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	.file	"strncat.s"

/ strncat(s1, s2, n)
/ Concatenates s2 on the end of s1.  s1's space must be large enough.
/ At most n characters are moved.
/ Returns s1.
/ Fast assembly language version of the following C-program strncat
/ which represents the `standard' for the C-library.
/	char *
/	strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
/	{
/		char	*os1 = s1;
/		n++;
/		while (*s1++)
/			;
/		--s1;
/		while (*s1++ = *s2++)
/			if (--n == 0) {
/				s1[-1] = '\0';
/				break;
/			}
/		return (os1);
/	}
/ In this assembly language version, the following expression is used
/ to check if a 32-bit word data contains a null byte or not:
/	(((A & 0x7f7f7f7f) + 0x7f7f7f7f) | A) & 0x80808080
/ If the above expression geneates a value other than 0x80808080,
/ that means the 32-bit word data contains a null byte.

#include "SYS.h"

	pushl	%edi			/ save register variables
	pushl	%esi
	movl	12(%esp), %edi		/ %edi = destination string address
	testl	$3, %edi		/ if %edi not word aligned
	jnz	.L1			/ goto .L1
	.align	4
	movl	(%edi), %edx		/ move 1 word from (%edi) to %edx
	movl	$0x7f7f7f7f, %ecx
	andl	%edx, %ecx		/ %ecx = %edx & 0x7f7f7f7f
	addl	$4, %edi		/ next word
	addl	$0x7f7f7f7f, %ecx	/ %ecx += 0x7f7f7f7f
	orl	%edx, %ecx		/ %ecx |= %edx
	andl	$0x80808080, %ecx	/ %ecx &= 0x80808080
	cmpl	$0x80808080, %ecx	/ if no null byte in this word
	je	.L2			/ goto .L2
	subl	$4, %edi		/ post-incremented
	cmpb	$0, (%edi)		/ if a byte in (%edi) is null
	je	.L3			/ goto .L3
	incl	%edi			/ next byte
	testl	$3, %edi		/ if %edi not word aligned
	jnz	.L1			/ goto .L1
	jmp	.L2			/ goto .L2 (%edi word aligned)
	.align	4
	/ %edi points to a null byte in destination string
	movl	16(%esp), %eax		/ %eax = source string address
	movl	20(%esp), %esi		/ %esi = number of bytes

	testl	$3, %eax		/ if %eax not word aligned
	jnz	.L4			/ goto .L4
	cmpl	$4, %esi		/ if number of bytes < 4
	jb	.L7			/ goto .L7
	.align	4
	movl	(%eax), %edx		/ move 1 word from (%eax) to %edx
	movl	$0x7f7f7f7f, %ecx
	andl	%edx, %ecx		/ %ecx = %edx & 0x7f7f7f7f
	addl	$4, %eax		/ next word
	addl	$0x7f7f7f7f, %ecx	/ %ecx += 0x7f7f7f7f
	orl	%edx, %ecx		/ %ecx |= %edx
	andl	$0x80808080, %ecx	/ %ecx &= 0x80808080
	cmpl	$0x80808080, %ecx	/ if null byte in this word
	jne	.L6			/ goto .L6
	movl	%edx, (%edi)		/ copy this word to (%edi)
	subl	$4, %esi		/ decrement number of bytes by 4
	addl	$4, %edi		/ next word
	cmpl	$4, %esi		/ if number of bytes >= 4
	jae	.L5			/ goto .L5
	jmp	.L7			/ goto .L7
	subl	$4, %eax		/ post-incremented
	.align	4
	/ number of bytes < 4  or  a null byte found in the word
	cmpl	$0, %esi		/ if number of bytes == 0
	jz	.L8			/ goto .L8 (finished)
	movb	(%eax), %dl		/ %dl = a byte in (%eax)
	decl	%esi			/ decrement number of bytes by 1
	movb	%dl, (%edi)		/ copy %dl to (%edi)
	incl	%eax			/ next byte
	incl	%edi			/ next byte
	cmpb	$0, %dl			/ compare %dl with a null byte
	je	.L9			/ if %dl is a null, goto .L9
	jmp	.L7			/ goto .L7
	.align	4

	/ %eax not aligned
	cmpl	$0, %esi		/ if number of bytes == 0
	jz	.L8			/ goto .L8 (finished)
	movb	(%eax), %dl		/ %dl = a byte in (%eax)
	decl	%esi			/ decrement number of bytes by 1
	movb	%dl, (%edi)		/ copy %dl to (%edi)
	incl	%edi			/ next byte
	incl	%eax			/ next byte
	cmpb	$0, %dl			/ compare %dl with a null byte
	je	.L9			/ if %dl is a null, goto .L9
	jmp	.L4			/ goto .L4
	.align	4
	movb	$0, (%edi)		/ null termination
	movl	12(%esp), %eax		/ return the destination address
	popl	%esi			/ restore register variables
	popl	%edi