# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

# wsdiff(1) is a tool that can be used to determine which compiled objects
# have changed as a result of a given source change. Developers backporting
# new features, RFEs and bug fixes need to be able to identify the set of
# patch deliverables necessary for feature/fix realization on a patched system.
# The tool works by comparing objects in two trees/proto areas (one build with,
# and without the source changes.
# Using wsdiff(1) is fairly simple:
#	- Bringover to a fresh workspace
#	- Perform a full non-debug build (clobber if workspace isn't fresh)
#	- Move the proto area aside, call it proto.old, or something.
#	- Integrate your changes to the workspace
#	- Perform another full non-debug clobber build.
#	- Use wsdiff(1) to see what changed:
#		$ wsdiff proto.old proto
# By default, wsdiff will print the list of changed objects / deliverables to
# stdout. If a results file is specified via -r, the list of differing objects,
# and details about why wsdiff(1) thinks they are different will be logged to
# the results file.
# By invoking nightly(1) with the -w option to NIGHTLY_FLAGS, nightly(1) will use
# wsdiff(1) to report on what objects changed since the last build.
# For patch deliverable purposes, it's advised to have nightly do a clobber,
# non-debug build.
# Think about the results. Was something flagged that you don't expect? Go look
# at the results file to see details about the differences.
# Use the -i option in conjunction with -v and -V to dive deeper and have wsdiff(1)
# report with more verbosity.
# Usage: wsdiff [-vVt] [-r results ] [-i filelist ] old new
# Where "old" is the path to the proto area build without the changes, and
# "new" is the path to the proto area built with the changes. The following
# options are supported:
#        -v      Do not truncate observed diffs in results
#        -V      Log *all* ELF sect diffs vs. logging the first diff found
#        -t      Use onbld tools in $SRC/tools
#        -r      Log results and observed differences
#        -i      Tell wsdiff which objects to compare via an input file list

import datetime, fnmatch, getopt, os, profile, commands
import re, resource, select, shutil, signal, string, struct, sys, tempfile
import time, threading
from stat import *

# Human readable diffs truncated by default if longer than this
# Specifying -v on the command line will override
diffs_sz_thresh = 4096

# Lock name	 Provides exclusive access to
# --------------+------------------------------------------------
# output_lock	 standard output or temporary file (difference())
# log_lock	 the results file (log_difference())
# wset_lock	 changedFiles list (workerThread())
output_lock = threading.Lock()
log_lock = threading.Lock()
wset_lock = threading.Lock()

# Variable for thread control
keep_processing = True

# Default search path for wsdiff
wsdiff_path = [ "/usr/bin",
		"/opt/onbld/bin" ]

# These are objects that wsdiff will notice look different, but will not report.
# Existence of an exceptions list, and adding things here is *dangerous*,
# and therefore the *only* reasons why anything would be listed here is because
# the objects do not build deterministically, yet we *cannot* fix this.
# These perl libraries use __DATE__ and therefore always look different.
# Ideally, we would purge use the use of __DATE__ from the source, but because
# this is source we wish to distribute with Solaris "unchanged", we cannot modify.
wsdiff_exceptions = [ "usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib/sun4-solaris-64int/CORE/libperl.so.1",

# Logging routines

# Debug message to be printed to the screen, and the log file
def debug(msg) :

	# Add prefix to highlight debugging message
	msg = "## " + msg
	if debugon :
		print >> sys.stdout, msg
		if logging :
			print >> log, msg

# Informational message to be printed to the screen, and the log file
def info(msg) :

	print >> sys.stdout, msg
	if logging :
		print >> log, msg

# Error message to be printed to the screen, and the log file
def error(msg) :
	print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR:", msg
	if logging :
		print >> log, "ERROR:", msg

# Informational message to be printed only to the log, if there is one.
def v_info(msg) :

	if logging :
		print >> log, msg
# Flag a detected file difference
# Display the fileName to stdout, and log the difference
def difference(f, dtype, diffs) :

	if f in wsdiff_exceptions :

	if sorted :
		print >> sys.stdout, f

	log_difference(f, dtype, diffs)

# Do the actual logging of the difference to the results file
def log_difference(f, dtype, diffs) :

	if logging :
		print >> log, f
		print >> log, "NOTE:", dtype, "difference detected."

		difflen = len(diffs)
		if difflen > 0 :
			print >> log

			if not vdiffs and difflen > diffs_sz_thresh :
				print >> log, diffs[:diffs_sz_thresh]
				print >> log, \
				      "... truncated due to length: " \
				      "use -v to override ..."
			else :
				print >> log, diffs
			print >> log, "\n"

# diff generating routines

# Return human readable diffs from two temporary files
def diffFileData(tmpf1, tmpf2) :

	binaries = False

	# Filter the data through od(1) if the data is detected
	# as being binary
	if isBinary(tmpf1) or isBinary(tmpf2) :
		binaries = True
		tmp_od1 = tmpf1 + ".od"
		tmp_od2 = tmpf2 + ".od"
		cmd = od_cmd + " -c -t x4" + " " + tmpf1 + " > " + tmp_od1
		cmd = od_cmd + " -c -t x4" + " " + tmpf2 + " > " + tmp_od2
		tmpf1 = tmp_od1
		tmpf2 = tmp_od2

		data = commands.getoutput(diff_cmd + " " + tmpf1 + " " + tmpf2)
		# Remove the temp files as we no longer need them.
		if binaries :
			except OSError, e:
				error("diffFileData: unlink failed %s" % e) 
			except OSError, e:
				error("diffFileData: unlink failed %s" % e) 
		error("failed to get output of command: " + diff_cmd + " " \
		    + tmpf1 + " " + tmpf2)

		# Send exception for the failed command up

	return data

# Return human readable diffs betweeen two datasets
def diffData(base, ptch, d1, d2) :

	t = threading.currentThread()
	tmpFile1 = tmpDir1 + os.path.basename(base) + t.getName()
	tmpFile2 = tmpDir2 + os.path.basename(ptch) + t.getName()

		fd1 = open(tmpFile1, "w")
		error("failed to open: " + tmpFile1)

		fd2 = open(tmpFile2, "w")
		error("failed to open: " + tmpFile2)


	return diffFileData(tmpFile1, tmpFile2)

# Misc utility functions

# Prune off the leading prefix from string s
def str_prefix_trunc(s, prefix) :
	snipLen = len(prefix)
	return s[snipLen:]

# Prune off leading proto path goo (if there is one) to yield
# the deliverable's eventual path relative to root
# e.g. proto.base/root_sparc/usr/src/cmd/prstat => usr/src/cmd/prstat
def fnFormat(fn) :
	root_arch_str = "root_" + arch

	pos = fn.find(root_arch_str)
	if pos == -1 :
		return fn

	pos = fn.find("/", pos)
	if pos == -1 :
		return fn

	return fn[pos + 1:]

# Usage / argument processing

# Display usage message
def usage() :
	print >> sys.stderr, """Usage: wsdiff [-dvVst] [-r results ] [-i filelist ] old new
        -d      Print debug messages about the progress
        -v      Do not truncate observed diffs in results
        -V      Log *all* ELF sect diffs vs. logging the first diff found
        -t      Use onbld tools in $SRC/tools
        -r      Log results and observed differences
        -s      Produce sorted list of differences
        -i      Tell wsdiff which objects to compare via an input file list"""

# Process command line options
def args() :

	global debugon
	global logging
	global vdiffs
	global reportAllSects
	global sorted

	validOpts = 'di:r:vVst?'

	baseRoot = ""
	ptchRoot = ""
	fileNamesFile = ""
	results = ""
	localTools = False

	# getopt.getopt() returns:
	#	an option/value tuple
	#	a list of remaining non-option arguments
	# A correct wsdiff invocation will have exactly two non option
	# arguments, the paths to the base (old), ptch (new) proto areas
		optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], validOpts)
	except getopt.error, val:

	if len(args) != 2 :

	for opt,val in optlist :
		if opt == '-d' :
			debugon = True
		elif opt == '-i' :
			fileNamesFile = val
		elif opt == '-r' :
			results = val
			logging = True
		elif opt == '-s' :
			sorted = True
		elif opt == '-v' :
			vdiffs = True
		elif opt == '-V' :
			reportAllSects = True
		elif opt == '-t':
			localTools = True

	baseRoot = args[0]
	ptchRoot = args[1]

	if len(baseRoot) == 0 or len(ptchRoot) == 0 :

	if logging and len(results) == 0 :

	if vdiffs and not logging :
		error("The -v option requires a results file (-r)")

	if reportAllSects and not logging :
		error("The -V option requires a results file (-r)")

	# alphabetical order
	return	baseRoot, fileNamesFile, localTools, ptchRoot, results

# File identification

# Identify the file type.
# If it's not ELF, use the file extension to identify
# certain file types that require special handling to
# compare. Otherwise just return a basic "ASCII" type.
def getTheFileType(f) :

	extensions = { 'a'	:	'ELF Object Archive',
		       'jar'	:	'Java Archive',
		       'html'	:	'HTML',
		       'ln'	:	'Lint Library',
		       'db'	:	'Sqlite Database' }

		if os.stat(f)[ST_SIZE] == 0 :
			return 'ASCII'
		error("failed to stat " + f)
		return 'Error'

	if isELF(f) == 1 :
		return 'ELF'

	fnamelist = f.split('.')
	if len(fnamelist) > 1 :	# Test the file extension
		extension = fnamelist[-1]
		if extension in extensions.keys():
			return extensions[extension]

	return 'ASCII'

# Return non-zero if "f" is an ELF file
elfmagic = '\177ELF'
def isELF(f) :
		fd = open(f)
		error("failed to open: " + f)
		return 0
	magic = fd.read(len(elfmagic))

	if magic == elfmagic :
		return 1
	return 0

# Return non-zero is "f" is binary.
# Consider the file to be binary if it contains any null characters
def isBinary(f) :
		fd = open(f)
		error("failed to open: " + f)
		return 0
	s = fd.read()

	if s.find('\0') == -1 :
		return 0
	else :
		return 1

# Directory traversal and file finding

# Return a sorted list of files found under the specified directory
def findFiles(d) :
	for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(d) :
		for name in files :
			yield os.path.join(path, name)

# Examine all files in base, ptch
# Return a list of files appearing in both proto areas,
# a list of new files (files found only in ptch) and
# a list of deleted files (files found only in base)
def protoCatalog(base, ptch) :

	compFiles = []		# List of files in both proto areas
	ptchList = []		# List of file in patch proto area

	newFiles = []		# New files detected
	deletedFiles = []	# Deleted files

	debug("Getting the list of files in the base area");
	baseFilesList = list(findFiles(base))
	baseStringLength = len(base)
	debug("Found " + str(len(baseFilesList)) + " files")
	debug("Getting the list of files in the patch area");
	ptchFilesList = list(findFiles(ptch))
	ptchStringLength = len(ptch)
	debug("Found " + str(len(ptchFilesList)) + " files")

	# Inventory files in the base proto area
	debug("Determining the list of regular files in the base area");
	for fn in baseFilesList :
		if os.path.islink(fn) :

		fileName = fn[baseStringLength:]
	debug("Found " + str(len(compFiles)) + " files")

	# Inventory files in the patch proto area
	debug("Determining the list of regular files in the patch area");
	for fn in ptchFilesList :
		if os.path.islink(fn) :

		fileName = fn[ptchStringLength:]
	debug("Found " + str(len(ptchList)) + " files")

	# Deleted files appear in the base area, but not the patch area
	debug("Searching for deleted files by comparing the lists")
	for fileName in compFiles :
		if not fileName in ptchList :
	debug("Found " + str(len(deletedFiles)) + " deleted files")

	# Eliminate "deleted" files from the list of objects appearing
	# in both the base and patch proto areas
	debug("Eliminating deleted files from the list of objects")
	for fileName in deletedFiles :
			error("filelist.remove() failed")
	debug("List for comparison reduced to " + str(len(compFiles)) \
	    + " files")

	# New files appear in the patch area, but not the base
	debug("Getting the list of newly added files")
	for fileName in ptchList :
		if not fileName in compFiles :
	debug("Found " + str(len(newFiles)) + " new files")

	return compFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles

# Examine the files listed in the input file list
# Return a list of files appearing in both proto areas,
# a list of new files (files found only in ptch) and
# a list of deleted files (files found only in base)
def flistCatalog(base, ptch, flist) :
	compFiles = []		# List of files in both proto areas
	newFiles = []		# New files detected
	deletedFiles = []	# Deleted files

		fd = open(flist, "r")
		error("could not open: " + flist)

	files = []
	files = fd.readlines()

	for f in files :
		ptch_present = True
		base_present = True

		if f == '\n' :

		# the fileNames have a trailing '\n'
		f = f.rstrip()

		# The objects in the file list have paths relative
		# to $ROOT or to the base/ptch directory specified on
		# the command line.
		# If it's relative to $ROOT, we'll need to add back the
		# root_`uname -p` goo we stripped off in fnFormat()
		if os.path.exists(base + f) :
			fn = f;
		elif os.path.exists(base + "root_" + arch + "/" + f) :
			fn = "root_" + arch + "/" + f
		else :
			base_present = False

		if base_present :
			if not os.path.exists(ptch + fn) :
				ptch_present = False
		else :
			if os.path.exists(ptch + f) :
				fn = f
			elif os.path.exists(ptch + "root_" + arch + "/" + f) :
				fn = "root_" + arch + "/" + f
			else :
				ptch_present = False

		if os.path.islink(base + fn) :	# ignore links
			base_present = False
		if os.path.islink(ptch + fn) :
			ptch_present = False

		if base_present and ptch_present :
		elif base_present :
		elif ptch_present :
		else :
			if os.path.islink(base + fn) and \
			    os.path.islink(ptch + fn) :
			error(f + " in file list, but not in either tree. " + \

	return compFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles

# Build a fully qualified path to an external tool/utility.
# Consider the default system locations. For onbld tools, if
# the -t option was specified, we'll try to use built tools in $SRC tools,
# and otherwise, we'll fall back on /opt/onbld/
def find_tool(tool) :

	# First, check what was passed
	if os.path.exists(tool) :
		return tool

	# Next try in wsdiff path
	for pdir in wsdiff_path :
		location = pdir + "/" + tool
		if os.path.exists(location) :
			return location + " "

		location = pdir + "/" + arch + "/" + tool
		if os.path.exists(location) :
			return location + " "

	error("Could not find path to: " + tool);

# ELF file comparison helper routines

# Return a dictionary of ELF section types keyed by section name
def get_elfheader(f) :

	header = {}

	hstring = commands.getoutput(elfdump_cmd + " -c " + f)

	if len(hstring) == 0 :
		error("Failed to dump ELF header for " + f)

	# elfdump(1) dumps the section headers with the section name
	# following "sh_name:", and the section type following "sh_type:"
	sections = hstring.split("Section Header")
	for sect in sections :
		datap = sect.find("sh_name:");
		if datap == -1 :
		section = sect[datap:].split()[1]
		datap = sect.find("sh_type:");
		if datap == -1 :
			error("Could not get type for sect: " + section + \
			      " in " + f)
		sh_type = sect[datap:].split()[2]
		header[section] = sh_type

	return header

# Extract data in the specified ELF section from the given file
def extract_elf_section(f, section) :

	data = commands.getoutput(dump_cmd + " -sn " + section + " " + f)

	if len(data) == 0 :
		error(dump_cmd + "yielded no data on section " + section + \
		    " of " + f)

	# dump(1) displays the file name to start...
	# get past it to the data itself
	dbegin = data.find(":") + 1
	data = data[dbegin:];

	return (data)

# Return a (hopefully meaningful) human readable set of diffs
# for the specified ELF section between f1 and f2
# Depending on the section, various means for dumping and diffing
# the data may be employed.
text_sections = [ '.text', '.init', '.fini' ]
def diff_elf_section(f1, f2, section, sh_type) :

	t = threading.currentThread()
	tmpFile1 = tmpDir1 + os.path.basename(f1) + t.getName()
	tmpFile2 = tmpDir2 + os.path.basename(f2) + t.getName()

	if (sh_type == "SHT_RELA") : # sh_type == SHT_RELA
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -r " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -r " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".group") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -g " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -g " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".hash") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -h " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -h " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".dynamic") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -d " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -d " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".got") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -G " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -G " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".SUNW_cap") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -H " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -H " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".interp") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -i " + f1 + " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -i " + f2 + " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section == ".symtab" or section == ".dynsym") :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -s -N " + section + " " + f1 + \
		    " > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -s -N " + section + " " + f2 + \
		    " > " + tmpFile2
	elif (section in text_sections) :
		# dis sometimes complains when it hits something it doesn't
		# know how to disassemble. Just ignore it, as the output
		# being generated here is human readable, and we've already
		# correctly flagged the difference.
		cmd1 = dis_cmd + " -t " + section + " " + f1 + \
		       " 2>/dev/null | grep -v disassembly > " + tmpFile1
		cmd2 = dis_cmd + " -t " + section + " " + f2 + \
		       " 2>/dev/null | grep -v disassembly > " + tmpFile2
	else :
		cmd1 = elfdump_cmd + " -w " + tmpFile1 + " -N " + \
		       section + " " + f1
		cmd2 = elfdump_cmd + " -w " + tmpFile2 + " -N " + \
		       section + " " + f2


	data = diffFileData(tmpFile1, tmpFile2)

	# remove temp files as we no longer need them
	except OSError, e:
		error("diff_elf_section: unlink failed %s" % e) 
	except OSError, e:
		error("diff_elf_section: unlink failed %s" % e) 

	return (data)

# compare the relevant sections of two ELF binaries
# and report any differences
# Returns: 1 if any differenes found
#          0 if no differences found
#	  -1 on error

# Sections deliberately not considered when comparing two ELF
# binaries. Differences observed in these sections are not considered
# significant where patch deliverable identification is concerned.
sections_to_skip = [ ".SUNW_signature",

sections_preferred = [ ".rodata.str1.8",

def compareElfs(base, ptch, quiet) :

	global logging

		base_header = get_elfheader(base)
 	sections = base_header.keys()

		ptch_header = get_elfheader(ptch)
	e2_only_sections = ptch_header.keys()

	e1_only_sections = []

	fileName = fnFormat(base)

	# Derive the list of ELF sections found only in
	# either e1 or e2.
	for sect in sections :
		if not sect in e2_only_sections :
		else :

	if len(e1_only_sections) > 0 :
		if quiet :
			return 1

		data = ""
		if logging :
			slist = ""
			for sect in e1_only_sections :
				slist = slist + sect + "\t"
			data = "ELF sections found in " + \
				base + " but not in " + ptch + \
				"\n\n" + slist

		difference(fileName, "ELF", data)
		return 1
	if len(e2_only_sections) > 0 :
		if quiet :
			return 1
		data = ""
		if logging :
			slist = ""
			for sect in e2_only_sections :
				slist = slist + sect + "\t"
			data = "ELF sections found in " + \
				ptch + " but not in " + base + \
				"\n\n" + slist

		difference(fileName, "ELF", data)
		return 1

	# Look for preferred sections, and put those at the
	# top of the list of sections to compare
	for psect in sections_preferred :
		if psect in sections :
			sections.insert(0, psect)

	# Compare ELF sections
	first_section = True
	for sect in sections :

		if sect in sections_to_skip :

			s1 = extract_elf_section(base, sect);

			s2 = extract_elf_section(ptch, sect);

		if len(s1) != len (s2) or s1 != s2:
			if not quiet:
				sh_type = base_header[sect]
				data = diff_elf_section(base, ptch, \
							sect, sh_type)

				# If all ELF sections are being reported, then
				# invoke difference() to flag the file name to
				# stdout only once. Any other section differences
				# should be logged to the results file directly
				if not first_section :
					log_difference(fileName, \
					    "ELF " + sect, data)
				else :
					difference(fileName, "ELF " + sect, \

			if not reportAllSects :
				return 1
			first_section = False

	return 0

# recursively remove 2 directories
# Used for removal of temporary directory strucures (ignores any errors).
def clearTmpDirs(dir1, dir2) :

	if os.path.isdir(dir1) > 0 :
		shutil.rmtree(dir1, True)

	if os.path.isdir(dir2) > 0 :
		shutil.rmtree(dir2, True)

# Archive object comparison
# Returns 1 if difference detected
#         0 if no difference detected
#        -1 on error
def compareArchives(base, ptch, fileType) :

	fileName = fnFormat(base)
	t = threading.currentThread()
	ArchTmpDir1 = tmpDir1 + os.path.basename(base) + t.getName() 
	ArchTmpDir2 = tmpDir2 + os.path.basename(base) + t.getName()

	# Be optimistic and first try a straight file compare
	# as it will allow us to finish up quickly.
	if compareBasic(base, ptch, True, fileType) == 0 :
		return 0

	except OSError, e:
		error("compareArchives: makedir failed %s" % e) 
		return -1
	except OSError, e:
		error("compareArchives: makedir failed %s" % e) 
		return -1

	# copy over the objects to the temp areas, and
	# unpack them
	baseCmd = "cp -fp " + base + " " + ArchTmpDir1
	status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(baseCmd)
	if status != 0 :
		error(baseCmd + " failed: " + output)
		clearTmpDirs(ArchTmpDir1, ArchTmpDir2)
		return -1

	ptchCmd = "cp -fp " + ptch + " " + ArchTmpDir2
	status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(ptchCmd)
	if status != 0 :
		error(ptchCmd + " failed: " + output)
		clearTmpDirs(ArchTmpDir1, ArchTmpDir2)
		return -1

	bname = string.split(fileName, '/')[-1]
	if fileType == "Java Archive" :
		baseCmd = "cd " + ArchTmpDir1 + "; " + "jar xf " + bname + \
			  "; rm -f " + bname + " META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
		ptchCmd = "cd " + ArchTmpDir2 + "; " + "jar xf " + bname + \
			  "; rm -f " + bname + " META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
	elif fileType == "ELF Object Archive" :
		baseCmd = "cd " + ArchTmpDir1 + "; " + "/usr/ccs/bin/ar x " + \
			  bname + "; rm -f " + bname
		ptchCmd = "cd " + ArchTmpDir2 + "; " + "/usr/ccs/bin/ar x " + \
			  bname + "; rm -f " + bname
	else :
		error("unexpected file type: " + fileType)
		clearTmpDirs(ArchTmpDir1, ArchTmpDir2)
		return -1


	baseFlist = list(findFiles(ArchTmpDir1))
	ptchFlist = list(findFiles(ArchTmpDir2))

	# Trim leading path off base/ptch file lists
	flist = []
	for fn in baseFlist :
		flist.append(str_prefix_trunc(fn, ArchTmpDir1))
	baseFlist = flist

	flist = []
	for fn in ptchFlist :
		flist.append(str_prefix_trunc(fn, ArchTmpDir2))
	ptchFlist = flist

	for fn in ptchFlist :
		if not fn in baseFlist :
			difference(fileName, fileType, \
				   fn + " added to " + fileName)
			clearTmpDirs(ArchTmpDir1, ArchTmpDir2)
			return 1

	for fn in baseFlist :
		if not fn in ptchFlist :
			difference(fileName, fileType, \
				   fn + " removed from " + fileName)
			clearTmpDirs(ArchTmpDir1, ArchTmpDir2)
			return 1

		differs = compareOneFile((ArchTmpDir1 + fn), \
		    (ArchTmpDir2 + fn), True)
		if differs :
			difference(fileName, fileType, \
				   fn + " in " + fileName + " differs")
			clearTmpDirs(ArchTmpDir1, ArchTmpDir2)
			return 1

	clearTmpDirs(ArchTmpDir1, ArchTmpDir2)
	return 0

# (Basic) file comparison
# There's some special case code here for Javadoc HTML files
# Returns 1 if difference detected
#         0 if no difference detected
#        -1 on error
def compareBasic(base, ptch, quiet, fileType) :

	fileName = fnFormat(base);

	if quiet and os.stat(base)[ST_SIZE] != os.stat(ptch)[ST_SIZE] :
		return 1

		baseFile = open(base)
		error("could not open " + base)
		return -1
		ptchFile = open(ptch)
		error("could not open " + ptch)
		return -1

	baseData = baseFile.read()
	ptchData = ptchFile.read()


	needToSnip = False
	if fileType == "HTML" :
		needToSnip = True
		toSnipBeginStr = "<!-- Generated by javadoc"
		toSnipEndStr = "-->\n"

	if needToSnip :
		toSnipBegin = string.find(baseData, toSnipBeginStr)
		if toSnipBegin != -1 :
			toSnipEnd = string.find(baseData[toSnipBegin:], \
						toSnipEndStr) + \
			baseData = baseData[:toSnipBegin] + \
				   baseData[toSnipBegin + toSnipEnd:]
			ptchData = ptchData[:toSnipBegin] + \
				   ptchData[toSnipBegin + toSnipEnd:]

	if quiet :
		if baseData != ptchData :
			return 1
	else :
		if len(baseData) != len(ptchData) or baseData != ptchData :
			diffs = diffData(base, ptch, baseData, ptchData)
			difference(fileName, fileType, diffs)
			return 1
	return 0

# Compare two objects by producing a data dump from
# each object, and then comparing the dump data
# Returns: 1 if a difference is detected
#          0 if no difference detected
#         -1 upon error
def compareByDumping(base, ptch, quiet, fileType) :

	fileName = fnFormat(base);
	t = threading.currentThread()
	tmpFile1 = tmpDir1 + os.path.basename(base) + t.getName()
	tmpFile2 = tmpDir2 + os.path.basename(ptch) + t.getName()

	if fileType == "Lint Library" :
		baseCmd = lintdump_cmd + " -ir " + base + \
			  " | egrep -v '(LINTOBJ|LINTMOD):'" + \
			  " | grep -v PASS[1-3]:" + \
			  " > " + tmpFile1
		ptchCmd = lintdump_cmd + " -ir " + ptch + \
			  " | egrep -v '(LINTOBJ|LINTMOD):'" + \
			  " | grep -v PASS[1-3]:" + \
			  " > " + tmpFile2
	elif fileType == "Sqlite Database" :
		baseCmd = "echo .dump | " + sqlite_cmd + base + " > " + \
		ptchCmd = "echo .dump | " + sqlite_cmd + ptch + " > " + \

		baseFile = open(tmpFile1)
		error("could not open: " + tmpFile1)
		ptchFile = open(tmpFile2)
		error("could not open: " + tmpFile2)

	baseData = baseFile.read()
	ptchData = ptchFile.read()


	if len(baseData) != len(ptchData) or baseData != ptchData :
		if not quiet :
			data = diffFileData(tmpFile1, tmpFile2);
			except OSError, e:
				error("compareByDumping: unlink failed %s" % e) 
			except OSError, e:
				error("compareByDumping: unlink failed %s" % e) 
			difference(fileName, fileType, data)
 		return 1

	# Remove the temporary files now.
	except OSError, e:
		error("compareByDumping: unlink failed %s" % e) 
	except OSError, e:
		error("compareByDumping: unlink failed %s" % e) 

	return 0

# SIGINT signal handler. Changes thread control variable to tell the threads
# to finish their current job and exit.
def discontinue_processing(signl, frme):
	global keep_processing

	print >> sys.stderr, "Caught Ctrl-C, stopping the threads"
	keep_processing = False

	return 0

# worker thread for changedFiles processing
class workerThread(threading.Thread) :
    def run(self):
	global wset_lock
	global changedFiles
	global baseRoot
	global ptchRoot
	global keep_processing

	while (keep_processing) :
		# grab the lock to changedFiles and remove one member
		# and process it
		try :
			fn = changedFiles.pop()
		except IndexError :
			# there is nothing more to do

		base = baseRoot + fn
		ptch = ptchRoot + fn

		compareOneFile(base, ptch, False)

# Compare two objects. Detect type changes.
# Vector off to the appropriate type specific
# compare routine based on the type.
def compareOneFile(base, ptch, quiet) :

	# Verify the file types.
	# If they are different, indicate this and move on
	btype = getTheFileType(base)
	ptype = getTheFileType(ptch)

	if btype == 'Error' or ptype == 'Error' :
		return -1

	fileName = fnFormat(base)

	if (btype != ptype) :
		if not quiet :
			difference(fileName, "file type", btype + " to " + ptype)
		return 1
	else :
		fileType = btype

	if (fileType == 'ELF') :
		return compareElfs(base, ptch, quiet)

	elif (fileType == 'Java Archive' or fileType == 'ELF Object Archive') :
		return compareArchives(base, ptch, fileType)

	elif (fileType == 'HTML') :
		return compareBasic(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

	elif ( fileType == 'Lint Library' ) :
		return compareByDumping(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

	elif ( fileType == 'Sqlite Database' ) :
		return compareByDumping(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

	else :
		# it has to be some variety of text file
		return compareBasic(base, ptch, quiet, fileType)

# Cleanup and self-terminate
def cleanup(ret) :

	debug("Performing cleanup (" + str(ret) + ")")
	if os.path.isdir(tmpDir1) > 0 :
	if os.path.isdir(tmpDir2) > 0 :
	if logging :


def main() :

	# Log file handle
	global log

	# Globals relating to command line options
	global logging, vdiffs, reportAllSects

	# Named temporary files / directories
	global tmpDir1, tmpDir2

	# Command paths
	global lintdump_cmd, elfdump_cmd, dump_cmd, dis_cmd, od_cmd, diff_cmd, sqlite_cmd

	# Default search path
	global wsdiff_path

	# Essentially "uname -p"
	global arch

	# changed files for worker thread processing
	global changedFiles
	global baseRoot
	global ptchRoot

	# Sort the list of files from a temporary file
	global sorted
	global differentFiles

	# Debugging indicator
	global debugon

	# Some globals need to be initialized
	debugon = logging = vdiffs = reportAllSects = sorted = False

	# Process command line arguments
	# Return values are returned from args() in alpha order
	# (Yes, python functions can return multiple values (ewww))
	# Note that args() also set the globals:
	#	logging to True if verbose logging (to a file) was enabled
	#	vdiffs to True if logged differences aren't to be truncated
	#	reportAllSects to True if all ELF section differences are to be reported
	baseRoot, fileNamesFile, localTools, ptchRoot, results = args()

	# Set up the results/log file
	if logging :
			log = open(results, "w")
			logging = False
			error("failed to open log file: " + log)

		dateTimeStr= "# %04d-%02d-%02d at %02d:%02d:%02d" % time.localtime()[:6]
		v_info("# This file was produced by wsdiff")

	# Changed files (used only for the sorted case)
	if sorted :
		differentFiles = []

	# Build paths to the tools required tools
	# Try to look for tools in $SRC/tools if the "-t" option
	# was specified
	arch = commands.getoutput("uname -p")
	if localTools :
			src = os.environ['SRC']
			error("-t specified, but $SRC not set. Cannot find $SRC/tools")
			src = ""
		if len(src) > 0 :
			wsdiff_path.insert(0, src + "/tools/proto/opt/onbld/bin")

	lintdump_cmd = find_tool("lintdump")
	elfdump_cmd = find_tool("elfdump")
	dump_cmd = find_tool("dump")
	od_cmd = find_tool("od")
	dis_cmd = find_tool("dis")
	diff_cmd = find_tool("diff")
	sqlite_cmd = find_tool("sqlite")

	# Set resource limit for number of open files as high as possible.
	# This might get handy with big number of threads.
	(nofile_soft, nofile_hard) = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
		    (nofile_hard, nofile_hard))
		error("cannot set resource limits for number of open files")

	# validate the base and patch paths
	if baseRoot[-1] != '/' :
		baseRoot += '/'

	if ptchRoot[-1] != '/' :
		ptchRoot += '/'

	if not os.path.exists(baseRoot) :
		error("old proto area: " + baseRoot + " does not exist")

	if not os.path.exists(ptchRoot) :
		error("new proto area: " + ptchRoot + \
		      " does not exist")

	# log some information identifying the run
	v_info("Old proto area: " + baseRoot)
	v_info("New proto area: " + ptchRoot)
	v_info("Results file: " + results + "\n")

	# Set up the temporary directories / files
	# Could use python's tmpdir routines, but these should
	# be easier to identify / keep around for debugging
	pid = os.getpid()
	tmpDir1 = "/tmp/wsdiff_tmp1_" + str(pid) + "/"
	tmpDir2 = "/tmp/wsdiff_tmp2_" + str(pid) + "/"
	except OSError, e:
		error("main: makedir failed %s" % e) 
	except OSError, e:
		error("main: makedir failed %s" % e) 

	# Derive a catalog of new, deleted, and to-be-compared objects
	# either from the specified base and patch proto areas, or from
	# from an input file list
	newOrDeleted = False

	if fileNamesFile != "" :
		changedFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles = \
			      flistCatalog(baseRoot, ptchRoot, fileNamesFile)
	else :
		changedFiles, newFiles, deletedFiles = \
				protoCatalog(baseRoot, ptchRoot)

	if len(newFiles) > 0 :
		newOrDeleted = True
		info("\nNew objects found: ")

		if sorted :
		for fn in newFiles :

	if len(deletedFiles) > 0 :
		newOrDeleted = True
		info("\nObjects removed: ")

		if sorted :
		for fn in deletedFiles :

	if newOrDeleted :
		info("\nChanged objects: ")
	if sorted :
		debug("The list will appear after the processing is done")

	# Here's where all the heavy lifting happens
	# Perform a comparison on each object appearing in
	# both proto areas. compareOneFile will examine the
	# file types of each object, and will vector off to
	# the appropriate comparison routine, where the compare
	# will happen, and any differences will be reported / logged

	# determine maximum number of worker threads by using 
	# DMAKE_MAX_JOBS environment variable set by nightly(1)
	# or get number of CPUs in the system
		max_threads = int(os.environ['DMAKE_MAX_JOBS'])
		max_threads = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
		# If we cannot get number of online CPUs in the system
		# run unparallelized otherwise bump the number up 20%
		# to achieve best results.
		if max_threads == -1 :
			max_threads = 1
		else :
			max_threads += max_threads/5

	# Set signal handler to attempt graceful exit
	debug("Setting signal handler")
	signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, discontinue_processing )

	# Create and unleash the threads
	# Only at most max_threads must be running at any moment
	mythreads = []
	debug("Spawning " + str(max_threads) + " threads");
	for i in range(max_threads) :
		thread = workerThread()

	# Wait for the threads to finish and do cleanup if interrupted
	debug("Waiting for the threads to finish")
	while True:
		if not True in [thread.isAlive() for thread in mythreads]:
		    # Some threads are still going

	# Interrupted by SIGINT
	if keep_processing == False :

	# If the list of differences was sorted it is stored in an array
	if sorted :
		for f in differentFiles :

	# We're done, cleanup.

if __name__ == '__main__' :
	except KeyboardInterrupt :