/* * source and binary package support * * @(#)package.mk (AT&T Research) 2012-02-14 * * usage: * * cd $INSTALLROOT/lib/package * nmake -f name [closure] [cyg|exp|lcl|pkg|rpm|tgz] [base|delta] type * * where: * * name package description file or component * * type source build source archive, generates * $(PACKAGEDIR)/name.version.release.suffix * binary build binary archive, generates * $(PACKAGEDIR)/name.version.hosttype.release.suffix * runtime build binary archive, generates * $(PACKAGEDIR)/name-run.version.hosttype.release.suffix * * NOTE: $(PACKAGEDIR) is in the lowest view and is shared among all views * * generated archive member files are $(PACKAGEROOT) relative * * main assertions: * * NAME [ name=value ] :PACKAGE: component ... * :OMIT: component ... * :LICENSE: license-class-pattern * :CATEGORY: category-id ... * :COVERS: package ... * :REQURES: package ... * :INDEX: index description line * :DESCRIPTION: * [ verbose description ] * :DETAILS: style * :README: * readme lines * :EXPORT: * name=value * target :INSTALL: [ source ] * * option variables, shown with default values * * format=tgz * archive format * * version=YYYY-MM-DD * package base version (overrides current date) * * release=YYYY-MM-DD * package delta release (overrides current date) * * license=type.class * :LICENSE: type.class pattern override * * notice=1 * include the conspicuous empty notice file * * copyright=0 * do not prepend source file copyright notice * * strip=0 * don't strip non-lcl binary package members * * variants=pattern * include variants matching pattern in binary packages * * incremental=[source:1 binary:0] * if a base archive is generated then also generate an * incremental delta archive from the previous base * * NOTE: the Makerules.mk :PACKAGE: operator defers to :package: when * a target is specified */ /* these are ast centric -- we'll parameterize another day */ org = ast url = http://www.research.att.com/sw/download /* generic defaults */ base = category = utils checksum = md5 closure = copyright = 1 delta = format = tgz incremental = index = init = INIT license = licenses = $(org) mamfile = 1 opt = name = notice = release = strip = 0 style = tgz suffix = tgz type = variants = !(cc-g) vendor = version = $("":T=R%Y-%m-%d) SUM = sum package.notice = ------------ NOTICE -- LICENSED SOFTWARE -- SEE README FOR DETAILS ------------ package.readme = $(@.package.readme.) .package.readme. : This is a package root directory $PACKAGEROOT. Source and binary packages in this directory tree are controlled by the command $() bin/package $() Binary files may be in this directory or in the install root directory $() INSTALLROOT=$PACKAGEROOT/arch/`bin/package` $() For more information run $() bin/package help $() Many of the packaged commands self-document via the --man and --html options; those that do have no separate man page. $() Each package is covered by one of the license files $() $(PACKAGELIB)/LICENSES/<license> $() where <license> is the license type for the package. At the top of each license file is a URL; the license covers all software that refers to this URL. For details run $() bin/package license [<package>] $() Any archives, distributions or packages made from source or binaries covered by license(s) must contain the corresponding license file(s)$(notice:?, this README file, and the empty file$$("\n")$$(package.notice)?.?) .package.licenses. : .FUNCTION local I F L R T all save text L := $(%) while L == "--*" I := $(L:O=1) if I == "--all" all = 1 elif I == "--save" save = 1 elif I == "--text" text = 1 end L := $(L:O>1) end if "$(L)" == "*-*" L += $(L:/[^-]*-//) $(L:/-.*//) end L += $(licenses) for I $(L:U) if I == "gpl" I = gnu all = end if F = "$(I:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S=.lic:T=F)" R += $(F) if save || text T := $(.FIND. lib/package .lic $(F):P=W,query=type) R += $(T:D=$(PACKAGESRC)/LICENSES:B) end if save R += $(F:T=I:N=*.def:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S:T=F) elif ! all break end end end return $(R) /* * glob(3) doesn't handle / in alternation -- should it? */ .package.glob. : .FUNCTION local A D I P S for I $(%) if I == "*/*" D := $(I:C,/.*,,) if ! "$(A:N=$(D))" local S.$(D) A += $(D) end S.$(D) += $(I:C,[^/]*/,,) else P := $(P)$(S)$(I) end S = | end if P == "*\|*" P := ($(P)) end for I $(A) P += $(I)/$(.package.glob. $(S.$(I))) end return $(P) .MAKEINIT : .package.init .package.init : .MAKE .VIRTUAL .FORCE local V V := $(VROOT:T=F:P=L*) if ! PACKAGEROOT PACKAGEROOT := $(V:N!=*/arch/+([!/]):O=1) end if V == "$(PACKAGEROOT)" V := end V += $(INSTALLROOT) $(PACKAGEROOT) PACKAGEVIEW := $(V:H=RU) INSTALLOFFSET := $(INSTALLROOT:C%$(PACKAGEROOT)/%%) if license license := $(license)|none.none end PACKAGELIB = lib/package PACKAGESRC = $(PACKAGEROOT)/$(PACKAGELIB) PACKAGEBIN = $(INSTALLROOT)/$(PACKAGELIB) PACKAGEDIR = $(PACKAGESRC)/$(style) INSTALLOFFSET = $(INSTALLROOT:C%$(PACKAGEROOT)/%%) package.omit = -|*/$(init) package.glob.all = $(INSTALLROOT)/src/*/*/($(MAKEFILES:/:/|/G)) package.all = $(package.glob.all:P=G:W=O=$(?$(name):A=.VIRTUAL):N!=$(package.omit):T=F:$(PACKAGEVIEW:C,.*,C;^&/;;,:/ /:/G):U) package.glob.pkg = $(.package.glob. $(~$(name):P=U):C%.*%$(INSTALLROOT)/src/*/&/($(MAKEFILES:/:/|/G))%) $(~$(name):P=U:N=$(name):?$$(INSTALLROOT)/src/$$(name)/($$(MAKEFILES:/:/|/G))??) package.pkg = $(package.glob.pkg:P=G:D:N!=$(package.omit):T=F:$(PACKAGEVIEW:C,.*,C;^&/;;,:/ /:/G):U) package.closure = $(closure:?$$(package.all)?$$(package.pkg)?) package.init = $(.package.glob. $("$(init)$(name)":P=U):C%.*%$(INSTALLROOT)/src/*/&/($(MAKEFILES:/:/|/G))%:P=G:T=F:D::B) package.ini = ignore mamprobe manmake package silent package.src.pat = $(PACKAGESRC)/($(name).(ini|pkg)) package.src = $(package.src.pat:P=G) $(.package.licenses. --save $(name)) package.bin = $(PACKAGEBIN)/$(name).ini package.mam = --never --force --mam=static --corrupt=accept --clobber --compare --link='lib*.a*' CC=$(CC.DIALECT:N=C++:?CC?cc?) package.license.class=$(license:Q) $(=) 'dontcare test' install test op = current stamp = [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] source = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name).$(version)$(release:?.$(release)??).$(suffix) binary = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name).$(version)$(release:?.$(release)??).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix) runtime = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name)-run.$(version)$(release:?.$(release)??).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix) old.new.source = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name).$(version).$(old.version).$(suffix) old.new.binary = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name).$(version).$(old.version).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix) old.new.runtime = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name)-run.$(version).$(old.version).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix) source.list = $("$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name).*$(stamp).$(suffix)":P=G:H=R) binary.list = $("$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name).*$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix)":P=G:H=R) runtime.list = $("$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name)-run.*$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix)":P=G:H>) source.ratz = $("$(INSTALLROOT)/src/cmd/$(init)/ratz.c":T=F) binary.ratz = $("$(INSTALLROOT)/src/cmd/$(init)/ratz":T=F) $(init) : .VIRTUAL $(init) package.requires = 0 ":package:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR local P I R V P := $(<:O=1) $(P) : $(>:V) if ! package.requires if ! name name := $(P) .PACKAGE. := $(P) if name == "$(init)" package.omit = - package.src += $(package.ini:C,^,$(PACKAGEROOT)/bin/,) $(PACKAGESRC)/package.mk else $(P) : $(package.init) end for I $(<:O>1) if I == "*=*" eval $(I) end else version := $(I) end end LICENSEFILEDEFAULT := $(.package.licenses. $(name):@/ /:/G) export LICENSEFILEDEFAULT end if "$(>)" for I $(>:V) $(I) : .VIRTUAL if I == "/*" package.dir += $(I:V) end end end if "$(@)" $(P).README := $(@) else $(P).README := This is the $(P) package. end end ":AUXILIARY:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR package.auxiliary.$(style) += $(>:N=/*:T=F) $(>:N!=/*:C%^%$(INSTALLROOT)/%:T=F) ":CATEGORY:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires category := $(>) end .covers. : .FUNCTION local I C D F K=0 L for I $(%) if ! "$(~covers:N=$(I:B))" if F = "$(I:D:B:S=.pkg:T=F)" if D = "$(F:T=I)" covers : $(I:B) for L $(D) if L == ":COVERS:" K = 1 elif L == ":*:" if K break end elif K : $(.covers. $(L)) end end end else error $(--exec:?3?1?) $(I): unknown package $(I) end end end ":COVERS:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires : $(.covers. $(>)) end ":DESCRIPTION:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires $(name).README := $(@:V) end ":DETAILS:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires details.$(>:O=1) := $(@:V) end ":EXPORT:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires export.$(style) := $(@:/$$("\n")/ /G) end ":INDEX:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires index := $(>) end ":INSTALL:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires local T S F X S := $(>) T := $(<) if "$(exe.$(style))" && "$(T)" == "bin/*([!./])" T := $(T).exe end if ! "$(S)" S := $(T) elif "$(exe.$(style))" && "$(S)" == "bin/*([!./])" S := $(S).exe end install.$(style) := $(install.$(style):V)$("\n")install : $$(ROOT)/$(T)$("\n")$$(ROOT)/$(T) : $$(ARCH)/$(S)$("\n\t")cp $< $@ if strip && "$(T:N=*.exe)" install.$(style) := $(install.$(style):V)$("\n\t")strip $@ 2>/dev/null end X := $(PACKAGEROOT)/arch/$(CC.HOSTTYPE)/$(S) if strip && "$(X:T=Y)" == "*/?(x-)(dll|exe)" F := filter $(STRIP) $(STRIPFLAGS) $(X) end if "$(filter.$(style):V)" filter.$(style) := $(filter.$(style):V)$$("\n") end filter.$(style) := $(filter.$(style):V);;$(F);$(X);usr/$(T) end ":LICENSE:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires && ! license license := $(>) end ":OMIT:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires package.omit := $(package.omit)|$(>:C,^,*/,:/ /|/G) end ":POSTINSTALL:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires postinstall.$(style) := $(@:V) end ":README:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires readme.$(style) := $(@:V) end .requires. : .FUNCTION local I C D F K=0 L V T M=0 for I $(%) if ! "$(~requires:N=$(I:B))" if F = "$(I:D:B:S=.pkg:T=F)" if I == "$(init)" package.omit = - else requires : $(I:B) end if V = "$(I:D:B=gen/$(I:B):S=.ver:T=F)" req : $(I:B) else error 1 $(I): package should be written before $(P) end let package.requires = package.requires + 1 include "$(F)" let package.requires = package.requires - 1 else error 1 $(I): package not found end end end ":REQUIRES:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR : $(.requires. $(>)) ":TEST:" : .MAKE .OPERATOR if ! package.requires local T T := $(>) if "$(T)" == "bin/*([!./])" if "$(exe.$(style))" T := $(T).exe end T := $$(PWD)/$$(ARCH)/$(T) end test.$(style) := $(test.$(style):V)$("\n")test : $(T:V)$("\n\t")$(@) end base delta : .MAKE .VIRTUAL .FORCE op := $(<) closure : .MAKE .VIRTUAL .FORCE $(<) := 1 cyg exp lcl pkg rpm tgz : .MAKE .VIRTUAL .FORCE style := $(<) source : .source.init .source.gen .source.$$(style) .source.init : .MAKE local A B D P V I type := source if ! "$(incremental)" incremental = 1 end if "$(source.$(name))" suffix = c end : $(.init.$(style)) : $(details.$(style):V:R) : A := $(source.list) B := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(suffix):N!=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).*:O=1:T=F) P := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(suffix):N!=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).*:O=2:T=F) D := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).$(suffix):O=1:T=F) if op == "delta" if ! B error 3 delta requires a base archive end base := -z $(B) deltaversion := $(B:B:/$(name).//) let deltasince = $(deltaversion:/.*-//) + 1 deltasince := $(deltaversion:/[^-]*$/$(deltasince:F=%02d)/) if "$(release)" != "$(stamp)" release := $("":T=R%Y-%m-%d) end source := $(B:D:B:S=.$(release).$(suffix)) version := $(source:B:B:/$(name).//) elif B || op == "base" if op == "base" for I $(B) $(P) V := $(I:B:/$(name)\.\([^.]*\).*/\1/) if V == "$(stamp)" && V != "$(version)" old.version := $(V) old.source := $(I) if "$(old.version)" >= "$(version)" error 3 $(name): previous base $(old.version) is newer than $(version) end break end end else source := $(B) end if B == "$(source)" if "$(B:D:B:B)" == "$(D:D:B:B)" && "$(B:B::S)" != "$(D:B::S)" error 3 $(B:B:S): base overwrite would invalidate delta $(D:B:S) end error 1 $(B:B:S): replacing current base end version := $(source:B:S:/^$(name).\(.*\).$(suffix)$/\1/) end PACKAGEGEN := $(PACKAGESRC)/gen .source.gen : $$(PACKAGEDIR) $$(PACKAGEGEN) $$(PACKAGEGEN)/SOURCE.html $$(PACKAGEGEN)/BINARY.html $$(PACKAGEGEN)/DETAILS.html BINPACKAGE := $(PATH:/:/ /G:X=package:T=F:O=1) $$(PACKAGEDIR) $$(PACKAGEGEN) : .IGNORE [[ -d $(<) ]] || mkdir $(<) $$(PACKAGEGEN)/SOURCE.html : $(BINPACKAGE) $(*) html source > $(<) $$(PACKAGEGEN)/BINARY.html : $(BINPACKAGE) $(*) html binary > $(<) $$(PACKAGEGEN)/DETAILS.html : $(BINPACKAGE) $(*) html intro > $(<) .source.exp .source.pkg .source.rpm : .MAKE error 3 $(style): source package style not supported yet exe.cyg = .exe vendor.cyg = gnu .name.cyg : .FUNCTION local N N := $(%) if N == "*-*" vendor := $(N:/-.*//) if vendor == "$(vendor.cyg)" vendor := N := $(N:/[^-]*-//) end N := $(N:/-//G) end return $(N) .init.cyg : .FUNCTION local N O closure = 1 init = . strip = 1 suffix = tar.bz2 format = tbz vendor := $(licenses:N!=$(vendor.cyg):O=1) package.ini := $(package.ini) package.src.pat := $(package.src.pat) package.src := $(package.src) package.bin := $(package.bin) .source.gen : .CLEAR $(*.source.gen:V:N!=*.html) name.original := $(name) name := $(.name.cyg $(name)) if name != "$(name.original)" $(name) : $(~$(name.original)) O := $(~covers) covers : .CLEAR for N $(O) covers : $(.name.cyg $(N)) end end stamp = [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9] version.original := $(version) version := $(version:/-//G)-1 if opt opt := $(opt)/$(vendor)/ else opt := $(name)-$(version)/ end if type == "source" version := $(version)-src source = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name)-$(version)$(release:?.$(release)??).$(suffix) else binary = $(PACKAGEDIR)/$(name)-$(version)$(release:?.$(release)??).$(suffix) end .source.cyg : if [[ '$(~$(name))' ]] then tmp=/tmp/pkg$(tmp) mkdir $tmp { integer m=0 o cat > $tmp/configure <<'!' echo "you didn't have to do that" ! chmod +x $tmp/configure echo ";;;$tmp/configure;configure" cat > $tmp/Makefile0 <<'!' HOSTTYPE := $$(shell bin/package) ROOT = ../.. ARCH = arch/$$(HOSTTYPE) all : PACKAGEROOT= CYGWIN="$$CYGWIN ntsec binmode" bin/package make $(export.$(style)) install : all $(install.$(style):V) $(test.$(style):V) ! echo ";;;$tmp/Makefile0;Makefile" cat > $tmp/CYGWIN-README <<'!' $(readme.$(style):@?$$(readme.$$(style))$$("\n\n")??)To build binaries from source into the ./arch/`bin/package` tree run: $() make $() $(test.$(style):@?To test the binaries after building/installing run:$$("\n\n\t")make test$$("\n\n")??)To build and/or install the binaries run: $() make install $() The bin/package command provides a command line interface for all package operations. The $(opt:/.$//) source and binary packages were generated by: $() package write cyg base source version=$(version.original) $(name.original) package write cyg base binary version=$(version.original) $(name.original) $() using the $(org)-base package. To download and install the latest $(org)-base source package in /opt/$(org) run: $() PATH=/opt/$(org)/bin:$PATH cd /opt/$(org) package authorize "NAME" password "PASSWORD" setup flat source $("\\") $(url) $("\\") $(org)-base package make $() and export /opt/$(org)/bin in PATH to use. The NAME and PASSWORD signify your agreement to the software license(s). All users get the same NAME and PASSWORD. See $(url) for details. If multiple architectures may be built under /opt/$(org) then drop "flat" and export /opt/$(org)/arch/`package`/bin in PATH to use. To update previously downloaded packages from the same url simply run: $() cd /opt/$(org) package setup package make $() To download and install the latest $(org)-base binary package in /opt/$(org) change "source" to "binary" and omit "package make". ! echo ";;;$tmp/CYGWIN-README;CYGWIN-PATCHES/README" cat > $(source:/-src.$(suffix)//).setup.hint <<'!' category: $(category:/\(.\).*/\1/U)$(category:/.\(.*\)/\1/L) requires: cygwin sdesc: "$(index)" ldesc: "$($(name.original).README)" ! echo ";;;$(source:/-src.$(suffix)//).setup.hint;CYGWIN-PATCHES/setup.hint" echo ";;;$(BINPACKAGE);bin/package" cat > $tmp/Makefile <<'!' :MAKE: ! echo ";;;$tmp/Makefile;src/Makefile" echo ";;;$tmp/Makefile;src/cmd/Makefile" echo ";;;$tmp/Makefile;src/lib/Makefile" if [[ '$(mamfile)' == 1 ]] then cat > $tmp/Mamfile1 <<'!' info mam static note source level :MAKE: equivalent make install make all exec - ${MAMAKE} -r '*/*' ${MAMAKEARGS} done all virtual done install virtual ! echo ";;;$tmp/Mamfile1;src/Mamfile" cat > $tmp/Mamfile2 <<'!' info mam static note component level :MAKE: equivalent make install make all exec - ${MAMAKE} -r '*' ${MAMAKEARGS} done all virtual done install virtual ! echo ";;;$tmp/Mamfile2;src/cmd/Mamfile" echo ";;;$tmp/Mamfile2;src/lib/Mamfile" fi $(package.src:U:T=F:/.*/echo ";;;&"$("\n")/) echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name.original).req" set -- $(package.closure) for i do cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i if [[ ! '$(license)' ]] || $(MAKE) --noexec --silent 'exit $$(LICENSECLASS:N=$(license):?0?1?)' . then if [[ '$(mamfile)' == 1 ]] then (( o=m )) s=$( $(MAKE) --noexec --recurse=list recurse 2>/dev/null ) if [[ $s ]] then for j in $s do if [[ -d $j ]] then cd $j if [[ ! '$(license)' ]] || $(MAKE) --noexec --silent 'exit $$(LICENSECLASS:N=$(license):?0?1?)' . then (( m++ )) $(MAKE) $(package.mam) $(export.$(style):Q) > $tmp/$m.mam echo ";;;$tmp/$m.mam;$i/$j/Mamfile" fi cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i fi done if (( o != m )) then (( m++ )) cat > $tmp/$m.mam <<'!' info mam static note subcomponent level :MAKE: equivalent make install make all exec - ${MAMAKE} -r '*' ${MAMAKEARGS} done all virtual done install virtual ! echo ";;;$tmp/$m.mam;$i/Mamfile" fi else (( m++ )) $(MAKE) $(package.mam) $(export.$(style):Q) > $tmp/$m.mam echo ";;;$tmp/$m.mam;$i/Mamfile" fi fi $(MAKE) --noexec $(-) $(=) recurse list.package.$(type) package.license.class=$(license:Q) fi done set -- $(package.dir:P=G) for i do tw -d $i -e "action:printf(';;;%s;%s\n',path,path);" done } | { : > $tmp/HEAD cat > $tmp/README <<'!' $(package.readme) ! echo ";;;$tmp/README;README" sort -t';' -k5,5 -u : > $tmp/TAIL [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/TAIL;$(package.notice)" } | $(PAX) --filter=- \ --to=ascii \ --format=$(format) \ --local \ -wvf $(source) $(base) \ $(PACKAGEVIEW:C%.*%-s",^&/,,"%) \ $(vendor:?-s",^[^/],$(opt)&,"??) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(source) > $(source:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) rm -rf $tmp fi .source.lcl : if [[ '$(~$(name))' ]] then tmp=/tmp/pkg$(tmp) mkdir $tmp { integer m=0 o $(package.src:U:T=F:/.*/echo ";;;&"$("\n")/) set -- $(package.closure) for i do cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i $(MAKE) --noexec $(-) $(=) .FILES.+=Mamfile recurse list.package.local done set -- $(package.dir:P=G) for i do tw -d $i -e "action:printf(';;;%s;%s\n',path,path);" done } | sort -t';' -k5,5 -u | $(PAX) --filter=- \ --to=ascii \ $(op:N=delta:??--format=$(format)?) \ --local \ -wvf $(source) $(base) \ $(op:N=delta:?--format=gzip??) \ $(PACKAGEVIEW:C%.*%-s",^&/,,"%) rm -rf $tmp fi .source.tgz : if [[ '$(~$(name))' ]] then tmp=/tmp/pkg$(tmp) mkdir $tmp { integer m=0 o if [[ '$(init)' == '$(name)' ]] then cat > $tmp/Makefile <<'!' :MAKE: ! $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/Makefile $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/Makefile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/Makefile $tmp/Makefile echo ";;;$tmp/Makefile;src/Makefile" cp $tmp/Makefile $tmp/Makefile1 $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/Makefile1 $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/cmd/Makefile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/cmd/Makefile $tmp/Makefile1 echo ";;;$tmp/Makefile1;src/cmd/Makefile" cp $tmp/Makefile $tmp/Makefile2 $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/Makefile2 $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/lib/Makefile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/lib/Makefile $tmp/Makefile2 echo ";;;$tmp/Makefile2;src/lib/Makefile" if [[ '$(mamfile)' == 1 ]] then cat > $tmp/Mamfile1 <<'!' info mam static note source level :MAKE: equivalent make install make all exec - ${MAMAKE} -r '*/*' ${MAMAKEARGS} done all virtual done install virtual ! $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/Mamfile1 $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/Mamfile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/Mamfile $tmp/Mamfile1 echo ";;;$tmp/Mamfile1;src/Mamfile" cat > $tmp/Mamfile2 <<'!' info mam static note component level :MAKE: equivalent make install make all exec - ${MAMAKE} -r '*' ${MAMAKEARGS} done all virtual done install virtual ! $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/Mamfile2 $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/cmd/Mamfile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/cmd/Mamfile $tmp/Mamfile2 echo ";;;$tmp/Mamfile2;src/cmd/Mamfile" cp $tmp/Mamfile2 $tmp/Mamfile3 $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/Mamfile3 $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/lib/Mamfile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/src/lib/Mamfile $tmp/Mamfile3 echo ";;;$tmp/Mamfile3;src/lib/Mamfile" fi fi $(package.src:U:T=F:C%^$(PACKAGEROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(PACKAGEROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%) if [[ '$(~covers)' ]] then for i in $(~covers) do for j in lib pkg do if [[ -f $(PACKAGESRC)/$i.$j ]] then echo ";;;$(PACKAGESRC)/$i.$j;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i.$j" fi done for j in ver req do if [[ -f $(PACKAGEGEN)/$i.$j ]] then echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$i.$j;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i.$j" fi done done for i in $(~covers:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S=.lic:T=F:T=I:N=*.def:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S:T=F:B:S) do echo ";;;$(PACKAGESRC)/$i;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i" done fi if [[ '$(PACKAGEDIR:B)' == '$(style)' ]] then echo $(name) $(version) $(release|version) 1 > $tmp/t $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver || cp $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).ver" sed 's,1$,0,' $(~req:D=$(PACKAGEGEN):B:S=.ver:T=F) < /dev/null > $tmp/t $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req || cp $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).req" { echo "name='$(name)'" echo "index='$(index)'" echo "covers='$(~covers)'" echo "requires='$(~req)'" } > $tmp/t $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).inx || cp $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).inx { { echo '$($(name).README)' if [[ '$(~covers)' ]] then echo "This package is a superset of the following package$(~covers:O=2:?s??): $(~covers); you won't need $(~covers:O=2:?these?this?) if you download $(name)." fi if [[ '$(~requires)' ]] then echo 'It requires the following package$(~requires:O=2:?s??): $(~requires).' fi } | fmt package help source package release $(name) } > $tmp/t $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).README || cp $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).README echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).README;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).README" { echo '.xx title="$(name) package"' echo '.xx meta.description="$(name) package"' echo '.xx meta.keywords="software, package"' echo '.MT 4' echo '.TL' echo '$(name) package' echo '.H 1 "$(name) package"' echo '$($(name).README)' set -- $(package.closure:C,.*,$(INSTALLROOT)/&/PROMO.mm,:T=F:D::B) hot= for i do hot="$hot -e s/\\(\\<$i\\>\\)/\\\\h'0*1'\\1\\\\h'0'/" done set -- $(package.closure:B) if (( $# )) then echo 'Components in this package:' echo '.P' echo '.TS' echo 'center expand;' echo 'l l l l l l.' if [[ $hot ]] then hot="sed $hot" else hot=cat fi for i do echo $i done | pr -6 -t -s' ' | $hot echo '.TE' fi echo '.P' if [[ '$(~covers)' ]] then echo "This package is a superset of the following package$(~covers:O=2:?s??): $(~covers); you won't need $(~covers:O=2:?these?this?) if you download $(name)." fi if [[ '$(~requires)' ]] then echo 'It requires the following package$(~requires:O=2:?s??): $(~requires).' fi set -- $(.package.licenses. --all $(name)) case $# in 0) ;; *) case $# in 1) echo 'The software is covered by this license:' ;; *) echo 'The software is covered by these licenses:' ;; esac echo .BL for j do i=$( $(PROTO) -l $j -p -h -o type=usage /dev/null | sed -e 's,.*\[-license?\([^]]*\).*,\1,' ) echo .LI echo ".xx link=\"$i\"" done echo .LE echo 'Individual components may be covered by separate licenses;' echo 'refer to the component source and/or binaries for more information.' echo .P ;; esac echo 'A recent' echo '.xx link="release change log"' echo 'is also included.' cat $(package.closure:C,.*,$(INSTALLROOT)/&/PROMO.mm,:T=F) < /dev/null echo '.H 1 "release change log"' echo '.xx index' echo '.nf' package release $(name) | sed -e 's/:::::::: \(.*\) ::::::::/.fi\$("\n").H 1 "\1 changes"\$("\n").nf/' echo '.fi' } | $(MM2HTML) $(MM2HTMLFLAGS) -o nohtml.ident > $tmp/t $(STDED) $(STDEDFLAGS) $tmp/t <<'!' /^<!--LABELS-->$/,/^<!--\/LABELS-->$/s/ changes</</ /^<!--LABELS-->$/,/^<!--\/LABELS-->$/m/<A name="release change log">/ w q ! $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).html || cp $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).html echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).html;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).html" if [[ '$(deltasince)' ]] then { echo '.xx title="$(name) package"' echo '.xx meta.description="$(name) package $(version) delta $(release)"' echo '.xx meta.keywords="software, package, delta"' echo '.MT 4' echo '.TL' echo '$(name) package $(deltaversion) delta $(release)' echo '.H 1 "$(name) package $(deltaversion) delta $(release) changes"' echo '.nf' package release $(deltasince) $(name) | sed -e 's/:::::::: \(.*\) ::::::::/.H 2 \1/' echo '.fi' } | $(MM2HTML) $(MM2HTMLFLAGS) -o nohtml.ident > $tmp/t $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).$(release).html || cp $tmp/t $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).$(release).html echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).$(release).html;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).$(release).html" fi fi set -- $(package.closure) for i do cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i if [[ ! '$(license)' ]] || $(MAKE) --noexec --silent 'exit $$(LICENSECLASS:N=$(license):?0?1?)' . then if [[ '$(mamfile)' == 1 ]] then (( o=m )) s=$( $(MAKE) --noexec --recurse=list recurse 2>/dev/null ) if [[ $s ]] then for j in $s do if [[ -d $j ]] then cd $j if [[ ! '$(license)' ]] || $(MAKE) --noexec --silent 'exit $$(LICENSECLASS:N=$(license):?0?1?)' . then (( m++ )) $(MAKE) $(package.mam) > $tmp/$m.mam $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/$m.mam $(PACKAGEROOT)/$i/$j/Mamfile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/$i/$j/Mamfile $tmp/$m.mam echo ";;;$tmp/$m.mam;$i/$j/Mamfile" fi cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i fi done if (( o != m )) then (( m++ )) cat > $tmp/$m.mam <<'!' info mam static note subcomponent level :MAKE: equivalent make install make all exec - ${MAMAKE} -r '*' ${MAMAKEARGS} done all virtual done install virtual ! $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/$m.mam $(PACKAGEROOT)/$i/Mamfile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/$i/Mamfile $tmp/$m.mam echo ";;;$tmp/$m.mam;$i/Mamfile" fi else (( m++ )) $(MAKE) $(package.mam) > $tmp/$m.mam $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/$m.mam $(PACKAGEROOT)/$i/Mamfile && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/$i/Mamfile $tmp/$m.mam echo ";;;$tmp/$m.mam;$i/Mamfile" fi fi $(MAKE) --noexec $(-) $(=) recurse list.package.$(type) package.license.class=$(license:Q) $(copyright:N=1:??LICENSE=?) fi done set -- $(package.dir:P=G) for i do tw -d $i -e "action:printf(';;;%s;%s\n',path,path);" done } | { : > $tmp/HEAD [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/HEAD;$(package.notice)" cat > $tmp/README <<'!' $(package.readme) ! echo ";;;$tmp/README;README" $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $tmp/README $(PACKAGEROOT)/README && touch -r $(PACKAGEROOT)/README $tmp/README sort -t';' -k5,5 -u : > $tmp/TAIL [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/TAIL;$(package.notice)" } | $(PAX) --filter=- \ --to=ascii \ $(op:N=delta:??--format=$(format)?) \ --local \ -wvf $(source) $(base) \ $(op:N=delta:?--format=gzip??) \ $(PACKAGEVIEW:C%.*%-s",^&/,,"%) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(source) > $(source:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) echo local > $(source:D:B=$(name):S=.tim) if [[ '$(incremental)' == 1 && '$(old.source)' ]] then $(PAX) -rf $(source) -wvf $(old.new.source) -z $(old.source) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(old.new.source) > $(old.new.source:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) fi rm -rf $tmp else if [[ '$(old.source)' ]] && $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $(source.$(name)) $(source) then : $(name) is up to date else echo $(name) $(version) $(release|version) 1 > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver : > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req { echo "name='$(name)'" echo "index='$(index)'" echo "covers='$(~covers)'" echo "requires='$(~req)'" } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).inx { echo '.xx title="$(name) package"' echo '.xx meta.description="$(name) package"' echo '.xx meta.keywords="software, package"' echo '.MT 4' echo '.TL' echo '$(name) package' echo '.H 1' echo '$($(name).README)' } | $(MM2HTML) $(MM2HTMLFLAGS) -o nohtml.ident > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).html if [[ '$(source.$(name))' ]] then { echo '$($(name).README)' package help source } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).README cp $(source.$(name)) $(source) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(source) > $(source:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) fi echo local > $(source:D:B=$(name):S=.tim) fi fi binary : .binary.init .binary.gen .binary.$$(style) .binary.init : .MAKE local A B D I P V type := binary if ! "$(incremental)" incremental = 0 end if ! "$(~$(name))" if name == "ratz" suffix = exe else suffix = gz end end : $(.init.$(style)) : : $(details.$(style):V:R) : A := $(binary.list) B := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix):N!=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).*:O=1:T=F) P := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix):N!=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).*:O=2:T=F) D := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix):O=1:T=F) if op == "delta" if ! B error 3 delta requires a base archive end base := -z $(B) if "$(release)" != "$(stamp)" release := $("":T=R%Y-%m-%d) end binary := $(B:/$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix)$/$(release).&/) version := $(binary:B:B:/$(name).//) elif B || op == "base" if op == "base" for I $(B) $(P) V := $(I:B:/$(name)\.\([^.]*\).*/\1/) if V == "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]" && V != "$(version)" old.version := $(V) old.binary := $(I) if "$(old.version)" >= "$(version)" error 3 $(name): previous base $(old.version) is newer than $(version) end break end end else binary := $(B) end if B == "$(binary)" if "$(B:D:B)" == "$(D:D:B)" && "$(B:S)" != "$(D:S)" error 3 $(B:B:S): base overwrite would invalidate delta $(D:B:S) end error 1 $(B:B:S): replacing current base end version := $(binary:B:/$(name).//:/\..*//) end PACKAGEGEN := $(PACKAGEBIN)/gen .binary.gen : $$(PACKAGEDIR) $$(PACKAGEGEN) .binary.exp .binary.pkg .binary.rpm : .MAKE error 3 $(style): binary package style not supported yet .binary.cyg : if [[ '$(~$(name))' ]] then tmp=/tmp/pkg$(tmp) mkdir $tmp { integer m=0 o { echo '$($(name.original).README)' | fmt cat <<'!' $(readme.$(style):@?$$("\n")$$(readme.$$(style))??) ! } > $tmp/README1 echo ";;;$tmp/README1;usr/share/doc/Cygwin/$(opt:/.$//).README" { echo '$($(name.original).README)' | fmt cat <<'!' $() The remainder of this file is the README from the source package that was used to generate this binary package. It describes the source build hierarchy, not the current directory. $() $(package.readme) ! } > $tmp/README2 echo ";;;$tmp/README2;usr/share/doc/$(opt)README" package release $(name.original) > $tmp/RELEASE echo ";;;$tmp/RELEASE;usr/share/doc/$(opt)RELEASE" cat > $(binary:/.$(suffix)//).setup.hint <<'!' category: $(category:/\(.\).*/\1/U)$(category:/.\(.*\)/\1/L) requires: cygwin sdesc: "$(index)" ldesc: "$($(name.original).README)" ! set -- $(.package.licenses. --text $(name.original):N!=*.lic) for i do echo ";;;${i};usr/share/doc/$(opt)LICENSE-${i##*/}" done cat <<'!' $(filter.$(style)) ! if [[ '$(postinstall.$(style):V:O=1:?1??)' ]] then cat >$tmp/postinstall <<'!' $("#")!/bin/sh $(postinstall.$(style)) ! echo ";;;$tmp/postinstall;etc/postinstall/$(name).sh" fi } | { : > $tmp/HEAD [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/HEAD;$(package.notice)" sort -t';' -k5,5 -u : > $tmp/TAIL [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/TAIL;$(package.notice)" } | $(PAX) --filter=- \ --to=ascii \ --format=$(format) \ --local \ -wvf $(binary) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(binary) > $(binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) rm -rf $tmp fi .binary.lcl : if [[ '$(~$(name))' ]] then tmp=/tmp/pkg$(tmp) mkdir $tmp { $(package.src:U:T=F:/.*/echo ";;;&"$("\n")/) $(package.bin:U:T=F:/.*/echo ";;;&"$("\n")/) set -- $(package.closure) for i do cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i $(MAKE) --noexec $(-) --variants=$(variants:Q) $(=) recurse list.package.$(type) package.license.class=$(license:Q) cc- done } | $(PAX) --filter=- \ --to=ascii \ $(op:N=delta:??--format=$(format)?) \ --local \ --checksum=md5:$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).sum \ --install=$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ins \ -wvf $(binary) $(base) \ $(op:N=delta:?--format=gzip??) \ -s",^$tmp/,$(INSTALLOFFSET)/," \ $(PACKAGEROOT:C%.*%-s",^&/,,"%) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(binary) > $(binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) echo local > $(binary:D:B=$(name):S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).tim) rm -rf $tmp fi .binary.tgz : if [[ '$(~$(name))' ]] then tmp=/tmp/pkg$(tmp) mkdir $tmp { if [[ '$(init)' == '$(name)' ]] then for i in lib32 lib64 do if [[ -d $(INSTALLROOT)/$i ]] then echo ";physical;;$(INSTALLROOT)/$i" fi done fi $(package.src:U:T=F:C%^$(PACKAGEROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(PACKAGEROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%) $(package.bin:U:T=F:C%^$(INSTALLROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(INSTALLROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%) $(package.auxiliary.$(style):U:T=F:C%^$(INSTALLROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(INSTALLROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%) if [[ '$(PACKAGEDIR:B)' == '$(style)' ]] then echo $(name) $(version) $(release|version) 1 > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).ver" if [[ '$(~covers)' ]] then for i in $(~covers) do for j in lic pkg do if [[ -f $(PACKAGESRC)/$i.$j ]] then echo ";;;$(PACKAGESRC)/$i.$j;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i.$j" fi done for j in ver req do if [[ -f $(PACKAGEGEN)/$i.$j ]] then echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$i.$j;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i.$j" fi done done for i in $(~covers:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S=.lic:T=F:T=I:N=*.def:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S:T=F:B:S) do echo ";;;$(PACKAGESRC)/$i;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i" done fi sed 's,1$,0,' $(~req:D=$(PACKAGEGEN):B:S=.ver:T=F) < /dev/null > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).req" { echo "name='$(name)'" echo "index='$(index)'" echo "covers='$(~covers)'" echo "requires='$(~req)'" } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).inx { { echo '$($(name).README)' if [[ '$(~covers)' ]] then echo "This package is a superset of the following package$(~covers:O=2:?s??): $(~covers); you won't need $(~covers:O=2:?these?this?) if you download $(name)." fi if [[ '$(~requires)' ]] then echo 'It requires the following package$(~requires:O=2:?s??): $(~requires).' fi } | fmt package help binary package release $(name) } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).README echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).README;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).README" fi set -- $(package.closure) for i do cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i $(MAKE) --noexec $(-) --variants=$(variants:Q) $(=) package.strip=$(strip) recurse list.package.$(type) package.license.class=$(license:Q) cc- done } | { : > $tmp/HEAD [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/HEAD;$(package.notice)" cat > $tmp/README <<'!' $(package.readme) ! echo ";;;$tmp/README;README" sort -t';' -k5,5 -u : > $tmp/TAIL [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/TAIL;$(package.notice)" } | $(PAX) --filter=- \ --to=ascii \ $(op:N=delta:??--format=$(format)?) \ --local \ --checksum=md5:$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).sum \ --install=$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ins \ -wvf $(binary) $(base) \ $(op:N=delta:?--format=gzip??) \ -s",^$tmp/,$(INSTALLOFFSET)/," \ $(PACKAGEROOT:C%.*%-s",^&/,,"%) echo $(binary) >> $(binary:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(binary) > $(binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) echo $(binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) >> $(binary:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) echo local > $(binary:D:B=$(name):S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).tim) if [[ '$(incremental)' == 1 && '$(old.binary)' ]] then $(PAX) -rf $(binary) -wvf $(old.new.binary) -z $(old.binary) echo $(old.new.binary) >> $(binary:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(old.new.binary) > $(old.new.binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) echo $(old.new.binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) >> $(binary:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) fi rm -rf $tmp else if [[ '$(binary.$(name))' ]] then exe=$(binary.$(name)) else exe=$(INSTALLROOT)/bin/$(name) fi if [[ '$(old.binary)' ]] && $(CMP) $(CMPFLAGS) $exe $(binary) then : $(name) is up to date else echo $(name) $(version) $(release|version) 1 > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver : > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req { echo "name='$(name)'" echo "index='$(index)'" echo "covers='$(~covers)'" echo "requires='$(~req)'" } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).inx { echo '$($(name).README)' package help binary } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).README case "$(binary)" in *.gz) gzip < $exe > $(binary) ;; *) cp $exe $(binary) ;; esac $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(binary) > $(binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) echo local > $(binary:D:B=$(name):S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).tim) fi echo $(binary) >> $(binary:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) echo $(binary:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) >> $(binary:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) fi runtime : .runtime.init .runtime.gen .runtime.$$(style) .runtime.init : .MAKE local A B D I P V type := runtime if ! "$(incremental)" incremental = 0 end if ! "$(~$(name))" if name == "ratz" suffix = exe else suffix = gz end end : $(.init.$(style)) : : $(details.$(style):V:R) : A := $(runtime.list) B := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix):N!=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).*:O=1:T=F) P := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix):N!=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).*:O=2:T=F) D := $(A:N=*.$(stamp).$(stamp).$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix):O=1:T=F) if op == "delta" if ! B error 3 delta requires a base archive end base := -z $(B) if "$(release)" != "$(stamp)" release := $("":T=R%Y-%m-%d) end runtime := $(B:/$(CC.HOSTTYPE).$(suffix)$/$(release).&/) version := $(runtime:B:B:/$(name).//) elif B || op == "base" if op == "base" for I $(B) $(P) V := $(I:B:/$(name)-run\.\([^.]*\).*/\1/) if V == "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]" && V != "$(version)" old.version := $(V) old.runtime := $(I) if "$(old.version)" >= "$(version)" error 3 $(name): previous base $(old.version) is newer than $(version) end break end end else runtime := $(B) end if B == "$(runtime)" if "$(B:D:B)" == "$(D:D:B)" && "$(B:S)" != "$(D:S)" error 3 $(B:B:S): base overwrite would invalidate delta $(D:B:S) end error 1 $(B:B:S): replacing current base end version := $(runtime:B:/$(name)-run.//:/\..*//) end PACKAGEGEN := $(PACKAGESRC)/gen .runtime.gen : $$(PACKAGEDIR) $$(PACKAGEGEN) .runtime.cyg .runtime.exp .runtime.lcl .runtime.pkg .runtime.rpm : .MAKE error 3 $(style): runtime package style not supported yet .runtime.tgz : if [[ '$(~$(name))' ]] then tmp=/tmp/pkg$(tmp) mkdir $tmp { if [[ '$(init)' == '$(name)' ]] then for i in lib32 lib64 do if [[ -d $(INSTALLROOT)/$i ]] then echo ";physical;;$(INSTALLROOT)/$i" fi done fi $(package.src:U:T=F:C%^$(PACKAGEROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(PACKAGEROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%) $(package.bin:U:T=F:C%^$(INSTALLROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(INSTALLROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%) $(package.auxiliary.$(style):U:T=F:C%^$(INSTALLROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(INSTALLROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%) echo $(name) $(version) $(release|version) 1 > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).ver;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).ver" if [[ '$(~covers)' ]] then for i in $(~covers) do for j in lic pkg do if [[ -f $(PACKAGESRC)/$i.$j ]] then echo ";;;$(PACKAGESRC)/$i.$j;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i.$j" fi done for j in ver req do if [[ -f $(PACKAGEGEN)/$i.$j ]] then echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$i.$j;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i.$j" fi done done for i in $(~covers:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S=.lic:T=F:T=I:N=*.def:D=$(PACKAGESRC):B:S:T=F:B:S) do echo ";;;$(PACKAGESRC)/$i;$(PACKAGELIB)/$i" done fi sed 's,1$,0,' $(~req:D=$(PACKAGEGEN):B:S=.ver:T=F) < /dev/null > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).req;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name).req" { echo "name='$(name)'" echo "index='$(index)'" echo "covers='$(~covers)'" echo "requires='$(~req)'" } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name).inx { { echo '$($(name).README)' if [[ '$(~covers)' ]] then echo echo "This package is a superset of the following package$(~covers:O=2:?s??): $(~covers); you won't need $(~covers:O=2:?these?this?) if you download $(name)." fi if [[ '$(~requires)' ]] then echo echo 'It requires the following package$(~requires:O=2:?s??): $(~requires).' fi echo echo "To install this $(type) package read the tarball into a directory" echo "suitable for containing bin and lib subdirectories, and run the" echo "$(PACKAGELIB)/gen/$(name)-run.ins script to fix up permissions." echo echo "To use the package export the bin directory in PATH. The commands and" echo "libraries use \$PATH to locate dynamic libraries and related data files." echo } | fmt } > $(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name)-run.README echo ";;;$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name)-run.README;$(PACKAGELIB)/$(name)-run.README" set -- $(package.closure) for i do cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i $(MAKE) --noexec $(-) --variants=$(variants:Q) $(=) package.strip=$(strip) recurse list.package.$(type) package.license.class=$(license:Q) cc- done } | { : > $tmp/HEAD [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/HEAD;$(package.notice)" cat > $tmp/README <<'!' $(package.readme) ! echo ";;;$tmp/README;README" sort -t';' -k5,5 -u : > $tmp/TAIL [[ '$(notice)' ]] && echo ";;;$tmp/TAIL;$(package.notice)" } | $(PAX) --filter=- \ --to=ascii \ $(op:N=delta:??--format=$(format)?) \ --local \ --checksum=md5:$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name)-run.sum \ --install=$(PACKAGEGEN)/$(name)-run.ins \ -wvf $(runtime) $(base) \ $(op:N=delta:?--format=gzip??) \ -s",^$tmp/,$(INSTALLOFFSET)/," \ $(PACKAGEROOT:C%.*%-s",^&/,,"%) echo $(runtime) >> $(runtime:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(runtime) > $(runtime:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) echo $(runtime:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) >> $(runtime:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) echo local > $(runtime:D:B=$(name)-run:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).tim) if [[ '$(incremental)' == 1 && '$(old.runtime)' ]] then $(PAX) -rf $(runtime) -wvf $(old.new.runtime) -z $(old.runtime) echo $(old.new.runtime) >> $(runtime:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) $(SUM) -x $(checksum) < $(old.new.runtime) > $(old.new.runtime:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) echo $(old.new.runtime:D:B:S=.$(checksum)) >> $(runtime:D:B=PACKAGE:S=.$(CC.HOSTTYPE).lst) fi rm -rf $tmp fi list.installed list.manifest : set -- $(package.closure) for i do cd $(INSTALLROOT)/$i ignore $(MAKE) --noexec $(-) $(=) $(<) done