/*********************************************************************** * * * This software is part of the ast package * * Copyright (c) 1985-2010 AT&T Intellectual Property * * and is licensed under the * * Common Public License, Version 1.0 * * by AT&T Intellectual Property * * * * A copy of the License is available at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt * * (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9) * * * * Information and Software Systems Research * * AT&T Research * * Florham Park NJ * * * * Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> * * David Korn <dgk@research.att.com> * * Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> * * * ***********************************************************************/ #pragma prototyped /* * file name expansion - posix.2 glob with gnu and ast extensions * * David Korn * Glenn Fowler * AT&T Research */ #include <ast.h> #include <ls.h> #include <stak.h> #include <ast_dir.h> #include <error.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <regex.h> #define GLOB_MAGIC 0xaaaa0000 #define MATCH_RAW 1 #define MATCH_MAKE 2 #define MATCH_META 4 #define MATCHPATH(g) (offsetof(globlist_t,gl_path)+(g)->gl_extra) typedef int (*GL_error_f)(const char*, int); typedef void* (*GL_opendir_f)(const char*); typedef struct dirent* (*GL_readdir_f)(void*); typedef void (*GL_closedir_f)(void*); typedef int (*GL_stat_f)(const char*, struct stat*); #define _GLOB_PRIVATE_ \ GL_error_f gl_errfn; \ int gl_error; \ char* gl_nextpath; \ globlist_t* gl_rescan; \ globlist_t* gl_match; \ Stak_t* gl_stak; \ int re_flags; \ regex_t* gl_ignore; \ regex_t* gl_ignorei; \ regex_t re_ignore; \ regex_t re_ignorei; \ unsigned long gl_starstar; \ char* gl_opt; \ char* gl_pat; \ char* gl_pad[4]; #include <glob.h> /* * default gl_diropen */ static void* gl_diropen(glob_t* gp, const char* path) { return (*gp->gl_opendir)(path); } /* * default gl_dirnext */ static char* gl_dirnext(glob_t* gp, void* handle) { struct dirent* dp; while (dp = (struct dirent*)(*gp->gl_readdir)(handle)) #ifdef D_FILENO if (D_FILENO(dp)) #endif { #ifdef D_TYPE if (D_TYPE(dp) != DT_UNKNOWN && D_TYPE(dp) != DT_DIR && D_TYPE(dp) != DT_LNK) gp->gl_status |= GLOB_NOTDIR; #endif return dp->d_name; } return 0; } /* * default gl_dirclose */ static void gl_dirclose(glob_t* gp, void* handle) { (gp->gl_closedir)(handle); } /* * default gl_type */ static int gl_type(glob_t* gp, const char* path, int flags) { register int type; struct stat st; if ((flags & GLOB_STARSTAR) ? (*gp->gl_lstat)(path, &st) : (*gp->gl_stat)(path, &st)) type = 0; else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) type = GLOB_DIR; else if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) type = GLOB_DEV; else if (st.st_mode & (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)) type = GLOB_EXE; else type = GLOB_REG; return type; } /* * default gl_attr */ static int gl_attr(glob_t* gp, const char* path, int flags) { return strchr(astconf("PATH_ATTRIBUTES", path, NiL), 'c') ? GLOB_ICASE : 0; } /* * default gl_nextdir */ static char* gl_nextdir(glob_t* gp, char* dir) { if (!(dir = gp->gl_nextpath)) dir = gp->gl_nextpath = stakcopy(pathbin()); switch (*gp->gl_nextpath) { case 0: dir = 0; break; case ':': while (*gp->gl_nextpath == ':') gp->gl_nextpath++; dir = "."; break; default: while (*gp->gl_nextpath) if (*gp->gl_nextpath++ == ':') { *(gp->gl_nextpath - 1) = 0; break; } break; } return dir; } /* * error intercept */ static int errorcheck(register glob_t* gp, const char* path) { int r = 1; if (gp->gl_errfn) r = (*gp->gl_errfn)(path, errno); if (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_ERR) r = 0; if (!r) gp->gl_error = GLOB_ABORTED; return r; } /* * remove backslashes */ static void trim(register char* sp, register char* p1, int* n1, register char* p2, int* n2) { register char* dp = sp; register int c; register int n; if (p1) *n1 = 0; if (p2) *n2 = 0; do { if ((c = *sp++) == '\\' && (c = *sp++)) n++; if (sp == p1) { p1 = 0; *n1 = sp - dp - 1; } if (sp == p2) { p2 = 0; *n2 = sp - dp - 1; } } while (*dp++ = c); } static void addmatch(register glob_t* gp, const char* dir, const char* pat, register const char* rescan, char* endslash, int meta) { register globlist_t* ap; int offset; int type; stakseek(MATCHPATH(gp)); if (dir) { stakputs(dir); stakputc(gp->gl_delim); } if (endslash) *endslash = 0; stakputs(pat); if (rescan) { if ((*gp->gl_type)(gp, stakptr(MATCHPATH(gp)), 0) != GLOB_DIR) return; stakputc(gp->gl_delim); offset = staktell(); /* if null, reserve room for . */ if (*rescan) stakputs(rescan); else stakputc(0); stakputc(0); rescan = stakptr(offset); ap = (globlist_t*)stakfreeze(0); ap->gl_begin = (char*)rescan; ap->gl_next = gp->gl_rescan; gp->gl_rescan = ap; } else { if (!endslash && (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_MARK) && (type = (*gp->gl_type)(gp, stakptr(MATCHPATH(gp)), 0))) { if ((gp->gl_flags & GLOB_COMPLETE) && type != GLOB_EXE) { stakseek(0); return; } else if (type == GLOB_DIR && (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_MARK)) stakputc(gp->gl_delim); } ap = (globlist_t*)stakfreeze(1); ap->gl_next = gp->gl_match; gp->gl_match = ap; gp->gl_pathc++; } ap->gl_flags = MATCH_RAW|meta; if (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_COMPLETE) ap->gl_flags |= MATCH_MAKE; } /* * this routine builds a list of files that match a given pathname * uses REG_SHELL of <regex> to match each component * a leading . must match explicitly */ static void glob_dir(glob_t* gp, globlist_t* ap) { register char* rescan; register char* prefix; register char* pat; register char* name; register int c; char* dirname; void* dirf; char first; regex_t* ire; regex_t* pre; regex_t rec; regex_t rei; int notdir; int t1; int t2; int bracket; int anymeta = ap->gl_flags & MATCH_META; int complete = 0; int err = 0; int meta = ((gp->re_flags & REG_ICASE) && *ap->gl_begin != '/') ? MATCH_META : 0; int quote = 0; int savequote = 0; char* restore1 = 0; char* restore2 = 0; regex_t* prec = 0; regex_t* prei = 0; char* matchdir = 0; int starstar = 0; if (*gp->gl_intr) { gp->gl_error = GLOB_INTR; return; } pat = rescan = ap->gl_begin; prefix = dirname = ap->gl_path + gp->gl_extra; first = (rescan == prefix); again: bracket = 0; for (;;) { switch (c = *rescan++) { case 0: if (meta) { rescan = 0; break; } if (quote) { trim(ap->gl_begin, rescan, &t1, NiL, NiL); rescan -= t1; } if (!first && !*rescan && *(rescan - 2) == gp->gl_delim) { *(rescan - 2) = 0; c = (*gp->gl_type)(gp, prefix, 0); *(rescan - 2) = gp->gl_delim; if (c == GLOB_DIR) addmatch(gp, NiL, prefix, NiL, rescan - 1, anymeta); } else if ((anymeta || !(gp->gl_flags & GLOB_NOCHECK)) && (*gp->gl_type)(gp, prefix, 0)) addmatch(gp, NiL, prefix, NiL, NiL, anymeta); return; case '[': if (!bracket) { bracket = MATCH_META; if (*rescan == '!' || *rescan == '^') rescan++; if (*rescan == ']') rescan++; } continue; case ']': meta |= bracket; continue; case '(': if (!(gp->gl_flags & GLOB_AUGMENTED)) continue; case '*': case '?': meta = MATCH_META; continue; case '\\': if (!(gp->gl_flags & GLOB_NOESCAPE)) { quote = 1; if (*rescan) rescan++; } continue; default: if (c == gp->gl_delim) { if (meta) break; pat = rescan; bracket = 0; savequote = quote; } continue; } break; } anymeta |= meta; if (matchdir) goto skip; if (pat == prefix) { prefix = 0; if (!rescan && (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_COMPLETE)) { complete = 1; dirname = 0; } else dirname = "."; } else { if (pat == prefix + 1) dirname = "/"; if (savequote) { quote = 0; trim(ap->gl_begin, pat, &t1, rescan, &t2); pat -= t1; if (rescan) rescan -= t2; } *(restore1 = pat - 1) = 0; } if (!complete && (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_STARSTAR)) while (pat[0] == '*' && pat[1] == '*' && (pat[2] == '/' || pat[2]==0)) { matchdir = pat; if (pat[2]) { pat += 3; while (*pat=='/') pat++; if (*pat) continue; } rescan = *pat?0:pat; pat = "*"; goto skip; } if (matchdir) { rescan = pat; goto again; } skip: if (rescan) *(restore2 = rescan - 1) = 0; if (rescan && !complete && (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_STARSTAR)) { register char *p = rescan; while (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '*' && (p[2] == '/' || p[2]==0)) { rescan = p; if (starstar = (p[2]==0)) break; p += 3; while (*p=='/') p++; if (*p==0) { starstar = 2; break; } } } if (matchdir) gp->gl_starstar++; if (gp->gl_opt) pat = strcpy(gp->gl_opt, pat); for (;;) { if (complete) { if (!(dirname = (*gp->gl_nextdir)(gp, dirname))) break; prefix = streq(dirname, ".") ? (char*)0 : dirname; } if ((!starstar && !gp->gl_starstar || (*gp->gl_type)(gp, dirname, GLOB_STARSTAR) == GLOB_DIR) && (dirf = (*gp->gl_diropen)(gp, dirname))) { if (!(gp->re_flags & REG_ICASE) && ((*gp->gl_attr)(gp, dirname, 0) & GLOB_ICASE)) { if (!prei) { if (err = regcomp(&rei, pat, gp->re_flags|REG_ICASE)) break; prei = &rei; } pre = prei; if (gp->gl_ignore) { if (!gp->gl_ignorei) { if (regcomp(&gp->re_ignorei, gp->gl_fignore, gp->re_flags|REG_ICASE)) { gp->gl_error = GLOB_APPERR; break; } gp->gl_ignorei = &gp->re_ignorei; } ire = gp->gl_ignorei; } else ire = 0; } else { if (!prec) { if (err = regcomp(&rec, pat, gp->re_flags)) break; prec = &rec; } pre = prec; ire = gp->gl_ignore; } if (restore2) *restore2 = gp->gl_delim; while ((name = (*gp->gl_dirnext)(gp, dirf)) && !*gp->gl_intr) { if (notdir = (gp->gl_status & GLOB_NOTDIR)) gp->gl_status &= ~GLOB_NOTDIR; if (ire && !regexec(ire, name, 0, NiL, 0)) continue; if (matchdir && (name[0] != '.' || name[1] && (name[1] != '.' || name[2])) && !notdir) addmatch(gp, prefix, name, matchdir, NiL, anymeta); if (!regexec(pre, name, 0, NiL, 0)) { if (!rescan || !notdir) addmatch(gp, prefix, name, rescan, NiL, anymeta); if (starstar==1 || (starstar==2 && !notdir)) addmatch(gp, prefix, name, starstar==2?"":NiL, NiL, anymeta); } errno = 0; } (*gp->gl_dirclose)(gp, dirf); if (err || errno && !errorcheck(gp, dirname)) break; } else if (!complete && !errorcheck(gp, dirname)) break; if (!complete) break; if (*gp->gl_intr) { gp->gl_error = GLOB_INTR; break; } } if (restore1) *restore1 = gp->gl_delim; if (restore2) *restore2 = gp->gl_delim; if (prec) regfree(prec); if (prei) regfree(prei); if (err == REG_ESPACE) gp->gl_error = GLOB_NOSPACE; } int glob(const char* pattern, int flags, int (*errfn)(const char*, int), register glob_t* gp) { register globlist_t* ap; register char* pat; globlist_t* top; Stak_t* oldstak; char** argv; char** av; size_t skip; unsigned long f; int n; int x; const char* nocheck = pattern; int optlen = 0; int suflen = 0; int extra = 1; unsigned char intr = 0; gp->gl_rescan = 0; gp->gl_error = 0; gp->gl_errfn = errfn; if (flags & GLOB_APPEND) { if ((gp->gl_flags |= GLOB_APPEND) ^ (flags|GLOB_MAGIC)) return GLOB_APPERR; if (((gp->gl_flags & GLOB_STACK) == 0) == (gp->gl_stak == 0)) return GLOB_APPERR; if (gp->gl_starstar > 1) gp->gl_flags |= GLOB_STARSTAR; else gp->gl_starstar = 0; } else { gp->gl_flags = (flags&0xffff)|GLOB_MAGIC; gp->re_flags = REG_SHELL|REG_NOSUB|REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT|((flags&GLOB_AUGMENTED)?REG_AUGMENTED:0); gp->gl_pathc = 0; gp->gl_ignore = 0; gp->gl_ignorei = 0; gp->gl_starstar = 0; if (!(flags & GLOB_DISC)) { gp->gl_fignore = 0; gp->gl_suffix = 0; gp->gl_intr = 0; gp->gl_delim = 0; gp->gl_handle = 0; gp->gl_diropen = 0; gp->gl_dirnext = 0; gp->gl_dirclose = 0; gp->gl_type = 0; gp->gl_attr = 0; gp->gl_nextdir = 0; gp->gl_stat = 0; gp->gl_lstat = 0; gp->gl_extra = 0; } if (!(flags & GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC)) { gp->gl_opendir = (GL_opendir_f)opendir; gp->gl_readdir = (GL_readdir_f)readdir; gp->gl_closedir = (GL_closedir_f)closedir; if (!gp->gl_stat) gp->gl_stat = (GL_stat_f)pathstat; } if (!gp->gl_lstat) gp->gl_lstat = (GL_stat_f)lstat; if (!gp->gl_intr) gp->gl_intr = &intr; if (!gp->gl_delim) gp->gl_delim = '/'; if (!gp->gl_diropen) gp->gl_diropen = gl_diropen; if (!gp->gl_dirnext) gp->gl_dirnext = gl_dirnext; if (!gp->gl_dirclose) gp->gl_dirclose = gl_dirclose; if (!gp->gl_type) gp->gl_type = gl_type; if (!gp->gl_attr) gp->gl_attr = gl_attr; if (flags & GLOB_ICASE) gp->re_flags |= REG_ICASE; if (!gp->gl_fignore) gp->re_flags |= REG_SHELL_DOT; else if (*gp->gl_fignore) { if (regcomp(&gp->re_ignore, gp->gl_fignore, gp->re_flags)) return GLOB_APPERR; gp->gl_ignore = &gp->re_ignore; } if (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_STACK) gp->gl_stak = 0; else if (!(gp->gl_stak = stakcreate(0))) return GLOB_NOSPACE; if ((gp->gl_flags & GLOB_COMPLETE) && !gp->gl_nextdir) gp->gl_nextdir = gl_nextdir; } skip = gp->gl_pathc; if (gp->gl_stak) oldstak = stakinstall(gp->gl_stak, 0); if (flags & GLOB_DOOFFS) extra += gp->gl_offs; if (gp->gl_suffix) suflen = strlen(gp->gl_suffix); if (*(pat = (char*)pattern) == '~' && *(pat + 1) == '(') { f = gp->gl_flags; n = 1; x = 1; pat += 2; for (;;) { switch (*pat++) { case 0: case ':': break; case '-': n = 0; continue; case '+': n = 1; continue; case 'i': if (n) f |= GLOB_ICASE; else f &= ~GLOB_ICASE; continue; case 'M': if (n) f |= GLOB_BRACE; else f &= ~GLOB_BRACE; continue; case 'N': if (n) f &= ~GLOB_NOCHECK; else f |= GLOB_NOCHECK; continue; case 'O': if (n) f |= GLOB_STARSTAR; else f &= ~GLOB_STARSTAR; continue; case ')': flags = (gp->gl_flags = f) & 0xffff; if (f & GLOB_ICASE) gp->re_flags |= REG_ICASE; else gp->re_flags &= ~REG_ICASE; if (x) optlen = pat - (char*)pattern; break; default: x = 0; continue; } break; } } top = ap = (globlist_t*)stakalloc((optlen ? 2 : 1) * strlen(pattern) + sizeof(globlist_t) + suflen + gp->gl_extra); ap->gl_next = 0; ap->gl_flags = 0; ap->gl_begin = ap->gl_path + gp->gl_extra; pat = strcopy(ap->gl_begin, pattern + optlen); if (suflen) pat = strcopy(pat, gp->gl_suffix); gp->gl_pat = optlen ? strncpy(gp->gl_opt = pat + 1, pattern, optlen) : (char*)0; suflen = 0; if (!(flags & GLOB_LIST)) gp->gl_match = 0; do { gp->gl_rescan = ap->gl_next; glob_dir(gp, ap); } while (!gp->gl_error && (ap = gp->gl_rescan)); if (gp->gl_pathc == skip) { if (flags & GLOB_NOCHECK) { gp->gl_pathc++; top->gl_next = gp->gl_match; gp->gl_match = top; strcopy(top->gl_path + gp->gl_extra, nocheck); } else gp->gl_error = GLOB_NOMATCH; } if (flags & GLOB_LIST) gp->gl_list = gp->gl_match; else { argv = (char**)stakalloc((gp->gl_pathc + extra) * sizeof(char*)); if (gp->gl_flags & GLOB_APPEND) { skip += --extra; memcpy(argv, gp->gl_pathv, skip * sizeof(char*)); av = argv + skip; } else { av = argv; while (--extra > 0) *av++ = 0; } gp->gl_pathv = argv; argv = av; ap = gp->gl_match; while (ap) { *argv++ = ap->gl_path + gp->gl_extra; ap = ap->gl_next; } *argv = 0; if (!(flags & GLOB_NOSORT) && (argv - av) > 1) { strsort(av, argv - av, strcoll); if (gp->gl_starstar > 1) av[gp->gl_pathc = struniq(av, argv - av)] = 0; gp->gl_starstar = 0; } } if (gp->gl_starstar > 1) gp->gl_flags &= ~GLOB_STARSTAR; if (gp->gl_stak) stakinstall(oldstak, 0); return gp->gl_error; } void globfree(glob_t* gp) { if ((gp->gl_flags & GLOB_MAGIC) == GLOB_MAGIC) { gp->gl_flags &= ~GLOB_MAGIC; if (gp->gl_stak) stkclose(gp->gl_stak); if (gp->gl_ignore) regfree(gp->gl_ignore); if (gp->gl_ignorei) regfree(gp->gl_ignorei); } }