# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2015 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2012 Joshua M. Clulow <josh@sysmgr.org>
# Copyright 2015, OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.

# Configuration variables for the runtime environment of the nightly
# build script and other tools for construction and packaging of
# releases.
# This example is suitable for building an illumos workspace, which
# will contain the resulting archives. It is based off the onnv
# release. It sets NIGHTLY_OPTIONS to make nightly do:
#       DEBUG build only (-D, -F)
#       do not bringover from the parent (-n)
#       runs 'make check' (-C)
#       checks for new interfaces in libraries (-A)
#       runs lint in usr/src (-l plus the LINTDIRS variable)
#       sends mail on completion (-m and the MAILTO variable)
#       creates packages for PIT/RE (-p)
#       checks for changes in ELF runpaths (-r)
#       build and use this workspace's tools in $SRC/tools (-t)
# - This file is sourced by "bldenv.sh" and "nightly.sh" and should not 
#   be executed directly.
# - This script is only interpreted by ksh93 and explicitly allows the
#   use of ksh93 language extensions.
export NIGHTLY_OPTIONS='-FnCDAlmprt'

# CODEMGR_WS - where is your workspace at
#export CODEMGR_WS="$HOME/ws/illumos-gate"
export CODEMGR_WS="`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`"

# Maximum number of dmake jobs.  The recommended number is 2 + NCPUS,
# where NCPUS is the number of logical CPUs on your build system.
function maxjobs
	nameref maxjobs=$1
	integer ncpu
	integer -r min_mem_per_job=512 # minimum amount of memory for a job

	ncpu=$(builtin getconf ; getconf 'NPROCESSORS_ONLN')
	(( maxjobs=ncpu + 2 ))
	# Throttle number of parallel jobs launched by dmake to a value which
	# gurantees that all jobs have enough memory. This was added to avoid
	# excessive paging/swapping in cases of virtual machine installations
	# which have lots of CPUs but not enough memory assigned to handle
	# that many parallel jobs
	if [[ $(/usr/sbin/prtconf 2>'/dev/null') == ~(E)Memory\ size:\ ([[:digit:]]+)\ Megabytes ]] ; then
		integer max_jobs_per_memory # parallel jobs which fit into physical memory
		integer physical_memory # physical memory installed

		# The array ".sh.match" contains the contents of capturing
		# brackets in the last regex, .sh.match[1] will contain
		# the value matched by ([[:digit:]]+), i.e. the amount of
		# memory installed
			max_jobs_per_memory=round(physical_memory/min_mem_per_job) ,
			maxjobs=fmax(2, fmin(maxjobs, max_jobs_per_memory))

	return 0

maxjobs DMAKE_MAX_JOBS # "DMAKE_MAX_JOBS" passed as ksh(1) name reference

# path to onbld tool binaries

# PARENT_WS is used to determine the parent of this workspace. This is
# for the options that deal with the parent workspace (such as where the
# proto area will go).
export PARENT_WS=''

# CLONE_WS is the workspace nightly should do a bringover from.
export CLONE_WS='ssh://anonhg@hg.illumos.org/illumos-gate'

# The bringover, if any, is done as STAFFER.
# Set STAFFER to your own login as gatekeeper or developer
# The point is to use group "staff" and avoid referencing the parent
# workspace as root.
# Some scripts optionally send mail messages to MAILTO.

# If you wish the mail messages to be From: an arbitrary address, export
#export MAILFROM="user@example.com"

# The project (see project(4)) under which to run this build.  If not
# specified, the build is simply run in a new task in the current project.

# You should not need to change the next three lines
export ATLOG="$CODEMGR_WS/log"
export LOGFILE="$ATLOG/nightly.log"
export MACH="$(uname -p)"

#  The following macro points to the closed binaries.  Once illumos has
#  totally freed itself, we can remove this reference.
# Location of encumbered binaries.
export ON_CLOSED_BINS="$CODEMGR_WS/closed"

# REF_PROTO_LIST - for comparing the list of stuff in your proto area
# with. Generally this should be left alone, since you want to see differences
# from your parent (the gate).
export REF_PROTO_LIST="$PARENT_WS/usr/src/proto_list_${MACH}"

export ROOT="$CODEMGR_WS/proto/root_${MACH}"
export SRC="$CODEMGR_WS/usr/src"
export MULTI_PROTO="no"

#	build environment variables, including version info for mcs, motd,
# motd, uname and boot messages. Mostly you shouldn't change this except
# when the release slips (nah) or you move an environment file to a new
# release
export VERSION="`git describe --long --all HEAD | cut -d/ -f2-`"

# the RELEASE and RELEASE_DATE variables are set in Makefile.master;
# there might be special reasons to override them here, but that
# should not be the case in general
# export RELEASE='5.11'
# export RELEASE_DATE='October 2007'

# proto area in parent for optionally depositing a copy of headers and
# libraries corresponding to the protolibs target
# not applicable given the NIGHTLY_OPTIONS
export PARENT_ROOT="$PARENT_WS/proto/root_$MACH"
export PARENT_TOOLS_ROOT="$PARENT_WS/usr/src/tools/proto/root_$MACH-nd"

# Package creation variables.  You probably shouldn't change these,
# either.
# PKGARCHIVE determines where the repository will be created.
# PKGPUBLISHER_REDIST controls the publisher setting for the repository.
export PKGARCHIVE="${CODEMGR_WS}/packages/${MACH}/nightly"
# export PKGPUBLISHER_REDIST='on-redist'

# Package manifest format version.
export PKGFMT_OUTPUT='v1'

# we want make to do as much as it can, just in case there's more than
# one problem.
export MAKEFLAGS='k'

# Magic variable to prevent the devpro compilers/teamware from sending
# mail back to devpro on every use.

# Build tools - don't change these unless you know what you're doing.  These
# variables allows you to get the compilers and onbld files locally.
# Set BUILD_TOOLS to pull everything from one location.
# Alternately, you can set ONBLD_TOOLS to where you keep the contents of
# SUNWonbld and SPRO_ROOT to where you keep the compilers.  SPRO_VROOT
# exists to make it easier to test new versions of the compiler.
export BUILD_TOOLS='/opt'
#export ONBLD_TOOLS='/opt/onbld'
export SPRO_ROOT='/opt/SUNWspro'

# Disable shadow compilation by default.
export CW_NO_SHADOW='1'

# This goes along with lint - it is a series of the form "A [y|n]" which
# means "go to directory A and run 'make lint'" Then mail me (y) the
# difference in the lint output. 'y' should only be used if the area you're
# linting is actually lint clean or you'll get lots of mail.
# You shouldn't need to change this though.
#export LINTDIRS="$SRC y"

# Set this flag to 'n' to disable the use of 'checkpaths'.  The default,
# if the 'N' option is not specified, is to run this test.

# POST_NIGHTLY can be any command to be run at the end of nightly.  See
# nightly(1) for interactions between environment variables and this command.

# Comment this out to disable support for IPP printing, i.e. if you
# don't want to bother providing the Apache headers this needs.

# Comment this out to disable support for SMB printing, i.e. if you
# don't want to bother providing the CUPS headers this needs.

# If your distro uses certain versions of Perl, make sure either Makefile.master
# contains your new defaults OR your .env file sets them.
# These are how you would override for building on OmniOS r151012, for example.
#export PERL_VERSION=5.16.1
#export PERL_ARCH=i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int
#export PERL_PKGVERS=-5161