/* * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley Software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* * C shell */ /* * These tchar constants used to be defined as * character string constants. */ #include "sh.h" tchar S_[] = {0}; tchar S_0[]={'0', 0}; tchar S_1[]={'1', 0}; tchar S_AND[] = {'&', 0}; /* & */ tchar S_ANDAND[] = {'&', '&', 0}; /* && */ tchar S_AST[]={'*', 0}; tchar S_AT[] = { '@', 0 }; tchar S_BAR[] = {'|', 0}; /* | */ tchar S_BARBAR[] = {'|','|', 0}; /* || */ tchar S_BRABRA[] = {'{', '}', 0}; /* {} */ tchar S_BRAPPPBRA[] = {'{', ' ', '.', '.', '.', ' ', '}', 0}; /* { ... } */ tchar S_COLON[] = {':', 0}; /*:*/ tchar S_DASHl[] = {'-', 'l', 0}; /*-l */ tchar S_DELIM[] = {' ','\'','"','\t',';','&','<','>','(',')','|','`',0}; tchar S_DOT[] = {'.', 0}; tchar S_DOTDOTSLA[]={'.', '.', '/', 0}; tchar S_DOTSLA[]={'.', '/', 0}; tchar S_EQ[] = {'=', 0}; /*=*/ tchar S_EXAS[] = {'!', 0}; /* ! */ tchar S_HAT[] = {'^', 0}; /* ^ */ tchar S_HOME[] = {'H','O','M','E',0};/*HOME*/ tchar S_IOT[] = {'I', 'O', 'T', 0}; /*IOT*/ tchar S_LANG[]={'L', 'A', 'N', 'G', 0}; /*LANG*/ tchar S_LBRA[] = {'{', 0}; /* { */ tchar S_LBRASP[] = {'(', ' ', 0}; /*( */ tchar S_LC_ALL[]={'L', 'C', '_', 'A', 'L', 'L', 0}; /*LC_ALL*/ tchar S_LC_CTYPE[]={'L', 'C', '_', 'C', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', 0}; /*LC_CTYPE*/ tchar S_LC_MESSAGES[]={'L', 'C', '_', 'M', 'E', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'G', 'E', 'S', 0}; /*LC_MESSAGES*/ tchar S_LESLES[]={'<', '<', 0}; tchar S_LPAR[] = {'(', 0}; /* ( */ tchar S_MINUS[] = {'-',0};/*"-"*/ tchar S_MINl[]={'-', 'l', 0}; tchar S_NDOThistory[] = {'~','/','.','h','i','s','t','o','r','y',0}; tchar S_OTHERSH[] = {'/','b','i','n','/','s','h',0}; tchar S_PARCENTMINUS[] = {'%', '-', 0}; /*%-*/ tchar S_PARCENTPARCENT[] = {'%', '%', 0}; /*%%*/ tchar S_PARCENTPLUS[] = {'%', '+', 0}; /*%+*/ tchar S_PARCENTSHARP[] = {'%', '#', 0}; /*%#*/ tchar S_PATH[] = {'P','A','T','H',0};/*"PATH"*/ tchar S_PERSENTSP[] = {'%',' ',0}; tchar S_PWD[]={'P', 'W', 'D', 0}; tchar S_Pjob[] = {'%','j','o','b', 0}; /*"%job"*/ tchar S_PjobAND[] = {'%','j','o','b',' ','&',0}; /*"%job &"*/ tchar S_QPPPQ[] = {'`', ' ', '.', '.', '.', ' ', '`', 0}; /*` ... `*/ tchar S_RBRA[] = {'}', 0}; /* } */ tchar S_RPAR[] = {')', 0}; /*)*/ tchar S_SEMICOLONSP[] = {';', ' ', 0}; /* | */ tchar S_SHARPSP[] = {'#',' ',0}; tchar S_SHELLPATH[] = {'/','b','i','n','/','c','s','h',0}; tchar S_SLADOTcshrc[] = {'/','.','c','s','h','r','c', 0}; tchar S_SLADOThistory[] = {'/','.','h','i','s','t','o','r','y', 0}; tchar S_SLADOTlogin[] = {'/','.','l','o','g','i','n', 0}; tchar S_SLADOTlogout[] = {'/','.','l','o','g','o','u','t', 0}; tchar S_SLASH[] = {'/', 0}; /* "/" */ tchar S_SP[] = {' ', 0}; /* */ tchar S_SPANDANDSP[] = {' ', '&', '&', ' ', 0}; /* && */ tchar S_SPBARBARSP[] = {' ', '|', '|', ' ', 0}; /* || */ tchar S_SPBARSP[] = {' ', '|', ' ', 0}; /* | */ tchar S_SPGTRGTRSP[] = {' ', '>', '>', ' ', 0}; /* >> */ tchar S_SPGTR[] = {' ', '>',0}; /* > */ tchar S_SPLESLESSP[] = {' ', '<', '<', ' ', 0}; /* << */ tchar S_SPLESSP[] = {' ', '<', ' ', 0}; /* < */ tchar S_SPPPP[] = {' ', '.', '.', '.', 0}; /* ... */ tchar S_SPRBRA[] = {' ', ')', 0}; /* )*/ tchar S_TERM[] = {'T','E','R','M',0};/*TERM*/ tchar S_TIL[] = {'~', 0}; /* ~ */ tchar S_TOPBIT[] = {(tchar)QUOTE, 0}; /* Was "\200". A hack! */ tchar S_USAGEFORMAT[] = {'%','U','u',' ','%','S','s',' ','%','E',' ','%','P', ' ','%','X','+','%','D','k',' ','%','I','+','%','O','i','o',' ','%','F','p','f','+', '%','W','w',0}; tchar S_USER[] = {'U','S','E','R',0};/*USER*/ tchar S_alias[] = { 'a','l','i','a','s', 0 }; tchar S_alloc[] = { 'a','l','l','o','c', 0}; tchar S_aout[] = {'a','.','o','u','t',0}; tchar S_argv[]={'a', 'r', 'g', 'v', 0}; tchar S_bg[] = { 'b','g', 0}; tchar S_bin[] = {'/','b','i','n',0}; tchar S_break[] = { 'b','r','e','a','k', 0}; tchar S_breaksw[] = { 'b','r','e','a','k','s','w', 0}; tchar S_bye[] = { 'b','y','e', 0}; tchar S_case[] = { 'c','a','s','e', 0}; tchar S_cd[] = { 'c','d', 0}; tchar S_cdpath[]={'c', 'd', 'p', 'a', 't', 'h', 0}; tchar S_chdir[] = { 'c','h','d','i','r', 0}; tchar S_child[] = {'c', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'd', 0}; /*child */ tchar S_continue[] = { 'c','o','n','t','i','n','u','e', 0}; tchar S_coredumpsize[] = {'c','o','r','e','d','u','m','p','s','i','z','e',0};/*"coredumpsize"*/ tchar S_cputime[] = {'c','p','u','t','i','m','e',0};/*"cputime"*/ tchar S_csh[]={'c', 's', 'h', 0}; tchar S_cwd[]={'c', 'w', 'd', 0}; tchar S_datasize[] = {'d','a','t','a','s','i','z','e',0};/*"datasize"*/ tchar S_default[] = { 'd','e','f','a','u','l','t', 0 }; tchar S_descriptors[] = {'d', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't', 'o', 'r', 's', 0}; tchar S_dirs[] = { 'd','i','r','s', 0 }; tchar S_echo[] = {'e','c','h','o', 0}; tchar S_else[] = { 'e','l','s','e', 0 }; tchar S_end[] = { 'e','n','d', 0 }; tchar S_endif[] = { 'e','n','d','i','f', 0 }; tchar S_endsw[] = { 'e','n','d','s','w', 0 }; tchar S_erwxfdzo[] = {'e', 'r', 'w', 'x', 'f', 'd', 'z', 'o', 0}; /* erwxfdzo */ tchar S_eval[] = { 'e','v','a','l', 0 }; tchar S_exec[] = { 'e','x','e','c', 0 }; tchar S_exit[] = { 'e','x','i','t', 0 }; tchar S_fg[] = { 'f','g', 0 }; tchar S_fignore[] = {'f','i','g','n','o','r','e',0}; tchar S_filec[] = {'f','i','l','e','c',0};/*filec*/ tchar S_filesize[] = {'f','i','l','e','s','i','z','e',0};/*"filesize"*/ tchar S_foreach[] = { 'f','o','r','e','a','c','h', 0 }; tchar S_gd[] = { 'g','d', 0 }; tchar S_glob[] = { 'g','l','o','b', 0 }; tchar S_goto[] = { 'g','o','t','o', 0 }; tchar S_h[] = {'-','h',0}; tchar S_hardpaths[]={'h', 'a', 'r', 'd', 'p', 'a', 't', 'h', 's', 0}; tchar S_hashstat[] = { 'h','a','s','h','s','t','a','t', 0 }; tchar S_histchars[] = {'h','i','s','t','c','h','a','r','s',0}; /*histchars*/ tchar S_history[] = {'h','i','s','t','o','r','y',0}; tchar S_home[]={'h', 'o', 'm', 'e', 0}; tchar S_hours[] = {'h','o','u','r','s',0};/*"hours"*/ tchar S_htrqxe[]={'h', 't', 'r', 'q', 'x', 'e', 0}; tchar S_if[] = { 'i','f', 0 }; tchar S_ignoreeof[] = {'i','g','n','o','r','e','e','o','f',0}; /*"ignoreeof"*/ tchar S_jobs[] = {'j','o','b','s', 0}; tchar S_kbytes[] = {'k','b','y','t','e','s',0};/*"kbytes"*/ tchar S_kill[] = { 'k','i','l','l', 0 }; tchar S_label[] = { 'l','a','b','e','l', 0 }; tchar S_limit[] = { 'l','i','m','i','t', 0 }; tchar S_login[] = { 'l','o','g','i','n', 0 }; tchar S_logout[] = { 'l','o','g','o','u','t', 0 }; tchar S_mail[] = {'m','a','i','l', 0}; tchar S_megabytes[] = {'m','e','g','a','b','y','t','e','s',0};/*"megabytes"*/ tchar S_memorysize[] = {'m','e','m','o','r','y','s','i','z','e',0};/*"memorysize"*/ tchar S_minutes[]={'m','i','n','u','t','e','s',0};/*"minutes"*/ tchar S_n[] = {'-','n',0};/*"-n"*/ tchar S_newgrp[] = { 'n','e','w','g','r','p', 0 }; tchar S_nice[] = { 'n','i','c','e', 0 }; tchar S_nobeep[] = {'n', 'o', 'b', 'e', 'e', 'p', 0}; tchar S_noclobber[] = {'n','o','c','l','o','b','b','e','r',0};/*noclobber*/ tchar S_noglob[] = {'n', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'o', 'b', 0}; /*noglob */ tchar S_nohup[] = {'n', 'o', 'h', 'u', 'p', 0}; /*nohup */ tchar S_nonomatch[] = {'n', 'o', 'n', 'o', 'm', 'a', 't', 'c', 'h', 0}; /*nonomatch */ tchar S_notify[] = {'n', 'o', 't', 'i', 'f', 'y', 0}; /*nofify */ tchar S_onintr[] = { 'o','n','i','n','t','r', 0 }; tchar S_path[] = {'p','a','t','h', 0}; /*path*/ tchar S_popd[] = { 'p','o','p','d', 0 }; tchar S_prompt[] = {'p','r','o','m','p','t', 0}; tchar S_pushd[] = { 'p','u','s','h','d', 0 }; tchar S_rd[] = { 'r','d', 0 }; tchar S_rehash[] = { 'r','e','h','a','s','h', 0 }; tchar S_repeat[] = { 'r','e','p','e','a','t', 0 }; tchar S_savehist[] = {'s','a','v','e','h','i','s','t', 0}; tchar S_seconds[] = {'s','e','c','o','n','d','s',0};/*"seconds"*/ tchar S_set[] = { 's','e','t', 0 }; tchar S_setenv[] = { 's','e','t','e','n','v', 0 }; tchar S_shell[] = {'s','h','e','l','l', 0}; tchar S_shift[] = { 's','h','i','f','t', 0 }; tchar S_source[] = {'s','o','u','r','c','e',0}; tchar S_stacksize[] = {'s','t','a','c','k','s','i','z','e',0};/*"stacksize"*/ tchar S_status[]={'s', 't', 'a', 't', 'u', 's', 0}; tchar S_stop[] = { 's','t','o','p', 0 }; tchar S_suspend[] = { 's','u','s','p','e','n','d', 0 }; tchar S_switch[] = { 's','w','i','t','c','h', 0 }; tchar S_term[] = {'t','e','r','m', 0}; tchar S_then[] = {'t','h','e','n',0}; /*"then"*/ tchar S_time[] = {'t', 'i', 'm', 'e', 0}; /*time*/ tchar S_umask[] = { 'u','m','a','s','k', 0 }; tchar S_unalias[] = { 'u','n','a','l','i','a','s', 0 }; tchar S_unhash[] = { 'u','n','h','a','s','h', 0 }; tchar S_unlimit[] = { 'u','n','l','i','m','i','t', 0 }; tchar S_unlimited[] = {'u','n','l','i','m','i','t','e','d',0};/*"unlimited"*/ tchar S_unset[] = { 'u','n','s','e','t', 0 }; tchar S_unsetenv[] = { 'u','n','s','e','t','e','n','v', 0 }; tchar S_user[] = {'u','s','e','r', 0}; tchar S_usrbin[] = {'/','u','s','r','/','b','i','n',0}; tchar S_usrucb[] = {'/','u','s','r','/','u','c','b',0}; tchar S_verbose[] = {'v','e','r','b','o','s','e', 0}; tchar S_wait[] = { 'w','a','i','t', 0 }; tchar S_while[] = { 'w','h','i','l','e', 0 }; /* Dummy search path for just absolute search when no path */ tchar *justabs[] = { S_ /* "" */, 0 };