'\" te
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.TH CSX_EVENT_HANDLER 9E "Nov 22, 1996"
csx_event_handler \- PC Card driver event handler
#include <sys/pccard.h>

\fBint32_t prefix\fR\fBevent_handler\fR(\fBevent_t\fR \fIevent\fR, \fBint32_t\fR \fIpriority\fR,
     \fBevent_callback_args_t *\fR\fIargs\fR);

Solaris architecture specific (Solaris \fBDDI) \fR
.ne 2
.RS 12n
The event.

.ne 2
.RS 12n
The priority of the event.

.ne 2
.RS 12n
A pointer to the \fBevent_callback_t\fR structure.

Each instance of a \fBPC \fRCard driver must register an event handler to
manage events associated with its \fBPC \fRCard. The driver event handler is
registered using the \fBevent_handler\fR field of the \fBclient_req_t\fR
structure passed to \fBcsx_RegisterClient\fR(9F). The driver may also supply a
parameter to be passed to its event handler function using the
\fBevent_callback_args.client_data\fR field. Typically, this argument is the
driver instance's soft state pointer. The driver also registers which events it
is interested in receiving through the \fBEventMask\fR field of the
\fBclient_req_t\fR structure.
Each event is delivered to the driver with a priority, \fIpriority\fR. High
priority events with \fBCS_EVENT_PRI_HIGH\fR set in \fIpriority\fR are
delivered above lock level, and the driver must use its high-level event mutex
initialized with the \fBiblk_cookie\fR returned by \fBcsx_RegisterClient\fR(9F)
to protect such events. Low priority events with \fBCS_EVENT_PRI_LOW\fR set in
\fIpriority\fR are delivered below lock level, and the driver must use its
low-level event mutex initialized with a \fBNULL \fRinterrupt cookie to protect
these events.
\fBcsx_RegisterClient\fR(9F) registers the driver's event handler, but no
events begin to be delivered to the driver until after a successful call to
In all cases, Card Services delivers an event to each driver instance
associated with a function on a multiple function \fBPC \fRCard.
.SS "Event Indications"
The events and their indications are listed below; they are always delivered as
low priority unless otherwise noted:
.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A registration request processed in the background has been completed.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A \fBPC \fRCard has been inserted in a socket.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A \fBPC \fRCard's \fBREADY \fRline has transitioned from the busy to ready

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A \fBPC \fRCard has been removed from a socket. This event is delivered twice;
first as a high priority event, followed by delivery as a low priority event.
As a high priority event, the event handler should only note that the \fBPC
\fRCard is no longer present to prevent accesses to the hardware from
occurring. As a low priority event, the event handler should release the
configuration and free all \fBI/O\fR, window and \fBIRQ \fRresources for use by
other \fBPC \fRCards.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
The battery on a \fBPC \fRCard is weak and is in need of replacement.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
The battery on a \fBPC \fRCard is no longer providing operational voltage.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Card Services has received a resume notification from the system's Power
Management software.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Card Services has received a suspend notification from the system's Power
Management software.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A mechanical latch has been manipulated preventing the removal of the \fBPC
\fRCard from the socket.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A mechanical latch has been manipulated allowing the removal of the \fBPC
\fRCard from the socket.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A request that the \fBPC \fRCard be ejected from a socket using a motor-driven

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A motor has completed ejecting a \fBPC \fRCard from a socket.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A queued erase request that is processed in the background has been completed.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A request that a \fBPC \fRCard be inserted into a socket using a motor-driven

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A motor has completed inserting a \fBPC \fRCard in a socket.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A hardware reset has occurred.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A request for a physical reset by a client.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A reset request that is processed in the background has been completed.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A reset is about to occur.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A request that the client return its client information data.  If
\fBGET_CLIENT_INFO_SUBSVC(args->client_info.Attributes)\fR is equal to
\fBCS_CLIENT_INFO_SUBSVC_CS\fR, the driver should fill in the other fields in
the \fBclient_info\fR structure as described below, and return
\fBCS_SUCCESS\fR. Otherwise, it should return \fBCS_UNSUPPORTED_EVENT.\fR
.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Must be \fBOR\fR'ed with \fBCS_CLIENT_INFO_VALID\fR.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Must be set to a driver-private version number.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Must be set to \fBCS_VERSION\fR.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Must be set to the revision date of the \fBPC \fRCard driver, using
\fBCS_CLIENT_INFO_MAKE_DATE(\fIday\fR,\fR \fImonth\fR, \fIyear\fR). \fIday\fR
must be the day of the month, \fImonth\fR must be the month of the year, and
\fIyear\fR must be the year, offset from a base of 1980. For example, this
field could be set to a revision date of July 4 1997 with

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A string describing the \fBPC \fRCard driver should be copied into this space.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A string supplying the name of the \fBPC \fRCard driver vendor should be copied
into this space.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
A string supplying the name of the \fBPC \fRCard driver will be copied into
this space by Card Services after the \fBPC \fRCard driver has successfully
processed this event; the driver does not need to initialize this field.


.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
The write protect status of the \fBPC \fRCard in the indicated socket has
changed. The current write protect state of the \fBPC \fRCard is in the
\fBargs->info\fR field:
.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Card is not write protected.

.ne 2
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Card is write protected.


The structure members of \fBevent_callback_args_t\fR are:
.in +2
void               *info;            /* event-specific information */
void               *client_data;     /* driver-private data */
client_info_t      client_info;      /* client information*/
.in -2

The structure members of \fBclient_info_t\fR are:
.in +2
unit32_t           Attributes;       /* attributes */
unit32_t           Revisions;        /* version number */
uint32_t           CSLevel;          /* Card Services version */
uint32_t           RevDate;          /* revision date */
char               ClientName[CS_CLIENT_INFO_MAX_NAME_LEN];
                                     /*PC Card driver description */
char               VendorName[CS_CLIENT_INFO_MAX_NAME_LEN];
                                     /*PC Card driver vendor name */
char               DriverName[MODMAXNAMELEN];
                                     /* PC Card driver name */
.in -2

.ne 2
.RS 24n
The event was handled successfully.

.ne 2
.RS 24n
Driver does not support this event.

.ne 2
.RS 24n
Error occurred while handling this event.

This function is called from high-level interrupt context in the case of high
priority events, and from kernel context in the case of low priority events.
.in +2
static int
xx_event(event_t event, int priority, event_callback_args_t *args)
     int	rval;
     struct xxx	*xxx = args->client_data;
     client_info_t	*info = &args->client_info;

     switch (event) {
          ASSERT(priority & CS_EVENT_PRI_LOW);
          xxx->card_state |= XX_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE;
          rval = CS_SUCCESS;

          ASSERT(priority & CS_EVENT_PRI_LOW);
          rval = xx_card_ready(xxx);

          ASSERT(priority & CS_EVENT_PRI_LOW);
          rval = xx_card_insertion(xxx);

          if (priority & CS_EVENT_PRI_HIGH) {
              xxx->card_state &= ~XX_CARD_PRESENT;
          }  else {
              rval = xx_card_removal(xxx);

          ASSERT(priority & CS_EVENT_PRI_LOW);
          if (GET_CLIENT_INFO_SUBSVC_CS(info->Attributes) ==
              CS_CLIENT_INFO_SUBSVC_CS) {
                info->Attributes |= CS_CLIENT_INFO_VALID;
                info->Revision = 4;
                info->CSLevel = CS_VERSION;
                info->RevDate = CS_CLIENT_INFO_MAKE_DATE(4, 7, 17);
                     "WhizBang Ultra Zowie PC card driver",

                "ACME PC card drivers, Inc.",
                rval = CS_SUCCESS;
          } else {
                rval = CS_UNSUPPORTED_EVENT;

           ASSERT(priority & CS_EVENT_PRI_LOW);
           if (args->info == CS_EVENT_WRITE_PROTECT_WPOFF) {
               xxx->card_state &= ~XX_WRITE_PROTECTED;
           } else {
               xxx->card_state |= XX_WRITE_PROTECTED;
           rval = CS_SUCCESS;

           rval = CS_UNSUPPORTED_EVENT;

     return (rval);
.in -2

\fBcsx_Event2Text\fR(9F), \fBcsx_RegisterClient\fR(9F),
\fIPC Card 95 Standard\fR, PCMCIA/JEIDA