/* * Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. * * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <glib.h> #include <libhal.h> #include <logger.h> #undef PACKAGE_STRING #undef PACKAGE_VERSION #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h> #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h> #include "network-discovery.h" #include "printer.h" #define NP(x) (x?x:"NULL") static GList *new_addrs = NULL; static void add_snmp_device(LibHalContext *ctx, char *parent, char *name, char *community) { /* most printers listen on the appsocket port (9100) */ if (is_listening(name, 9100) == 0) { char device[128]; snprintf(device, sizeof (device), "socket://%s:9100", name); add_network_printer(ctx, parent, name, device, community); } /* * This would be a good place to detect other types of devices or other * device capabilities. scanners, removable media, storage, ... */ } static int snmp_response_cb(int operation, struct snmp_session *sp, int reqid, struct snmp_pdu *pdu, void *data) { struct sockaddr_in *addr = pdu->transport_data; char *name; name = inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr); /* have we already seen this network device */ if (device_seen(name) == FALSE) new_addrs = g_list_append(new_addrs, strdup(name)); return (0); } gboolean scan_for_devices_using_snmp(LibHalContext *ctx, char *parent, char *community, char *network) { struct snmp_session session, *ss; struct snmp_pdu *request = NULL, *response = NULL; oid Oid[MAX_OID_LEN]; unsigned int oid_len = MAX_OID_LEN; GList *elem; HAL_DEBUG(("scan_for_devices_using_snmp(0x%8.8x, %s, %s, %s)", ctx, NP(parent), NP(community), NP(network))); init_snmp("snmp-scan"); init_mib(); /* initialize the SNMP session */ snmp_sess_init(&session); session.peername = network; session.community = (uchar_t *)community; session.community_len = strlen((const char *)session.community); session.version = SNMP_VERSION_1; if ((ss = snmp_open(&session)) == NULL) return (FALSE); /* initialize the request PDU */ request = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); /* add the requested data (everyone should have a sysDescr.0) */ if (!read_objid("SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0", Oid, &oid_len)) snmp_perror("sysDescr.0"); snmp_add_null_var(request, Oid, oid_len); snmp_async_send(ss, request, snmp_response_cb, NULL); /* detect any new devices */ while (1) { int fds = 0, block = 0; fd_set fdset; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&fdset); snmp_select_info(&fds, &fdset, &timeout, &block); fds = select(fds, &fdset, NULL, NULL, block ? NULL : &timeout); if (fds < 0) { perror("select failed"); continue; } if (fds == 0) { break; } else { snmp_read(&fdset); } } snmp_close(ss); /* add the newly detected devices */ for (elem = new_addrs; elem != NULL; elem = g_list_next(elem)) { add_snmp_device(ctx, parent, (char *)elem->data, community); free(elem->data); } g_list_free(new_addrs); new_addrs = NULL; return (TRUE); }