/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #ifndef _DTJ_UTIL_H #define _DTJ_UTIL_H #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" #include <jni.h> #include <libuutil.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* * dtj_util.h separates functionality that is generally useful from * that which is specific to the Java DTrace API. If moved to a separate * library, this functionality could be shared by other JNI wrappers. */ #ifdef JNI_VERSION_1_4 #define JNI_VERSION JNI_VERSION_1_4 #else #define JNI_VERSION JNI_VERSION_1_2 #endif #define CONSTRUCTOR "<init>" #define DTJ_MSG_SIZE 1024 #define DTJ_INVALID_PTR ((void *)-1) #define DTJ_INVALID_STR ((const char *)-1) #define WRAP_EXCEPTION(JENV) dtj_wrap_exception((JENV), __FILE__, __LINE__) extern boolean_t g_dtj_util_debug; typedef enum dtj_status { DTJ_OK = JNI_OK, DTJ_ERR = JNI_ERR } dtj_status_t; typedef enum dtj_type { JCLASS, JMETHOD, JMETHOD_STATIC, JFIELD, JFIELD_STATIC, DTJ_TYPE_END = -1 } dtj_type_t; /* * Convenient description format for java classes, methods, and fields. The * java_class_t, java_method_t, and java_field_t structures derived from these * descriptions are used to create a table of usable JNI jclass, jmethodID, and * jfieldID instances. */ typedef struct dtj_table_entry { dtj_type_t djte_type; /* JNI type */ void *djte_addr; /* jclass, jmethodID, or jfieldID address */ char *djte_name; /* symbol name declared in Java */ char *djte_desc; /* JNI descriptor (string format) */ } dtj_table_entry_t; typedef struct dtj_java_class { jclass *djc_ptr; /* address in user-defined structure */ char *djc_name; /* fully qualified '/' delimited class name */ uu_list_t *djc_methods; /* element type (java_method_t *) */ uu_list_t *djc_fields; /* element type (java_field_t *) */ uu_list_node_t djc_node; } dtj_java_class_t; typedef struct dtj_java_method { jmethodID *djm_ptr; /* address in user-defined structure */ char *djm_name; /* method name in java source file */ char *djm_signature; /* javap -s method signature string */ boolean_t djm_static; /* flag indicating static qualifier */ uu_list_node_t djm_node; } dtj_java_method_t; typedef struct dtj_java_field { jfieldID *djf_ptr; /* address in user-defined structure */ char *djf_name; /* field name in java source file */ char *djf_type; /* javap -s field type string */ boolean_t djf_static; /* flag indicating static qualifier */ uu_list_node_t djf_node; } dtj_java_field_t; /* * Table of cached jclass, jmethodID, and jfieldID values usable across multiple * native method calls and multiple threads. * * Suffix conventions: * jc java class * jm java method * jsm java static method * jf java field * jsf java static field */ /* NativeException */ extern jclass g_nx_jc; extern jmethodID g_nxinit_jm; /* java.io.Serializable */ extern jclass g_serial_jc; /* java.lang.Number */ extern jclass g_number_jc; extern jmethodID g_shortval_jm; extern jmethodID g_intval_jm; extern jmethodID g_longval_jm; /* java.lang.Byte */ extern jclass g_byte_jc; extern jmethodID g_byteinit_jm; /* java.lang.Character */ extern jclass g_char_jc; extern jmethodID g_charinit_jm; extern jmethodID g_charval_jm; /* java.lang.Short */ extern jclass g_short_jc; extern jmethodID g_shortinit_jm; /* java.lang.Integer */ extern jclass g_int_jc; extern jmethodID g_intinit_jm; /* java.lang.Long */ extern jclass g_long_jc; extern jmethodID g_longinit_jm; /* java.lang.String */ extern jclass g_string_jc; extern jmethodID g_strinit_bytes_jm; extern jmethodID g_strbytes_jm; extern jmethodID g_trim_jm; /* java.lang.StringBuffer */ extern jclass g_buf_jc; extern jmethodID g_bufinit_jm; extern jmethodID g_buf_append_char_jm; extern jmethodID g_buf_append_int_jm; extern jmethodID g_buf_append_long_jm; extern jmethodID g_buf_append_str_jm; extern jmethodID g_buf_append_obj_jm; extern jmethodID g_buflen_jm; extern jmethodID g_bufsetlen_jm; /* java.lang.Object */ extern jclass g_object_jc; extern jmethodID g_tostring_jm; extern jmethodID g_equals_jm; /* java.lang.Enum */ extern jclass g_enum_jc; extern jmethodID g_enumname_jm; /* List */ extern jclass g_list_jc; extern jmethodID g_listclear_jm; extern jmethodID g_listadd_jm; extern jmethodID g_listget_jm; extern jmethodID g_listsize_jm; /* * Populates the common java class references and associated method and field * IDs declared in this file (above) using the dtj_cache_jni_classes() method. */ extern dtj_status_t dtj_load_common(JNIEnv *); /* * Populates the user-declared java class references and associated method and * field IDs described in the given table. Because the class references are * created as global JNI references, the method and field IDs remain valid * across multiple native method calls and across multiple threads. * * This function assumes that the given table of java class, method, and field * descriptions is terminated by an entry with DTJ_TYPE_END, and that the * method and field descriptions immediately follow the description of their * containing class. * * Throws NoClassDefFoundError, NoSuchMethodError, or NoSuchFieldError if any * dtj_table_entry_t in common_jni_table.c is incorrect. */ extern dtj_status_t dtj_cache_jni_classes(JNIEnv *, const dtj_table_entry_t *); /* Common utilities */ /* * The following functions each create a pending Java Error or Exception: * * OutOfMemoryError * NullPointerException * IllegalArgumentException * IllegalStateException * NoSuchElementException * ClassCastException * AssertionError * org.opensolaris.os.support.ResourceLimitException * * Control should be returned to Java immediately afterwards. */ extern void dtj_throw_out_of_memory(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); extern void dtj_throw_null_pointer(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); extern void dtj_throw_illegal_argument(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); extern void dtj_throw_illegal_state(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); extern void dtj_throw_no_such_element(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); extern void dtj_throw_class_cast(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); extern void dtj_throw_assertion(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); extern void dtj_throw_resource_limit(JNIEnv *, const char *, ...); /* * Attaches native filename and line number to the currently pending java * exception, since that information is not present in the exception stack * trace. */ extern void dtj_wrap_exception(JNIEnv *, const char *, int); /* * Calls the toString() method of the given object and prints the value to * stdout (useful for debugging). If an exception is thrown in this function, * it is described on stdout and cleared. It's guaranteed that no exception is * pending when this function returns. */ extern void dtj_print_object(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject obj); /* * Gets a formatted String (local reference) from a format and a variable * argument list of placeholder values. Returns NULL if OutOfMemoryError is * thrown. */ extern jstring dtj_format_string(JNIEnv *jenv, const char *fmt, ...); /* * Internationalization support. These functions taken (not verbatim) from * Section 8.2 of The Java Native Interface by Sheng Liang, The Java Series. * Use these functions for locale-specific strings such as file names. */ extern jstring dtj_NewStringNative(JNIEnv *jenv, const char *str); extern char *dtj_GetStringNativeChars(JNIEnv *jenv, jstring jstr); extern void dtj_ReleaseStringNativeChars(JNIEnv *jenv, jstring jstr, const char *str); /* * Converts the args array of main(String[] args) in Java into a native * dynamically allocated array of strings. The returned array must be * deallocated by calling free_argv(). A java exception is pending if this * function returns NULL (in that case, any allocations made up to the point of * failure in get_argv() are automatically freed). * * Returns a NULL-terminated array that works with functions that expect a * terminating NULL rather than relying on an element count. The argc parameter * is also overwritten with the number of returned array elements (not including * the terminating NULL). */ extern char **dtj_get_argv(JNIEnv *jenv, jobjectArray args, int *argc); /* * Tokenizes a command string to create a native dynamically allocated array of * strings. The first element of the returned array is assumed to be the name * of the command, and subsequent elements are arguments to that command. * Otherwise behaves exactly like get_argv() above, including requiring a * subsequent call to free_argv() on the returned array. * Throws NullPointerException if cmd is NULL. * Throws IllegalArgumentException if cmd is empty. */ extern char **dtj_make_argv(JNIEnv *jenv, jstring cmd, int *argc); extern void dtj_free_argv(char **argv); /* Wrappers for uu_list_t */ /* * List element destructor. * params: node pointer, user arg (may be NULL) */ typedef void dtj_value_destroy_f(void *, void *); /* * uu_list_t generic entry type for pointers compared by pointer value, similar * to Java's default Object.equals() implementation (referenced objects are * equal only if they have the same address in memory). Used with * pointer_list_entry_cmp. */ typedef struct dtj_pointer_list_entry { void *dple_ptr; uu_list_node_t dple_node; } dtj_pointer_list_entry_t; typedef struct dtj_string_list_entry { char *dsle_value; uu_list_node_t dsle_node; } dtj_string_list_entry_t; /* Comparison functions, uu_compare_fn_t signature */ extern int dtj_pointer_list_entry_cmp(const void *, const void *, void *); extern int dtj_string_list_entry_cmp(const void *, const void *, void *); /* Constructors */ extern uu_list_t *dtj_pointer_list_create(void); extern dtj_pointer_list_entry_t *dtj_pointer_list_entry_create(void *); extern uu_list_t *dtj_string_list_create(void); extern dtj_string_list_entry_t *dtj_string_list_entry_create(const char *); /* Destructors */ extern void dtj_pointer_list_entry_destroy(void *, dtj_value_destroy_f *, void *); extern void dtj_string_list_entry_destroy(void *, void *); /* * Convenience function destroys a uu_list_t and its values. * * param list: list to be destroyed, call is a no-op if list is NULL * param value_destroy: optional destructor; if non-NULL, it is called on each * list value * param arg: user argument to the optional destructor */ extern void dtj_list_destroy(uu_list_t *, dtj_value_destroy_f *, void *); extern void dtj_pointer_list_destroy(uu_list_t *, dtj_value_destroy_f *, void *); extern void dtj_string_list_destroy(uu_list_t *); /* * Convenience functions clear a uu_list_t without destroying it. Destroys all * list elements and leaves the list empty. The *_list_destroy() functions * implicitly clear the list before destroying it. */ extern void dtj_list_clear(uu_list_t *, dtj_value_destroy_f *, void *); extern void dtj_pointer_list_clear(uu_list_t *, dtj_value_destroy_f *, void *); extern void dtj_string_list_clear(uu_list_t *); extern boolean_t dtj_list_empty(uu_list_t *); /* Return B_TRUE if successful, B_FALSE otherwise */ extern boolean_t dtj_list_add(uu_list_t *, void *); extern boolean_t dtj_pointer_list_add(uu_list_t *, void *); extern boolean_t dtj_string_list_add(uu_list_t *, const char *); /* Return INVALID_PTR if list is empty (NULL is a valid list element) */ extern void * dtj_pointer_list_first(uu_list_t *); extern void * dtj_pointer_list_last(uu_list_t *); /* Return INVALID_STR if list is empty (NULL is a valid list element) */ extern const char *dtj_string_list_first(uu_list_t *); extern const char *dtj_string_list_last(uu_list_t *); /* Return INVALID_PTR at end of list (NULL is a valid list element) */ extern void *dtj_pointer_list_walk_next(uu_list_walk_t *); /* Return INVALID_STR at end of list (NULL is a valid list element) */ extern const char *dtj_string_list_walk_next(uu_list_walk_t *); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _DTJ_UTIL_H */