/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ /* $Id: lpd-query.c 155 2006-04-26 02:34:54Z ktou $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/fcntl.h> #include <time.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <regex.h> #include <papi_impl.h> /* The string is modified by this call */ static char * regvalue(regmatch_t match, char *string) { char *result = NULL; if (match.rm_so != match.rm_eo) { result = string + match.rm_so; *(result + (match.rm_eo - match.rm_so)) = '\0'; } return (result); } /* * Print job entries start with: * (user): (rank) [job (number) (...)] * (user) is the job-owner's user name * (rank) is the rank in queue. (active, 1st, 2nd, ...) * (number) is the job number * (...) is an optional hostname * some servers will use whitespace a little differently than is displayed * above. The regular expression below makes whitespace optional in some * places. */ static char *job_expr = "^(.*[[:alnum:]]):[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:]]+)[[:space:]]+[[][[:space:]]*job[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*(.*)]"; static regex_t job_re; /* * Print job entries for remote windows printer start with: * Owner Status Jobname Job-Id Size Pages Priority * e.g: * Owner Status Jobname Job-Id Size Pages Priority * ------------------------------------------------------------ * root (10.3. Waiting /etc/release 2 240 1 4 * * Owner is the job-owner's user name * Status is the job-status (printing, waiting, error) * Jobname is the name of the job to be printed * Job-Id is the id of the job queued to be printed * Size is the size of the job in bytes * Pages is the number of pages of the job * Priority is the job-priority */ static char *wjob_expr = "^([[:alnum:]]+)[[:space:]]*[(](.*)[)]*[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:]]+)[[:space:]]+(.*)([[:alnum:]]+)(.*)[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)"; static regex_t wjob_re; /* * Windows job header is in the following format * Owner Status Jobname Job-Id Size Pages Priority * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *whjob_expr = "Owner Status Jobname Job-Id Size Pages Priority"; static regex_t whjob_re; static char *wline_expr = "----------"; static regex_t wline_re; /* * status line(s) for "processing" printers will contain one of the following: * ready and printing * Printing */ static char *proc_expr = "(ready and printing|printing)"; static regex_t proc_re; /* * status line(s) for "idle" printers will contain one of the following: * no entries * (printer) is ready * idle */ static char *idle_expr = "(no entries|is ready| idle)"; static regex_t idle_re; /* * Printer state reason * Paused */ static char *state_reason_expr = "(Paused)"; static regex_t state_reason_re; /* * document line(s) * (copies) copies of (name) (size) bytes * (name) (size) bytes * document lines can be in either format above. * (copies) is the number of copies of the document to print * (name) is the name of the document: /etc/motd, ... * (size) is the number of bytes in the document data */ static char *doc1_expr = "[[:space:]]+(([[:digit:]]+) copies of )([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+) bytes"; static char *doc2_expr = "[[:space:]]+()([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+) bytes"; static regex_t doc1_re; static regex_t doc2_re; static void parse_lpd_job(service_t *svc, job_t **job, int fd, char *line, int len) { papi_attribute_t **attributes = NULL; regmatch_t matches[10]; char *s; int octets = 0; int flag = 0; /* * job_re and wjob_re were compiled in the calling function * first check for solaris jobs * if there is no-match check for windows jobs */ if (regexec(&job_re, line, (size_t)5, matches, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) { if (regexec(&wjob_re, line, (size_t)10, matches, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) return; else flag = 1; } if (flag == 1) { /* Windows job */ /* first match is job-id */ if ((s = regvalue(matches[1], line)) == NULL) s = "nobody"; papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "job-originating-user-name", s); if ((s = regvalue(matches[4], line)) == NULL) s = "unknown"; papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-name", s); papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-file-names", s); if ((s = regvalue(matches[7], line)) == NULL) s = "0"; papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "job-id", atoi(s)); if ((s = regvalue(matches[8], line)) == NULL) s = "0"; octets = atoi(s); papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-file-sizes", atoi(s)); } else { /* Solaris job */ if ((s = regvalue(matches[1], line)) == NULL) s = "nobody"; papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "job-originating-user-name", s); if ((s = regvalue(matches[2], line)) == NULL) s = "0"; papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "number-of-intervening-jobs", atoi(s) - 1); if ((s = regvalue(matches[3], line)) == NULL) s = "0"; papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "job-id", atoi(s)); if ((s = regvalue(matches[4], line)) == NULL) s = svc->uri->host; papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "job-originating-host-name", s); } while ((fdgets(line, len, fd) != NULL) && (regexec(&job_re, line, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) && (regexec(&wjob_re, line, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH)) { int size = 0, copies = 1; /* process copies/documents */ /* doc1_re and doc2_re were compiled in the calling function */ if ((regexec(&doc1_re, line, (size_t)4, matches, 0) != 0) && (regexec(&doc2_re, line, (size_t)4, matches, 0) != 0)) continue; if ((s = regvalue(matches[1], line)) == NULL) s = "1"; if ((copies = atoi(s)) < 1) copies = 1; if ((s = regvalue(matches[2], line)) == NULL) s = "unknown"; papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-name", s); papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-file-names", s); if ((s = regvalue(matches[3], line)) == NULL) s = "0"; size = atoi(s); papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-file-sizes", size); octets += (size * copies); } papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-k-octets", octets/1024); papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "job-octets", octets); papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "printer-name", queue_name_from_uri(svc->uri)); if ((*job = (job_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (**job))) != NULL) (*job)->attributes = attributes; } void parse_lpd_query(service_t *svc, int fd) { papi_attribute_t **attributes = NULL; cache_t *cache = NULL; int state = 0x03; /* idle */ char line[128]; char status[1024]; char *s; papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "printer-name", queue_name_from_uri(svc->uri)); if (uri_to_string(svc->uri, status, sizeof (status)) == 0) papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_APPEND, "printer-uri-supported", status); /* * on most systems, status is a single line, but some appear to * return multi-line status messages. To get the "best" possible * printer-state-reason, we accumulate the text until we hit the * first print job entry. * * Print job entries start with: * user: rank [job number ...] */ (void) regcomp(&job_re, job_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); /* * For remote windows printers * Print job entries start with: * Owner Status Jobname Job-Id Size Pages Priority */ (void) regcomp(&wjob_re, wjob_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); (void) regcomp(&whjob_re, whjob_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); (void) regcomp(&wline_re, wline_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); status[0] = '\0'; while ((fdgets(line, sizeof (line), fd) != NULL) && (regexec(&job_re, line, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) && (regexec(&wjob_re, line, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH)) { /* * When windows job queue gets queried following header * should not get printed * Owner Status Jobname Job-Id Size Pages Priority * ----------------------------------------------- */ if ((regexec(&whjob_re, line, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) && (regexec(&wline_re, line, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH)) strlcat(status, line, sizeof (status)); } /* chop off trailing whitespace */ s = status + strlen(status) - 1; while ((s > status) && (isspace(*s) != 0)) *s-- = '\0'; papiAttributeListAddString(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "printer-state-reasons", status); (void) regcomp(&proc_re, proc_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); (void) regcomp(&idle_re, idle_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); (void) regcomp(&state_reason_re, state_reason_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); if ((regexec(&proc_re, status, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0) || (regexec(&state_reason_re, status, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH)) state = 0x04; /* processing */ else if (regexec(&idle_re, status, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0) state = 0x03; /* idle */ else state = 0x05; /* stopped */ papiAttributeListAddInteger(&attributes, PAPI_ATTR_REPLACE, "printer-state", state); if ((cache = (cache_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (*cache))) == NULL) return; if ((cache->printer = (printer_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (*cache->printer))) == NULL) return; cache->printer->attributes = attributes; svc->cache = cache; (void) regcomp(&doc1_re, doc1_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); (void) regcomp(&doc2_re, doc2_expr, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE); /* process job related entries */ while (line[0] != '\0') { job_t *job = NULL; parse_lpd_job(svc, &job, fd, line, sizeof (line)); if (job == NULL) break; list_append(&cache->jobs, job); } time(&cache->timestamp); } void cache_update(service_t *svc) { int fd; if (svc->cache != NULL) /* this should be time based */ return; if (svc == NULL) return; if ((fd = lpd_open(svc, 'q', NULL, 15)) < 0) return; parse_lpd_query(svc, fd); close(fd); } papi_status_t lpd_find_printer_info(service_t *svc, printer_t **printer) { papi_status_t result = PAPI_BAD_ARGUMENT; if ((svc == NULL) || (printer == NULL)) return (PAPI_BAD_ARGUMENT); cache_update(svc); if (svc->cache != NULL) { *printer = svc->cache->printer; result = PAPI_OK; } else result = PAPI_NOT_FOUND; return (result); } papi_status_t lpd_find_jobs_info(service_t *svc, job_t ***jobs) { papi_status_t result = PAPI_BAD_ARGUMENT; if (svc != NULL) { cache_update(svc); if (svc->cache != NULL) { *jobs = svc->cache->jobs; result = PAPI_OK; } } return (result); } papi_status_t lpd_find_job_info(service_t *svc, int job_id, job_t **job) { papi_status_t result = PAPI_BAD_ARGUMENT; job_t **jobs; if (lpd_find_jobs_info(svc, &jobs) != PAPI_OK) { int i; *job = NULL; for (i = 0; ((*job == NULL) && (jobs[i] != NULL)); i++) { int id = -1; papiAttributeListGetInteger(jobs[i]->attributes, NULL, "job-id", &id); if (id == job_id) *job = jobs[i]; } if (*job != NULL) result = PAPI_OK; } return (result); } void cache_free(cache_t *item) { if (item != NULL) { if (item->printer != NULL) papiPrinterFree((papi_printer_t *)item->printer); if (item->jobs != NULL) papiJobListFree((papi_job_t *)item->jobs); free(item); } }