#pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"

# 2001 September 15
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
# focus of this script is btree database backend
# $Id: btree2.test,v 1.10 2002/02/19 13:39:23 drh Exp $

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl

if {[info commands btree_open]!=""} {

# Create a new database file containing no entries.  The database should
# contain 5 tables:
#     2   The descriptor table
#     3   The foreground table
#     4   The background table
#     5   The long key table
#     6   The long data table
# An explanation for what all these tables are used for is provided below.
do_test btree2-1.1 {
  expr srand(1)
  file delete -force test2.bt
  file delete -force test2.bt-journal
  set ::b [btree_open test2.bt]
  btree_begin_transaction $::b
  btree_create_table $::b
} {3}
do_test btree2-1.2 {
  btree_create_table $::b
} {4}
do_test btree2-1.3 {
  btree_create_table $::b
} {5}
do_test btree2-1.4 {
  btree_create_table $::b
} {6}
do_test btree2-1.5 {
  set ::c2 [btree_cursor $::b 2 1]
  btree_insert $::c2 {one} {1}
  btree_delete $::c2
  btree_close_cursor $::c2
  btree_commit $::b
  btree_integrity_check $::b 2 3 4 5 6
} {}

# This test module works by making lots of pseudo-random changes to a
# database while simultaneously maintaining an invariant on that database.
# Periodically, the script does a sanity check on the database and verifies
# that the invariant is satisfied.
# The invariant is as follows:
#   1.  The descriptor table always contains 2 enters.  An entry keyed by
#       "N" is the number of elements in the foreground and background tables
#       combined.  The entry keyed by "L" is the number of digits in the keys
#       for foreground and background tables.
#   2.  The union of the foreground an background tables consists of N entries
#       where each entry an L-digit key.  (Actually, some keys can be longer 
#       than L characters, but they always start with L digits.)  The keys
#       cover all integers between 1 and N.  Whenever an entry is added to
#       the foreground it is removed form the background and vice versa.
#   3.  Some entries in the foreground and background tables have keys that
#       begin with an L-digit number but are followed by additional characters.
#       For each such entry there is a corresponding entry in the long key
#       table.  The long key table entry has a key which is just the L-digit
#       number and data which is the length of the key in the foreground and
#       background tables.
#   4.  The data for both foreground and background entries is usually a
#       short string.  But some entries have long data strings.  For each
#       such entries there is an entry in the long data type.  The key to
#       long data table is an L-digit number.  (The extension on long keys
#       is omitted.)  The data is the number of charaters in the data of the
#       foreground or background entry.
# The following function builds a database that satisfies all of the above
# invariants.
proc build_db {N L} {
  for {set i 2} {$i<=6} {incr i} {
    catch {btree_close_cursor [set ::c$i]}
    btree_clear_table $::b $i
    set ::c$i [btree_cursor $::b $i 1]
  btree_insert $::c2 N $N
  btree_insert $::c2 L $L
  set format %0${L}d
  for {set i 1} {$i<=$N} {incr i} { 
    set key [format $format $i]
    set data $key
    btree_insert $::c3 $key $data

# Given a base key number and a length, construct the full text of the key
# or data.
proc make_payload {keynum L len} {
  set key [format %0${L}d $keynum]
  set r $key
  set i 1
  while {[string length $r]<$len} {
    append r " ($i) $key"
    incr i
  return [string range $r 0 [expr {$len-1}]]

# Verify the invariants on the database.  Return an empty string on 
# success or an error message if something is amiss.
proc check_invariants {} {
  set ck [btree_integrity_check $::b 2 3 4 5 6]
  if {$ck!=""} {
    puts "\n*** SANITY:\n$ck"
    return $ck
  btree_move_to $::c3 {}
  btree_move_to $::c4 {}
  btree_move_to $::c2 N
  set N [btree_data $::c2]
  btree_move_to $::c2 L
  set L [btree_data $::c2]
  set LM1 [expr {$L-1}]
  for {set i 1} {$i<=$N} {incr i} {
    set key [btree_key $::c3]
    if {[scan $key %d k]<1} {set k 0}
    if {$k!=$i} {
      set key [btree_key $::c4]
      if {[scan $key %d k]<1} {set k 0}
      if {$k!=$i} {
        # puts "MISSING $i"
        # puts {Page 3:}; btree_page_dump $::b 3
        # puts {Page 4:}; btree_page_dump $::b 4
        # exit
        return "Key $i is missing from both foreground and background"
      set data [btree_data $::c4]
      btree_next $::c4
    } else {
      set data [btree_data $::c3]
      btree_next $::c3
    set skey [string range $key 0 $LM1]
    if {[btree_move_to $::c5 $skey]==0} {
      set keylen [btree_data $::c5]
    } else {
      set keylen $L
    if {[string length $key]!=$keylen} {
      return "Key $i is the wrong size.\
              Is \"$key\" but should be \"[make_payload $k $L $keylen]\""
    if {[make_payload $k $L $keylen]!=$key} {
      return "Key $i has an invalid extension"
    if {[btree_move_to $::c6 $skey]==0} {
      set datalen [btree_data $::c6]
    } else {
      set datalen $L
    if {[string length $data]!=$datalen} {
      return "Data for $i is the wrong size.\
              Is [string length $data] but should be $datalen"
    if {[make_payload $k $L $datalen]!=$data} {
      return "Entry $i has an incorrect data"

# Make random changes to the database such that each change preserves
# the invariants.  The number of changes is $n*N where N is the parameter
# from the descriptor table.  Each changes begins with a random key.
# the entry with that key is put in the foreground table with probability
# $I and it is put in background with probability (1.0-$I).  It gets
# a long key with probability $K and long data with probability $D.  
set chngcnt 0
proc random_changes {n I K D} {
  btree_move_to $::c2 N
  set N [btree_data $::c2]
  btree_move_to $::c2 L
  set L [btree_data $::c2]
  set LM1 [expr {$L-1}]
  set total [expr {int($N*$n)}]
  set format %0${L}d
  for {set i 0} {$i<$total} {incr i} {
    set k [expr {int(rand()*$N)+1}]
    set insert [expr {rand()<=$I}]
    set longkey [expr {rand()<=$K}]
    set longdata [expr {rand()<=$D}]
    # incr ::chngcnt
    # if {$::chngcnt==251} {btree_tree_dump $::b 3} 
    # puts "CHANGE $::chngcnt: $k $insert $longkey $longdata"
    if {$longkey} {
      set x [expr {rand()}]
      set keylen [expr {int($x*$x*$x*$x*3000)+10}]
    } else {
      set keylen $L
    set key [make_payload $k $L $keylen]
    if {$longdata} {
      set x [expr {rand()}]
      set datalen [expr {int($x*$x*$x*$x*3000)+10}]
    } else {
      set datalen $L
    set data [make_payload $k $L $datalen]
    set basekey [format $format $k]
    if {[set c [btree_move_to $::c3 $basekey]]==0} {
      btree_delete $::c3
    } else {
      if {$c<0} {btree_next $::c3}
      if {[string match $basekey* [btree_key $::c3]]} {
        btree_delete $::c3
    if {[set c [btree_move_to $::c4 $basekey]]==0} {
      btree_delete $::c4
    } else {
      if {$c<0} {btree_next $::c4}
      if {[string match $basekey* [btree_key $::c4]]} {
        btree_delete $::c4
    if {[scan [btree_key $::c4] %d kx]<1} {set kx -1}
    if {$kx==$k} {
      btree_delete $::c4
    if {$insert} {
      btree_insert $::c3 $key $data
    } else {
      btree_insert $::c4 $key $data
    if {$longkey} {
      btree_insert $::c5 $basekey $keylen
    } elseif {[btree_move_to $::c5 $basekey]==0} {
      btree_delete $::c5
    if {$longdata} {
      btree_insert $::c6 $basekey $datalen
    } elseif {[btree_move_to $::c6 $basekey]==0} {
      btree_delete $::c6
    # set ck [btree_integrity_check $::b 2 3 4 5 6]
    # if {$ck!=""} {
    #   puts "\nSANITY CHECK FAILED!\n$ck"
    #   exit
    # }
    # puts "PAGE 3:"; btree_page_dump $::b 3
    # puts "PAGE 4:"; btree_page_dump $::b 4

# Repeat this test sequence on database of various sizes
set testno 2
foreach {N L} {
  10 2
  50 2
  200 3
  2000 5
} {
  puts "**** N=$N L=$L ****"
  set hash [md5file test2.bt]
  do_test btree2-$testno.1 [subst -nocommands {
    set ::c2 [btree_cursor $::b 2 1]
    set ::c3 [btree_cursor $::b 3 1]
    set ::c4 [btree_cursor $::b 4 1]
    set ::c5 [btree_cursor $::b 5 1]
    set ::c6 [btree_cursor $::b 6 1]
    btree_begin_transaction $::b
    build_db $N $L
  }] {}
  do_test btree2-$testno.2 {
    btree_close_cursor $::c2
    btree_close_cursor $::c3
    btree_close_cursor $::c4
    btree_close_cursor $::c5
    btree_close_cursor $::c6
    btree_rollback $::b
    md5file test2.bt
  } $hash
  do_test btree2-$testno.3 [subst -nocommands {
    btree_begin_transaction $::b
    set ::c2 [btree_cursor $::b 2 1]
    set ::c3 [btree_cursor $::b 3 1]
    set ::c4 [btree_cursor $::b 4 1]
    set ::c5 [btree_cursor $::b 5 1]
    set ::c6 [btree_cursor $::b 6 1]
    build_db $N $L
  }] {}
  do_test btree2-$testno.4 {
    btree_commit $::b
  } {}
  do_test btree2-$testno.5  {
    lindex [btree_pager_stats $::b] 1
  } {6}
  do_test btree2-$testno.6  {
    btree_close_cursor $::c2
    btree_close_cursor $::c3
    btree_close_cursor $::c4
    btree_close_cursor $::c5
    btree_close_cursor $::c6
    lindex [btree_pager_stats $::b] 1
  } {0}
  do_test btree2-$testno.7 {
    btree_close $::b
  } {}
after 100
  # For each database size, run various changes tests.
  set num2 1
  foreach {n I K D} {
    0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1
    1.0 0.2 0.1 0.1
    1.0 0.8 0.1 0.1
    2.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
    2.0 1.0 0.1 0.1
    2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
    2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
  } {
    set testid btree2-$testno.8.$num2
    set hash [md5file test2.bt]
    do_test $testid.0 {
      set ::b [btree_open test2.bt]
      set ::c2 [btree_cursor $::b 2 1]
      set ::c3 [btree_cursor $::b 3 1]
      set ::c4 [btree_cursor $::b 4 1]
      set ::c5 [btree_cursor $::b 5 1]
      set ::c6 [btree_cursor $::b 6 1]
    } {}
    set cnt 6
    for {set i 2} {$i<=6} {incr i} {
      if {[lindex [btree_cursor_dump [set ::c$i]] 0]!=$i} {incr cnt}
    do_test $testid.1 {
      btree_begin_transaction $::b
      lindex [btree_pager_stats $::b] 1
    } $cnt
    # exec cp test2.bt test2.bt.bu1
    do_test $testid.2 [subst {
      random_changes $n $I $K $D
    }] {}
    do_test $testid.3 {
    } {}
    do_test $testid.4 {
      btree_close_cursor $::c2
      btree_close_cursor $::c3
      btree_close_cursor $::c4
      btree_close_cursor $::c5
      btree_close_cursor $::c6
      btree_rollback $::b
      md5file test2.bt
    } $hash
    # exec cp test2.bt test2.bt.bu2
    btree_begin_transaction $::b
    set ::c2 [btree_cursor $::b 2 1]
    set ::c3 [btree_cursor $::b 3 1]
    set ::c4 [btree_cursor $::b 4 1]
    set ::c5 [btree_cursor $::b 5 1]
    set ::c6 [btree_cursor $::b 6 1]
    do_test $testid.5 [subst {
      random_changes $n $I $K $D
    }] {}
    do_test $testid.6 {
    } {}
    do_test $testid.7 {
      btree_commit $::b
    } {}
    set hash [md5file test2.bt]
    do_test $testid.8 {
      btree_close_cursor $::c2
      btree_close_cursor $::c3
      btree_close_cursor $::c4
      btree_close_cursor $::c5
      btree_close_cursor $::c6
      lindex [btree_pager_stats $::b] 1
    } {0}
    do_test $testid.9 {
      btree_close $::b
      set ::b [btree_open test2.bt]
      set ::c2 [btree_cursor $::b 2 1]
      set ::c3 [btree_cursor $::b 3 1]
      set ::c4 [btree_cursor $::b 4 1]
      set ::c5 [btree_cursor $::b 5 1]
      set ::c6 [btree_cursor $::b 6 1]
    } {}
    do_test $testid.10 {
      btree_close_cursor $::c2
      btree_close_cursor $::c3
      btree_close_cursor $::c4
      btree_close_cursor $::c5
      btree_close_cursor $::c6
      lindex [btree_pager_stats $::b] 1
    } {0}
    do_test $testid.11 {
      btree_close $::b
    } {}
    incr num2
  incr testno
  set ::b [btree_open test2.bt]

# Testing is complete.  Shut everything down.
do_test btree-999.1 {
  lindex [btree_pager_stats $::b] 1
} {0}
do_test btree-999.2 {
  btree_close $::b
} {}
do_test btree-999.3 {
  file delete -force test2.bt
  file exists test2.bt-journal
} {0}

} ;# end if( not mem: and has pager_open command );
