*                                                                      *
*               This software is part of the ast package               *
*          Copyright (c) 1986-2009 AT&T Intellectual Property          *
*                      and is licensed under the                       *
*                  Common Public License, Version 1.0                  *
*                    by AT&T Intellectual Property                     *
*                                                                      *
*                A copy of the License is available at                 *
*            http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt             *
*         (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9)         *
*                                                                      *
*              Information and Software Systems Research               *
*                            AT&T Research                             *
*                           Florham Park NJ                            *
*                                                                      *
*                 Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>                  *
*                                                                      *
#pragma prototyped
 * Glenn Fowler
 * AT&T Research
 * include file search support

#include "pplib.h"

#define SEARCH_NEXT	(SEARCH_USER<<1)/* search for next (uncover)	*/
#define SEARCH_SKIP	(SEARCH_USER<<2)/* current binding skipped	*/
#define SEARCH_TEST	(SEARCH_USER<<3)/* test for binding		*/
#define SEARCH_FOUND	(SEARCH_USER<<4)/* current binding found	*/

#define COLUMN_TAB	7
#define COLUMN_MAX	72


#include <vdb.h>
#include <ls.h>


 * multiple include test
 * fp is a canonicalized ppfile pointer
 * test
 *	INC_CLEAR	can be included again
 *	INC_TEST	test if include required
 *	<symbol>	ifndef guard symbol
 * test!=INC_CLEAR returns 1 if file can be included again
 * NOTE:
 *  (1)	different hard links to the same file are treated as
 *	different files
 *  (2)	symbolic links in combination with .. may cause two
 *	different files to be treated as the same file:
 *	"../h/<file>" == "/usr/include/sys/../h/<file>" -> "/usr/include/h/<file>"
 *	"h/<file>" -> "/usr/include/h/<file>"

ppmultiple(register struct ppfile* fp, register struct ppsymbol* test)
	register struct ppsymbol*	status;

	status = fp->guard;
	message((-3, "search: %s: status=%s%s test=%s", fp->name, status == INC_CLEAR ? "[CLEAR]" : status == INC_TEST ? "[ONCE]" : status == INC_IGNORE ? "[IGNORE]" : status->name, (pp.mode & HOSTED) ? "[HOSTED]" : "", test == INC_CLEAR ? "[CLEAR]" : test == INC_TEST ? "[TEST]" : test->name));
	if (status == INC_IGNORE)
		message((-2, "%s: ignored [%s]", fp->name, pp.ignore));
		return 0;
	if (test == INC_TEST)
		if (status != INC_CLEAR)
			if (status == INC_TEST || status->macro)
				if ((pp.mode & (ALLMULTIPLE|LOADING)) == LOADING)
					fp->guard = INC_IGNORE;
				if ((pp.state & WARN) && (pp.mode & (HOSTED|MARKHOSTED|RELAX|PEDANTIC)) == PEDANTIC)
					error(1, "%s: ignored -- already included", fp->name);
					message((-3, "%s: ignored -- already included", fp->name));
				return 0;
			return 1;
		if ((pp.mode & (ALLMULTIPLE|LOADING)) == LOADING)
			test = INC_IGNORE;
			return 1;
	fp->guard = test;
	return 1;

 * search for file using directories in dp

static int
search(register struct ppfile* fp, register struct ppdirs* dp, int type, int flags)
	register char*		prefix;
	register struct ppdirs*	up;
	register struct ppfile*	xp;
	struct ppfile*		mp;
	int			fd;
	int			index;
	int			need;
	int			markhosted;
	char*			t;

	if (!(pp.option & PREFIX))
		prefix = 0;
	else if ((prefix = strrchr(fp->name, '/')) && prefix > fp->name)
		*prefix = 0;
		t = ppsetfile(fp->name)->name;
		*prefix = '/';
		prefix = t;
	message((-3, "search: %s %s%s%s%s%s%s type=%s prefix=%s flags=|%s%s%s%s%s%s start=%s=\"%s\" pre=%s lcl=%s vnd=%s std=%s cur=%s",
		(flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE) ? "include" : "exists",
		(flags & SEARCH_VENDOR) ? " vendor" : "",
		(flags & SEARCH_HOSTED) ? " hosted" : "",
		(flags & SEARCH_NEXT) ? " next" : "",
		(flags & SEARCH_SKIP) ? " skip" : "",
		(flags & SEARCH_TEST) ? " test" : "",
		type == T_HEADER ? "<*>" : "\"*\"", prefix,
		(fp->flags & INC_SELF) ? "SELF|" : "",
		(fp->flags & INC_EXISTS) ? "EXISTS|" : "",
		(fp->flags & INC_BOUND(INC_PREFIX)) ? "PREFIX|" : "",
		(fp->flags & INC_BOUND(INC_LOCAL)) ? "LOCAL|" : "",
		(fp->flags & INC_BOUND(INC_VENDOR)) ? "VENDOR|" : "",
		(fp->flags & INC_BOUND(INC_STANDARD)) ? "STANDARD|" : "",
		dp ? (dp->index == INC_PREFIX ? "pre" : dp->index == INC_LOCAL ? "lcl" : dp->index == INC_VENDOR ? "vnd" : "std") : NiL,
		dp ? dp->name : NiL,
		!(fp->flags & INC_MEMBER(INC_PREFIX)) && (xp = fp->bound[INC_PREFIX]) ? xp->name : NiL,
		!(fp->flags & INC_MEMBER(INC_LOCAL)) && (xp = fp->bound[INC_LOCAL]) ? xp->name : NiL,
		!(fp->flags & INC_MEMBER(INC_VENDOR)) && (xp = fp->bound[INC_VENDOR]) ? xp->name : NiL,
		!(fp->flags & INC_MEMBER(INC_STANDARD)) && (xp = fp->bound[INC_STANDARD]) ? xp->name : NiL,
	if (flags & SEARCH_HOSTED)
		need = TYPE_HOSTED;
	else if (flags & SEARCH_VENDOR)
		need = TYPE_VENDOR;
		need = TYPE_INCLUDE;
	for (index = -1; dp; dp = dp->next)
		if (dp->type & need)
		message((-3, "search: fp=%s need=%02x index=%d dp=%s type=%02x index=%d", fp->name, need, index, dp->name, dp->type, dp->index));
		if (!(dp->type & (TYPE_ARCHIVE|TYPE_DIRECTORY)))
			struct stat	st;

			if (stat(dp->name, &st))
				message((-3, "search: omit %s", dp->name));
				dp->type = 0;
			if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
				register char*		s;
				char*			e;
				int			delimiter;
				int			variant;
				unsigned long		siz;
				unsigned long		off;
				struct ppmember*	ap;
				Sfio_t*			sp;

				 * check for vdb header archive

				if (!(sp = sfopen(NiL, dp->name, "r")))
					error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: ignored -- cannot open", dp->name);
					dp->type = 0;
				variant = sfsprintf(pp.tmpbuf, MAXTOKEN, "%c%s%c%s:archive", VDB_DELIMITER, VDB_MAGIC, VDB_DELIMITER, pp.pass);
				if (!(s = sfgetr(sp, '\n', 1)) || !strneq(s, pp.tmpbuf, variant))
					error(1, "%s: ignored -- not a directory or archive", dp->name);
					dp->type = 0;

				 * parse the options

				dp->type |= TYPE_ARCHIVE;
				for (s += variant;;)
					while (*s == ' ') s++;
					e = s;
					for (t = 0; *s && *s != ' '; s++)
						if (*s == '=')
							*s = 0;
							t = s + 1;
					if (*s)
						*s++ = 0;
					if (!*e)
					switch ((int)hashref(pp.strtab, e))
					case X_CHECKPOINT:
						dp->type |= TYPE_CHECKPOINT;
						error(1, "preprocessor not compiled with checkpoint enabled");
						goto notvdb;
					case X_HIDE:

						if (t)
							error(1, "%s: %s: archive option value ignored", e);
						if (e = strrchr(dp->name, '/'))
							*e = 0;
							dp->name = ".";
					case X_MAP:
						if (!t)
							error(1, "%s: archive option value expected", e);
							dp->name = strdup(t);
						error(1, "%s: unknown archive option", e);
				if (sfseek(sp, -(VDB_LENGTH + 1), SEEK_END) <= 0 || !(s = sfgetr(sp, '\n', 1)))
					error(1, "%s: ignored -- cannot load archive", dp->name);
					dp->type = 0;
				if (variant = *s != 0)
				else if (!(s = sfgetr(sp, '\n', 1)))
					goto notvdb;
				if (sfvalue(sp) != (VDB_LENGTH + variant))
					goto notvdb;
				if (!strneq(s, VDB_DIRECTORY, sizeof(VDB_DIRECTORY) - 1))
					goto notvdb;
				delimiter = s[VDB_OFFSET - 1];
				off = strtol(s + VDB_OFFSET, NiL, 10) - sizeof(VDB_DIRECTORY);
				siz = strtol(s + VDB_SIZE, NiL, 10);
				if (sfseek(sp, off, SEEK_SET) != off)
					goto notvdb;
				if (!(s = sfreserve(sp, siz + 1, 0)))
					goto notvdb;
				s[siz] = 0;
				if (!strneq(s, VDB_DIRECTORY, sizeof(VDB_DIRECTORY)) - 1)
					goto notvdb;
				if (!(s = strchr(s, '\n')))
					goto notvdb;
				while (e = strchr(s, '\n'))
					delimiter = variant ? *s++ : delimiter;
					if (!(t = strchr(s, delimiter)))
					*t = 0;
					if (!streq(s, VDB_DIRECTORY))
						pathcanon(s, 0);
						ap = newof(0, struct ppmember, 1, 0);
						ap->archive = dp;
						ap->offset = strtol(t + 1, &t, 10);
						ap->size = strtol(t + 1, NiL, 10);
						xp = ppsetfile(s);
						xp->flags |= INC_MEMBER(dp->index);
						xp->bound[dp->index] = (struct ppfile*)ap;
if (pp.test & 0x0020) error(1, "VDB#%d %s %s index=%d data=<%lu,%lu>", __LINE__, dp->name, xp->name, index, ap->offset, ap->size);
					s = e + 1;
				if (sfseek(sp, 0L, SEEK_SET))
					goto notvdb;
				if (!(pp.test & 0x4000) &&
#if POOL
					(pp.pool.input || !(dp->type & TYPE_CHECKPOINT))
					!(dp->type & TYPE_CHECKPOINT)
					&& (dp->info.buffer = sfreserve(sp, off, 0)))
					dp->type |= TYPE_BUFFER;
					dp->info.sp = sp;
#if POOL
					if (pp.pool.input)
						sfset(sp, SF_SHARE, 1);
				dp->type |= TYPE_DIRECTORY;
		if (streq(fp->name, "."))
		if (prefix && *fp->name != '/' && dp->index != INC_PREFIX)
		if (dp->type & TYPE_DIRECTORY)
			for (up = dp->info.subdir; up; up = up->next)
				if (up->name == prefix)
			if (!up)
				up = newof(0, struct ppdirs, 1, 0);
				up->name = prefix;
				up->type = dp->type;
				up->next = dp->info.subdir;
				dp->info.subdir = up;
				if (!*dp->name)
					t = prefix;
					sfsprintf(t = pp.path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%s/%s", dp->name, prefix);
				if (eaccess(t, X_OK))
					message((-3, "search: omit %s", t));
				up->type |= TYPE_HOSTED;
			else if (!(up->type & TYPE_HOSTED))
		mp = xp = 0;
		if (!(flags & SEARCH_NEXT) && index != dp->index && (!(need & TYPE_HOSTED) || dp->index == INC_STANDARD) && (!(need & TYPE_VENDOR) || dp->index == INC_VENDOR))
			if (index >= 0 && !(fp->flags & INC_MEMBER(index)))
				fp->flags |= INC_BOUND(index);
			index = dp->index;
			if (fp->flags & INC_BOUND(index))
				xp = fp->bound[index];
				if (index == INC_PREFIX)
					if (*fp->name == '/' || !*dp->name)
						strcpy(pp.path, fp->name);
						sfsprintf(pp.path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%s/%s", dp->name, fp->name);
					pathcanon(pp.path, 0);
					if (!xp || !streq(xp->name, pp.path))
						fp->bound[index] = xp = ppsetfile(pp.path);
						if (dp->type & TYPE_HOSTED)
							xp->flags |= INC_HOSTED;
						if ((flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE) || (xp->flags & INC_EXISTS))
							if (!(flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE))
								return 0;
							if (!ppmultiple(xp, INC_TEST))
								if (flags & SEARCH_TEST)
									pp.include = xp->name;
								return 0;
							mp = xp;
				else if (!xp)
					while (dp->next && dp->next->index == index)
						dp = dp->next;
					message((-3, "search: omit %s/%s", dp->name, fp->name));
					strcpy(pp.path, xp->name);
					if (!(flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE))
						return 0;
					if (!ppmultiple(xp, INC_TEST))
						if (flags & SEARCH_TEST)
							pp.include = xp->name;
						return 0;
					mp = xp;
		if (!(fp->flags & INC_BOUND(index)) || (flags & SEARCH_NEXT))
			if (*fp->name == '/' || !*dp->name)
				strcpy(pp.path, fp->name);
				sfsprintf(pp.path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%s/%s", dp->name, fp->name);
			pathcanon(pp.path, 0);
			if (!(flags & SEARCH_SKIP))
				int		found;
				struct ppinstk*	in;

				if (streq(error_info.file, pp.path))
					found = 1;
					found = 0;
					for (in = pp.in; in; in = in->prev)
						if (in->type == IN_FILE && in->file && streq(in->file, pp.path))
							found = 1;
				if (found)
					flags |= SEARCH_FOUND;
				if (!(flags & SEARCH_FOUND))
		if ((xp || (xp = ppgetfile(pp.path))) && (xp->flags & INC_SELF))
			if (xp->flags & INC_EXISTS)
				if (!(flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE))
					return 0;
				if (!(flags & SEARCH_NEXT) && mp != xp && (mp = xp) && !ppmultiple(xp, INC_TEST))
					if (flags & SEARCH_TEST)
						pp.include = xp->name;
					return 0;
			else if (*fp->name == '/')
		message((-3, "search: file=%s path=%s", fp->name, pp.path));
if (pp.test & 0x0040) error(1, "SEARCH#%d dir=%s%s%s%s%s file=%s%s path=%s index=%d", __LINE__, dp->name, (dp->type & TYPE_ARCHIVE) ? " ARCHIVE" : "",  (dp->type & TYPE_BUFFER) ? " BUFFER" : "", (dp->type & TYPE_CHECKPOINT) ? " CHECKPOINT" : "", (dp->type & TYPE_DIRECTORY) ? " DIRECTORY" : "", fp->name, (fp->flags & INC_MEMBER(index)) ? " MEMBER" : "", pp.path, index);
		if ((fp->flags & INC_MEMBER(index)) && ((struct ppmember*)fp->bound[index])->archive == dp)
			fd = 0;
			pp.member = (struct ppmember*)fp->bound[index];
if (pp.test & 0x0010) error(1, "SEARCH#%d file=%s path=%s index=%d data=<%lu,%lu>", __LINE__, fp->name, pp.path, index, pp.member->offset, pp.member->size);
		else if (!(dp->type & TYPE_DIRECTORY))
			pp.member = 0;
			fd = (flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE) ? open(pp.path, O_RDONLY) : eaccess(pp.path, R_OK);
		if (fd >= 0)
			pp.found = dp;
			if ((pp.option & (PLUSPLUS|NOPROTO)) == PLUSPLUS && !(pp.test & TEST_noproto))
				if (dp->c)
					pp.mode |= MARKC;
					pp.mode &= ~MARKC;
			if (xp)
				markhosted = xp->flags & INC_HOSTED;
			else if (!(markhosted = (dp->type & TYPE_HOSTED)) && dp->index == INC_PREFIX && (pp.mode & (FILEDEPS|HEADERDEPS|INIT)) == FILEDEPS)
				up = dp;
				while ((up = up->next) && !streq(up->name, dp->name));
				if (up && (up->type & TYPE_HOSTED))
					markhosted = 1;
			if (markhosted)
				pp.mode |= MARKHOSTED;
				pp.mode &= ~MARKHOSTED;
			xp = ppsetfile(pp.path);
			if (markhosted)
				xp->flags |= INC_HOSTED;
			message((-2, "search: %s -> %s%s%s", fp->name, pp.path, (pp.mode & MARKC) ? " [C]" : "", (pp.mode & MARKHOSTED) ? " [hosted]" : ""));
			if (!pp.member)
				fp->flags |= INC_BOUND(index);
				fp->bound[index] = xp;
				if ((index == INC_STANDARD || index == INC_VENDOR) && type != T_HEADER && !(fp->flags & INC_BOUND(INC_LOCAL)))
					fp->flags |= INC_BOUND(INC_LOCAL);
					fp->bound[INC_LOCAL] = xp;
			xp->flags |= INC_SELF|INC_EXISTS;
			if (flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE)
				if ((pp.prefix = prefix) || (pp.prefix = pp.in->prefix))
					message((-2, "search: %s: prefix=%s", xp->name, pp.prefix));
				if (!(pp.mode & ALLMULTIPLE))
					if (xp->guard == INC_CLEAR || xp == mp)
						xp->guard = INC_TEST;
						if ((pp.state & WARN) && (pp.mode & (HOSTED|MARKHOSTED|RELAX|PEDANTIC)) == PEDANTIC)
							error(1, "%s: ignored -- already included", xp->name);
							message((-3, "%s: ignored -- already included", xp->name));
						xp->guard = fp->guard = INC_IGNORE;
						if (!pp.member)
						if (fd > 0)
						if (flags & SEARCH_TEST)
							pp.include = xp->name;
						return 0;
				pp.include = xp->name;
				if ((pp.mode & (FILEDEPS|INIT)) == FILEDEPS && ((pp.mode & HEADERDEPS) || !(pp.mode & MARKHOSTED)) && !(xp->flags & INC_LISTED))
					xp->flags |= INC_LISTED;
					if ((pp.column + strlen(xp->name)) >= COLUMN_MAX)
						sfprintf(pp.filedeps.sp, " \\\n");
						pp.column = COLUMN_TAB;
						index = '\t';
						index = ' ';
					pp.column += sfprintf(pp.filedeps.sp, "%c%s", index, xp->name);
			return fd;
		if (xp)
			xp->flags |= INC_SELF;
		if (errno == EMFILE)
			error(3, "%s: too many open files", fp->name);
		else if (errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR)
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: cannot open file for reading", pp.path);
		if (*fp->name == '/')
	strcpy(pp.path, fp->name);
	message((-2, "search: %s%s not found", (flags & SEARCH_NEXT) ? "next " : "", fp->name));
	return -1;

 * search for an include file
 * if (flags&SEARCH_INCLUDE) then
 *	if file found then open read file descriptor returned
 *		with pp.path set to the full path and
 *		pp.prefix set to the directory prefix
 *	otherwise 0 returned if file found but ignored
 *	otherwise -1 returned
 * otherwise
 *	if file found then 0 returned
 *	otherwise -1 returned

ppsearch(char* file, int type, int flags)
	register struct ppfile*	fp;
	register char*		s;
	register struct ppdirs*	dp;
	struct oplist*		cp;
	struct ppfile*		xp;
	int			dospath;
	int			chop;
	int			fd;
	int			index;
	char			name[MAXTOKEN + 1];

	pp.include = 0;
	fd = -1;
	chop = 0;
	if (s = strchr(file, '\\'))
		do *s++ = '/'; while (s = strchr(s, '\\'));
		dospath = 1;
		dospath = 0;
	pathcanon(file, 0);
	if (chop)
		for (cp = pp.chop; cp; cp = cp->next)
			if (strneq(file, cp->value, cp->op))
				if (cp->value[cp->op + 1])
					sfsprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "%s%s", cp->value + cp->op + 1, file + cp->op);
					message((-2, "search: %s -> %s", file, name));
					file = name;
				else if (strchr(file + cp->op, '/'))
					message((-2, "search: %s -> %s", file, file + cp->op));
					file += cp->op;
	fp = ppsetfile(file);
	while ((fp->flags & INC_MAPALL) || (fp->flags & INC_MAPHOSTED) && (pp.mode & HOSTED) || (fp->flags & INC_MAPNOHOSTED) && !(pp.mode & HOSTED))
		if (!(xp = fp->bound[type == T_HEADER ? INC_STANDARD : INC_LOCAL]) || xp == fp)
		message((-1, "map: %s -> %s", fp->name, xp->name));
		fp = xp;
	if ((fp->flags & INC_MAPNOLOCAL) && (pp.mode & HOSTED))
		flags |= SEARCH_HOSTED;
	else if (pp.vendor)
		flags |= SEARCH_VENDOR;
	pp.original = fp;
	if (type == T_HEADER && strneq(fp->name, "...", 3) && (!fp->name[3] || fp->name[3] == '/'))
		if (fp->name[3] == '/')
			int	n;
			int	m;

			n = strlen(error_info.file);
			m = strlen(fp->name + 4);
			if (n < m || !streq(fp->name + 4, error_info.file + n - m))
				if ((fd = ppsearch(fp->name + 4, type, flags|SEARCH_TEST)) < 0)
					return -1;
				if (fd > 0)
				s = error_info.file;
				error_info.file = pp.include;
				fd = ppsearch(fp->name + 4, type, flags|SEARCH_NEXT);
				error_info.file = s;
				return fd;
			file = error_info.file + n - m;
		else if (file = strrchr(error_info.file, '/'))
			file = error_info.file;
		flags |= SEARCH_NEXT;
#if _HUH_2002_05_28
		if (pp.in->prefix)
			sfsprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "%s/%s", pp.in->prefix, file);
			fp = ppsetfile(name);
			if ((fd = ppsearch(fp->name, type, flags)) >= 0)
				return fd;
		fp = ppsetfile(file);
		return ppsearch(fp->name, type, flags);
	else if ((flags & SEARCH_INCLUDE) && fp->guard == INC_IGNORE)
		strcpy(pp.path, fp->name);
		message((-2, "%s: ignored", fp->name));
		return 0;
	else if (!(flags & SEARCH_NEXT))
		flags |= SEARCH_SKIP;
	pp.prefix = 0;
	if (type == T_HEADER)
		dp = pp.stddirs->next;
		dp = pp.lcldirs;
		if (dp == pp.firstdir)
			 * look in directory of including file first

			if (error_info.file && (s = strrchr(error_info.file, '/')))
				*s = 0;
				dp->name = ppsetfile(error_info.file)->name;
				*s = '/';
				dp->name = "";
		else if (pp.in->prefix && pp.lcldirs != pp.firstdir)
			 * look in prefix directory of including file first

			if (*fp->name != '/')
				if ((s = strchr(fp->name, '/')) && (fp->name[0]
!= '.' || fp->name[1] != '.' || fp->name[2] != '/'))
					*s = 0;
					if (!streq(fp->name, pp.in->prefix))
						fd = 0;
					*s = '/';
					fd = 0;
			if (fd >= 0)
				sfsprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "%s/%s", pp.in->prefix, fp->name);
				pathcanon(name, 0);
				xp = ppsetfile(name);
				if ((fd = search(xp, dp, type, flags)) >= 0)
					return fd;
	if ((fd = search(fp, dp, type, flags)) < 0)
		if ((pp.option & PLUSPLUS) && file != pp.tmpbuf)
			s = file + strlen(file);
			while (s > file && *--s != '/' && *s != '\\' && *s != '.');
			if (*s != '.')
				sfsprintf(pp.tmpbuf, MAXTOKEN, "%s.h", file);
				file = pp.tmpbuf;
				goto again;

		 * hackery for msdos files viewed through unix

		switch (dospath)
		case 1:
			if (ppisid(file[0]) && file[1] == ':' && file[2] == '/')
				file[1] = file[0];
				file[0] = '/';
				pathcanon(file, 0);
				dospath = 2;
				goto again;
		case 2:
			file += 2;
			goto again;
			if (!chop && pp.chop)
				chop = 1;
				type = T_STRING;
				goto again;
			if (!(pp.mode & GENDEPS))
				if (!(pp.option & ALLPOSSIBLE) || pp.in->prev->prev)
					error(2, "%s: cannot find include file", file);
			else if (!(pp.mode & INIT))
				xp = ppsetfile(file);
				if (!(xp->flags & INC_LISTED))
					xp->flags |= INC_LISTED;
					if ((pp.column + strlen(file)) >= COLUMN_MAX)
						sfprintf(pp.filedeps.sp, " \\\n");
						pp.column = COLUMN_TAB;
						index = '\t';
						index = ' ';
					pp.column += sfprintf(pp.filedeps.sp, "%c%s", index, file);
	return fd;