/* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* * slave/kprop.c * * Copyright 1990,1991 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * All Rights Reserved. * * Export of this software from the United States of America may * require a specific license from the United States Government. * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating * export to obtain such a license before exporting. * * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express * or implied warranty. * * */ #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <libintl.h> #include <locale.h> #include <k5-int.h> #include "com_err.h" #include "kprop.h" static char *kprop_version = KPROP_PROT_VERSION; char *progname = 0; int debug = 0; char *srvtab = 0; char *slave_host; char *realm = 0; char *file = KPROP_DEFAULT_FILE; short port = 0; krb5_principal my_principal; /* The Kerberos principal we'll be */ /* running under, initialized in */ /* get_tickets() */ krb5_ccache ccache; /* Credentials cache which we'll be using */ krb5_creds creds; krb5_address sender_addr; krb5_address receiver_addr; void PRS (int, char **); void get_tickets (krb5_context); static void usage (void); krb5_error_code open_connection (char *, int *, char *, int); void kerberos_authenticate (krb5_context, krb5_auth_context *, int, krb5_principal, krb5_creds **); int open_database (krb5_context, char *, int *); void close_database (krb5_context, int); void xmit_database (krb5_context, krb5_auth_context, krb5_creds *, int, int, int); void send_error (krb5_context, krb5_creds *, int, char *, krb5_error_code); void update_last_prop_file (char *, char *); static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, gettext ("\nUsage: %s [-r realm] [-f file] [-d] [-P port] [-s srvtab] slave_host\n\n"), progname); exit(1); } int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int fd, database_fd, database_size; krb5_error_code retval; krb5_context context; krb5_creds *my_creds; krb5_auth_context auth_context; #define ERRMSGSIZ 256 char Errmsg[ERRMSGSIZ]; (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #if !defined(TEXT_DOMAIN) /* Should be defined by cc -D */ #define TEXT_DOMAIN "KPROP_TEST" /* Use this only if it weren't */ #endif (void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN); retval = krb5_init_context(&context); if (retval) { com_err(argv[0], retval, gettext("while initializing krb5")); exit(1); } PRS(argc, argv); get_tickets(context); database_fd = open_database(context, file, &database_size); if (retval = open_connection(slave_host, &fd, Errmsg, sizeof(Errmsg))) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("%s while opening connection to %s"), Errmsg, slave_host); exit(1); } if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: %s while opening connection to %s\n"), progname, Errmsg, slave_host); exit(1); } kerberos_authenticate(context, &auth_context, fd, my_principal, &my_creds); xmit_database(context, auth_context, my_creds, fd, database_fd, database_size); update_last_prop_file(slave_host, file); printf(gettext("Database propagation to %s: SUCCEEDED\n"), slave_host); krb5_free_cred_contents(context, my_creds); close_database(context, database_fd); exit(0); } void PRS(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int c; register char *word, ch; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; progname = argv[0]; while ((c= getopt(argc, argv, "r:f:dP:s:h:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'r': realm = optarg; if (!realm) usage(); break; case 'f': file = optarg; if (!file) usage(); break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'P': port = atoi(optarg); if (!port) usage(); break; case 's': srvtab = optarg; if (!srvtab) usage(); break; case '?': default: printf (gettext("Error \n")); usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv = &argv[optind]; if (*argv) slave_host = *argv; else usage(); } void get_tickets(context) krb5_context context; { char my_host_name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; char buf[BUFSIZ]; char *cp; struct hostent *hp; krb5_error_code retval; static char tkstring[] = "/tmp/kproptktXXXXXX"; krb5_keytab keytab = NULL; krb5_get_init_creds_opt opt; char *svcname = NULL; char *def_realm = NULL; char *master_host = NULL; /* * Figure out what tickets we'll be using to send stuff */ if (realm) { if ((def_realm = strdup(realm)) == NULL) { com_err(progname, ENOMEM, gettext("while allocating default realm name '%s'"), realm); exit(1); } } else { retval = krb5_get_default_realm(context, &def_realm); if (retval) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while getting default realm")); exit(1); } } /* * Always pick up the master hostname from krb5.conf, as * opposed to picking up the localhost, so we do not get bit * if the master KDC is HA and hence points to a logicalhost. */ retval = kadm5_get_master(context, def_realm, &master_host); if (retval) { free(def_realm); com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while getting admin server fqdn")); exit(1); } retval = krb5_sname_to_principal(context, master_host, NULL, KRB5_NT_SRV_HST, &my_principal); free(def_realm); free(master_host); if (retval) { com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while setting client principal name")); exit(1); } if (realm) { (void) krb5_xfree(krb5_princ_realm(context, my_principal)->data); krb5_princ_set_realm_length(context, my_principal, strlen(realm)); krb5_princ_set_realm_data(context, my_principal, strdup(realm)); } #if 0 krb5_princ_type(context, my_principal) = KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL; #endif /* * Initialize cache file which we're going to be using */ (void) mktemp(tkstring); snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), gettext("FILE:%s"), tkstring); if (retval = krb5_cc_resolve(context, buf, &ccache)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while opening credential cache %s"), buf); exit(1); } if (retval = krb5_cc_initialize(context, ccache, my_principal)) { com_err (progname, retval, gettext("when initializing cache %s"), buf); exit(1); } /* * Get the tickets we'll need. * * Construct the principal name for the slave host. */ memset((char *)&creds, 0, sizeof(creds)); retval = krb5_sname_to_principal(context, slave_host, KPROP_SERVICE_NAME, KRB5_NT_SRV_HST, &creds.server); if (retval) { com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while setting server principal name")); (void) krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache); exit(1); } if (realm) { (void) krb5_xfree(krb5_princ_realm(context, creds.server)->data); krb5_princ_set_realm_length(context, creds.server, strlen(realm)); krb5_princ_set_realm_data(context, creds.server, strdup(realm)); } /* * Now fill in the client.... */ if (retval = krb5_copy_principal(context, my_principal, &creds.client)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("While copying client principal")); (void) krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache); exit(1); } if (srvtab) { if (retval = krb5_kt_resolve(context, srvtab, &keytab)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while resolving keytab")); (void) krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache); exit(1); } } (void) memset(&opt, 0, sizeof (opt)); krb5_get_init_creds_opt_init(&opt); retval = krb5_unparse_name(context, creds.server, &svcname); if (retval) { com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while parsing svc principal name")); (void) krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache); exit (1); } retval = krb5_get_init_creds_keytab(context, &creds, creds.client, keytab, 0, svcname, &opt); if (svcname) free(svcname); if (retval) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while getting initial ticket\n")); (void) krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache); exit(1); } if (keytab) (void) krb5_kt_close(context, keytab); /* * Now destroy the cache right away --- the credentials we * need will be in my_creds. */ if (retval = krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while destroying ticket cache")); exit(1); } } /* SUNW14resync - SOCKET is defed in 1.4 in port-sockets.h */ #ifdef SOCKET #undef SOCKET #endif krb5_error_code open_connection(host, fd, Errmsg, ErrmsgSz) char *host; int *fd; char *Errmsg; int ErrmsgSz; { int s; krb5_error_code retval; int socket_length; struct addrinfo hints, *ai, *aitop; struct sockaddr_storage ss; char serv_or_port[NI_MAXSERV]; enum err_types {SOCKET, CONNECT}; int which_err; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* go for either IPv4 or v6 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if (port != 0) (void) snprintf(serv_or_port, sizeof(serv_or_port), ("%hu"), port); else strncpy(serv_or_port, KPROP_SERVICE, sizeof(serv_or_port)); if (getaddrinfo(host, serv_or_port, &hints, &aitop) != 0) { (void) snprintf(Errmsg, ERRMSGSIZ, gettext("%s: unknown host"), host); *fd = -1; return(0); } for (ai = aitop; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) { if (ai->ai_family != AF_INET && ai->ai_family != AF_INET6) continue; s = socket(ai->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { which_err = SOCKET; retval = errno; continue; } if (connect(s, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen) < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS) { which_err = CONNECT; retval = errno; close(s); continue; /* fail -- try next */ } break; /* success */ } if (ai == NULL) { switch (which_err) { case SOCKET: (void) snprintf(Errmsg, ERRMSGSIZ, gettext("in call to socket")); break; case CONNECT: (void) snprintf(Errmsg, ERRMSGSIZ, gettext("in call to connect")); break; default : retval = -1; /* generic error */ (void) snprintf(Errmsg, ERRMSGSIZ, gettext("could not setup network")); break; } if (aitop != NULL) freeaddrinfo(aitop); return(retval); } *fd = s; /* * Set receiver_addr and sender_addr. */ if (cvtkaddr((struct sockaddr_storage *)ai->ai_addr, &receiver_addr) == NULL) { retval = errno; com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while converting socket address")); if (aitop != NULL) freeaddrinfo(aitop); return(retval); } if (aitop != NULL) freeaddrinfo(aitop); socket_length = sizeof(ss); if (getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *)&ss, &socket_length) < 0) { retval = errno; close(s); (void) snprintf(Errmsg, ERRMSGSIZ, gettext("in call to getsockname")); return(retval); } if (cvtkaddr(&ss, &sender_addr) == NULL) { retval = errno; com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while converting socket address")); return(retval); } return(0); } void kerberos_authenticate(context, auth_context, fd, me, new_creds) krb5_context context; krb5_auth_context *auth_context; int fd; krb5_principal me; krb5_creds ** new_creds; { krb5_error_code retval; krb5_error *error = NULL; krb5_ap_rep_enc_part *rep_result; if (retval = krb5_auth_con_init(context, auth_context)) exit(1); krb5_auth_con_setflags(context, *auth_context, KRB5_AUTH_CONTEXT_DO_SEQUENCE); if (retval = krb5_auth_con_setaddrs(context, *auth_context, &sender_addr, &receiver_addr)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("in krb5_auth_con_setaddrs")); exit(1); } if (retval = krb5_sendauth(context, auth_context, (void *)&fd, kprop_version, me, creds.server, AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED, NULL, &creds, NULL, &error, &rep_result, new_creds)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while authenticating to server")); if (error) { if (error->error == KRB_ERR_GENERIC) { if (error->text.data) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Generic remote error: %s\n"), error->text.data); } else if (error->error) { com_err(progname, error->error + ERROR_TABLE_BASE_krb5, gettext("signalled from server")); if (error->text.data) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Error text from server: %s\n"), error->text.data); } krb5_free_error(context, error); } exit(1); } krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part(context, rep_result); } char * dbpathname; /* * Open the Kerberos database dump file. Takes care of locking it * and making sure that the .ok file is more recent that the database * dump file itself. * * Returns the file descriptor of the database dump file. Also fills * in the size of the database file. */ int open_database(context, data_fn, size) krb5_context context; char *data_fn; int *size; { int fd; int err; struct stat stbuf, stbuf_ok; char *data_ok_fn; static char ok[] = ".dump_ok"; dbpathname = strdup(data_fn); if (!dbpathname) { com_err(progname, ENOMEM, gettext("allocating database file name '%s'"), data_fn); exit(1); } if ((fd = open(dbpathname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while trying to open %s"), dbpathname); exit(1); } err = krb5_lock_file(context, fd, KRB5_LOCKMODE_SHARED|KRB5_LOCKMODE_DONTBLOCK); if (err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EACCES) { com_err(progname, 0, gettext("database locked")); exit(1); } else if (err) { com_err(progname, err, gettext("while trying to lock '%s'"), dbpathname); exit(1); } if (fstat(fd, &stbuf)) { com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while trying to stat %s"), data_fn); exit(1); } if ((data_ok_fn = (char *) malloc(strlen(data_fn)+strlen(ok)+1)) == NULL) { com_err(progname, ENOMEM, gettext("while trying to malloc data_ok_fn")); exit(1); } strcpy(data_ok_fn, data_fn); strcat(data_ok_fn, ok); if (stat(data_ok_fn, &stbuf_ok)) { com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while trying to stat %s"), data_ok_fn); free(data_ok_fn); exit(1); } free(data_ok_fn); if (stbuf.st_mtime > stbuf_ok.st_mtime) { com_err(progname, 0, gettext("'%s' more recent than '%s'."), data_fn, data_ok_fn); exit(1); } *size = stbuf.st_size; return(fd); } void close_database(context, fd) krb5_context context; int fd; { int err; if (err = krb5_lock_file(context, fd, KRB5_LOCKMODE_UNLOCK)) com_err(progname, err, gettext("while unlocking database '%s'"), dbpathname); free(dbpathname); (void)close(fd); return; } /* * Now we send over the database. We use the following protocol: * Send over a KRB_SAFE message with the size. Then we send over the * database in blocks of KPROP_BLKSIZE, encrypted using KRB_PRIV. * Then we expect to see a KRB_SAFE message with the size sent back. * * At any point in the protocol, we may send a KRB_ERROR message; this * will abort the entire operation. */ void xmit_database(context, auth_context, my_creds, fd, database_fd, database_size) krb5_context context; krb5_auth_context auth_context; krb5_creds *my_creds; int fd; int database_fd; int database_size; { krb5_int32 send_size, sent_size, n; krb5_data inbuf, outbuf; char buf[KPROP_BUFSIZ]; krb5_error_code retval; krb5_error *error; /* * Send over the size */ send_size = htonl(database_size); inbuf.data = (char *) &send_size; inbuf.length = sizeof(send_size); /* must be 4, really */ /* KPROP_CKSUMTYPE */ if (retval = krb5_mk_safe(context, auth_context, &inbuf, &outbuf, NULL)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while encoding database size")); send_error(context, my_creds, fd, gettext("while encoding database size"), retval); exit(1); } if (retval = krb5_write_message(context, (void *) &fd, &outbuf)) { krb5_free_data_contents(context, &outbuf); com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while sending database size")); exit(1); } krb5_free_data_contents(context, &outbuf); /* * Initialize the initial vector. */ if (retval = krb5_auth_con_initivector(context, auth_context)) { send_error(context, my_creds, fd, gettext("failed while initializing i_vector"), retval); com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while allocating i_vector")); exit(1); } /* * Send over the file, block by block.... */ inbuf.data = buf; sent_size = 0; while (n = read(database_fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) { inbuf.length = n; if (retval = krb5_mk_priv(context, auth_context, &inbuf, &outbuf, NULL)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), gettext("while encoding database block starting at %d"), sent_size); com_err(progname, retval, buf); send_error(context, my_creds, fd, buf, retval); exit(1); } if (retval = krb5_write_message(context, (void *)&fd,&outbuf)) { krb5_free_data_contents(context, &outbuf); com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while sending database block starting at %d"), sent_size); exit(1); } krb5_free_data_contents(context, &outbuf); sent_size += n; if (debug) printf(gettext("%d bytes sent.\n"), sent_size); } if (sent_size != database_size) { com_err(progname, 0, gettext("Premature EOF found for database file!")); send_error(context, my_creds, fd,gettext("Premature EOF found for database file!"), KRB5KRB_ERR_GENERIC); exit(1); } /* * OK, we've sent the database; now let's wait for a success * indication from the remote end. */ if (retval = krb5_read_message(context, (void *) &fd, &inbuf)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while reading response from server")); exit(1); } /* * If we got an error response back from the server, display * the error message */ if (krb5_is_krb_error(&inbuf)) { if (retval = krb5_rd_error(context, &inbuf, &error)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while decoding error response from server")); exit(1); } if (error->error == KRB_ERR_GENERIC) { if (error->text.data) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Generic remote error: %s\n"), error->text.data); } else if (error->error) { com_err(progname, error->error + ERROR_TABLE_BASE_krb5, gettext("signalled from server")); if (error->text.data) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Error text from server: %s\n"), error->text.data); } krb5_free_error(context, error); exit(1); } if (retval = krb5_rd_safe(context,auth_context,&inbuf,&outbuf,NULL)) { com_err(progname, retval, gettext("while decoding final size packet from server")); exit(1); } memcpy((char *)&send_size, outbuf.data, sizeof(send_size)); send_size = ntohl(send_size); if (send_size != database_size) { com_err(progname, 0, gettext("Kpropd sent database size %d, expecting %d"), send_size, database_size); exit(1); } free(outbuf.data); free(inbuf.data); } void send_error(context, my_creds, fd, err_text, err_code) krb5_context context; krb5_creds *my_creds; int fd; char *err_text; krb5_error_code err_code; { krb5_error error; const char *text; krb5_data outbuf; memset((char *)&error, 0, sizeof(error)); krb5_us_timeofday(context, &error.ctime, &error.cusec); error.server = my_creds->server; error.client = my_principal; error.error = err_code - ERROR_TABLE_BASE_krb5; if (error.error > 127) error.error = KRB_ERR_GENERIC; if (err_text) text = err_text; else text = error_message(err_code); error.text.length = strlen(text) + 1; if (error.text.data = malloc(error.text.length)) { strcpy(error.text.data, text); if (!krb5_mk_error(context, &error, &outbuf)) { (void) krb5_write_message(context, (void *)&fd,&outbuf); krb5_free_data_contents(context, &outbuf); } free(error.text.data); } } void update_last_prop_file(hostname, file_name) char *hostname; char *file_name; { /* handle slave locking/failure stuff */ char *file_last_prop; int fd; static char last_prop[]=".last_prop"; if ((file_last_prop = (char *)malloc(strlen(file_name) + strlen(hostname) + 1 + strlen(last_prop) + 1)) == NULL) { com_err(progname, ENOMEM, gettext("while allocating filename for update_last_prop_file")); return; } strcpy(file_last_prop, file_name); /* * If a nondefault file name was specified then we should not add an * extraneous host name to the file name given that a file name could * have already specified a host name and therefore would be redundant. */ if (strcmp(file_name, KPROP_DEFAULT_FILE) == 0) { strcat(file_last_prop, "."); strcat(file_last_prop, hostname); } strcat(file_last_prop, last_prop); if ((fd = THREEPARAMOPEN(file_last_prop, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600)) < 0) { com_err(progname, errno, gettext("while creating 'last_prop' file, '%s'"), file_last_prop); free(file_last_prop); return; } write(fd, "", 1); free(file_last_prop); close(fd); return; }