# # Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # DO NOT EDIT -- this file is generated by the Event Registry. # # # General-purpose messages # msgid "syslog-msgs-message-template" msgstr "SUNW-MSG-ID: %s, TYPE: %s, VER: 1, SEVERITY: %s\nEVENT-TIME: %s\nPLATFORM: %s, CSN: %s, HOSTNAME: %s\nSOURCE: %s, REV: %s\nEVENT-ID: %s\nDESC: %s\nAUTO-RESPONSE: %s\nIMPACT: %s\nREC-ACTION: %s\n" msgid "syslog-msgs-pointer" msgstr "\n...\nSee fmadm faulty -u <EVENT-ID> for full information.\n" # # Fault-related messages # # # # code: FMD-8000-0W # keys: defect.sunos.fmd.nosub # msgid "FMD-8000-0W.type" msgstr "Defect" msgid "FMD-8000-0W.severity" msgstr "Minor" msgid "FMD-8000-0W.description" msgstr "The Solaris Fault Manager received an event %<fault-list[0].nosub_class> to which no automated diagnosis software is currently subscribed. Refer to %s for more information." msgid "FMD-8000-0W.response" msgstr "Error reports from the component will be logged for examination by Sun." msgid "FMD-8000-0W.impact" msgstr "Automated diagnosis and response for these events will not occur." msgid "FMD-8000-0W.action" msgstr "Run pkgchk -n SUNWfmd to ensure that fault management software is installed properly. Contact Sun for support." # # code: FMD-8000-11 # keys: defect.sunos.fmd.nodiagcode # msgid "FMD-8000-11.type" msgstr "Defect" msgid "FMD-8000-11.severity" msgstr "Minor" msgid "FMD-8000-11.description" msgstr "A Solaris Fault Manager component generated a diagnosis for which no message summary exists. Refer to %s for more information." msgid "FMD-8000-11.response" msgstr "The diagnosis has been saved in the fault log for examination by Sun." msgid "FMD-8000-11.impact" msgstr "The fault log will need to be manually examined using fmdump(1M) in order to determine if any human response is required." msgid "FMD-8000-11.action" msgstr "Use fmdump -v -u <EVENT-ID> to view the diagnosis result. Run pkgchk -n SUNWfmd to ensure that fault management software is installed properly." # # code: FMD-8000-2K # keys: defect.sunos.fmd.module # msgid "FMD-8000-2K.type" msgstr "Defect" msgid "FMD-8000-2K.severity" msgstr "Minor" msgid "FMD-8000-2K.description" msgstr "A Solaris Fault Manager component has experienced an error that required the module to be disabled. Refer to %s for more information." msgid "FMD-8000-2K.response" msgstr "The module has been disabled. Events destined for the module will be saved for manual diagnosis." msgid "FMD-8000-2K.impact" msgstr "Automated diagnosis and response for subsequent events associated with this module will not occur." msgid "FMD-8000-2K.action" msgstr "Use fmdump -v -u <EVENT-ID> to locate the module. Use fmadm reset <module> to reset the module." # # code: FMD-8000-3F # keys: defect.sunos.fmd.config # msgid "FMD-8000-3F.type" msgstr "Defect" msgid "FMD-8000-3F.severity" msgstr "Minor" msgid "FMD-8000-3F.description" msgstr "A Solaris Fault Manager component could not load due to an erroroneous configuration file. Refer to %s for more information." msgid "FMD-8000-3F.response" msgstr "The module has been disabled. Events destined for the module will be saved for manual diagnosis." msgid "FMD-8000-3F.impact" msgstr "Automated diagnosis and response for subsequent events associated with this module will not occur." msgid "FMD-8000-3F.action" msgstr "Use fmdump -v -u <EVENT-ID> to locate the module. Use fmadm load <module> to load the module after repairing its configuration." # # code: FMD-8000-4M # keys: list.repaired # msgid "FMD-8000-4M.type" msgstr "Repair" msgid "FMD-8000-4M.severity" msgstr "Minor" msgid "FMD-8000-4M.description" msgstr "All faults associated with an event id have been addressed.\n Refer to %s for more information." msgid "FMD-8000-4M.response" msgstr "Some system components offlined because of the original fault may have been brought back online.\n" msgid "FMD-8000-4M.impact" msgstr "Performance degradation of the system due to the original fault may have been recovered.\n" msgid "FMD-8000-4M.action" msgstr "Use fmdump -v -u <EVENT-ID> to identify the repaired components." # # code: FMD-8000-58 # keys: list.updated # msgid "FMD-8000-58.type" msgstr "Update" msgid "FMD-8000-58.severity" msgstr "Minor" msgid "FMD-8000-58.description" msgstr "Some faults associated with an event id have been addressed.\n Refer to %s for more information." msgid "FMD-8000-58.response" msgstr "Some system components offlined because of the original fault may have been brought back online.\n" msgid "FMD-8000-58.impact" msgstr "Performance degradation of the system due to the original fault may have been recovered.\n" msgid "FMD-8000-58.action" msgstr "Use fmadm faulty to identify the repaired components, and any suspects that still need to be repaired.\n" # # code: FMD-8000-6U # keys: list.resolved # msgid "FMD-8000-6U.type" msgstr "Resolved" msgid "FMD-8000-6U.severity" msgstr "Minor" msgid "FMD-8000-6U.description" msgstr "All faults associated with an event id have been addressed.\n Refer to %s for more information." msgid "FMD-8000-6U.response" msgstr "All system components offlined because of the original fault have been brought back online.\n" msgid "FMD-8000-6U.impact" msgstr "Performance degradation of the system due to the original fault has been recovered.\n" msgid "FMD-8000-6U.action" msgstr "Use fmdump -v -u <EVENT-ID> to identify the repaired components.\n"