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.TH TRAN_TGT_INIT 9E "Nov 1, 1993"
tran_tgt_init \- request to initialize HBA resources on behalf of a particular
#include <sys/scsi/scsi.h>

\fBvoid prefix\fR\fBtran_tgt_init\fR(\fBdev_info_t *\fR\fIhba_dip\fR, \fBdev_info_t *\fR\fItgt_dip\fR,
     \fBscsi_hba_tran_t *\fR\fIhba_tran\fR, \fBstruct scsi_device *\fR\fIsd\fR);

Solaris architecture specific (Solaris DDI).
.ne 2
\fB\fIhba_dip\fR \fR
.RS 13n
Pointer to a  \fBdev_info_t\fR structure, referring to the \fBHBA\fR device

.ne 2
\fB\fItgt_dip\fR \fR
.RS 13n
Pointer to a \fBdev_info_t\fR structure, referring to the target device

.ne 2
\fB\fIhba_tran\fR \fR
.RS 13n
Pointer to a  \fBscsi_hba_tran\fR(9S) structure, consisting of the \fBHBA\fR's
transport vectors.

.ne 2
\fB\fIsd\fR \fR
.RS 13n
Pointer to a  \fBscsi_device\fR(9S) structure, describing the target.

The \fBtran_tgt_init()\fR vector in the \fBscsi_hba_tran\fR(9S) structure may
be initialized during the \fBHBA\fR driver's \fBattach\fR(9E) to point to an
\fBHBA\fR driver function to be called by the system when an instance of a
target device is being created.  The \fBtran_tgt_init()\fR vector, if not
\fINULL\fR,is called after the \fBdev_info\fR node structure is created for
this target device instance, but before \fBprobe\fR(9E) for this instance is
called. Before receiving transport requests from the target driver instance,
the \fBHBA\fR may perform any initialization required for this particular
target during the call of the \fBtran_tgt_init()\fR vector.
Note that \fIhba_tran\fR will point to a cloned copy of the
\fBscsi_hba_tran_t\fR structure allocated by the \fBHBA\fR driver if the
\fBSCSI_HBA_TRAN_CLONE\fR flag was specified in the call to
\fBscsi_hba_attach\fR(9F). In this case, the \fBHBA\fR driver may choose to
initialize the \fItran_tgt_private\fR field in the structure pointed to by
\fIhba_tran\fR, to point to the data specific to the particular target device
\fBtran_tgt_init()\fR must return:
.ne 2
.RS 16n
the \fBHBA\fR driver can support the addressed target, and was able to
initialize per-target resources.

.ne 2
.RS 16n
the \fBHBA\fR driver cannot support the addressed target, or was unable to
initialize per-target resources. In this event, the initialization of this
instance of the target device will not be continued, the target driver's
\fBprobe\fR(9E) will not be called, and the \fItgt_dip\fR structure destroyed.

\fBattach\fR(9E), \fBprobe\fR(9E), \fBtran_tgt_free\fR(9E),
\fBtran_tgt_probe\fR(9E), \fBscsi_hba_attach_setup\fR(9F),
\fBscsi_device\fR(9S), \fBscsi_hba_tran\fR(9S)
\fIWriting Device Drivers\fR