'\" te
.\"  Copyright (c) 1988 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software
.\" License Agreement  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.TH LOGGER 1B "Sep 14, 1992"
logger \- add entries to the system log
\fB/usr/ucb/logger\fR [\fB-f\fR \fIfilename\fR] [\fB-i\fR] [\fB-p\fR \fIpriority\fR] [\fB-t\fR \fItag\fR] mm

The \fBlogger\fR utility provides a method for adding one-line entries to the
system log file from the command line. One or more \fImessage\fR arguments can
be given on the command line, in which case each is logged immediately. If
\fImessage\fR is unspecified, either the file indicated with \fB-f\fR or the
standard input is added to the log. Otherwise, a \fIfilename\fR can be
specified, in which case each line in the file is logged. If neither is
specified, \fBlogger\fR reads and logs messages on a line-by-line basis from
the standard input.
The following options are supported:
.ne 2
.RS 15n
Log the process \fBID\fR of the \fBlogger\fR process with each line.

.ne 2
\fB\fB-f\fR \fIfilename\fR\fR
.RS 15n
Use the contents of \fIfilename\fR as the message to log.

.ne 2
\fB\fB-p\fR \fIpriority\fR\fR
.RS 15n
Enter the message with the specified \fIpriority\fR. The message priority can
be specified numerically, or as a \fIfacility.level\fR pair. For example,
\fB`\fR\fB-p\fR \fBlocal3.info'\fR assigns the message priority to the
\fBinfo\fR level in the \fBlocal3\fR facility. The default priority is

.ne 2
\fB\fB-t\fR \fItag\fR\fR
.RS 15n
Mark each line added to the log with the specified \fItag\fR.

\fBExample 1 \fRLogging a message
The command:

.in +2
example% \fBlogger System rebooted\fR
.in -2

will log the message `\fBSystem rebooted\fR' to the facility at priority
\fBnotice\fR to be treated by \fBsyslogd\fR as other messages to the facility
\fBnotice\fR are.

\fBExample 2 \fRLogging messages from a file
The command:

.in +2
example% \fBlogger \fR\fB-p\fR\fB local0.notice \fR\fB-t\fR\fB HOSTIDM \fR\fB-f\fR\fB /dev/idmc\fR
.in -2

will read from the file \fB/dev/idmc\fR and will log each line in that file as
a message with the tag `\fBHOSTIDM\fR' at priority \fBnotice\fR to be treated
by \fBsyslogd\fR as other messages to the facility \fBlocal0\fR are.

\fBsyslogd\fR(1M), \fBsyslog\fR(3C), \fBattributes\fR(5)