/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <hbaapi.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "fcinfo.h" #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN #define htonll(x) (x) #define ntohll(x) (x) #else #define htonll(x) ((((unsigned long long)htonl(x)) << 32) + htonl(x >> 32)) #define ntohll(x) ((((unsigned long long)ntohl(x)) << 32) + ntohl(x >> 32)) #endif /* Fc4 Types Format */ #define FC4_TYPE_WORD_POS(x) ((uint_t)((uint_t)(x) >> 5)) #define FC4_TYPE_BIT_POS(x) ((uchar_t)(x) & 0x1F) #define TYPE_IP_FC 0x05 #define TYPE_SCSI_FCP 0x08 static int fc4_map_is_set(uint32_t *map, uchar_t ulp_type); static char *getPortType(HBA_PORTTYPE portType); static char *getPortState(HBA_PORTSTATE portState); static void printPortSpeed(HBA_PORTSPEED portSpeed); static char *getDTypeString(uchar_t dType); uint64_t wwnConversion(uchar_t *wwn) { uint64_t tmp; memcpy(&tmp, wwn, sizeof (uint64_t)); return (ntohll(tmp)); } static char * getPortType(HBA_PORTTYPE portType) { switch (portType) { case HBA_PORTTYPE_UNKNOWN: return ("unknown"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_OTHER: return ("other"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_NOTPRESENT: return ("not present"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_NPORT: return ("N-port"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_NLPORT: return ("NL-port"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_FLPORT: return ("FL-port"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_FPORT: return ("F-port"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_LPORT: return ("L-port"); case HBA_PORTTYPE_PTP: return ("point-to-point"); default: return ("unrecognized type"); } } static char * getPortState(HBA_PORTSTATE portState) { switch (portState) { case HBA_PORTSTATE_UNKNOWN: return ("unknown"); case HBA_PORTSTATE_ONLINE: return ("online"); case HBA_PORTSTATE_OFFLINE: return ("offline"); case HBA_PORTSTATE_BYPASSED: return ("bypassed"); case HBA_PORTSTATE_DIAGNOSTICS: return ("diagnostics"); case HBA_PORTSTATE_LINKDOWN: return ("link down"); case HBA_PORTSTATE_ERROR: return ("error"); case HBA_PORTSTATE_LOOPBACK: return ("loopback"); default: return ("unrecognized state"); } } static void printPortSpeed(HBA_PORTSPEED portSpeed) { int foundSpeed = 0; if ((portSpeed & HBA_PORTSPEED_1GBIT) == HBA_PORTSPEED_1GBIT) { fprintf(stdout, "1Gb "); foundSpeed = 1; } if ((portSpeed & HBA_PORTSPEED_2GBIT) == HBA_PORTSPEED_2GBIT) { fprintf(stdout, "2Gb "); foundSpeed = 1; } if ((portSpeed & HBA_PORTSPEED_4GBIT) == HBA_PORTSPEED_4GBIT) { fprintf(stdout, "4Gb "); foundSpeed = 1; } if ((portSpeed & HBA_PORTSPEED_8GBIT) == HBA_PORTSPEED_8GBIT) { fprintf(stdout, "8Gb "); foundSpeed = 1; } if ((portSpeed & HBA_PORTSPEED_10GBIT) == HBA_PORTSPEED_10GBIT) { fprintf(stdout, "10Gb "); foundSpeed = 1; } if ((portSpeed & HBA_PORTSPEED_16GBIT) == HBA_PORTSPEED_16GBIT) { fprintf(stdout, "16Gb "); foundSpeed = 1; } if ((portSpeed & HBA_PORTSPEED_NOT_NEGOTIATED) == HBA_PORTSPEED_NOT_NEGOTIATED) { fprintf(stdout, "not established "); foundSpeed = 1; } if (foundSpeed == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "not established "); } } void printDiscoPortInfo(HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES *discoPort, int scsiTargetType) { int fc4_types = 0; fprintf(stdout, gettext("Remote Port WWN: %016llx\n"), wwnConversion(discoPort->PortWWN.wwn)); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tActive FC4 Types: ")); if (fc4_map_is_set( (uint32_t *)discoPort->PortActiveFc4Types.bits, TYPE_SCSI_FCP)) { fprintf(stdout, gettext("SCSI")); fc4_types++; } if (fc4_map_is_set( (uint32_t *)discoPort->PortActiveFc4Types.bits, TYPE_IP_FC)) { if (fc4_types != 0) { fprintf(stdout, ","); } fprintf(stdout, gettext("IP")); fc4_types++; } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); /* print out scsi target type information */ fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tSCSI Target: ")); if (scsiTargetType == SCSI_TARGET_TYPE_YES) { fprintf(stdout, gettext("yes\n")); } else if (scsiTargetType == SCSI_TARGET_TYPE_NO) { fprintf(stdout, gettext("no\n")); } else { fprintf(stdout, gettext("unknown\n")); } fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tPort Symbolic Name: %s\n"), discoPort->PortSymbolicName); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tNode WWN: %016llx\n"), wwnConversion(discoPort->NodeWWN.wwn)); } /* * scan the bitmap array for the specifed ULP type. The bit map array * is 32 bytes long */ static int fc4_map_is_set(uint32_t *map, uchar_t ulp_type) { map += FC4_TYPE_WORD_POS(ulp_type) * 4; if (ntohl((*(uint32_t *)map)) & (1 << FC4_TYPE_BIT_POS(ulp_type))) { return (1); } return (0); } /* * prints out all the HBA port information */ void printHBAPortInfo(HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES *port, HBA_ADAPTERATTRIBUTES *attrs, int mode) { if (attrs == NULL || port == NULL) { return; } fprintf(stdout, gettext("HBA Port WWN: %016llx\n"), wwnConversion(port->PortWWN.wwn)); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tPort Mode: %s\n"), (mode == INITIATOR_MODE) ? "Initiator" : "Target"); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tPort ID: %x\n"), port->PortFcId); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tOS Device Name: %s\n"), port->OSDeviceName); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tManufacturer: %s\n"), attrs->Manufacturer); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tModel: %s\n"), attrs->Model); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tFirmware Version: %s\n"), attrs->FirmwareVersion); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tFCode/BIOS Version: %s\n"), attrs->OptionROMVersion); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tSerial Number: %s\n"), attrs->SerialNumber[0] == 0? "not available":attrs->SerialNumber); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tDriver Name: %s\n"), attrs->DriverName[0] == 0? "not available":attrs->DriverName); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tDriver Version: %s\n"), attrs->DriverVersion[0] == 0? "not available":attrs->DriverVersion); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tType: %s\n"), getPortType(port->PortType)); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tState: %s\n"), getPortState(port->PortState)); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tSupported Speeds: ")); printPortSpeed(port->PortSupportedSpeed); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tCurrent Speed: ")); printPortSpeed(port->PortSpeed); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tNode WWN: %016llx\n"), wwnConversion(port->NodeWWN.wwn)); } void printStatus(HBA_STATUS status) { switch (status) { case HBA_STATUS_OK: fprintf(stderr, gettext("OK")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, gettext("ERROR")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: fprintf(stderr, gettext("NOT SUPPORTED")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: fprintf(stderr, gettext("INVALID HANDLE")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_ARG: fprintf(stderr, gettext("ERROR ARG")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_WWN: fprintf(stderr, gettext("ILLEGAL WWN")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INDEX: fprintf(stderr, gettext("ILLEGAL INDEX")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_MORE_DATA: fprintf(stderr, gettext("MORE DATA")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_STALE_DATA: fprintf(stderr, gettext("STALE DATA")); return; case HBA_STATUS_SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION: fprintf(stderr, gettext("SCSI CHECK CONDITION")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_BUSY: fprintf(stderr, gettext("BUSY")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN: fprintf(stderr, gettext("TRY AGAIN")); return; case HBA_STATUS_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE: fprintf(stderr, gettext("UNAVAILABLE")); return; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s %d", gettext("Undefined error code "), status); return; } } void printLUNInfo(struct scsi_inquiry *inq, HBA_UINT32 scsiLUN, char *devpath) { fprintf(stdout, "\tLUN: %d\n", scsiLUN); fprintf(stdout, "\t Vendor: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n", inq->inq_vid[0], inq->inq_vid[1], inq->inq_vid[2], inq->inq_vid[3], inq->inq_vid[4], inq->inq_vid[5], inq->inq_vid[6], inq->inq_vid[7]); fprintf(stdout, "\t Product: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n", inq->inq_pid[0], inq->inq_pid[1], inq->inq_pid[2], inq->inq_pid[3], inq->inq_pid[4], inq->inq_pid[5], inq->inq_pid[6], inq->inq_pid[7], inq->inq_pid[8], inq->inq_pid[9], inq->inq_pid[10], inq->inq_pid[11], inq->inq_pid[12], inq->inq_pid[13], inq->inq_pid[14], inq->inq_pid[15]); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\t OS Device Name: %s\n"), devpath); } void printPortStat(fc_rls_acc_t *rls_payload) { fprintf(stdout, gettext("\tLink Error Statistics:\n")); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\t\tLink Failure Count: %u\n"), rls_payload->rls_link_fail); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\t\tLoss of Sync Count: %u\n"), rls_payload->rls_sync_loss); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\t\tLoss of Signal Count: %u\n"), rls_payload->rls_sig_loss); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\t\tPrimitive Seq Protocol Error Count: %u\n"), rls_payload->rls_prim_seq_err); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\t\tInvalid Tx Word Count: %u\n"), rls_payload->rls_invalid_word); fprintf(stdout, gettext("\t\tInvalid CRC Count: %u\n"), rls_payload->rls_invalid_crc); } /* * return device type description * * Arguments: * dType - Device type returned from Standard INQUIRY * Returns: * char string description for device type */ static char * getDTypeString(uchar_t dType) { switch (dType & DTYPE_MASK) { case DTYPE_DIRECT: return ("Disk Device"); case DTYPE_SEQUENTIAL: return ("Tape Device"); case DTYPE_PRINTER: return ("Printer Device"); case DTYPE_PROCESSOR: return ("Processor Device"); case DTYPE_WORM: return ("WORM Device"); case DTYPE_RODIRECT: return ("CD/DVD Device"); case DTYPE_SCANNER: return ("Scanner Device"); case DTYPE_OPTICAL: return ("Optical Memory Device"); case DTYPE_CHANGER: return ("Medium Changer Device"); case DTYPE_COMM: return ("Communications Device"); case DTYPE_ARRAY_CTRL: return ("Storage Array Controller Device"); case DTYPE_ESI: return ("Enclosure Services Device"); case DTYPE_RBC: return ("Simplified Direct-access Device"); case DTYPE_OCRW: return ("Optical Card Reader/Writer Device"); case DTYPE_BCC: return ("Bridge Controller Commands"); case DTYPE_OSD: return ("Object-based Storage Device"); case DTYPE_ADC: return ("Automation/Drive Interface"); case DTYPE_WELLKNOWN: return ("Well Known Logical Unit"); case DTYPE_UNKNOWN: return ("Unknown Device"); default: return ("Undefined"); } } /* * print the OS device name for the logical-unit object * * Arguments: * devListWalk - OS device path info * verbose - boolean indicating whether to display additional info * * returns: * none */ void printOSDeviceNameInfo(discoveredDevice *devListWalk, boolean_t verbose) { portWWNList *WWNList; tgtPortWWNList *tgtWWNList; int i, count; fprintf(stdout, "OS Device Name: %s\n", devListWalk->OSDeviceName); if (verbose == B_TRUE) { for (WWNList = devListWalk->HBAPortWWN; WWNList != NULL; WWNList = WWNList->next) { fprintf(stdout, "\tHBA Port WWN: "); fprintf(stdout, "%016llx", wwnConversion(WWNList->portWWN.wwn)); for (tgtWWNList = WWNList->tgtPortWWN; tgtWWNList != NULL; tgtWWNList = tgtWWNList->next) { fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\tRemote Port WWN: "); fprintf(stdout, "%016llx", wwnConversion(tgtWWNList->portWWN.wwn)); fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t\tLUN: %d", tgtWWNList->scsiOSLun); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "\tVendor: "); for (count = sizeof (devListWalk->VID), i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (isprint(devListWalk->VID[i])) fprintf(stdout, "%c", devListWalk->VID[i]); } fprintf(stdout, "\n\tProduct: "); for (count = sizeof (devListWalk->PID), i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (isprint(devListWalk->PID[i])) fprintf(stdout, "%c", devListWalk->PID[i]); } fprintf(stdout, "\n\tDevice Type: %s\n", getDTypeString(devListWalk->dType)); } }