName)
	elif result == 1 :
		if not quiet :
			difference(fileName, fileType, \
				"change in corresponding ELF file")

	return result

# Compare two objects. Detect type changes.
# Vector off to the appropriate type specific
# compare routine based on the type.
def compareOneFile(base, ptch, quiet) :

	# Verify the file types.
	# If they are different, indicate this and move on
	btype = getTheFileType(base)
	ptype = getTheFileType(ptch)

	if btype == 'Error' or ptype == 'Error' :
		return -1

	fileName = fnFormat(base)

	if (btype != ptype) :
		if not quiet :
			difference(fileName, "file type", btype + " to " + ptype)
		return 1
	else :
		fileType = btype

	if (fileType == 'ELF') :
		return compareElfs(base, ptch, quiet)

	elif (fileType == 'Java Archive' or fileType == 'ELF Object Archive') :
		return compareArchives(base, ptch, fileType)

	elif (fileType == 'HTML') :
		return compareBasic(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

	elif ( fileType == 'Lint Library' ) :
		return compareByDumping(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

	elif ( fileType == 'Sqlite Database' ) :
		return compareByDumping(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

	elif ( fileType == 'Elfsign Activation' ) :
		return compareActivation(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

	else :
		# it has to be some variety of text file
		return compareBasic(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

# Cleanup and self-terminate
def cleanup(ret) :

	if len(tmpDir1) > 0 and len(tmpDir2) > 0 :

		baseCmd = "rm -rf " + tmpDir1
		ptchCmd = "rm -rf " + tmpDir2

	if logging :

def main() :

	# Log file handle
	global log

	# Globals relating to command line options
	global logging, vdiffs, reportAllSects

	# Named temporary files / directories
	global tmpDir1, tmpDir2, tmpFile1, tmpFile2

	# Command paths
	global lintdump_cmd, elfdump_cmd, dump_cmd, dis_cmd, od_cmd, diff_cmd, sqlite_cmd

	# Default search path
	global wsdiff_path

	# Essentially "uname -p"
	global arch

	# Some globals need to be initialized
	logging = vdiffs = reportAllSects = False

	# Process command line arguments
	# Return values are returned from args() in alpha order
	# (Yes, python functions can return multiple values (ewww))
	# Note that args() also set the globals:
	#	logging to True if verbose logging (to a file) was enabled
	#	vdiffs to True if logged differences aren't to be truncated
	#	reportAllSects to True if all ELF section differences are to be reported
	baseRoot, fileNamesFile, localTools, ptchRoot, results = args()

	# Set up the results/log file
	if logging :
			log = open(results, "w")
			logging = False
			error("failed to open log file: " + log)

		dateTimeStr= "# %d/%d/%d at %d:%d:%d" % time.localtime()[:6]
		v_info("# This file was produced by wsdiff")

	# Build paths to the tools required tools
	# Try to look for tools in $SRC/tools if the "-t" option
	# was specified
	arch = commands.getoutput("uname -p")
	if localTools :
			src = os.environ['SRC']
			error("-t specified, but $SRC not set. Cannot find $SRC/tools")
			src = ""
		if len(src) > 0 :
			wsdiff_path.insert(0, src + "/tools/proto/opt/onbld/bin")

	lintdump_cmd = find_tool("lintdump")
	elfdump_cmd = find_tool("elfdump")
	dump_cmd = find_tool("dump")
	od_cmd = find_tool("od")
	dis_cmd = find_tool("dis")
	diff_cmd = find_tool("diff")
	sqlite_cmd = find_tool("sqlite")

	# validate the base and patch paths
	if baseRoot[-1] != '/' :
		baseRoot += '/'

	if ptchRoot[-1] != '/' :
		ptchRoot += '/'

	if not os.path.exists(baseRoot) :
		error("old proto area: " + baseRoot + " does not exist")

	if not os.path.exists(ptchRoot) :
		error("new proto area: " + ptchRoot + \
		      " does not exist")

	# log some information identifying the run
	v_info("Old proto area: " + baseRoot)
	v_info("New proto area: " + ptchRoot)
	v_info("Results file: " + results + "\n")

	# Set up the temporary directories / files
	# Could use python's tmpdir routines, but these should
	# be easier to identify / keep around for debugging
	pid = os.getpid()
	tmpDir1 = "/tmp/wsdiff_tmp1_" + str(pid) + "/"
	tmpDir2 = "/tmp/wsdiff_tmp2_" + str(pid) + "/"
	if not os.path.exists(tmpDir1) :
	if not os.path.exists(tmpDir2) :

	tmpFile1 = tmpDir1 + "f1"
	tmpFile2 = tmpDir2 + "f2"

	# Derive a catalog of new, deleted, and to-be-compared objects
	# either from the specified base and patch proto areas, or from
	# from an input file list
	newOrDeleted = False

	if fileNamesFile != "" :
		changedFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles = \
			      flistCatalog(baseRoot, ptchRoot, fileNamesFile)
	else :
		changedFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles = protoCatalog(baseRoot, ptchRoot)

	if len(newFiles) > 0 :
		newOrDeleted = True
		info("\nNew objects found: ")

		for fn in newFiles :

	if len(deletedFiles) > 0 :
		newOrDeleted = True
		info("\nObjects removed: ")

		for fn in deletedFiles :

	if newOrDeleted :
		info("\nChanged objects: ");

	# Here's where all the heavy lifting happens
	# Perform a comparison on each object appearing in
	# both proto areas. compareOneFile will examine the
	# file types of each object, and will vector off to
	# the appropriate comparison routine, where the compare
	# will happen, and any differences will be reported / logged
	for fn in changedFiles :
		base = baseRoot + fn
		ptch = ptchRoot + fn
		compareOneFile(base, ptch, False)

	# We're done, cleanup.

if __name__ == '__main__' :
	except KeyboardInterrupt :